Lord of the Flies Unit Exam

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What is the chant the boys say while hunting the pig?

"Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!"

What genre was it?

Allegorical and adventure novel

What is an allegory and its purpose?

Allegory: a story within a story - a "surface story" and another story hidden underneath Purpose: allegories deliver difficult messages in easy-to-read stories.

Why does Ralph have a hard time believing that the savages plan to do him physical harm?

Because he still thinks of them as boys not savages.

What type of buds are growing on the trees?

Candle buds

What did Jack use to paint his face?


What was William Golding involved in?

D-Day landing at Normandy, France

Explain the outfits of the last group of the boys to arrive at the platform.

Each boy wore a square black cap with a silver badge on it. A black robe with a hambone frill on the neck with a long silver cross on the upper left side of the robe.

How does Ralph view the hunters?

He calls them "boys with sharpened sticks"

How does Ralph react to Simon's death?

He feels extremely guilty and sad.

What does Ralph's father do for a living?

He is in the Navy.

When Jack says, "doesn't count at this end of the island," what is he referring to?

He is referring to the conch on his side of the island where there is a border.

Why does Ralph cry near the end of chapter 12?

He is so relieved and overwhelmed knowing he will not be rescued not killed

What did Piggy do for the first time in chapters 7-9?

He started a fire with his glasses

When does Jack abuse his power?

He ties up and beats Wilfred

How does Piggy react to Simon's death?

He wants to cover up their involvement to keep the trust of Samneric.

What object doe Piggy not want to get wet?

His glasses

What is one key takeaway from this book?

Humans will fall back on their violent instincts when unconstrained by societal values.

What happens to Simon's body after he is killed?

It moves out towards the open sea

What does Piggy's speech reveal about his lack of understanding of life on the island?

It shows that he lacked the understanding of life on the island because when Jack didn't hand him back his glasses, he didn't understand why Jack wouldn't do the right thing.

What happens to the body in the parachute?

It was wrapped in the parachute ties. Simon frees it, and it falls into the water.

How do Jack and the hunters react to fear expressed at the beach?

Jack and the hunters react by making fun of it, mocking the littlenuns, and pretending to go and kill it.

Describe Jack's power over the boys.

Jack has power over the boys because he gives them what they want - violence and meat. He's a king who rules over the other boys.

Why is Ralph angry with Jack?

Jack let the fire go out while he was hunting.

How does Jack react to Simon's death?

Jack moves on as if everything were normal.

How does Jack view the hunters?

Jack thinks they are the key to survival.

What does Jack want to steal from the other camp?

Jack wants to steal the fire from the other camp so he can cook the pig.

Whose face does Jack rub his bloody hands on?


How does the tribe respond to Piggy's death?

Ralph and Jack bickered about being chief and Jack got mad and got everyone in the tribe but Samneric to go after Ralph. Samneric hid.

What item does Ralph find on the beach, and what purpose does it have?

Ralph finds a conch on the beach. The purpose is has is to gather the boys for meetings, gatherings, etc.

What tactics do the savages use to get Ralph out of the tangled undergrowth?

They rolled big boulders through the undergrowth and then set it on fire.

How do the other boys seem to be reacting to Ralph and his system of rules in chapter 6?

They seem to be ignoring the rules and listening to Jack instead.

Why did Samneric wake Ralph?

They thought they saw the beast

How was Piggy able to contribute to getting the fire started?

They used Piggy's glasses to direct sunlight to the fire.

What was the point of view of the novel?

Third person omniscient - Uses he/she/they and a narrator who is usually not a character in the story.

What did his experience in war do?

greatly influenced his views of human nature

What does omniscient mean?

narrator is one who knows what every character is thinking and can move easily through time

Who gets voted as Chief?


What was said about Jack before we read the novel?

- becomes the leader of the hunters on the island - believes a proper leader issues orders and is obeyed

What was said about Samneric before we read the novel?

- identical twins, Sam and Eric, who do everything together - They closely resemble each other that the others use one name to refer to both

What was said about Ralph before we read the novel?

- insists on planning and following the rules - able to prioritize the needs of the group above his own selfish desires

What was said about Rodger before we read the novel?

- loves to cause pain

What was said about Simon before we read the novel?

- most insightful, generous, and bravest of the boys

What was said about Piggy before we read the novel?

- smartest boy on island - believes in civilization, law, and reasoning through problems

Ralph mentions three things that he would like to do once he is aware of the heat. What are they?

1. Have a pair of scissors to cut his hair 2. Have a proper bath with soap 3. A toothbrush

What are Ralph's two reasons for having shelter?

1. If it rains 2. So the littlenuns aren't afraid at night

What are the four reasons Bill and Samneric leave Ralph for Jack's party?

1. Meat 2. Hunting 3. Pretending to be a tribe 4. War-paint

When was this novel published?


How does Piggy die?

A boulder was pushed his way and he fell 40 ft and died.

What is the "Lord of the Flies"?

A dead pig's head on a stick

What was the setting in the novel?

A deserted tropical island in the middle of a nuclear war

What animal does Rodger suggest the beast could be?

A frog

What falls from the sky?

A parachutist

What animal do the boys see when they go hunting?

A pig

What did William Golding's parents wanted him to be?

A scientist

What is the new rule regarding fire?

No one is allowed to make other fires besides the one on the mountain.

Why does Jack leave the group?

No one voted for him as chief; he didn't want to follow the rules

What is Percival's full name?

Percival Wemys Madison

Who dies in chapter 11?


What does Piggy point out to the hunters?

Piggy points out that the hunters are acting like savages and asks if they would rather have stability, peace, and fire or hunting and killing.

What does Piggy do at first to show he doesn't approve of the assembly?

Piggy stands outside of the area where the other kids are gathered to show he doesn't approve.

Whose hair doesn't grow?


What was the literary period?

Post-war fiction

Describe what happened to Ralph's control of power in chapter 6.

Ralph's role of power diminished because everyone started listening to Jack when he was instigating things.

What do each of the boy's represent on the island?

Ralph: Law and order Piggy: Maturity Jack: Savagery Simon: Goodness Rodger: Evilness/Viciousness

Who do the boys almost end up hurting?


At Oxford University what did William Golding shift his studies from and to?

Science to literature

What comes out of the darkness of the forest? What is the end result?

Simon comes out of the forest crawling. The other boys think he is the beast, and murder him.

Everyone leaves the assembly except which three boys?

Simon, Ralph, Piggy

What device does Piggy suggest the boys make?


What are the "littlenuns" afraid of?

The beast/snake-thing

How did the boys end up on the island?

The boys ended up on an island from a plane crash

What do they call the rock formation where the beast might be hiding?

The castle

Describe the changes in the conch. Think about what it symbolizes and and how it has changed.

The conch is used to get the attention of others, but it changed from getting the attention of others, to being useful, to restoring order until it was broken. It symbolizes order and power.

How does the fear from chapter 5 affect Ralph?

The fear affects Ralph because people stop listening to him and everyone follows Jack to "kill" the beast which leaves Ralph feeling powerless.

According to Ralph, what is the most important thing on the island?

The fire

Who is the first boy to die?

The little boy with the mulberry birthmark

How does Ralph become immersed in the lust to injure and kill?

The other boys behave violently and urge him, through taunting, to go search for and kill the beast.

Why did the small children get stomach aches?

They ate overripe fruit

What do the boy's do after hunting the boar?

They dace around and reenact them hunting it.

What do Ralph, Jack, and Rodger find when they get to the top of the mountain?

They find the "beast" which is really the dead parachute man.

What is Ralph's and Simon's task?

To build the shelters

What is Jack's task?

To get the group of hunters and himself to actually go hunt.

Why does Jack call an assembly?

To see if the boys will revoke so Jack can be chief instead of Ralph because he thinks Ralph is a coward.

What is the "best way to make smoke?" And who says this?

Tp put green branches on the fire. Maurice.

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