Louisiana's Way Home

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walnut-and-chocolate chip cookies

In the book Louisiana's Way Home, what was inside the red Christmas tin Carol Anne gave Louisiana in the dentist office?

The Flying Elefantes.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, Louisiana believed her parents were trapeze artists known as who?

She was staying. (or She wanted to stay with the Allens.)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, Louisiana did not win a cake, but she didn't care because she had decided to do what?

A Five and Dime (or a Louisiana Five and Dime Store)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, Louisiana learns that she is named after what?

the Big Dipper

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, Louisiana told Burke to look at the Pinocchio constellation, but what did Burke say it really was?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, how many bags of free peanuts did Louisiana take at the gas station?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, how many cakes was Betty Allen baking for her World Famous Betty Allen Cake Raffle?

five dollars

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, how much money did Grandfather Burke give Louisiana to purchase five tickets at the carnival?

Your parents were never known to me. (Or, I do not know who your parents were.)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, in Granny's letter to Louisiana, what truth does Granny reveal after she says, "Brace yourself, Louisiana?"

Her Granny

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, right before Louisiana fainted in the church at the funeral who does she think says, "Provisions have been made, Louisiana."

a crow

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what animal did Louisiana see right before she walked into the office of the Good Night, Sleep Tight motel?

a mouse

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what animal did Louisiana think Mr. Fox looked like?

a walrus

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what animal did Louisiana think Reverend Obertask looked like?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Bernice, the owner of the Good Night, Sleep Tight, always seem to have in her hair?

He climbs up high, up to the top of the Good Night sign.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Burke tell Louisiana that he does when he can't think on what he needs to do, or when he needs to solve a really hard problem?

a bowl of ice cream (or more specifically a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanuts sprinkled on the top)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Grandfather Burke slide over in front of Louisiana at the dinner table?

"Use your charm and secure a room for us."

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Granny tell Louisiana to go inside the motel and do?

a tree (or the big live oak)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana agree to climb to the top of with Burke?

sing at a funeral

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana agree with Bernice to do in order to pay her motel bill and get her suitcase back?

a terrible curse

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana believe that her great-grandfather had set into motion?

Louisiana cried.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana do as her answer when Betty Allen asked her, "Is your granny gone?"


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana get for free inside of Vic's Value?

Granny did not have one bad tooth. They were all bad.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana learn from the dentist about Granny's tooth?

a pipe

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana notice and pick up that Reverend Obertask dropped while he was asleep in his office?

stuffing fluff (from the truck seat)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana throw out of George LaTrell's truck window?

He sawed her in half and refused to put her back together again.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Louisiana's great-grandfather do to her great-grandmother on stage in front of an audience?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did Miss Lulu eat and smell like while she played the organ?

Anything she wanted out of the vending machine.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did the boy with the crow tell Louisiana he could get for her at the Good Night, Sleep Tight Motel?

He removed all of them.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what did the dentist have to do to Granny's teeth?

She can sing at funerals and weddings.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what does Louisiana's grandmother tell Bernice that Louisiana can do to make money?

She fainted.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what happened to Louisiana at the funeral after she sees Clarence fly into the church and hears Granny voice?

the organ

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what instrument does Miss Lulu play?

Burke Allen

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what is the name of the boy who has the crow?

bologna sandwiches

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what kind of sandwiches did Burke offer to make Louisiana?

the piano

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what musical instrument did Granny reveal in her letter to Louisiana that she played when she was a little girl?

Amazing Grace

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what song did Miss Lulu tell Louisiana she'd have to sing at the beginning and at the end of the funeral?

Carol Anne's Christmas cookie tin.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was Louisiana still holding when she walked into the office of the Good Night, Sleep Tight motel?

She was going to request operator assistance. (or Directory Assistance)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was Louisiana's plan to overcome not knowing her friends numbers?

She could sing.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was Louisiana's talent?

He was asleep.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was Reverend Obertask doing in his office when Louisiana opened the door to see him?

a marble cake

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was the last type of cake Betty Allen asked Louisiana to help her bake?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was the name of the bird or crow?

Good Night, Sleep Tight

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was the name of the motel Louisiana and her Granny stayed in after Granny had her teeth removed?

a pen

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was the one thing the boy was unable to get out of the vending machine for Louisiana?

She did not know their phone numbers.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, what was the small obstacle Louisiana had to overcome when she got ready to call her friends?

a dentist

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, when Granny was laying on the back seat of her car, what is the one thing Granny told Louisiana that she needed?

an envelope with her name on it (or a letter)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, when Louisiana returned to room 102 of the Good Night Sleep Tight Motel, she did not find granny, what did granny leave her instead?

"Honey, it will all be fine."

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, when Louisiana said, "I don't know what to do. You should assist me and tell me what to do. What was the operator's response?"

He drove them to the gas station. (or a gas station called Vic's Value).

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, where did George LaTrell drive Louisiana and her Granny?

Elf Ear

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, where does Granny reveal in her letter to Louisiana that she must go alone?

the North Star

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, which star did Louisiana think would be good to know to keep you from being lost in the world?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, which state did Louisiana's Granny drive them to?

Miss Lulu

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who accused Louisiana of stealing Reverend Obertask's pipe?

Her grandfather.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who did Louisiana make up and tell the dental office receptionist to send the dental bill to?

the Blue Fairy

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who did Louisiana say she saw when she was underwater and almost drowned?

Archie (or Archie, King of the Cats)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who does Louisiana say sometimes goes back and forth and stays with her, and sometimes stays with Raymie.


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who does Louisiana say that she loves and forgives?

Raymie, Beverly, Buddy and Archie

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who does Mrs. Clarke drive over the Florida-Georgia state line to visit Louisiana?

Louisiana's cat

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who is Archie?

Louisiana's one-eyed dog (or a one-eyed dog)

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who is Buddy?

Kate DiCamillo

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who is the author?


In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who told Louisiana "Well, I guess the good news is that if she ain't no relation of yours, then the curse ain't your curse?"

Reverend Obertask

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, who was able to get Louisiana's suitcase back from Bernice at the Good Night, Sleep Tight Motel?

She drove the car.

In the book, Louisiana's Way Home, with Granny in the back seat in pain, what did Louisiana decide she had to do to get Granny to the dentist?

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