LPN Maternal Nursing Ch 13

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Mercers stage during which women prepare for infant during pregnancy is what? A. attachment B. acquaintance C. Moving toward D. Achievement of maternal identity

A . Attachment

A period of dependent behaviors occuring during the first 24 to 48 hours after birth is reffered to as? A. Taking in phase B. Taking hold phase C. Letting go Phase D. Adjustment Phase

A. Taking in phase

A mother postpartum holds her baby close to her face and looks him in the eye. The nurse recognizes this as en face which is which of the following behaviors? A.Unidirectional Bonding Behavior B. Unidirectional Attachment Behavior C. Bidirectional Bonding Behavior D. Bidirectional Attachment Behavior

A. Unidirectional Bonding Behavior

A Nurse caring for an infant knows that in this state they awaken eaisly, can be rocked back to sleep, or made more awake, may enjoy being held and cuddled, respond to gentle stimuli, and may self comfort by sucking. What infant state is this? A. Active Alert B. Quiet Alert C. Drowsy D. Crying

C. drowsy P.348

Mercers stage of becoming a mother in which comes with aquaintence with and increasing attachment to the infant and physical restoration during the early weeksafter birth is what stage? A. Commitment B. Moving toward a new normal C. Achevement of a maternal identity D. Aquaintence with

D. aquaintence with

This is defined as the emotional feelings that begin during pregnancy or shortly after birth? A. Attachment B. Bonding C. Maternal adaptation D. Maternal Affection

B. Bonding

True or False: The unique ways in which family members interact and particiate within the family is reffered to as Family Dynamics.


A nurse knows that during this state of infant sleep the infant may grimace,cry, or whimper, and while they may self comfort they should still have their needs met. what state of infant sleep is this? A. Crying B. Active Alert C. Quiet Alert D. Drowsy


This is a relatively new term used to describe and explain the process that women undergo in their transition to motherhood and establishment of their maternal identity

.Becoming Mother

Nursing actions regarding bonding between the parents and the infant includes instructing them on which of the following? (Select all that Apply) A. Responding to Infants cues B. Encouraging Breastfeeding C. Bonding and Attachment Behaviors D. Appropriately discourging negative infant cues

A, B, C

Factors that may affect the womans transition through the maternal phases are? (Select All that Apply) A. Medications B. complications C. Ceserean births D. Pain

A, B, C, D

Nurses can better help parents with sensory impairments by helping them discover lternative ways to do which of the following? (Select all that apply) A. Facilitate bonding and Attachment B. Teach Parents about Infant Care C. Promote Safe environment for Newborn D. Enhance Family Dynamics

A, B, C, D All great things to do P. 351 critical component

A nurse knows that when an infant is in the active alert state they should do which of the following? (Select all that apply) A. provide a quiet environment B. Decrease stimuli C. Provide for Comfort Measures D. Allow Infant to self comfort

A, B, C, D In Active Alert an infant may self-comfort P.348 table 13-4

For a hearing imparied parent what would be some apropriate nursing actions to ensure good communication? (Select all that apply) A. Face parents when speaking B. be articulate and dont exaggerate C. Keep doors, cabinets closed to prevent injury D. be within 6-8 feet of parents when speaking

A, B, D Closing Cabinets is done for visually impaired people Note: other appropriate actions include speaking in a normal tone of voice, avoid putting hand over mouth or turning away, with more than 1 speaker take turns, minimize background noise, Ensure a registered interpreter for deaf person is present, Flick lights on and off to get parents attetion (no shouting), Provide closed caption TV and writting implements, discuss with parents how they have adapted home for the newborn. P.350-1

Which of the following would be considered signs and symptoms of postpartum blues? (Select all that apply) A. Anger B. anxiety C. Hot Flashes D. Sadness

A, B, D Hot flashes not a symptom Note: Other symptoms of postpartum blues include Mood swings, Weeping, Difficulty Sleeping, and Difficulty Eating P.351

Nursing actions regarding family dynamics involve assessing for what? (Select all that apply) A. Assess for prior experience with newborn B. Minimize background noise C. Assess for Maladaptive behaviors D. Assist Parents with ways to help other siblings adjust

A, B, D Minimizing background noise is done to help hearing impaired parents P.350

Nursing actions regarding parents with a visual impairment involve which of the following? (Select all that apply) A. Speaking directly to person in clear manner B. Provide Space for Braillers and other equipment used C. Use graphics and visuals when available D. Orient the room by describing it's contents in a logical sequence of progression

A, B, D Using graphics and visuals is done with hearing impaired not visually impaired Note other appropriate actions include calling parent by name, announcing your arrival/departure, not playing with seeing eye dog, not pulling on cane to direct, offer to read printed material, and provide discharge teaching via brailler or audiotape P.350

Nursing actions regarding maternal role changes include what? (Select All that Apply) A. Review prenatal and labor records for risk factors B. Assess the maternal phases C. Assess the stages of becoming a mother D. Provide rooming in or couplet care

A, C, D

Which of the following have been identified as possible causes for postpartum blues? (Select all that apply) A. Fatigue B. Stress from Family Relationships C. Stress from taking on Role of Mother D. Changes in Hormone Levels

A, C, D P.351

A nurse knows tht which of the following are factors that affect bonding/ attachment behaviors? (Select all that Apply) A. Time of Pregnancy B. whether Pregnancy is planned C. Ability of Parents to progress through developemental roles D. Proximity of parent and infant

A,B, C, D

Which of the following are things that a nurse should provide in order to support the couple adapting to their maternal roles? A. provide enviornment conductive to rest B. provide cultrually sensitive care C. provide parental education on care of newborn D. provide positive feedback for parents infant care behaviors

A,B, C, D

Which of the following would be considered factors affecting co-parenting? (Select all that apply) A. parent's beliefs, values, expectations, and desres B. Individuals cultural background C. Individuals famial support structure D. Infants tempermant

A,B, D P. 348

Which of the following might be considered factors that may impeade a transition to parenthood? (Select all that apply) A. Previous life experiences B. Financial strain C. Low education Level D. Comprehensive Support System


For parents with physical disabilities what nursing actions would be appropriate? (Select all that apply) A. Provide standard ADA facilities (raised toilets, ramps, wheelchair accessible rooms) B. If there is a misunderstanding repeat words louder than before C. Keep environment free of clutter D. Assist Parents in Infant care

A,C, D If there is a misunderstanding you should never repeat words louder; instead use synonyms that mean the same thing: Also this action is done for people with hearing impairments not physical ones Note: other appropriate nursing actions include Assessing the type of assistance needed by asking, Discuss type of assistance parents will need to care for newborn, Assist parents to adapt infant care to their limitations, and make refferalsto social services when needed P.351

Type of heritage where children are dearly loved and indulged. The call to pray is recited in the newborns ear, and male circumcision is a religious requirement of this heritage. what type is this? A. Arab B. Filipino C. Chinese D. Hindu

A. Arab Heritage

Term for the emotional connection tha forms between the infant and his or her parents. A. Attachment B. Bonding C. Maternal Adaptation D. Maternal Affection

A. Attachment

In this heritage grandmothers are the center of society, childrens name not revealed until first laugh, infants kept in cradleboards until they walk, placenta buried soon after. What heritage are they most likely from? A. Navajo Indian B. Mexican C. Hindu D. Japanese

A. Navajo Indian Heritage Note: Newborns often given mix of juniper bark to cleanse insides and dispel mucus

Events which are recipricol actions between the parents and the infant are known as what? A. Synchrony B. Entrainment C. Bonding D. Attachment

A. Synchrony

A nurse is caring for a woman and notices she seems focusd on her personal comfort and physical changes, relives and speaks of the birth experience, adjusts to psychological changes, and is dependant on others for her and her infants immediate needs. Based on this the nurse suspects the woman is in what maternal Phase? A. Taking in Phase B. Maternal Attachment Phase C. Letting Go Phase D. Taking Hold Phase

A. Taking In Phase

A nurse knows that during this infant state they may haveminimal body twitches and eye movement, cycle between heavy and light sleep, and should not be woken up or fed during this time. What infant state is this? A. Deep Sleep B. Light Sleep C. Drowsy D. Quiet Alert

A. deep Sleep P.348

The Expectatio that parents will love and protect their child are examples of what? A. Parental responsibilities B. Parental role expectations C. Parental attachment D. Parental desire

A.Parental Responsibilities

Which of the following would be examples of incidental learning of the parental Role? (Select all that apply) A. Recalling desire of parents to have them B. Recalling how they were parented C. Observing other individuals who are parents D. watching TV programs featuring parents

B, C, D

Nursing actions regarding bonding behaviors involve assessing the parent for which of the following? (Select All that Apply) A. Fatigue during the labor experience B. Assess for risk factors for delayed bonding C. Assess Cultural Beliefs D. Assess for Bonding and Attachment

B, C, D Fatigue during labor unlikely to afffect bonding

Which of the following are acurate statements regarding multipara (more thsn 1 child) mothers? (Select all that apply) A. Usually experience less exhaustion B. Have more knowledge and practice in caring for newborns C. Have less help compared with 1st child D. experience more exhaustion

B, C, D Multiparous women usually experience more exhaustion due to less support than they had 1st time P348

A nurse being aware that siblings of newborns might feel a sense of rivalry might encourage the parents to do which of the following? (Select all that apply) A. Introduce them 1 week after birth B. Touch the baby with supervision C. Hold the baby with supervision D. Spend time with mother and baby during postpartum hospitalization

B, C, D Siblings of Newborns Should be Introduced to Them as Soon as Possible so Waiting a Week after Birth May not be the best Option.

Type of heritage where pregnancy and childbirth are viewed as womans business, postpartum care includes 1 month of recovery and women eat specific foods and avoid exposure to cold air to decrease the yin (cold) energy. What is this? A. Arab B. Chinese C. Filipino D. Mexican

B. Chinese

The conceptual term that reffers to the ways parents and/or parental figures relate to one another. This is known as what? A. Family Communication B. Co-Parenting C. Family Co-Parenting D. Family Modeling

B. Co-Parenting

This is likely to occur when parents have shared responsibilities in child rearing, support for each other, and do not imply that parenting roles should be equal in responsibility or authority? A. Single parenting B. co-parenting C. family Co-Parenting D. A married couple

B. Co-Parenting

A nurse is caring for a woman who is new to motherhood and notices that she is letting go of old relationship behviors in favor of new ones, incorporates the newborn into her life, accepts the newborn as they are, and seem to have their independence returning. Based on this the nurse suspects that the woman is in what maternal phase? A. Taking in Phase B. Letting Go Phase C. Taking hold Phase D. Maternal attachment Phase

B. Letting Go Phase

Heritage where women care for the children and the home, cuttting the babies hair or nails during the 1st 3months is believed to cause blindness or deafness. what is it? A. arab B. mexican C. Japanese D. Chinese

B. Mexican

The person most closely associated with the developement of the theory of maternal role atainment is who? A. Reva rubin B. Ramona Mercer C. Rina Ruban D. Lidya Mercer

B. Ramona Mercer

The father places his finger on the infants hand the infant grabs the fathers finger and they gaze at each other. the nurse recognizes this as what? A. entrainment B. Synchrony C. Attachment D. Bonding

B. Synchrony The action by the father (putting finger on infants hand) led to a recipricol action by the infant (grabing finger)

Nursing care during the taking hold phase is directed mostly by whom? A. The Nurse B. the Mother C. The Grandparents D. The Father

B. The Mother She is becoming more independant during this phase and has an increased ability to make decisions

Nursing Care during the takin in phase is directed by whom? A. The Mother B. The Nurse C. The Grandparents D. the Father

B. The Nurse Because the Woman is more dependant during this Phase and has Trouble Msking Decisions

Bonding behaviors that are unidirectional from just the parent to the infant would include all of the following except which? A. calls baby by name B. Responding to infants cry C. Cuddles baby close to chest D. Kisses the Baby

B. responding to infants cry would be a bidirectional behavior

A nurse is caring for a woman and notes that she appears to be the major decision maker for the children, health, and finances while the older grandparents split the responsibility of discipling the younger family members among themselves. Based on these observations the nurse suspects the woman is most likely of which heritage? A. arab B. Mexican C. filipino D. Chinese

C. Filipino

Which of the following would be considered bidirectional attachment behaviors? A. Infant Responds to Parents Comfort B. Parents become cue sensitive to infants behavior. C. Kisses the Baby D. Parents stimulate and entertain baby when awake

C. Kisses baby is a uidirectional bonding behavior

A nurse knows that in this infant state the infant will have more active body movements may even smile and is eaiser to arouse and stimulate. what infant state is this? A. Deep sleep B. Quiet Alert C. Light Sleep D. Drowsy

C. Light Sleep P 348

A nurse knows that a newborns crying, cooing, eye movements, facial expressions, are all examples of what? A. newborn/Infant Maladaptive Responses B. Newborn/Infant Adaptive Responses C. Newborn/infant Communication Cues D. Newborn/Infant Bonding Behavior

C. Newborn/Infant Communcation Cues

A nurse caring for an infant notices her eyes are open, she is quiet, and attentive, and that this is most likely the best time for interaction. What infant state might the nurse suspect? A. Crying B. Active alert C. Quiet Alert D. Drowsy

C. Quiet Alert

A nurse caring for an infant knows that in this state the infant is more sensitive to active stimuli, have active body movement,may be tired or hungry or need changing. The nurse knows the infant is in what state? A. Deep Sleep B. Light Sleep C. Active Alert D. quiet Alert

C. active alert P. 348 table 13-4

A nurse knows that same-sex couples, adoptive couples, blendded families, and single adult women with no partner are all examples of what? A. Family Dynamics B. Family Extensions C. Family supports D. Family Compositions

D. Family Compositions

A nurse caring for a mother notices te mother is holding her newborn in her arms and brings them close to her body. the nurse knows this is a sign of what stage of maternal touch? A. Initial stage B. first stage C. second stage D. final stage

D. Final Stage

Heritage in which primary relationship withfamily is mother child relationship, customary for mom to sleep with youngestchild until they are 10, babies are not allowed to cry what heritage is this? A. Hindu B. Filipino C. Chinese D. Japanese

D. Japanese Heritage

Maternal phase where the movement from independence to motherhood is fluid and interchangeable with the taking hold phase is what? A. Maternal attachment Phase B. Taking In Phase C. Taking hold phase D. Letting go phase

D. Letting Go Phase

Term for the process new mothers transition through begining with the first physical contact with their newborns is what? A. Maternal Attachment B. Maternal Bonding C. Maternal Phases D. Maternal Touch

D. Maternal Touch

When an infant is in deep sleep a nurse should do what? A. cuddle the infant B. Interact with infant C. Meet infant Needs D. Not Wake or Feed Infant

D. Not Wake or Feed Infant P.348 table 13-4

A nurse caring for new arents notices their infants arms and legs moving up in down in rhythm as the parents are speaking. The nurse recognizes this as what? A. A sign of possible neurological damage B. A typical newborn attachment behavior C. A typical newborn bonding behavior D. Phenomenon known as Entrainment

D. Phenomenon known as Entrainment

Nursing actions regarding parent infant contant involve giving adequate what for the parents every 2 to4 hours every 12 hours to ensure they have adequate stamina? A. Food B. Water C. Privacy D. Rest

D. Rest

The movement between independent and dependent behaviors follows the takin in phase and can last weeks is what maternal phase? A. taking in phase B. Maternal Attachment Phase C. Letting Go Phase D. Taking hold phase

D. Taking hold phase

Why might a nurse want to involve the maternal grandparents when educating an adolescent parent? A. Most adolescent parents don't have grandparents B. Most adolescents will need the support of their grandparents C. The support of the grandparents will greatly increase the adolescent parents chances of success. D. The majority of adolescent parents live with their grandparents during the 1st year

D. The majority of adolescent parents (Specifically teen mothers) live with their grandparents during the first year

How should nurses treat parents with a physical or sensory disability? A. As vulnerable people B. As disabilities C. As vulnerable people with disabilities D. As people

D. as People P. 350 Critical componet

What is the nursing rationale for assessing the woman for maternal phases? A. It may indicate early warning signs B. It's an objective way to assess newborn and maternal well being C. It is necessary to decide which nursing actions to take D. It is necessary to decide how to individualize nursing Actions

D. it is necessary to decide how to individualize nursing actions

A nurse is caring for a woman postpartum who has maternal hypotension and is not able to be as interactive with her infant. The nurse knows the woman is at most rik for which of the following? A. Risk of Self Harm B. Risk of Injury C. Risk of Delayed Transition to Motherhood D. Risk of Delayed Bonding/Attachment

D. risk of Delayed Bonding /Attachment

True or False a nurse knows that their actions as far as maternal roles are directed at observing the couple as they take on the role of mother and father.

False a nurses actions should be directed at SUPPORTING the couple as they take on the role of mother or father.

True or false co-parenting typically developes after the transition to parenthood.

False: Co-parenting typicaly developes during the transition to parenthood P348

True or False: Term for the position where mother and newborn are face-to-face with eye contact is known as De face.

False: It's En Face

True or False a nurse knows that their actions regarding maternal touch shouldn't include rooming in as this may interfear with bonding/attachment behaviors.

False: Rooming in allows for the newborn and father to stay in the mother's room throughout her hospital stay.

True or False Taking in behaviors last from24 to 48 hours through first few weeks of birth.

False: They are present during the first 24 to 48 hours

The dynamic developemental process that begins with the knowledge of pregnancy and continues throughout the postpartum period as the couple takes on their new and expanded roles of mother and father is known as what?

Transition to parenthood

Nursing actions for caring for an adolescent parent include all of the folowing except? A. Assessing level of knowledge B. presenting information at an age appropriate Level C. Excluding the adolescent father in infant care and teaching D. Involve maternal grandparent in teaching sessions

C. Adolescent father shouldnt be excluded

A nurse advising a father on fatherhood would recognize that all of the following are factors that will facillitae his transition except which? A. Previous Experience as a Father B. Financial Concerns C. Physical Expectations D. Cultural Expectations

C. All the others are factors that will facillitate his transition to fatherhood. Other factors for this include Developemental and Emotional Age Knowledge/Understanding of fatherhood Manner in Which he was Fathered Relationship with His Partner/Wife Support from Partner/Wife, family, and Friends

The three phase process defined by Rubin that occurs during the first few weeks of the postpartum period is known as what?

Maternal phases

This also known as baby blues occurs during the first few postpartum weeks, last a few days, and affects the majority of women. What is it?

Postpartum blues P.351

The interaction cycle of behavior between parents and infants is known as what?


A stronger what can facilitate a smoother transition to parenthood? A. Communication style B. Finincial Support C. Relationship D. Overall Life Experience


The process of becoming a mother is influenced by all of the following except which? A. Her mothers life experience B. Her unique characteristics C. The Birth Experience D. Support from partner, family, and friends


All of the following are examples of the specific concerns multipara (more than 1 child) mothers may have except which? A. Relationship with signifigant other/partner B. ability to get rest and sleep C. ability to care for more than 1 child D. having help to deal with expanding family

A P348-49 Note:other concerns include her other children, as well as her ability to love the new child

The inherent rhythm that exists between parents and the newborn is most commonly described as what? A. Biofluctuating B. Predictable C. Flowing D. Biorhythmic

D. Biorhythmic

A mother encourages her 3 year old daughter to lie in bed with her and her 1 week old newborn. The nrse recognizes this action will help do what? A. encourage Attachment Behavior B. Encourage Sibling Rivalry C. Discourage Attachment Behavior D. Discourage Sibling Rivalry

D. Discourage Sibling Rivalry Critical componet p.349

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