Lv1 Biology Mammal(s) as a consumer(s)

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Where does a Human's Stomach acid sit on a pH scale?

A Human's Stomach acid is less than 7 pH

What are the two different types of respiration?

Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration

What is Aerobic Respiration?

Aerobic respiration is the body's most Efficient way of producing energy

What is Anaerobic Respiration?

Anaerobic respiration is the body's Fast way of producing energy

Why do mammals need more than one type of enzyme?

Because different enzymes break down specific foods and with only one type of enzyme, then the mammal won't absorb enough nutrients (both quantity and variety) to function efficiently.

What is the purpose of Bile?

Bile helps with the digestion of fats

What type of digestion does bile use to aid lipase in the digestion of fats? and is Bile an enzyme?

Bile uses Mechanical digestion by physically breaking fat into smaller and smaller pieces as lipase breaks down the fats molecular structure, producing fatty acids and glycerol Because bile uses Mechanical digestion it isn't considered an enzyme.

What are the areas of digestion? In order

Buccal cavity, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine and the Rectal Cavity

What types of mammal have canines? (hint: Herbivores, Omnivores or Carnivores)

Carnivores have sharp canines to catch, kill and to tear meat off of their prey. However some Omnivores still have canines but their blunt and Herbivores lack canines or have very few blunt canines which don't help with chewing or grinding food.

What type of digestion does saliva perform?

Chemical digestion Saliva contains Salivary Amylase which helps to breaking down Carbohydrates or starch into glucose or simple sugars.

What is Chemical digestion?

Chemical digestion is the process of breaking down complex food molecules into smaller similar food molecules, Chemical digestion does effect the Chemical layout of the food.

Give an example of Mechanical digestion

Either: The chewing of food in the mouth or The churning of food in the stomach

Give an example of Chemical digestion

Enzymes breaking down food either: Salivary or pancreatic amylase or pancreatic maltose breaking down carbohydrates or starch into glucose or Stomach pepsin or pancreatic protease breaking down Proteins into amino acids or Pancreatic lipase breaking down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

(optional) What other Function does the Gastric acid perform?

Gastric acid not only digests food but also kills off foreign bacteria protecting the mammals body from infection

What types of mammal have molars? (hint: Herbivores, Omnivores or Carnivores)

Herbivores have large flattened molars to help grind up the cellulose wall in plant cells and Omnivores have molars that are irregular to help grind vegetables and meat however some omnivores molars aren't as efficient at grinding plant material as Herbivores. Carnivores have sharpened, serrated molars to help cut meat instead of grinding.

What are the three types of teeth?

Incisors, canines and molars or premolars

What is the purpose of the Oesophagus?

It receives food from the Buccal cavity or mouth and delivers it to the stomach

What is the purpose of the Mouth or Buccal cavity?

It's where food is first ingested and is broken down

What is Mechanical digestion?

Mechanical digestion is the process of breaking down food into smaller pieces which doesn't affect the chemical layout of the food

What type of digestion does the teeth perform?

Mechanical disgestion

What lines the inner walls of the small intestine and help to absorb the nutrients from food?

The inner walls of the small intestine are lined with finger like structure called villi. Each Villus has blood vessels which suck up the nutrients from the food and transports the nutrients across the body through the circulatory system.

What is the purpose of the Large intestine?

The large intestine removes water from undigested food

What is the purpose of the liver?

The liver's role is to remove toxins in the bloodstream, store glucose and produce bile

What type of digestion does the small intestine perform?

The small intestine perform Mechanical and Chemical digestion

How does the small intestine perform mechanical digestion?

The small intestine uses peristalsis to Mechanical churn the chyme produced from the stomach and mix the food with intestinal secretions

What is another substance that the Stomach excretes? and what is it's purpose?

The stomach also excretes mucus to help protect the stomach walls from the gastric acid and digestive enzymes. Also when mixed with the food, acid and digestive enzymes it produces chyme (pronounced chime)

What is the purpose of the Stomach?

The stomach stores food and mixes it with gastric acid

What is the equation for Aerobic respiration?

either: Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy or C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

What is the equation for Anaerobic respiration?

either: Glucose = Lactic acid + Energy or C6H12O6 = 2C3H6O3 + ATP

What is the incisors purpose?

to cut food into smaller pieces

What types of mammal have a diastema? (hint: Herbivores, Omnivores or Carnivores)

Omnivores have a medium diastema or gap between the incisors and the molars to help with chewing and grinding also Herbivores have large diastemas to help guide more plant material into their mouths as they continue chewing. However Carnivores lack a diastema because there is no need for their food to be chewed as much.

What types of mammal have incisors? (hint: Herbivores, Omnivores or Carnivores)

Omnivores have incisors to cut their food (both vegetables and meat) into smaller pieces, Carnivores have incisors to cut meat into smaller pieces and to rip meat off of a carcass. Herbivores have evolved to have blunt incisors for cutting vegatation

What is the motion that helps to push food down the Oesophagus called?

Peristalsis Peristalsis is the contacting and relaxing of the circular muscles lining the Oesophagus.

What other things does saliva do to help with digestion?

Saliva helps to lubricate food to make swallowing easier.

(optional) How much can the Stomach hold?

The Average Human Stomach when empty has the capacity to hold 50mL but the Stomach can stretch up to 60 times its normal size which can hold 3L

What is the specific purpose of the Bile duct?

The Bile Duct carries the bile from the Gallbladder into the small intestine.

What two organs aid the liver in the production of Bile?

The Bile duct and The gallbladder

What is the specific purpose of the Gallbladder?

The Gallbladder stores the bile after being produced by the liver

What is the end of the Oesophagus called? and what does it do?

The Sphincter The Sphincter opens and closes the entrance to the stomach

(optional) What does the Sphincter help to prevent?

The Sphincter helps to prevent Heart burn which is the Stomach acid burning the walls of the Oesophagus

How does the Stomach use Chemical digestion?

The Stomach excretes an enzyme called pepsin which helps to break down proteins into amino acids

How does the Stomach use Mechanical digestion?

The Stomach expands and contracts to help break the food into smaller pieces and to help mix the food with the gastric juices

What is the Stomach and what type of digestion does it use?

The Stomach is a muscular sac that uses both Mechanical and Chemical digestion.

What organ is attached to the start of the large intestine and doesn't have a function in the human body?

The appendix

If the appendix had a function in the human body what would it be?

The appendix was used to help humans disgust plant material

(optional) What is the flap of skin that helps to control the flow of oxygen and food called?

The epiglottis (a-pa-glot-tis)

What is the pancreas purpose?

The pancreas produces the digestive enzymes which are excreted into the small intestine

What enzymes does the pancreas produce and what specific foods do they break down?

The pancreas produces the enzymes: Protease which breaks down proteins into amino acids Amylase and Maltose which breaks down carbohydrates or starch into glucose or simple sugars Lipase which breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol

What does the small intestine excrete?

The small intestine excretes digestive enzymes that help to digest protein, fat and carbohydrate

What is the purpose is the Small intestine?

The small intestine is the main site for the absorption of food

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