Macro Exam 1

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John is attempting to decide on a movie.​ (All movies have the same ticket price and play at the same​ time/location.) He determines that the new Batman movie is preferred to the new​ Spider-Man movie and that both the Batman and​ Spider-Man movies are preferred to the new Superman movie.

Optimization using marginal​ analysis, since he is calculating the change in net benefits between alternatives.

Nikki decided to jog 3 miles for exercise by reasoning that a​ 3-mile jog was better than either a​ 2-mile jog or a​ 4-mile jog.

Optimization using marginal​ analysis, since she is calculating the difference in net benefits between alternatives.

The costs of many environmental regulations can be calculated in​ dollars, but the benefits often are in terms of lives saved​ (mortality) or decreases in the incidence of a particular disease ​(morbidity). What does this imply about the​ cost-benefit analysis of environmental regulations?

We must first translate the mortality and morbidity data into dollars in order to compare it to the costs of the regulations.

causation occurs when there is

a logical cause and effect relationship

the statment that the US government should increase carbon taxes to $10/ton of carbon dioxide to reduce emissions that cause global warming is

a normative statment

policy decisions made by the government as analyzed by

both micro and macro economics

In a perfectly competitive​ market, sellers​ _________ and buyers​ _________.

cannot charge more than the market​ price; cannot pay less than the market price.

more economic growth and higher employment levels is likely to be a


more police officers and lower crime rates is likely to be a


the length of skirts and NBA performance is


suppose your goal is to get in shape; how would you evaluate your options and choose an optimal one

do a cost-benefit analysis to compare the alternatives

the insight of the article is that when you are trying to save money

dollars not percentage, matter

empiricism describes a situation where

economist use data to analyze what is happening in the world

lower infant mortality rate is an ... and an improvement in nutrition is the ...

effect , cause

when economist test their theories using evidence based analysis, they are most likely using


in equilibrium

everyone simultaneously optimizes, so that no one benefits by changing their behavior

if an economic experiment works in a random controlled setting, its policy findings are readily applicable to real life scenarios


when you have randomized a control trial, the only difference is the treatment because both groups have been assigned randomly


which of the following is true regarding the concept of causation

it describes how one event can bring about change in another

which of the following is NOT an example of a casual claim

it rains more often on days you wash your car

In a perfectly competitive​ market, if one seller chooses to charge a price for its good that is slightly higher than the market​ price, then it will​ _________.

lose all or almost all of its customers.

a policy such as an economic stimulus to spur the economy would be studied by

macro; because it deals with the economy as a whole

micro studies .... while macro studies ....


your budget constraint illustrates the concept of

trade offs

because of this, consumers make too much effort to save on cheap items and too little to save on expensive items


At a yard​ sale, Reagan calculated that she was willing to pay​ $200 for a queen bed that was being sold for​ $100 (generating net benefit of​ $100) and that she was willing to pay​ $220 for a king bed that was being sold for​ $300 (generating net benefit of​ -$80).

Optimization using total​ value, since she is comparing the net benefits between alternatives.

You are thinking about buying a house. You find one you like that costs ​$350 comma 000350,000. You learn that your bank will give you a mortgage for ​$280 comma 000280,000 and that you would have to use all of your savings to make the down payment of ​$70 comma 00070,000. You calculate that the mortgage​ payments, property​ taxes, insurance,​ maintenance, and utilities would total ​$1 comma 6801,680 per month. Which of the following is true regarding your calculation of the cost of owning the​ house?

It should include the opportunity cost of the money used to make the down payment. This money could be earning interest in a bank.

the definition of economics states that it is the study of how

agents chose to allocate scarce resources and the impact of those choices on society

equilibrium describes a situation where

no one would benefit from changing his or her behavior

optimization describes a situation where

people weight costs and benefits when making a decision

which of the following statements would not be considered a positive statement

production in the automobile industry is still low and should be subsidized by the government

The Law of Demand states that as the price of a good​ increases, ceteris paribus​, the

quantity demanded decreases

poorer people are compelled to value saved pennies in absolute rather than

relative terms

what is meant by randomization in the context of an economic experiment

subjects are assigned by chance, rather than by choice, to a group

behavioral economics suggests that consumers are often frugal in the wrong way because they

tend to focus on the percentage rather than the amount they save

when making decisions, you should consider

the monetary cost as well as the opportunity cost of the activities. he goal is to choose the option that offers the greatest net benefit

whats the opp cost of a decision you make

the next best option

Which of the following is not one of the five major factors that shifts the demand curve when it​ changes?

the price of the good itself

Which of the following is not one of the four major factors that shifts the supply curve when it​ changes?

the price of the good itself

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