Madani Seerah

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Why were there prisoners of war from the Battle of Badr?

1. After spending time with the Muslims, perhaps they will convert 2. Some of them were perhaps already Muslim, but not openly 3. Ransom - Not only in the form of money, but in the form of education, etc. (Eventually some of them leave and just keep coming back to fight them)

What were the three main Jewish tribes in Madina?

1. Banu Qaynu'kah 2. Banu Nadhir 3. Banu Quraydha

What were the major events of the 2nd Year of Hijra?

1. Battle of Badr 2. Passing of Ruqaya 3. Fasting in Ramadan becomes obligatory 4. Changing of the qibla

What did the poets do to encourage people to participate in Uhud?

1. Challenging people's honor 2. Encouraging people to take revenge 3. The wealth from the caravan of Abu Sufyan (This was a way in which you motivate people to participate; like common day influencers)

Why Madina?

1. It's strategic location allowed them to block/intercept trade between the Quraysh and other areas 2. Madina was protected from the east, west, and southern side by volcanic rock and dense areas of trees, etc. - Meant at crucial times, people coming to attack Madina could only come in from one way

Why did the interception of the caravans of the Quraysh happen in the first place?

1. Madina was the rest stop for the Quraysh which sparked a lot of emotions for the Muslims 2. The Quraysh were raising war fund 3. They had armed caravans 4. They were a threat to Muslims 5. Caravans sparked fire of enmity 6. The Quraysh had not given up attacking Muslims 7. They Quraysh were selling the property of the Muslims- The Muslims left all of their belongings when making hijra to Madina so the Quraysh would try to head towards Sham to sell their belongings

What were some things that Abu Sufyan put into place after the loss at Badr?

1. Profit from the caravan goes to war funds 2. Agreement is made and poets were hired (modern day influencers) 3. The wailing ban 4. They immediately start to raise funds and prepare for Uhud

Who were the two young boys who plead to fight at Uhud?

1. Samruah ibn Jundub, the wrestler 2. Rafi ibn Khadij, the archer

Why did the Muslims remain at Badr for 3 days?

1. To bury the shaheed (Not all shuhada got their own grave) 2. To recover and ensure the Quraysh don't launch a counter attack

What were the names of the notables of Quraysh that were killed in the Battle of Badr?

1. Utbah bin Rabiya 2. Shaybah bin Rabiya 3. Umayya bin Khalaf 4. Abu Jahl

The army of the Quraysh that participated in the Battle of Badr consisted of how many men?


How many of the muslim men were in the army going towards Uhud when leaving Madina? How many of them turn around and why?

1000; 300 of those men turn around and went back because of different excuses (Such as Abdullah ibn Ubbay- I never agreed to leave Madina, you guys did not listen to me, why should I participate?)

How many angels arrive to support them in the battle?

1000; they were not doing the work for them, rather aiding them

How many martyrs were there during the Battle of Badr?


How big was the Quraysh army for the Battle of Uhud?


How many Ansar men in armor went to Quba to welcome the Prophet (saw)?


How many of the muslim men were left at the arrival at Uhud?


What date did the Muslims leave Madina towards Uhud?

7th of Shawwal 3H

Who did she tell about the dream of the crier and what happened after that?

Abbas; She tells Abbas in 3 days a crier will come and Abbas tells her to stay silent, but he tells a friend who eventually words get back to Abu Jahal who laughs about it. Her dream was accurate because a crier comes back and tells them to send your men

Who went after the men that were leaving the Muslim army who was on its way to Uhud and returning to Madina?

Abdullah ibn Haram; he went after them pleading

Who was the leader of the group of 50 archers during the Battle of Uhud?

Abdullah ibn Jubayr

Who was the leader of the hypocrites?

Abdullah ibn Ubay; He was going to be the leader until the Prophet (saw) came

What were the different opinions presented during the shura regarding leaving or staying in Madina for the Battle of Uhud?

Abdullah ibn Ubbay (Leader of the Hypocrites) - We stay and fight inside since we're at an advantage Desire of the Messenger to remain in Madina - However, young men who didn't fight in Badr, wanted to leave Madina and fight outside. After much discussion the Messenger (saw) agrees to leave and puts on his armor and they leave towards Uhud

Who did the Prophet (saw) arrive with when entering Madina?

Abu Bakr

Which sahaba who was known to be extremely fierce takes his red turban and starts walking with confidence towards a sword that the Prophet (saw) then gave him?

Abu Dujana

Before the Battle of Badr began, Abu Sufyan had sent a message to turn back, but who insisted?

Abu Jahl

Who was in charge of the caravans of the Quraysh?

Abu Sufyan

What was initially the plan to intercept Abu Sufyan's caravan, but instead resulted in the Battle of Badr?

Abu Sufyan's Caravan with 30 to 40 men went to Shaam. The Prophet (saw) told the sahaba we will intercept the caravan and around 300 majority unarmed sahaba went to go intercept. Abu Sufyan learns of the intentions of the Muslims because of Ghazwa tul Ushayra. When Abu Sufyan hears that the Muslims are coming towards him, Abu Sufyan takes a different route and heads back to Makkah. He sends word with a crier to the Quraysh that your caravans (which had all of their treasures) are under threat, send your men

What was the story of Zaynab and Abu al-As during the time after the Battle of Badr?

Abu al-As was taken as a prisoner of war. Zaynab, the daughter of the Prophet (saw) and the wife of Abu al-As (nephew of Khadija (ra)), sends the necklace of Khadija (ra) and the Prophet (saw) starts to cry. The Prophet (saw) said if it is okay, return the necklace and asked Zaynab to come to Madina

In Safar in the second year, what was the name of the expedition where the muslims heard of a caravan of the Quraysh and the Prophet (saw) went out, but they couldn't get to it in time


Which companion was lifting two rocks during the construction of Masjid An-Nabawi and told the Prophet (saw) he is picking one up for himself and one on the behalf of the Prophet (saw)?

Ammar bin Yassir

Who was the crier?

Amr al-Ghifari

What was the gift that the mother of Anas gave to the Prophet (saw)?


How many Quraysh were killed and how many were taken as prisoners of war during the Battle of Badr?

Around 70 of the Quraysh were killed and 70 were prisoners of war

When did the Muslims arrive at Uhud?

Around the 13th of Shawwal 3H

How did the Prophet (saw) bond the Ansar and the Muhajirun?

Assignments; If you were a businessmen in Makkah, you would be assigned a brother in Madina who was also a businessman

Who had the dream about a crier coming in 3 days?

Atika bint Abdul Mutalib; Same dream about 3 times where a man comes throws a rock from the top of the hill and hits every home in Makkah

What were the cousin tribes within the Ansar?

Aws and Khazraj

What was the name of the expedition where the allies of the Quraysh, led by Abu Sufyan, snuck into Madina, killed a couple of men, and stole camels and then the Prophet (saw) gathered 70 of the Muhajiroon and followed them, chased them up to Badr, but didn't catch them?

Badr al-Sughra

Who did the Prophet (saw) say shouldn't be killed during the Battle of Badr and why?

Banu Hashim - they were on the side of the Quraysh, but they were forced to be there Abu al-Bukhturi - He was supporting the muslims during the boycott

What was the battle between the Aws and Khazraj that had just ended before the Prophet (saw) made Hijra to Madina?

Battle of Bu'ath

Why was it called Battle of Badr?

Because of the well in between Makkah and Madina

Why was Sayiddina Uthman excused from the battle of Badr?

Due to his wife, Ruqayyah, being sick

True or false: The best of the sahaba are those who fought in Uhud and it is said the best of the angels are those who fought in Uhud

False; The best of the sahaba are those who fought in Badr and it is said the best of the angels are those who fought in Badr

What was the date of the Battle of Badr when the army of angels arrived to fight?

Friday, 17th Ramadan 2H

How did Abu Lahab die?

From a highly contagious disease; even his own family members remained distant from his corpse

What was interception of the caravans of the Quraysh so significant?

It eventually leads to the collapse of the Quraysh

Who named the city of Madina?

It was called Madina by the Prophet (saw); "They call it yathrib, the correct name is Madina"

Hadith regarding the adhan

It was reported from Naafi' that Ibn 'Umar used to say: when the Muslims came to Madeenah, they used to come together and try to find out if the time for prayer had come, for there was no call to prayer. One day they were talking about that and some of them said, Let us use a bell like the bell of the Christians. Others said, Let us use a horn like the horn of the Jews. 'Umar said, Let us send a man to call us to prayer. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "O Bilaal, get up and call the people to prayer." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 569).

For the next 10 years, Anas was known as...

Khadim al-Nabi (the one who serves the Prophet (saw))

Whose house did the Prophet (saw) stay in during the construction of Masjid An-Nabawi?

Khalid ibn Zayd/Abu Ayub

What is another Jewish tribe that was within the Arabian Peninsula?

Khaybar; they were extremely wealthy

What were the Prophet (saw)'s instructions to the group of archers?

Maintain your positions, protect our backs. If you see us winning the battle, do not join us and if you see us being killed, do not come to our aid' (Do not leave your posts, stay where you are)

Did the Messenger (saw) fight in most battles?

Majority opinion - the Prophet (saw) did not fight in most of the battles. but rather he was a military commander maintaining order, etc. Ibn Hajar's opinion - the Prophet (saw) would fight, and then go back to his tent to make du'a, and then would repeat

What were the four clans of the Khazraj?

Malik, Adi, Mazin, and DInar

Immediately upon arrival, they start building what mosque?

Masjid Quba

Did Abu Lahab go to fight in the Battle of Badr?

No; he was being a coward

Did Uqba ibn Abu Mu'yat go to fight in the Battle of Badr?

No; he was being a coward

Why were all three Jewish tribes eventually evacuated from Madina?

Not because Muslims are anti-Jew, but because of the major issues that occurred

Why did Abu Ayub want the Prophet (saw) to take the upper portion of his home?

Out of love and Adab; Not wanting their feet to be above the Prophet (saw)

How was hypocrisy visible after the Battle of Badr?

People start to say the Prophet (saw) has been killed and Zayd has gone crazy and is on the camel of the Prophet (saw) saying they won

Why no hypocrisy in Makkah?


The Ansar are from Banu...


What was the name of the Prophet (saw)'s she-camel?


Where was the first place the Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr went upon arrival to Madina?


What year and month was the Battle of Badr?

Ramadan 2H

Who built the arbor for the Prophet (saw) during the Battle of Badr and what was its significance?

Sa'ad ibn Muadh;This is where the Prophet (saw) made dua

Who said this regarding the Battle of Badr: "Perhaps you are waiting for us....We have believed you and placed our confidence in you"

Sa'd bin Mu'adh

What were the names of the two orphans who owned the land that the Prophet (saw) purchased after the she-camel stopped there?

Sahl and Suhail

What was the name of the expedition where the Prophet (saw) sent a few people, with the lead of Abdullah ibn Jahsh (Qurayshi), and gave them a letter telling them not to open it until they arrive?

Sareeyat ul-Nakhal

Everyone had a brother assigned except who and why?

Sayyidina Ali; The Prophet (saw) said to Ali, "that is because I left you to myself"

When did the news reach the Prophet (saw) about the army the Quraysh is preparing in Mecca from his uncle, Sayyidina Abbas?

Shawwal 3H

Why did the she-camel stop at an empty plot of land that belonged to two orphans?

She was being guided by Allah

Which Surah was revealed regarding the deserters of the Muslim army during Uhud?

Surah An-Nisa Verse 88 - "Why are you ˹believers˺ divided into two groups regarding the hypocrites while Allah allowed them to regress ˹to disbelief˺ because of their misdeeds? Do you wish to guide those left by Allah to stray? And whoever Allah leaves to stray, you will never find for them a way."

Who did Shaytan come in the form of during the Battle of Badr?

Suraqah ibn Malik

Why were masjids not built during the Makkan seerah?

The Prophet (saw) was busy working on people

Why did the Prophet (saw) tell Abu Ayub to be in the upper portion?

The Prophet (saw) would be having a lot of visitors

Why did the hypocrites arise?

The benefits

What news was spreading at the same time when news was spreading of the win of the Battle of Badr?

The passing of the Prophet (saw)'s daughter, Ruqayyah

What is the story of the weeping tree trunk?

There was a tree stump, the Prophet (saw) used to give the khutbah from until the sahaba said we could not see or hear you from there So they decided to build him a mimbar so he can address the congregation The Prophet (saw) agreed and it is said in an authentic hadith that when the Prophet (saw) leaved the tree stump to go onto the mimbar they all heard crying coming from the tree stump and the Prophet (saw) went and soothed the tree stump

What was significant about this battle being in Ramadan?

They had to fast; Tells us that the sahaba understood the value of one day of fasting in Ramadan

What did the Prophet (saw) tell the companions regarding their arrows during the Battle of Badr?

To not throw their arrows until the Quraysh come within distance and to save some for later because they did not have enough

True or false: It befits not a prophet, once he pulls on his armor to lay it off until he has fought


True or false: It is said that it is constant that you will see Sayydina Ali in the arbor of the Prophet (saw) and in the battlefield


True or false: Shaytan was actually present in the battle of Badr


True or false: The Battle of Badr was not initially supposed to be a full on battle but rather an interception of the caravans


True or false: The Prophet (saw) pointed and told the sahaba this is where so and so will fall


True or false: The prophet (saw) said Allah does not love this walk except in this type of situation (the situation of the red turban and the walk)


True or false: The women of Quryash traveled with them to the Battle of Uhud?

True; Amongst those women were Hind who traveled to Uhud to make sure the men don't run

What were the instructions in the letter and what mistake did they make?

When they get to Makkah, their instructions were to camp outside of Makkah and keep an eye on the actions of the Quraysh. They made a mistake and killed someone in the sacred month of Rajjab, which you are not supposed to do. The Quraysh had a field day about them killing someone during the month. This eventually leads to the Battle of Badr itself.

What was the previous name of Madina and what was the city known for?

Yathrib; A city known as a place of sickness

Did Umayya ibn Khalaf go to fight in the Battle of Badr?

Yes; His wife begged him not to but he gave in to peer pressure

Did Utbah ibn Rabi'ah and Shaybah go to fight in the Battle of Badr?

Yes; Utbah decided not to, but Shaybah convinced him otherwise

Who was sent on the camel of the Messenger (saw) to let people know the Muslims have won the Battle of Badr?

Zayd bin Haritha

The Prophet (saw) declared Madina of being a....

haram; "Abdullah bin Zaid bin 'Asim (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "Ibrahim declared Makkah as a Haram (Sanctuary) and made supplication for its people, and I declare Madinah to be a Haram just as Ibrahim declared Makkah as a Haram, and I made supplication for its Mudd and Sa' (refer to hadith no. 650), just as Ibrahim made supplication for the people of Makkah."

When the Prophet (saw) came, Madina was known as the city of...


When you see Sareeyat, it means the Prophet (saw) was...

not present

Where Qaswa stops is where....

the gate of Masjid an-Nabawi that stands today

Who was the Banu Najjar?

the maternal clan of the Prophet (saw)'s grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib

What is shura?

where ideas are discussed and advice is given

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