Maintaining a Space Cushion
speed or road conditions change. Hand response time is close to a half second. Foot response time is normally three-quarters of a second. This does not take into account any delay in perception time as a result of the driver being tired, on medication, distracted, etc. Road conditions, speed, driver alertness, and even following vehicles of different weights all change the ability to stop.
Drivers need to change following distance when...
Space around your vehicle gives you distance to react in emergencies and avoid a crash. Create a space cushion around your vehicle by staying in the middle of your lane. Make sure there is enough room ahead of your vehicle and behind it for other vehicles to pass or stop safely.
Space cushion
When the driver behind you is following too closely. If you find yourself in this situation, do not brake suddenly. If possible, move over to another lane, or gently tap your brakes to flash your brake lights and slow down. This should encourage the tailgater to pass you or slow down.
1. Glance at the vehicle ahead as it passes a fixed object, such as an overpass, sign, fence, corner or other fixed mark. 2. Begin counting the seconds it takes you to reach the same place in the road. 3. If you reach the mark before you have counted off two, three, or four seconds, depending on speed, you're following too closely. Slow down and increase your following distance. 4. For bad weather conditions, heavy traffic, poor pavement or if your vehicle is in poor condition, add extra seconds to increase your following distance.
Following distance
Under 35 mph
Following distance - 2 seconds
35-45 mph
Following distance - 3 seconds
46-75 mph
Following distance - 4 seconds
tap your brakes
To warn the driver behind you to slow down...
behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision in bad weather or heavy traffic when exiting an expressway behind a motorcycle when being tailgated
Increase your following distance when driving... determine if you are following far enough behind the vehicle ahead of you.
Use the two-, three- and four-second rule...