MAN 320F quizzes

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A family restaurant based in the English speaking providence of Ontario, was planning on opening a catering business in the French-speaking areas of Canada, This restaurant would need employees with which of the following dimensions of personality? a. empathy b. credibility c. openness to experience d. extraversion e. conscientiousness


A nonhuman species (such as the spotted owl) that holds a direct stake in a firm is called a A. secondary nonsocial stakeholder. B. secondary social stakeholder. C. primary nonsocial stakeholder. D. primary social stakeholder.


According to attribution theory, we use two general reasons or attributions to explain people's behavior. They are ____. a. formalized and non-formalized attributions b. self-serving and defensive attributions c. objective and subjective attributions d. internal and external attributions e. centralized and decentralized attributions


An organization is experiencing ____ when it is reluctant to change strategies or competitive practices that have been successful in the past. a. strategic dissonance b. strategic inertia c. competitive dissonance d. competitive inertia e. sustained competitive disarray


defined as the ability to apply the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done. In this case, Rudolph possessed the technical skills of a baker.

technical skills

Multinational corporations are corporations that own businesses in two or more countries. a. True b. False


The criteria for choosing an office/manufacturing location are different from the criteria for entering a foreign market. a. True b. False


Any type of stake can be viewed as a(n) A. ownership position B. right. C. option. D. duty.


The view of stakeholders that sees them as more than just people or groups who can wield economic or legal power is the A. symbiotic approach. B. multifiduciary approach. C. strategic approach. D. stakeholder synthesis approach.


The steps in the perceptual process in order are ____. a. interpretation, attention, organization, action b. organization, attention, interpretation, retention c. attention, organization, interpretation, retention d. attention, interpretation, organization, retention e. attention, decision, intention, and action


____ describes the average level of ability, experience, personality, or any other factor on a team. a. Team diversity b. Group synergy c. Team level d. Team conformity e. Team performance


____ is defined as getting work done through others.


A manager engaged in the management function of ____ is determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them. a. planning b. organizing c. leading d. human resources management e. controlling


Allen-Edmonds is keeping its shoe manufacturing business in the United States by investing in new machinery and creating new processes. The strategy is a gamble and the outcome is uncertain. To cut costs and improve efficiency, the company's old assembly line is being replaced by a system of employees working in groups, with each person doing several jobs, and each trained to do the others' tasks. Allen-Edmonds' teams are using ____. a. cross training b. job enlargement c. job specialization d. Venn training e. overlapping training


For companies whose main products will not be seen by consumers and whose skills lie in productivity anonymity, a ____ could be to create a brand image to create a distinctive competence. a. strategic reference point b. tactical benchmark c. strategic mission d. core advantage e. competitive sustainability


In a multinational company, managers at company headquarters may value global consistency as a company policy because global consistency simplifies decision-making at corporate headquarters. a. True b. False


Mike Walker supervises operations on the chassis assembly line for a large vehicle manufacturer. Most of his time is spent in quality control maintenance, scheduling workers, and training new employees. Walker would be categorized as a: a. first-line manager b. middle manager c. top manager d. team leader e. group facilitator


Someone describes as having a mind-boggling breadth of his curiosity. In terms of the Big Five Personality Dimensions, this person would be described as having a high degree of ____. a.openness to experience b. conscientiousness c.agreeableness d. extraversion e. autonomy


The three strategies used to minimize or to adapt to the political risk inherent to global business are avoidance, control, and cooperation. a. True b. False


What are the two types of political risk that affect companies conducting global business? a. political uncertainty and policy uncertainty b. policy uncertainty and expropriation potential c. cultural strength and political risks d. infrastructure dynamism and political uncertainty e. nationalism and economic uncertainty


Which of the following statements about team development is true? a. The growth stages are forming, storming, and norming b. Group cohesion is relatively strong at the informing stage. c. Decline will inevitably occur in every team. d. None of these statements about team development is true.


Which of the following types of teams has the authority to change their composition as well as all of their tasks and work methods? a. self-designing teams b. sequentially interdependent teams c. semi-autonomous work groups d. self-managing teams e. self-autonomous teams


Which of the following typically is NOT performed by top managers? a. setting objectives consistent with organizational goals or planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives b. developing in employees the attitudes of commitment to and ownership of the company's performance c. creating a positive organizational culture through language and action c. monitoring the business environment


Which of the views of the firm recognizes the most stakeholders and is the most complex? A. stakeholder view B. managerial view C. ownership view D. production view


A modem factory in the U.S has 1,200 workers who speak 20 different languages. This factory illustrates ____. a. acculturation b. diversity c. affirmative action d. cultural organization e. organizational plurality


An attractive business climate is defined by one single dimension: Does the business minimize the political risk to the company? a. True b. False


An individual or group who can affect or be affected by an organization is a(n): a. shareholder b. stakeholder c. invester


An organization that rewards its team members through gainsharing is ____. a. using a nonfinancial reward b. sharing the financial value of performance gains c. paying employees to gain new skills d. paying hourly wages e. engaging in cross training


If we consider the stakeholder typology, and the three attributes of power, group number seven in the very center is called: A. A dependent stakeholder B. A discretionary stakeholder C. A definitive stakeholder D. A dormant stakeholder


The Japanese government decreed that Japanese snow was different from all others and required that all snow equipment marketed in the country be made in Japan for safety reasons. The elimination of non-Japanese companies from the market is an example of how ____ can influence global business. a. infrastructure modifications b. policy uncertainty c. political uncertainty d. competitive uncertainty e. sociocultural modifications


The achievement of stretch goals is made easier when the team members have ____. a. localized synergy b. bureaucratic immunity c. strategic diversity d. organizational accommodation e. limited cohesiveness


The highest level of team autonomy is found in ____. a. self-managing teams b. self-designing teams c. semi-autonomous work groups d. employee involvement teams e. reciprocal work teams


When Coca-Cola acquired a water-treatment and bottling plant so it could produce and market Dasani brand bottled water, it was an example of ____. a. a repositioning strategy b. external growth c. niche marketing d. a retrenchment strategy e. internal growth


____ is a compensation system in which companies share the financial value of performance gains such as productivity, cost savings, or quality with their workers. a. Skill-based pay b. Gainsharing c. A draw account d. Profit sharing e. Optional equity


____ is the relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions displayed over time that makes people different from each other. a. Disposition b. Personality c. Motivation d. Self-concept e. Cognitive activity


According to strategic reference point theory, managers have two basic strategic alternatives. They are ____. a. risk-avoiding strategy and pioneering strategy b. risk-maintenance strategy and conflict-avoidance strategy c. risk-avoiding strategy and risk-seeking strategy d. frontal attack strategy and guerilla strategy e. none of these


Business organizations must address the legitimate needs and expectations of stakeholders because a. it's the law b. stakeholders make them c. they will need to, in order to be successful in the long run


Jergen Lindegaart is the chief executive of SAS Scandinavian Airlines. When he explained to stockholders why SAS was withdrawing from a joint venture with another company, he was engaged in ____. a. encoding b. feedback preparation c. feedforward d. selective filtering e. decoding


The trade agreement that represented the most significant change to the regulations governing global trade during the 1990s was the ____. a. Maastricht Treaty of Europe b. North American Free Trade Agreement c. World Trade Organization (GATT) d. Mercosur e. Asian Free Trade Arrangement


Which of the firm's social responsibilities is not relevant in analyzing management's duties to stakeholders? a. legal b. philanthropic c. economic d. ethical


Which of the following is not a strategy or action alternative in best addressing stakeholders? A. Take offence or defense B. Deal directly or indirectly C. Collaborate or participate D. Manipulate or resist


Which of the following is one of the Big Five personality dimensions? a. Machiavellian tendencies b. self-monitoring c. emotional stability d. positive/negative affectivity e. empathy


In the autonomy continuum (which shows how five kinds of teams differ in terms of autonomy), the correct sequence, from low team autonomy to high team autonomy, is ____. a. employee involvement teams, traditional work groups, semi-autonomous work groups, self-managing teams, and self-designing teams b. traditional work groups, employee involvement teams, self-managing teams, semi-autonomous work groups, and self-designing teams c. traditional work groups, employee involvement teams, self-designing teams, and self-managing teams d. traditional work groups, employee involvement teams, semi-autonomous work groups, self-managing teams, and self-designing teams e. employer-mandated teams, traditional work groups, employee involvement teams, project teams, and self-managing teams


Leon Dodd is a member of a self-managed team at Standard Aero Alliance, Inc. (SAAI). His team's top priorities are understanding customer requirements and expectations. It would appear that SAAI is: a. using employee benchmarking b. allowing its employees to assume various decisional roles c. letting its teams handle all planning functions d. using its employees to create a competitive advantage e. relying more on conceptual skills than human skills


The challenge of stakeholder management include all of the following except A. seeing to it that the firm's secondary stakeholders are treated ethically and are relatively satisfied. B. making the firm profitable. C. assuring that the firm's primary stakeholders achieve their objectives. D. maintaining strong relations with governmental stakeholders.


Under conditions of ____, a competitive attack by the stronger rival is more likely to produce sustained competitive advantage. a. high market commonality b. high competitive autonomy c. high resource similarity d. low resource similarity e. low market commonality


Which of the following is not an attribute upon which managers judge the importance of stakeholders? A. legitimacy B. urgency C. power D. nationality


Which of the following is not listed as a question to ask in order to gain the essential information needed for stakeholder management? A. Who are our stakeholders? B. What opportunities and challenges do our stakeholders present to the frrm? C. What are our stakeholders' stakes? D. What do our stakeholders want?


A U.S. Marine drill instructor motivating new recruits to challenge themselves is engaged in which management function? a. planning b. organizing c. controlling d. motivating e. leading


A ____, also called a SWOT analysis for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in an organization's internal environment and the opportunities and threats in its external environment. a. market audit b. firm-level strategy c. competitive advantage d. differentiation analysis e. situational analysis


Clorox Corporation controls 60 percent of the bleach market. Imagine you are an entrepreneur who was considering developing and marketing a new brand of bleach. Which of Michael Porter's industry forces should you be most concerned about? a. bargaining power of buyers b. threat of substitute products or services c. threat of new entrants d. bargaining power of suppliers e. character of the rivalry


NTL is the largest cable company in the United Kingdom. The company has recently declared bankruptcy and needs to engage in restructuring in order to give it more flexibility and allow it to raise capital. Since it has identified the need for strategic change, what would be the organization's next step in this strategy-making process? a. finding the optimal strategic solution b. brainstorming c. conducting focus groups d. assessing the need for strategic change e. conducting a situation analysis


The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) ____. a. decreases both tariffs and nontariff barriers b. puts stricter limits on government subsidies c. eliminates tariffs in ten specific industries d. protects intellectual property, such as trademarks, patents, and copyright e. does all of these


The informational role managers' play when they share information they have collected with their subordinates and others in the company is called the ____ role. a. monitor b. figurehead c. resource allocator d. entrepreneur e. disseminator


The two general kinds of trade barriers are ____. a. government import standards and industry import standards b. qualitative and quantitative barriers c. voluntary and involuntary barriers d. nationalistic and geocentric barriers e. tariff barriers and nontariff barriers


Typical responsibilities for ____ include setting objectives consistent with organizational goals and then planning and implementing the subunit strategies for achieving these goals. a. top managers b. shift supervisors c. first-line managers d. team leaders e. middle managers


Which of the following is an advantage associated with the use of project teams? a. flexibility b. reduction or elimination of communication barriers c. increased cooperation among separate departments d. faster design process e. all of these


Which of the following is an example of a common approach to corporate-level strategy? a. portfolio strategies b. adaptive strategies c. ROI strategies d. grand strategies e. a and d


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