Management Ch 1

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what are the 4 guiding management principals (Taylorisms)

-Evaluate work performed utilizing the scientific method in order to determine the most efficient way for works to complete tasks -Match employees to their jobs based on capability and motivate and train employees to work at maximum efficiency (avoids Peter Principle) -Monitor employee performance and provide instructions and supervision to ensure they use the most efficient ways of working -Allocate the work between managers and subordinates so managers spend their time on planning and training, allowing subordinates to perform tasks efficient

max weber founded 2 essential components to a bureaucratic organization what were they

-Organizations are structured into hierarchies arranged at an organizational level of authority as demonstrated in an organizational chart -The organization and its workgroup are governed by clearly defined decision-making rules that are outlined in policies and procedures that are managed by levels of authority within an organization

what is situational leadership theory

Developed by Paul Hershey and Ken Blanchard in 1969, this leadership theory proposed that leadership effectiveness depends on the leader's ability to change his or her behavior to meet the demands of the situation; it also takes into account hte maturity of the followers in terms of their job ability and psychological willingness to work

the Hawthorne effect was categorized by what after his observations regarding management in the western electric plan, Cicero IL

Elton Mayo

what is charismatic authority

Embodies a leader who has the capacity to influence subordinates

what did fredrick taylor do

Frederick Taylor 1856-1915 Introduced time & motion studies for assessing the efficiency of performed work. •Reviewed Steel Workers •Fear of loss of jobs by workers •Resulted in monotonous work Felt managers needed more knowledge about work processes in order to motivate employees to perform well. His principles were founded on his research of employees in the workplace and how work performed impacts employee's productivity

who was elton mayo

In 1927 he began his research in human relations management at the Hawthorne plant of Western Electric in Cicero, IL •He didn't believe employees were only interested in receiving "bonuses" like Taylor thought but wanted to be considered unique individuals with goals and aspirations that match those of the organization

what is a democratic leader

Leader who assists and encourages the workgroup, allows the workgroup to select activities to be completed as a group, and praises the group at completion of the work

what is acceptance view of authority

Management concept that is evident in organizations when an employee considers a request by the manager to be in the best interest of the group, is understandable, and meets the employee's personal interest

what is operations management

Management that deals with the design and management of products, processes, services, and supply chains and considers the acquisition, development, and utilization of resources that firms need to deliver the goods and services clients want; it also evaluates tools that are needed to manage processes of interrelated activities

what is humanistic management

Management theory in which individual human needs and human values are considered within the management of an organization and where 3 key dimensions must be considered 1. human dignity is the key element of consideration 2. ethical complexities are evaluated 3. all stakeholders must be involved in the decision-making process

what is normative decision model

Model that focuses on situational factors rather than leadership behaviors and it guides managers through the decision making process depending on the type of problem

what is job enlargement

The concept that adding a variety of job tasks to an individuals job will decrease job monotony and thereby allow more job flexibility; a horizontal expansion of an employees duties; tasks are added to the current job, but employees have the same degree of autonomy and responsibility

who was abraham maslow

Was a psychologist & researcher •He provided a theory to the management body of knowledge that addresses employees' motivation in terms of human relations •Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, strived to understand the needs of people at work and what motivated employees to perform

what is management theory

a collection of ideas which set forth general rules on how to manage a business or organization

what is participative leadership

a leadership style in which the leader allows the workers to provide input and make decisions about heir work

what is lean

a management strategy that utilizes less to do more and is process improvement strategy that can be utilized in any type of organization

what is participatory management

a management style in which management allows employees to take an active role in decision-making processes that relate directly to their jobs

what is management by objectives (MBO)

a management style in which the objectives of an organization are agreed upon by management and employees so that everyone is working toward common goals

what is theory y

a management theory developed by Mcgregor that describes optimistic assumptions about people and their work potential

what is theory x

a management theory developed by Mcgregor that describes pessimistic assumptions about people and their work potential

what is servant leadership

a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations, and ultimately creates a more just and caring world; servant leaders, unlike traditional leaders, share the power of leadership with those they serve

what is value

a principle or ideal intrinsically valuable or desirable (human rather than material)

what is DMAIC approach

a six sigma problem-solving framework; it is an acronym that stands for: define the opportunity fro improvement, measure current performance, analyze the opportunity, improve the opportunity, and control performance after improvements are made

what is values-based leadership

a style of leadership built on a foundation of personal values, principles or ethics

what is Maslow's hierarchy of human needs

a theory developed by Abraham Maslow suggesting that a hierarchy of needs might help explain behavior and guide managers on how to motivate employees; as each need is met (physiological, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization), the individual moves to the next level in an attempt to satisfy the next need

what management theory is identified by a formalized hierarchical structure with a clear division between workers and management

administrative management

what is collaborative performance appraisals

appraisals that engage employees within the process of evaluating work performed by requiring managers to solicit input from employees about actual work performance

what is contingency approach

approach to effective leadership that is dependent on matching the leaders style to the workplace situation

what is rational-legal authority

authority that is displayed as boundaries outlined within organizations, which rely on the rules and laws imposed by those in authoritative management positions

this is a leadership theory that is associated with matching the leaders style to the situation

contingency theory

what is six-sigma

disciplined and data-driven methodology for getting rid of defects in any process

who was involved in humanistic managment

elton mayo, abraham maslow, douglas mcgregor

transformational leaders are those who __________

focus on the act of changing from one current state to another

who was involved in scientific managment

fred taylor, max weber, frank lillian gilbreth, Henry gantt

who is identified as the "father of scientific management"

frederick taylor

who was james mooney

he was Employed by General Motors Car Company and most noted for his unpublished paper, "The Science of Industrial Organization"

who was involved in administrative management

henry fayol, james mooney, chester barnard, mary parker follet

what is transactional leadership

hierarchy within the organization where leaders clarify goals and objectives for followers and followers receive some kind of reward in exchange for performing work satisfactorily

what management theory includes 3 key dimensions: human dignity is an important element, ethical complexities are evaluated, and all stakeholders (managers and employees) are involved in the decision making process

humanistic management

what is Legitimate authority

identifies individuals who have the right to demonstrate power over other individuals within a bureaucratic organization

who were frank and lillian gilbreth

innovators who followed closely in Taylor's footsteps •Performed time & motion studies on workers within the manufacturing industry to assess efficiency. •Used stopwatch time studies to evaluate how the workers performed tasks & how body mechanics impacted the time required to complete the tasks. •His stopwatch was eventually replaced with recorded motion picture -They introduced standardization into healthcare by placing motion picture cameras within hospital operating rooms. Physicians were observed and work was analyzed to decrease fatigue within the operating room & to gain efficiencies within the procedures

what is a Laissez- faire leader

leader who does not participate in the selection of the group activities and does not provide praise or criticism to the workgroup; the laissez-faire leader provides the resources for the groups' activities but does not interfere with how the performs

what is autocratic leadership style

leadership style characterized by leader control over all decisions with no or very little input from the work-group; this style is beneficial when decisions need to be made quickly by the leader

what is behavioral theories of leadership

leadership theories that focus on the study of specific behaviors of leaders

what is contemporary management

management style that uses current or present period practices to plan, organize, and control individuals within an organization

what is the path-goal theory

originally developed by Martin Evans in 1970 and further expanded upon by Robert House in 1971, this theory suggest that a leader should develop a path for followers to achieve group goals

who was involved in contemporary management

peter drucker

the _____ theory proposed that leadership effectiveness depends on the leaders ability to change his or her behavior to meet the demands of the situation. this theory also takes into account the maturity of the followers in terms of their job ability and psychological willingness to work

situational leadership

what is a method that provides organizations tools to improve the capability of their business processes and some examples of these techniques are control charts, failure mode, effects analysis, and process mapping

six sigma

who was involved in operations management

six sigma, lean

what is scientific management

studying working processes and how they impact workers productivity

what is transformational leadership

the act of changing or transforming from one current state to another state; it focuses on leaders attempts to motivate followers to achieve at a higher level or to perform at a level beyond expectations

what is leadership

the activity of guiding a group of people to a definite result

what is the Great man theory

the most documented trait theory; it notes that certain traits within individuals can be identified as predictors for effective leadership and that by studying great historical leaders, individuals traits can clearly be identified as keys fro success in leadership

what is backcasting

the process of deciding on a goal and then working backwards to determine from the current state what steps need to be taken to achieve the goal

What is Management

the process of planning, organizing and leading organizational activities.

what is the zone of indifference

the range in which a managers orders will be perceived as legitimate and the employee will act on or perform the request without a great deal of thought.

what is leadership continuum

theory that assumed that leadership behavior can be explained in seven steps of behavioral styles ranging from authority( boss centered leadership) to delegation (team centered leadership)

what is trait theory of leadership

theory that attempts to define the general qualities or traits that need to be present within an individual to be a leader

what is the Michigan studies

these were more of a one-dimensional theory in that employee-centered leadership and job-centered leadership are opposing leadership styles and leaders are not able to focus on production and employees at the same time.

what is the Iowa studies

they were conducted in 1939 at the child welfare research station within iowa state university by kurt lewin, ronald, lippitt, and ralph white. They were experimental research studies that identified 3 leadership styles that are representative of the relations between leaders and the individuals being led: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire

what is the ohio state leadership study

two dimensional theory of leadership behavior and assessed the dimensions of leadership concern over the task objectives (job tasks to be completed by followers) and the concern for relationship objectives (the relationship between leader and follower)

a ____ is defined as a principle or ideal intrinsically valuable or desirable (human rather than material) and is embraced within ____ leadership

values, value-based

what is traditional authority

when authority is inherently understood within an organization or group

who performed human relations management research that was geared toward a behavioral scientific approach in regards to employee motivation

Abraham maslow

who was henry fayol

1st administrative management theorist •Often thought of as the father of modern management •Identified five key managerial functions: Forecasting and planning Organization Commanding Coordinating Controlling

who was mary parker follett

1st theorist within administrative management to be concerned with the psychosocial approach .•Her early writings centered on the philosophical and psychological foundations of workers and the interdisciplinary approach workers contribute to an organization

What is Weber's theory of bureaucratic management

2 essential components to a bureaucratic organization 1. organizations are structured into hierarchies arranged at an organizational level of authority as demonstrated in an organizational chart 2. the organization and its work group are governed by clearly defined decision-making rules that re outline in policies and procedures that re managed by level of authority within an organization

what is authoritarian leader

A leader who dictates activities to the work group but he or she does not participate in the completion of the activities; the authoritarian is very critical of the teams results

what is authoritarian management

A management style in which the leader dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates

what is administrative management

A management theory that attempts to identify the design of an organization and is associated with the following principles: 1. requires a formalized administrative structure where there are clear lines of authority marked as a hierarchical structure. 2. defines a clear division of labor among workers 3. reflects delegation of power and authority to upper management

who was douglas mcgregor

Douglas McGregor- 1906-1964 •Management theorist concerned with the observation of managers' behaviors in real work situations •Developed the Theory X & y

what was the Peter Principle

Observation that in an hierarchy people tend to rise to "their level of incompetence." Thus, as people are promoted, they become progressively less-effective because good performance in one job does not guarantee similar performance in another. Named after the Canadian researcher Dr. Laurence J. Peter (1910-90) who popularized this observation in his 1969 book 'The Peter Principle

what is Consultative leadership

Task-oriented leadership that focuses on getting input from those who perform the tasks; the ultimate decisions for the group are still made by the leader but this leadership style takes into account the feedback provided by individual workers

who was chester barnard

Worked for AT&T when developing his theories •Provided a management foundation that addressed organizational structure while considering the managerial skills required to obtain cooperation from subordinates. •Believed organizations contained a social entity and not just an organizational chart

what is a Gantt chart

a bar chart that allows project managers to plan and control projects at a glance.

what is a managerial grid

a behavioral theory that offers a two dimensional behavioral approach that assists individuals with identification of an appropriate leadership style through the concern for people (people oriented) or tasks (production orientated); the objective of the managerial grid is to analyze and identify the type of leadership skills exhibited by the leader

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