Management Chapter 5 Managing Diverse Employees in a Multicultural Environment

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a group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics, such as hair type, color of eyes and skin, stature, etc. Principle races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. (Brown, White, Black)


the systematic tendency to use information about others in ways that result in inaccurate perceptions.

Managers and The Effective Management of Diversity



The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. (German, Spanish, Chinese)


The workforce is made up of 55.6 percent male workers and 44.4 percent female workers.

One in every three U.S. residents

belongs to a minority group.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)

Prohibits discrimination against women in employment decisions on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical decisions.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964)

Prohibits discrimination in employment decision on the basis of race, religion, sex, color, or national origin; covers a wide range of employment decisions, including hiring, firing, pay, promotion, and working conditions. Religion, Sex, Race, National Origin, Color.

Two Forms of Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo sexual harassment and Hostile work environment sexual harassment.

Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)

Requires that employers provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave for medical and family reasons, including paternity and illness of a family member.

White Hosue Guidelines on Religious Exervise and Expression in the Federal Workplace

requires that federal offices make reasonable accommodations for religious practices as long as doing so does not entail major costs or hardships.

The distribution of minorities can determine

potential diversity management problems.

Gender Schema

preconceived beliefs or ideas about the nature of men and women and their traits, attitudes, behaviors, and preferences.

Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)

prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and also requires that employers make reasonable accommodations to enable these people to effeectively perform their jobs. Employers do not have to make all accommodations for disabled employees. Educate themselves about the disabilities of their workers educating workers about the myths and realities to workers disabilities. Heightening the awareness of others of the capabilities of disabled workers. some employees are hesitant to share their disabilities while others abuse the system. PROTECTS PEOPLE WITH AIDS AND HIV

Poverty rate in 2011?


The Increasing Diversity of the Workforce and the Environment


How to Manage DIversity Effectively

...Secure top management commitment and strive to increase the accuracy of perceptions.

Sexual Harassment

..seriously damages both the people who are harassed and the reputation of the organization in which it occurs.

The goals of a diversity awareness awareness programs include

1.Uncovering personal biases, 2.providing organizational members with accurate information about diversity, 3.assessing personal beliefs and learning about other points of view.

Age Discrimination Emplyement act (1978)

prohibits discrimination against workers over the age of 40 and restricts mandatory retirement.

Equal Pay Act (1963)

Requires that men and women be paid equally if they are performing equal work.

When dealing with diverse groups, it is best to have

objective performance standards.

Sexual Orientation

Although no federal law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, 21 states and the District of Colombia have such laws, and a 1998 executive order prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in civilian federal offices. Moreover, an increasing number of organizations recognize the minority status of LGBT employees, affirm their rights to fair and equal treatment, and provide benefits to same-sex partners of gay and lesbian employees.

Effectively Managing Diversity Makes Good Business Sense

Diversity can be a competitive advantage. Can result in better goods and services. Varying points of view and approaches to problems and opportunities that diverse employees provide can improve managerial decision making.

NOT an economic incentive for managers to focus on the effective management of diversity?

Effective diversity mamagement limits the amount of diversity thus reducing the possibility of expensive lawsuits.

The Ethical Imperative to Manage Diversity Effectively

Effectively managing diversity not only makes good business sense but also is an ethical imperative in U.S society. Two Moral principles guide managers in their efforts to meet this imperative: DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE, and PROCEDURAL JUSTICE.

Steps Managers can take to Eradicate Sexual harassment

Four initial Steps: 1. Develop and clearly communicate a sexual harassment policy endorsed by top management. (a commitment to educate members, a procedure for employees to report occurrences, examples of unacceptable behavior, a method to ensure disciplinary action.) 2. Use a fair complaint procedure to investigate charges of sexual harassment 3. When it has been determined that sexual harassment has taken place, take corrective action as soon as possible. 4. Provide sexual harassment education and training to all organizational members.

Critical Managerial Roles

In each of their managerial roles, managers can either promote the effective management of diversity or derail such effots; thus they are critical to this process. Interpersonal roles, managers can convey that the effective management of diversity is a valued goals and objective (figurehead role), can serve as a role model and institute policies and procedures to ensure that all organizational members are treated fairly (leader role), and can enable diverse individuals and groups to coordinate their efforts and cooperate with each other both inside the organization and at the organization's boundaries (liaison role) Managers have formal authority and typically have more influence. If managers encourage diversity practices, many will follow their lead. People are likely to be influenced and persuaded by others who have high status.


Median age of a person in the United States is the highest it has ever been, 37.6 years.

List of Managing Diversity Effectively

Secure top management commitment, increase accuracy of perceptions, increase diversity awareness, increase diversity skills, encourage flexibility, pay close attention to how employees are evaluated, consider the numbers, empower employees to challenge discriminatory behaviors, actions and remarks, reward employees for effectively managing diversity, provide training utilizing a multi pronged, ongoing approach, encourage mentoring of diverse employees.


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities and also requires that employers make reasonable accommodations to enable these people to effectively perform their jobs.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on religion (as well as based on race/ethnicity, country of origin, and sex. In adittion to enacting Title VII, in 1997 the federal government issued "The White House Guidelines on Religious Exercise and Expression in the Federal Workplace. A key issue for managers in religious diversity is recognizing and being aware of different religions and their beliefs, with particular attention being paid to when religious holidays fall.

What was the result of the mid 1990s reform on welfare recipients.

When single mothers and others joined the workforce, the economy grew and children living in poverty declined.

Catalyst Reserach

Women are better than men in corporate positions lmao. Have women on your boards and top management. Women are generally better at motivation, communication, turning out high quality work, listening.

Glass ceiling

a metaphor aluiding to the invisible barriers that prevent minorities and women from being promoted to top corporate.


a process by which and experienced member of an organization provides advice and guidance to a less experienced member (the protege) and helps the less experienced member learn how to advance in the organization and in his or her career. May be more important for minorities.


an abstract knowledge structure that is stored in memory and makes possible the interpretation and organization of information about a person, event or situation. Affect our perceptions based on past experiences and acquired knowledge about people.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment

asking for or forcing an employee to perform sexual favors in exchange for receiving some reward or avoiding negative consequences .

Multipronged diversity training

case studies, role plays, experimental exercises, the use of outside consultants, films, and printed material.

When are gender schemas typically developed?


How can top management encourage effective diversity management?

develop appropriate ethical values for the company.

Distributive Justice

dictates fair distribution of pay, promotions, job titles, interesting job assignments, office space, and other organizational resources among mebers of an organization. Should be distributed according to the meaningful contributions that individuals have made to the organization (time effort, education, skills, abilities, and performance levels) and not irrelevant personal characteristics over which individuals have no control (gender, race, age)


dissimilarities or differences among people due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, experience, physical appearance, capabilities, and any other characteristic that is used to distinguish between people. Diversity is one of the most important management issues to emerge over the last 40 years. Managerial commitment in support for diversity is often cited as critical to the success of diversity management programs. Physical sources of diversity increase SALARIES and ADVANCEMENT RATES. DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES, SOCIO ECONOMIC BACKGROUND, DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS

stakeholders are

diverse so organizations are expected to reflect this diversity.

Salience effect

focuses extra attention on a person who stands out from the group mold. Part of being a good manager includes being aware of these sorts of tendencies and actively working against them. focus attention on individuals who are conspicously different from us. When people are salient, they ofen feel as though all eyes are watch them, and this perception is not fair from the mark. Often the object of attention in a group.

Managers face many interpretation and fairness challenges when complying with the ADA including:

having employees seeking unecessary accommodations for disabilities they do not have. having people with real disabilities hesitant to reveal their disability.

The median age of U.S. workers is


Glass Ceiling Commission Report

indicated that African Americans have the hardest time being promoted.


is the process through which people select, organize, and interpret sensory input-what they see, hear, touch, smell, and taste-to give meaning and order to the world around them.

Social status effect

is the tendency to perceive individuals with high social status more positively than we perceive those with low social status.

SImilar-to-me effect

is the tendency to perceive others who are similar to ourselves more positively than we perceive people who are different. "Birds of a feather flock together." Leads to unfair treatment of diverse emplyees simply because they are different from the managers who rae perceiving them, evaluating them, and making decisions that affect their future in the organization.

Overt discrimination

knowingly and willingly denying diverse individuals access to opportunities and outcomes in an organization. Race, religion, gender, age. Illegal and still happens in America.

Procedural Justice

requires that managers use fair procedures to determine how to distribute outcomes to organizational members. 1. carefully appraise a subordinates performance 2. take into account any environmental obstacles to high performance beyond the sbordinates control, such as lack of supplies, machine breakdowns, or dwindling customer demand for a product. 3. ignore irrelevant personal characteristics such as the subordinates age or ethnicity.


simplistic and often inaccurate beliefs about the typical characteristic of particular groups of people. Usually based on a visible characteristic such as a person's age, gender, or race.

Many decisions are made based on

subjective perceptions.

Hostile work environment sexual harassment.

telling lewd jokes, displaying pornography, making sexually oriented remarks about someone's personal appearance, and other sex-related actions that make the work environment unpleasant.

Socioeconomic Background

typically refers to a combination of social class and income-related factors. From a management perspective, socioeconomic diversity requires that managers be sensitive and responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals who might not be as well off as others. Give lower economic level employees opportunities to learn, advance, make meaningful contributions to their organizations. Child care, elder care, housing opportunities, income.

Procedure to investigagte charges of sexual harassment

use a neutral third party, protect and treat victims fairly .

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