Management Final Exam

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concentric diversification

A _____ strategy involves adding new businesses that produce related products or are involved in related markets and activities.


A company with a(n) _____ predisposition allows the values and interests of the parent company to guide the strategic decisions.

goal displacement

A condition that occurs when a decision-making group loses sight of its original goal and a new, possibly less important, goal emerges is known as _____.

Maslow's needs theory has general applicability, whereas Alderfer's ERG theory aims at understanding people's needs at work.

A difference between Maslow's need hierarchy and Alderfer's ERG theory is that:

Concentration strategy

A fast-food restaurant chain, specialized in chicken, adds burgers to its menu. Based on the given information, which of the following corporate strategies is the restaurant following?


A firm's decision regarding diversification into new products and markets is a(n) example of a _____ decision.


A leader who leads collaborative performance between different organizations is referred to as a(n) _____ leader.


A machine that John works on has ceased to work. Even though his manager would be able to help him, John fears informing his manager and decides to solve the problem himself. John's act illustrates a common organizational communication problem referred to as:

achievement of significant performance improvements.

A real team differs from a working group in terms of the:

strategic planning.

A set of procedures for making decisions about an organization's long-term goals and strategies is known as:

create self-contained tasks.

A specific technique used to reduce the need for information is to:


A style of dealing with conflict involving cooperation on behalf of the other party but not being assertive about one's own interests is referred to as ____.

SWOT analysis.

A technique for assessing an organization's internal and external environments in order to formulate strategy is called a:

equity theory.

A theory stating that people assess how fairly they have been treated according to the outcomes and inputs is referred to as the:

political instability.

A threat to China's growing dominance include:

core capability

A unique skill or knowledge an organization possesses that gives it an edge over competitors is called a _____.


A(n) _____ is the level of expected performance for a given goal; it is a target that establishes a desired performance level, motivates performance, and serves as a benchmark against which actual performance is assessed.


A(n) _____ organizational culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on equality and orientation to the person.


A(n) _____ predisposition leads a firm to try to blend its own interests with those of its subsidiaries on a regional basis.


A(n) _____ skill is the ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process.


According to Hackman and Oldham's model of job design, the degree to which a job provides independence and discretion in making decisions refers to:

hygiene factors.

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, characteristics of the workplace, such as company policies, working conditions, pay, and supervision that can make people dissatisfied are referred to as:

the veil of ignorance

According to John Rawls, only a person ignorant of his own identity can make a truly ethical decision. This thought process is based on _____.

Preconventional stage

According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, people in which of the following stages tend to make decisions based on rewards and punishments and immediate self-interest?

Effort, performance, outcome

According to the expectancy theory, which of the following is the correct order of events?

OB topics typically relate to the individual, team and organizational levels of analysis.

According to the multiple levels of analysis anchor:

McClelland's needs theory.

Achievement, affiliation, personalized power, and socialized power are all components of:

group maintenance

Actions taken to ensure the satisfaction of group members, develop and maintain harmonious work relationships, and preserve the social stability of the group are referred to as _____ behaviors.


Advertising in _____ is predominantly emotional, dramatic and symbolic.

organizations have a wider range of responsibilities that extend beyond the production of goods and services at a profit.

Advocates of corporate social responsibility argue that:

organizational assessment.

After obtaining top management's leadership and commitment, the next step in effective diversity management involves:

existence, relatedness, and growth.

Alderfer's ERG theory postulates three sets of needs:

phased retirement

Allowing older employees to work fewer hours per week as a strategy to attract and retain these experienced people is known as ____.

individual dominance

Allowing one person to control a discussion or decision is known as _____.


Americans tend to have high:

coordination by mutual adjustment.

An approach that involves feedback and discussions to figure out jointly how to approach problems and devise solutions that are agreeable to everyone is known as:

is less evident in situations where social norms, reward systems, and other conditions constrain behavior.

An individual's personality:


An organization composed of dual relationships in which some employees report to two superiors is a _____ organization.


An organization that is marked by an absence of prejudice and discrimination and by low levels of intergroup conflict is known as a _____ organization.


Nigel, a manager at Montlucon Eyewear, needed to purchase a new secure display case for his most expensive sunglasses. He wanted one that was high in quality and security, yet low in price. After evaluating the options, he chooses a case that is neither the highest quality available nor the lowest in price available, but having a good combination of attributes. In this case, Nigel's choice best illustrates _____.

Customer relations

Observed behavioral regularities are typified by the following except:

first-line managers.

Of the three broad levels of the organizational pyramid, the top managerial level excludes the:

stockholders' equity

On the balance sheet, the amount accruing to a corporation's owners is referred to as ____.


On the balance sheet, the values of the various items a corporation owns are referred to as ____.

goal and plan evaluation.

Once alternative goals and plans have been identified, the next step in the formal planning process is:


One firm buying another is called a(n) _____.

helps us to understand, predict, and influence the behaviors of others in organizational settings.

Organizational behavior knowledge:

open systems.

Organizational behavior views organizations as:

is likely to be effective for teams that are less dependent on outside groups.

Parading refers to a team's strategy that:


Parent company nationals who are sent to work at a foreign subsidiary are known as ____.

internal audits

Periodically assessing a company's own planning, organizing, leading, and controlling efforts is the essential function of ____.


Portland's Pizza, a chain of specialty pizzerias, periodically compares its quality and service levels to other successful restaurants in order to continually improve its own performance. This practice is known as _____.


Prior to hiring a consultant to assist with a departmental reorganization, the department manager was required to get the project and its budget approved by two other departments: accounting and human resources. This type of requirement facilitates _____ relationships in the organization.

accounting audits

Procedures used to verify accounting reports and statements are referred to as ____.

diversity training.

Programs that focus on identifying and reducing hidden biases against people with differences and developing the skills needed to manage a varied workforce is known as:

competitive aggression

Purple Lotus and GreenBolt are two leading e-commerce companies. Recently, Purple Lotus engaged in an online price war with GreenBolt in order to gain greater market share. This is an example of _____ on the part of Purple Lotus.

environmental scanning

Ranier Outdoor Clothing managers engage in an annual organizational assessment, trying to predict industry changes as well as possible opportunities and threats. They look at issues such as who their competitors are, current entry barriers, and what substitutes exist for their products. This assessment is called _____.

systems accommodations.

Recognizing religious holidays, differing modes of dress, and dietary restrictions as well as allowing flexible scheduling are all ways to improve employee retention that may appeal to diverse employees. These types of efforts are referred to as:

appealing personal characteristics

Referent power is described as the power that exists through having ____.

negative reinforcement.

Removing or withholding an undesirable consequence is called:

Globalization imperative

Research reveals that far from addressing regional differentiation issues, many MNCs are committed to a(n) _____, which is a belief that one worldwide approach to doing business is the key to both efficiency and effectiveness.


Resources are viewed as a company's core capabilities when they are _____.


Rules that dictate the dos and don'ts of employee behavior relating to areas such as productivity, customer relations, and intergroup cooperation, are characteristics associated with an organization's:

is relevant to everyone who works in organizations.

Scenario: Allison Albright Your roommate, Allison Albright, is a non-business major. When she discovered that you are taking a course in Organizational Behavior, she was thoroughly confused as to why one would need to study OB and what it entails. Based on what you have studied, can you help Allison obtain knowledge of organizational behavior? Allison should understand that organizational behavior knowledge:

accomplishing organizational goals.

Task performance behaviors are focused on:


Teaching lower-level employees how to perform their present jobs is referred to as:

project and development

Teams that work on long-term projects but disband once the work is completed are known as _____ teams.


Telling others, inside or outside the organization, about wrongdoing is called _____.

the aggregated clusters representing most known personality traits.

The "Big Five" personality dimensions represent:

kyosei and human dignity.

The Caux Principles are based on two ethical ideals:


The Hot Peppers Kitchen Inc. was voted producer of the best hot sauce in Calia. It soon expanded and now manufactures and distributes sauces, kitchen equipment, and specialty spices worldwide, with a separate department for each. Which of the following forms of departmentalization does Hot Peppers Kitchen Inc. have?


The United Kingdom shows the following characteristics regarding the corporate dimension:

Low-context culture

The United States has what is called a _____.


The _____ budget is used for areas of an organization that incur expenses but no revenue, such as human resources and other support departments.


The _____ department is an example of a line department.


The _____ ethical framework encourages employees to consider whether they would like to see their decisions displayed on the front page of the newspaper.

ethical climate

The _____ of an organization refers to the processes by which decisions are evaluated and made on the basis of right and wrong.


The _____ organizational model is designed to enable a company to market a standardized product in the worldwide marketplace and to manufacture that product in a limited number of locations where the mix of costs and skills is most favorable.


The actions or means managers intend to use to achieve organizational goals are called:


The consistency of test scores over time and across alternative measurements is known as:


The control process used while plans are being carried out, including directing, monitoring, and fine-tuning activities as they are performed, is referred to as _____ control.


The debt-equity ratio is an example of a _____ ratio.

media richness.

The degree to which a communication channel conveys information is referred to as:


The degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate their efforts is known as:

culture shock.

The disorientation and stress associated with being in a foreign environment is termed:

United States

The family culture is foreign to most in:

Hispanics and Asians.

The fastest-growing segments of the workforce in the United States are:


The final component of the strategic management process is strategic:

create an implementation plan.

The final step in strategy implementation is to:


The global strategy model that uses subsidiaries in each country and provides each a great deal of discretion to respond to local conditions is the _____ model.

highly cohesive group has high performance norms.

The highest group performance occurs when a:

subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the parent company.

The international model of organizational structure involves:

situational approach

The leadership perspective that proposes that universally important traits and behaviors do not exist, and that effective leadership behavior varies from circumstance to circumstance is known as the ____.


The legal concept that an employee may be terminated for any reason is known as:

strategic planning.

The level of planning that involves the least amount of details is:

intermediate consumers buy raw materials and sell finished products to final consumers, whereas final consumers use the finished products.

The main difference between a final consumer and an intermediate consumer is that:

identify the problem

The manager of the Capitol Restaurant noticed a tremendous decrease in the number of evening customers. He promptly ordered the chef to rewrite the evening menu. Customer feedback later indicated that the problem had not been the menu but poor service from the wait staff. In this scenario, to try and solve the problem, the manager should have therefore first tried to _____.

positive reinforcement.

Applying a desirable consequence to increase the likelihood that a behavior is repeated is known as:

mobilize people to contribute their ideas.

As one of the key management functions, leading focuses on a manager's efforts to:

organizational citizenship.

Assisting coworkers with their work problems, adjusting work schedules to accommodate coworkers, and showing genuine courtesy toward coworkers are some of the forms of:

make decisions on their own.

Autocratic leaders:

increase awareness of the meaning and importance of valuing diversity.

Awareness building is designed to:


Being good-natured, empathetic, caring, and courteous are characteristics of people with _____ personality trait.


Beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong are referred to as:

Fast and spontaneous

Change in the incubator culture is:


Common problems with downward communication in organizations include:


Companies that decentralize their operations throughout the globe in order to appeal to the varying tastes and preferences of global consumers are utilizing a _____ model.


Compared to other types of appraisals, _____ appraisals tend to be more objective and can focus on production data such as sales volume or profits.


Compilation of an accounting statement can be categorized under _____ skills.


Control based on the norms, values, shared goals, and trust among group members is referred to as _____ control.


Control that focuses on the use of information about previous results to correct deviations from the acceptable standard is referred to as _____ control.

lateral relationships are well-managed.

Coordination throughout an organization improves when:

activity-based costing

Core Rentals has begun a new system of allocating costs according to the tasks their employees perform and the amount of time they spend on the particular tasks. This practice adopted by Core Rentals is referred to as ____.


Cory, a presenter, knew that the presentation was going good from the very beginning, based on the viewers' nonverbal cues and reactions to Cory's speech. Cory was able to do this by ____.

more resources are made available to each unit in case they need them in a pinch.

Creating slack resources means that:


Creating supplies of excess resources in case of unpredictable needs is known as _____.

valuing short-term benefits and costs more heavily than longer-term benefits and costs.

Discounting the future refers to:

sustainable growth

Economic growth and development that meet present needs without harming the needs of future generations is known as _____.

affective conflict

Emotional disagreement directed toward other people is known as _____.


Environmental _____ refers to the degree of discontinuous change that occurs within the industry.

Openness to experience

Eric is the advertising head of a firm. He is extremely imaginative, creative, and curious. Which of the following personality dimensions does Eric possess?


Establishing common routines and operating procedures that apply uniformly to everyone is called ____.

investigating possible targets for mergers or acquisitions.

External audits are generally used for:


Failure to provide positive feedback for a job well done, resulting in lower motivation thereafter is an example of a(n):


Firms with a _____ predisposition make strategic decisions tailored to suit the cultures of the countries where the MNC operates.

concentric diversification

For the past two decades, Pearl Beverage has focused only on malt beverage products containing alcohol. The company is now considering entering the bottled iced tea arena as well. If Pearl decides to enter the bottled iced tea arena, it would be using a _____ strategy.

Ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric and geocentric

Four distinct predispositions, which help determine the specific steps an MNC will follow, are:

implemented by each department of an organization to support the business strategy.

Functional strategies are those that are:

customer service

Giving consumers what they want or need, the way they want it, the first time is known as _____.

Both an internal and an external diversity focus

Global firms need:

how motivated members are to remain in the group.

Group cohesiveness refers in part to:


Group members agree on their shared goals and standards, and closer relationships develop in _____ process of group development.

autonomous work groups

Groups that are similar to self-designing teams but without control over the design of the team or its tasks are known as ____.


Having the strength and persistence to act in accordance with one's ethics despite the challenges is referred to as moral _____.

Upward communication

Hayden has come up with an idea for increasing sales in his organization. He speaks to his manager and shares his ideas with him. Which of the following types of communication is exemplified in the scenario?


Higher-level managers who help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the organization are called:

a barrier to entry

Hospitals and universities are very expensive to run not only due to the capital equipment that is required for each but also due to the personnel such as specialized medical doctors and researchers. The cost of these types of institutions is an example of _____.


If a U.S. manager acted the same way with a British manager as he/she does with a Chinese manager, the U.S. manager will be exhibiting a behavioral process referred to as:


In _____, one's social class is very important and these classes include the aristocracy, the upper bourgeoisie, the upper-middle bourgeoisie, the middle, the lower middle and the lower.


In companies that adopt the _____ model of organizational structure, functions are centralized where it makes sense to do so, but a great deal of decision making also takes place at the local level.

minority members must adopt the norms of the majority to survive

In monolithic organizations, ____.

be free of criticism.

In order to be creative, a brainstorming session must:

set performance standards that employees view as possible to achieve.

In order to gain employee acceptance of a control system, managers should:


In path-goal theory, the degree to which followers respect, admire, and defer to authority is called ____.


In regard to the cultural dimension, "What is the person's relationship to other people?" the dominant characteristic for American managers is:

resource utilization.

In terms of good management, efficiency differs from effectiveness primarily in the former's focus on:

groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.

In the field of organizational behavior, organizations are described as:

cognitive conflict

In trying to make a conflict between two employees less personal and emotional, their manager asks each of them to approach the problem from a different viewpoint than their original one. This is an example of encouraging the use of _____.

a commitment from the top management toward managing diversity.

Integrating diversity into a corporate mission statement, providing adequate funding for diversity efforts, and establishing corporate positions responsible for the management of diversity are all efforts that demonstrate:

stock of knowledge that resides in an organization.

Intellectual capital refers to the:

an organization's ability to process more information.

Investing in information systems and creating horizontal relationships most likely results in:

cognitive conflict

Issue-based differences in perspectives or judgments is known as _____.


Jacob, a marketing manager, has to layoff either George or Tom, marketing executives, due to the downsizing process that's going on in the organization. However, Jacob cannot decide whom to layoff, since he doesn't want to dismiss both of them. In this case, Jacob is having a difficult time making a decision due to experiencing _____ conflict.

understand the decisions and be more committed to them

Jake Tree Farm in Kansas is looking for ways to be more environment-friendly. Managers interviewed frontline staff to get their opinions and ideas, and they invited everyone to participate in deciding which ideas to advance. Staff members were then aware of the various options and recognized the benefits and costs of each. In this scenario, involving the staff has helped the organization to _____.

Cash budget

Kate is a financial manager at Nature Feeds, a manufacturer of cattle feed. She makes a budget that shows the anticipated receipts and expenses of the company. The budget also shows her the amount of working capital available and whether the company will need loans. This is the last budget that Kate creates for the upcoming year. Which of the following types of budget is exemplified in this scenario?

encourage inputs

Leaders of decision-making groups should _____.

organizational flexibility.

Less restrictive policies and procedures and fewer standardized operating methods are approaches to:


Leveling normal fluctuations at the boundaries of the environment is called _____.


Liz, a new manager at a company, has been asked to focus on the competitive environment of the organization. Which of the following is a factor Liz should focus on?


Making a decision by accepting the first option that is minimally acceptable or adequate is referred to as _____.


Making ethical decisions takes moral _____, which involves knowing what actions are morally defensible.

remain in the organization.

Massive Waves is a surfboard manufacturer that has designed its job positions to ensure that people are attracted to the organization, show up every day, and work hard while they are there. Yet most employees stay no longer than five years. In this case, the company should focus more on motivating their employees to:


Matt, Renee, and Anders were on a team at their engineering company. Though Matt had the most experience of the three, he did not always assume the leadership role. Some projects fell into the specialized areas of the others, so he moved the leadership around the group as appropriate. Matt's style would be classified as _____ leadership.

virtual work.

Mick works for a company as a financial analyst from home using information technology. He does not work in a traditional physical workplace. This trend is known as:

flexible processes

NBIC (National Bicycle Industrial Company) of Japan specializes in mass customization in order to cater to the changing demands of its customers. Customers can choose the frame and other parts of the bicycle and it is made according to their order. This is one example of how NBIC uses _____.


Narrow spans of control build _____ organizations.


The managers at Capturion Action Cameras are currently developing strategies for the company's new products and setting objectives for its business units. These managers are engaging in the management function of:


The method for predicting how variables will change in the future is known as _____.

increased communication difficulty.

The most common negative effect of diversity is:

demand forecasts.

The most difficult part of human resources planning is conducting:


The need for _____ communication is similar to the need for integration.

span of control.

The number of subordinates who report directly to an executive or supervisor is called the:

organizations affect and are affected by their external environments.

The open systems anchor of organizational behavior states that:

economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic

The order of the levels in the pyramid of global corporate social responsibility and performance from bottom to top is _____.

transnational model.

The organizational model that enables managers to "think globally but act locally" is known as the:


The oversight of the firm by its executive staff and board of directors is called corporate ____.

open-book management.

The practice of sharing with employees at all levels of the organization vital information previously meant for management's eyes only is known as:


The price charged by one unit for a good or service provided to another unit within the organization is referred to as a(n) _____ price.


The process by which a person states what he or she believes the other person is saying is referred to as:

facilitates accurate two-way communication.

The process of reflection:

a leader should analyze a situation before deciding what to do.

The situational approach to leadership suggests that:


The term used to refer to all kinds of differences including religious affiliation, age, disability status, economic class, and lifestyle in addition to gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality is:


The theory that examines follower and environmental characteristics such as locus of control, ability, and formal authority system is the ____ theory.

top, middle, and frontline.

The three levels of managers within large organizations are:

companies should try to support the economic, social, and environmental spheres of sustainability.

The triple bottom line philosophy says that:


The typical broad, self-deprecating _____ commercial amuses by mocking both the advertiser and consumer.

understand and value employee differences.

The underlying goal of managing diversity is to:


The use of a neutral third party to resolve a labor dispute is known as:


The use of rules, regulations, and authority to guide performance is referred to as _____ control.


The vice president of Delta Design LLC attended a trade show to make additional supplier and distribution contacts for the business. Which of the following roles was the VP playing in this situation?

highly cohesive group with low performance norms.

The worst group performance that ruins things for management the most is likely to result from a:

use multiple control approaches.

To be effective, control systems must:


To improve customer service in its overseas call center, Jansen Electronics decided to investigate the call center practices of competing companies. The team discovered that a smaller company, Gorilla Devices Inc., seemed to have outstanding customer service. The team then determined differences between the organizations and developed a plan to incorporate the best elements of Gorilla into Jansen. This illustrates _____.

long-term survival of an organization.

Top-level managers focus on:

team training.

Training that provides employees with the skills and perspectives they need to collaborate with others is known as:

Eiffel Tower

Under a(n) _____ culture, jobs are well defined, employees know what they are supposed to do, and everything is coordinated from the top.

decrease others' outcomes

Under equity theory, employees may attempt to _____ in their efforts to restore balance.

Maastricht Treaty

Under the ____, member countries of the European Union agreed to adopt a common European currency called the euro.

lower to higher ranks in the organization.

Upward communication refers to the flow of information from:

all of these. (organizational citizenship, counterproductive work behaviors, overall job performance, leadership)

Various studies have reported that specific Big Five dimensions predict:


Victor, an administrative assistant in accounting, orders office supplies biweekly; today he needs pens, sticky notes, and staples. He looks at the office supply catalog and because the consequences are not huge, quickly picks a selection for each that is priced acceptably. In this scenario, Victor is using _____.

competitive aggression

When a brand advertises its products as being superior to that of its competitors, it is demonstrating _____.

exercised groupthink

When a group accepts an alternative that seems to please the members of the group, but the group has not taken the time or effort to explore many options, the group has _____.

a custom-made solution

When a solution is specifically designed for a particular problem or set of problems, it is referred to as _____.


When individuals join a multinational corporation they bring their national culture, which greatly affects all of the following except:

passive employees.

When individuals view themselves as employees and expect their employers to tell them what to do and give them pay and benefits, those individuals are acting as:


When it works well, the _____ culture can catalyze and multiply the energies of the personnel and appeal to their deepest feelings and aspirations.

human capital.

When managers and executives describe the strategic value of skills and knowledge of employees, they use the term:

hostile environment.

When unwelcome sexual conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with job performance or creating an intimidating or offensive work atmosphere, it is known as:

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following acts prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, and religion?

The Chinese are proud of their economic accomplishments and want to share these feelings with outsiders

Which of the following are behavioral practices that affect doing business in China?

Virtue ethics

Which of the following best describes an ethical perspective that goes beyond the conventional rules of society by suggesting that what is moral must also come from what a mature person with good "moral character" would deem right?

High industry growth, low threat with many entry barriers, and customers with low bargaining power

Which of the following combinations can result in a best-case scenario?


Which of the following communication channels includes e-mail?


Which of the following countries prefer advertising that is factual and rational?


Which of the following diversity assumptions holds that there is "only one way" and that no other way of living should be recognized?

Culture contingency

Which of the following diversity assumptions states that "our way is one possible way," and that there are many different and equally good ways to the same goal?

Expert power

Which of the following forms of power is being used when a sales manager gives his salespeople some tips on how to close a deal, and the salespeople then alter their sales techniques because they respect the manager's proficiency?

Negative reinforcement

Which of the following implies a consequence that is positive for the person receiving it?

An assessment center

Which of the following involves a managerial performance test in which candidates participate in a variety of exercises and situations?

Discounting the future

Which of the following involves weighting short-term costs and benefits more heavily than longer-term costs and benefits?

Acceptance of minority group members

Which of the following is a characteristic of pluralistic organizations?

Decision making is decentralized.

Which of the following is a characteristic of product organizations?

Inability to pick up nonverbal cues

Which of the following is a disadvantage of electronic communication?

Additional time is required for meetings and coordination.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the matrix design?

Advocating one-best-way style of leadership

Which of the following is a drawback of grid training?

Situational analysis

Which of the following is a step in the formal planning process that involves studying past events, examining current conditions, and forecasting future trends?

Assess organization capabilities

Which of the following is a step in the strategy implementation process?

Hand sanitizer for soaps

Which of the following is an example of a potential substitute product?

A newscast

Which of the following is an example of one-way communication?

Legal requirements

Which of the following is an external factor that affects the wage mix?

Inflexible behavior

Which of the following is an outcome of bureaucratic controls?


Which of the following is ethics most closely related to?

Triple bottom line

Which of the following is most closely associated with corporate social responsibility?

Establishing a formal complaint procedure in which employees can discuss problems

Which of the following is needed for an effective sexual harassment policy?


Which of the following is one of Kohlberg's stages of cognitive moral development?

It serves as an alternative when the initial plan fails to work.

Which of the following is true of a contingency plan?

A company's talent can come from anywhere.

Which of the following is true of globalization?

It involves restructuring a job to make it more rewarding and motivating.

Which of the following is true of job enrichment?

Many whistleblowers suffer consequences such as being ostracized.

Which of the following is true of whistleblowing?


Which of the following plays a role in the moral awareness involved in identifying an act as unethical, the moral judgment to fully consider the repercussions, and the moral character to take the ethical action?

Economic and political demands

Which of the following pressures for local responsiveness includes threats of protectionism and local rules?


Which of the following refers to the ability to influence others, which in an organizational setup means the ability to get things done or accomplish one's goals despite resistance from others?


Which of the following represents values that determine whether actions are right or wrong and outcomes are good or bad?


Which of the following responsibilities lies at the base of the pyramid of global corporate social responsibility and performance?


Which of the following roles involves searching for new business opportunities and initiating new projects to create change?

Disturbance handler

Which of the following roles is performed by a customer service manager who works to defuse a situation with an angry customer?

Use technical training as reward; recognize egalitarian values; and use "more work more pay" with caution

Which of the following selections accurately reflects compensation practices in China?

Be prepared for high wages and short work week; expect high productivity from unionized workers

Which of the following selections accurately reflects labor relations in Germany?


Which of the following skills are also important to teams apart from the technical or functional skills?

Joining two unrelated things into an idea is a creative trait.

Which of the following statements about creativity is true?

Research suggests that the MBTI is more useful for career development and self-awareness than for selecting job applicants.

Which of the following statements about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is true?

When corporations behave unethically, the rank-and-file employees suffer the most.

Which of the following statements about unethical corporate behavior is true?

It helps develop effective subordinates.

Which of the following statements is true about delegation?

It is a key variable in the HPWP model of organizational effectiveness.

Which of the following statements is true about human capital in an organization?

It includes team, individual, and organizational level analyses.

Which of the following statements is true about organizational behavior?

It involves dual reporting relationships.

Which of the following statements is true of matrix organizations?

It is possible to improve quality and also enhance speed.

Which of the following statements is true of the sources of competitive advantage?

Monitor and control

Which of the following steps in the formal planning process helps managers know if their plan is working?

Workplace values and ethics

Which of these organizational behavior trends is corporate social responsibility most closely related to?

Senior executives

Who is responsible for an organization's strategic plan?

transnational teams

Work groups composed of members from across the globe whose activities span multiple countries are referred to as ____.

obtaining benefits for a spouse or domestic partner.

Work-related issues for LGBT—gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered—employees often include avoiding harassment and:

tactical behaviors

Yiheng was new to his organization but quickly noticed a pattern at the annual budgeting session. Mid-level managers were asking for unrealistically high budgets, while top management was attempting to request budgets under last year's actual expenditures. Both parties were using strategies that are referred to as ____.


_____ are different sets of expectations for how different individuals should behave in an organization.


_____ are foreign nationals who are brought in to work at the parent company.


_____ are inputs to production that can be accumulated over time to enhance the performance of a firm.


_____ are specific government organizations in a firm's more immediate task environment.

Managers and supervisors

_____ are the traditional source of appraisal information because they are often in the best position to observe an employee's performance.


_____ budget is used for the cost of fixed assets, such as plants and equipment, that are usually treated not as regular expenses but as investments.


_____ characterizes people who are quiet, shy, and cautious.


_____ communications are the official, organization-sanctioned episodes of information transmission that are often prearranged and necessary for performing some task.


_____ considers acceptable behavior to be that which maximizes benefits for the individual.


_____ create alternative combinations of different factors into a total picture of the environment and a firm.

Universal needs

_____ create strong pressure for a global strategy.


_____ culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the person.

Eiffel Tower

_____ culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on the hierarchy and orientation to the task.


_____ cultures often create environments where participants thrive in an intense, emotional commitment to the nature of the work.

Human resources management

_____ deals with formal systems for the management of people within an organization.


_____ is a leadership philosophy characterized by an absence of managerial decision making.

Organizational culture

_____ is a pattern of basic assumptions that are developed by a group as it learns to cope with problems of external adaptation and internal integration and that are taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to these problems.


_____ is a problem in downward communication that occurs when messages are passed from one person to another and some information is left out or distorted.

International licensing

_____ is an arrangement by which an organization in another country buys the rights to manufacture a company's product in its own country for a negotiated fee.


_____ is most closely related to the division of labor within an organization.


_____ is people's perceived likelihood that their efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals.


_____ is the system of rules that governs the ordering of values.


_____ is the tendency to judge others by the standards of one's group or culture, which are seen as superior.


_____ is the tendency to view the world through one's own eyes and perspectives.


_____ leadership gives purpose and meaning to organizations while envisioning and creating a positive future.


_____ management is the set of practices aimed at discovering and harnessing an organization's intellectual resources—fully utilizing the intellects of the organization's people.

Goal displacement

_____ occurs when a group member is more interested in winning an argument than solving a problem.


_____ occurs when companies move jobs to another country, typically where wages are lower.


_____ occurs when the organization contracts with an external provider to produce one or more of an organization's products or services.

Supply chain management

_____ refers to management of the network of facilities and people that obtain materials from the outside, transform them into products, and distribute the products to customers.

Moral philosophy

_____ refers to the principles, rules, and values people use in deciding what is right or wrong.


_____ refers to the process of comparing an organization's practices and technologies with those of other companies.


_____ represents the forces within a person that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior.

increases its connectivity with people and organizations in other parts of the world.

Scenario: Bob Baldwin As an owner and manager of Tricky Toys, Bob Baldwin has been fascinated by all the changes occurring and transforming the workplace. Bob is concerned about the important OB trends that he can understand and take advantage of in developing and positioning his company in the marketplace. Bob has been interested in this trend of globalization. He should know that globalization occurs when an organization:

look at different attitudes and expectations of his employees.

Scenario: Bob Baldwin As an owner and manager of Tricky Toys, Bob Baldwin has been fascinated by all the changes occurring and transforming the workplace. Bob is concerned about the important OB trends that he can understand and take advantage of in developing and positioning his company in the marketplace. If Bob wants to study deep-level diversity in his organization, he would:


Scenario: Electronika International Electronika International is a fast growing small company specializing in consumer electronics. Managers at Electronika International are exploring the idea of using the "Big Five" personality dimensions in hiring and improving work-related behaviors and job performance. Electronika managers must pay attention to _____ when hiring new employees because it characterizes people with high levels of anxiety, hostility, depression, and self-consciousness.

more individualistic.

Scenario: International Manufacturing & Trading International Manufacturing & Trading (IMT) is a medium-sized U.S. company rapidly expanding in the Asian and Far East markets. The company has decided to open a manufacturing plant in Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia. IMT will send key top managers from the U.S. office and will hire the lower-level managers and employees from the local markets. IMT managers realize that there will be some cultural differences but are unsure of what and how much. U.S. managers tend to be:

deciding which applicant to hire.

Selection is about:


Selling the rights to use a company's brand name in return for a lump-sum payment and a share of the buyer's profits is referred to as:

has a high degree of moral intensity.

Senior executives at CyberForm must make a decision that will affect many people, and the decision may produce good or bad consequences for those affected. This decision:

strategic managers.

Senior executives responsible for the overall management and effectiveness of the organization are known as:


Shared beliefs about how group members should think and behave are referred to as ____.

affirmative action

Special effort to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past is called ____.


Sports International began its business by making athletic shoes. Its departments are structured based on products sold to professional athletes, products sold to novice athletes, and products sold to non-athletes. In this case, the company uses _____ departmentalization.

called the values of the organization.

Stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations are:


Subdividing an organization into smaller subunits is known as ____.

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