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"Suggestion" identifies problem or opportunity with a proposed solution. After idea generated comes submission. online or form. Submitted to Director w/copy to Human Resources. If multiple dept affected, go to first director. Ideas critically examined & must be solution based. Dept's provide Human Resources annual # ideas generated & implemented. Dept Directors implement ideas w/persons name and the person may get a STAR award or monetary award.

Performance Appraisal Program (PAF) Application?

(1) Planning: Goals & Expectations. (2) Monitoring/Coaching: Mid Point Check In. (3) Self Appraisal. (4) Evaluating: Performance Appraisal. 3 Types Ratings: Meets, Exceeds, & Needs Improvement. Rated on the Following: Knowledge, Respect, & Integrity. Role Competencies-job duty/requirement. Must have 2 RC for each PAF. Min of 3 goals/expectations required. Phase 4, must review MGT Policy #326: Info Security & Computer Usage Policy.

Military Leave days?

1-30 days: Return back w/8 hours of rest on first shift. 31-80 days: Written Request for reemployment or physically report no later 14 calendar days after completion. More than 180 days: WR for reemployment or physical within 90 calendar days after service. 31-90 days: 40 hours of 14 day paid. 91-180 days: 80 hours of 14 day paid. More 180 days: 160 hours of 90 day paid. Coded as "mil-decomp". Decompression Pay: remain employed for 12 months or repay. If hurt in military, given 2 years to report.

Special Performance Awards? (#322)

2-Step Merit, Unscheduled Merit, & Exceptional Performance Award. STAR-Special Thanks And Recognition. Demonstrate leadership, Show Innovation, Involved in the Community, Improving City Services & Committed to Customer Service.

Procedures for 2-Step & Unscheduled Merits?

2-Step can be at time of scheduled Merit at 10%. UM any time during review cycle other than merit review date. Performance Appraisal must be completed. FT/PT below "G" step salary can get UM. If below "F" step can get 2-step. Employee can only get one of these in 24 month period. Recommendations in writing f/DD & approved by DM. Document exceptional performance & reason for merits. DM submits form to Personnel, HR approves & sends to Payroll.

Disciplinary Probation?

2nd Level of Formal Discipline. Violations of Standards of Conduct. 12 Months & cannot be extended. DD can take them off sooner. Notifies of violation may be grounds for demotion/dismissal. Not receive step or promotional process. Salary stays the same or no less than 5% less set by DD. Employee or witness signs & sent to HR.

TW continued?

520 hours/3 months later, can file an extension. After 1040 hours/6 months Dept Dir & HR handles extension with SS. When done, work release sent to SS. FT or PT, work or non work related. doctor must submit form w/return date & specific restrictions, needs, capabilities. If employee is approved but does not accept, cannot use sick/vacation & will be docked time. City can request doctor, deny TW, & deny TW extension.


5th Level of Formal Discipline. Separation from the city for cause. Signed by employee or witness & sent to HR.

Military Leave Benefits cont?

AD: still have Basic Life Insurance, responsible for over $50,000. LT Disability ceases. ST Disability- can continue if paying. Stability pay continues. When done, turns in discharge papers to Leave Admin. 457 DC plan if make up, City will make up $ too. Give Leave Admin time of return after 30 days.

Alcohol & drug free workplace?

Act of 1988. Strictly prohibits in work, hours of work, or while tasking: Consumption, presence of it or in metabolite/components in body, & impairment including scripts/OTC. DOT does not allow use of medical marijuana. Includes on call/standby employees. Supervisor & HR consult if problem.

Military Duty Compensation?

Active Duty for Training: Military time w/pay not to exceed 30 days in 2 years. Oct 1-Sept 30. Receives effective hourly rate & any eligible components of pay. They retain any compensation from military as well. Not paid for extra time left, may request use of rest of 30 days. When exhausted or paid out: AD more than 30 consecutive days may receive Military Differential Pay for max 24 consecutive months. 24 months starts over w/new tour. Can use any time but sick if unpaid time or military dock. If not used, frozen until return.

Military Leave?

Active Duty for Training: Tour of Active Duty/training/reserves. Active Duty for Special Work: tour for reserve limited to 179 days or less in 1 fiscal year. Military Differential Pay: Called to Active Duty (not AD for training) more than 30 days =bi weekly pay at City & Military for such period excluding allowances.

Hazard Communication program?

Administered by Safety Services Administration who endorses Hazard Communications Training. comply federal/state standards. Prevents injury to chemicals. Federal & State Occupational Safety & Health 29 CFR 1910.1200 compliance. Min standard labeling containers, Provide training & technical support.

Retirement Acknowledgements (#306)?

Administrator/Dept Mgr/or Higher level written notice 60 days prior & all others 30 days. Resignations other than retirement no less than 14 days written notification. Dept financially responsible for party, Dept notifies max allowance paid, FT employee gets $400 for party can be used for donation, cash award, or gift card. 10 or more years can get plaque or art glass. PT gets $200, same as above. Medical Retirement, has to be approved by DM for party.

Travel Reimbursement?

Airfare has t o be coach rates. If personal stops, they pay. Dept Head can approve other methods (bus/rail/city vehicle/personal vehicle). City vehicle needs mileage or repairs on form. If no city vehicles, personal can be used with mileage. Tolls/parking fees reimbursable. Must have at least liability insurance for personal vehicle/DL/and good driving record. Lodging, meals, traveling time reimbursable. If longer than air time, charged vacation time.

Smoking Policy? (#314)

All workplace areas including city owned/operated buildings & vehicles. Anything that produces smoke in which others can inhale. Not allowed within 20 ft of entrances, windows, & ventilation systems.

Complaint & Grievance procedures for discrimination on basis of disability? (#319)

American Disabilities Act of 1992. Complaint procedure: Online Personnel Division - City's Affirmative Action Officer of designee. Address in writing to AAO within 10 working days. They investigate, consult w/personnel Director, & communicate w/complainant within 20 working days. Timelines can extend. If not happy, let AAO know & file formal complaint with EEOC or AZ Civil Rights Division. Can file a grievance as well.

H & D Policy: Retaliation?

Any act against someone who has filed a complaint, testified, or assisted will be subject to corrective action if found guilty. Ex: Bantering, hostility, patronizing, etc. Everything is to be confidential & everyone signs a confidentiality agreement. Complaint kept in HR files & are subject to public record requests.

Operation of City Vehicles? (#309)

Anyone driving city vehicle/personal vehicle on duty must complete defensive driver training program endorsed by PD or Safety Services Admin. Also shall have valid DL appropriate for vehicle. You shall report any revocation, cancellation, or suspension of DL to supervisor at beginning of 1st working day after knowing & not drive city vehicle or personal while on duty. Failure to maintain min standards, licenses, or qualifications required for position is cause for discipline-dismissal.

Travel Policy? (#201)

Anytime personal attendance is most effective to train, volunteer, etc. It has to be 40 miles of normal work location. Mileage/tx expenses can be reimbursed. Dept Heads approved and must be in budget. Approval must be made prior.

Bilingual Compensation (#301)?

Basic Level: General communication, FT $25 biweekly, PT $12.50 biweekly. Intermediate: Presentations/read/write/hearing impaired FT $50 bw, PT $25 bw. Not eligible if dock pay or entire pay period.

HIPPA & lost info security items?

CIO/CISO notified if data lost. EPHI-Electronic Protected Health Info for HIPPA. Info granted "min necessary" for access. Privacy Office-HR & Security Officer-CISO. CM & DD can investigate compliance anytime.

Collision of City Vehicles?

Call 911 if applicable, Notify supervisor, Notify Safety Services. Any accident local PD notified and supervisor, unless, on city property w/other city things than may not need reporting to PD. Collision, complete Report within 24 hours & sent to SS, Attorney, Fleet, & Temp Agency. CDL/pipeline accident drug screen. Bad accident, towed to Fleet. Supervisor can drug test anyone seems impaired. Cannot drive until Designated Employer Rep gets results. City checks severity/moving violations & # violations in 1 year.

Reaction/Evacuation of suspicious packages/bomb?

Can be evacuated on each threat or based on info. PD, DM, & CM may call for evac. If explosion time 30 minutes or less, PD, FF, or supervisor can evac right away. Fire Alarm should not be used in evac, just word of mouth or PA system. Usually bomb in public areas, DM can inmate search discretely until PD arrives. If detonated, EOP Plan active, if not activated than info release by PIO to public.

Information Security & Computer Usage Policy? (#326)

City Technology Resource: Internet/intranet/email/etc. Supports HIPPA, Protects City f/liability, min security incidents, Preserves public trust, etc. City uses layered approach. Applies to everyone for security. DD responsible for people to comply. Chief Info Officer (CIO), Chief Info Security Officer (CISO) or designee responsible for interpreting/revising this policy & may suspend services to staff when necessary.

Media Policies? (#104)

City employees can speak with media at any time but are representing the city. Info given should never be personal views of the employee rather policy or managements interpretation. Should be coordinated with PIO & Communications. They offer training to employees on the news frequently.

INNOV8 Program?

City having employees submit ideas for improving efficiency, reducing cost, & better customer service. Dept Directors responsible in their dept. Human Resources develop policies/procedures for program and work with City Mgr annually for formal recognition of best ideas.

Community Room user responsibility & Liability?

City not responsible for accidents, injury, or loss of personal property. Group leader accounted for damage. Reservation for children must be made by adult with them present. Must notify city of changes/cancellations 48 hours in advance or suspension may occur.

Complaints for access for service (disability act)?

City's "504 Coordinator" related to access of buildings or projects funded by HUD. City's ADA Coordinator refers to ADA Partner(liaison) where complaint occurred. In writing or verbally when interviewed within 5 working days. Investigator notifies complainant within 10 working days. If corrective action, 504 Coordinator or ADA contacts dept & requests plan. Timelines can be extended. If not happy, lets ADA & 504 know, and can file formal complaint w/federal agency.

Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Policy 4?

Complaint Generation: Observing workplace harassment- report ASAP. Receiving a complaint- After getting the verbal or written, report to HR immediately. Preliminary Investigation- HR investigates with person complaining for facts, HR talks with City Attorney, they determine if formal investigation, they inform Dept D or Deputy City Manager of scope of investigation. Employees Duty to Cooperate: All employees must cooperate fully w/investigation.

Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Policy 3?

Complaints: Subject to or witnessed it encouraged to tell STOP. Person MUST stop immediately & MUST NOT retaliate. After, online form submitted and give form to Human Resources. May give to supervisor, Dept Director, HR rep, Internal Affairs rep for PD. A Verbal complaint to HR can be made as well. Failure to report is a violation of policy.

City Staff Responsibility for Security & Computer Usage Policy?

Compliance, change passwords frequently, Protect password, report suspicious computer activities. ITD: can modify any time & limits threats/vulnerabilities annually or w/major changes. FT/PT signs annually understanding Policy. Non-Employees signs Policy before issued an account. No Privacy with City items, City owned items for city purposes only, & Staff responsible for ID's/Passwords.

Procedures for reserving a community meeting room?

Contact Meeting Facility Contact any time. Available during business hours unless approved. If cancellation for city use, notified ASAP. Group contact 1 individual over 18y/o. Responsible for scheduling/supervising/coordinating w/security & staff. This person held to repairs, damage, or clean up. Certain equip can be made available if requested. He/She must fill out app and liability release form.

Supervisor Responsibilities with ID cards/access cards?

Contractors/non-employees compliant w/MGT Policy 213: Contractor Compliance & AZ Legal worker Act. ID displayed, lost or stolen reported ASAP, appropriate forms completed, & retrieve cards/access items when terminated or leaving.

CDL violations?

Convicted of motor vehicle traffic violation must notify supervisor in writing within 10 calendar days of 1st conviction. CDL holder fails to report conviction, suspension, or cancellation becomes Class 3 misdemeanor. They will get probation for 12 months/min 5% reduction in pay for 3 months/& pre-deprivation hearing required for classified employees.

Info Security Policy: DATA?

Data Custodian: protects data in ITD. Data User: employees. 3 Classifications; 1)Public: opened for public inspection w/few restrictions. 2)Official Use Only Data: info guarded for privacy, ethical, proprietary reason. Some info. Not posted anywhere & destroyed when done. Hard Copy shredded & electronic sanitized appropriately. 3) Confidential Data: Protected by statutes, regulations, city policies, & language. Medical, payroll, SS #, bank account #, DL #. Strong electronic format not stored in cloud unless approved. Hard copies in locked room w/guard or secure. Fax only secure. Destroyed by shredding or electronic sanitation.

Travel authorization?

Dept Head approval thru form. Employee uses most efficient method for ticket. If own, pre qualified travel agencies. Not reimbursed if cancelled. Terminated, must pay back to city. Cash advance issued no sooner than 10 days prior.

Hazard Communication Program Responsibilities?

Dept mgr or designee: maintain updated inventory list of ALL hazardous chemicals used/stored in facilities. Provide to SS upon request. Obtain MSDS sheets, Provide instruction/training to Hazards, Ensure all containers are labeled & meets min OSHA standards.

Information Security cont?

Disconnect f/any inappropriate website & notify supervisor & ITD. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)-requirements cc merchants must comply with. Cardholder Procedures? Each Dept cardholder data retain for recurring payments, convenience, & for refunds. Disposal of CC Data: inactive customer 0 balance, inactive recurring card, exp 30 days or more data stored & data stored disposed 30 days post event.

Tuition Reimbursement continued...?

Dismissed, resigns, voluntary terminates with 24 months when last check must pay back. Can be waived by CM. If not worked out with repay within 30 days, goes to collection or litigation. Reemployment: Balance Due Forgiven when set up repayment plan or been paying from previous balance. Employer-paid expenses are taxed.

Equal Employment Opportunity (#302)

Diversity. - If discrimination occurs, City's responsibility to determine appropriate method of resolving. - Employee can submit complaint with form. - Contact Human Resource Analyst and Department Manager to ensure fair & impartial treatment

Information Security?

Email not used to store public records, retained for 3 years w/automatic deletion of email older than 3 years performed monthly. Sensitive Info: stored on removable media only & encrypted. WAP's connected to city network must be approved by ITD. Anything altered or installed must be approved.

EAP Continued?

Employees: must maintain good job performance all the time, they must seek it out, can call directly or have supervisor do it. Supervisor: Monitor the employee for improvement/decrease in work. Seek consultation f/EAP workers if dealing w/troubled employee. They refer employees. EAP: Provide counseling/referrals, meant for short term, if long term needed will notify specialist. Tells supervisor if they showed up. Provide supervisor w/ongoing consultation.

Military Leave? Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) (#338)

Establishes employment, reemployment, & retention for those served or have served. Service in Uniformed Services covers all military voluntary or involuntary. Mesa supports Guard/Reserve. When called out, must try to give 30 day written or oral notice prior. If join Ft, employment severed. Called to Active Duty more than 30 days meets w/Leave Admin for consult. Cumulative time absent cannot be more than 5 years.

Requirements for use of meeting rooms?

Everything as it was when meeting starts. Smoking/Alcohol/open flames/animals (except service) prohibited. drinks/food allowed only if cleaned up. City not relay/accept calls unless emergency. Safety concern, reservation cancelled. Group can be suspended f/use.

Exceptional Performance Awards?

FT/PT have to be with Mesa 1 year, everyone included. Individual award must have Successful Performance overall on appraisal. CM, DCM, & DM's not eligible. DD-DM in writing. DM compensation form to Personnel-HR. No more than 1 individual & 1 team award in 12 months. Specified lump sum amount. After taxes cannot exceed 2 1/2% current pay range & step annual salary. Temporary amounts $100-$500 net lump sum. More than 1 dept, 67% approval of all DM needed. Standing Committees limit $250 net per member. HR monitors.

Bilingual approval Process?

Fill out Survey Form to Supervisor, test process thru Personnel Action Request (PAR), take basic or intermediate exam. Human Resources approves. Min 80%, granted Long Term Cert not required to rectify. Basic: Oral Intermediate: Oral & Written (If both failed, get basic)

Step Increase eligibility/evaluation?

Fiscal Year based on budget & approval f/City Mgr & Council. Common review date process July 1st-June 30th. 12 moths from date of hire eligible. Eligible: FT/After probation/Benefited PT/Executive/At-Will/Successful performance overall rating/does not include seasonal or non benefited. IRP/Disciplinary Probation/At-Will 1st year due 2 weeks prior to review date.

Electronic Access Cards?

For access to buildings, request forms for other areas by Building Security Coordinator. Turn it in when terminated/replacement form to PD/Facility if lost or stolen. Never loan.

H & D Investigation Procedures?

HR gathers facts from investigation and gives findings to DD. DD speaks with Attorney, HR, or Internal Affairs if PD & determine level of corrective action. If supervisory position, subject to more severe discipline f/counseling to termination. City Mgr Office & DD has right to reassign anyone to minimize conflict.

Transitional Work Program (TW)? (#310)

Helps employees transition back to work after injury/illness including pregnancy & non permanent. Give supervisor physician release stating restrictions, needs, & length of time out. Fax to Safety Services who can contact doctor. Dept tries to find spot. Get regular range/step for duration. 2 codes: Industrial-work related light duty & Non-Industrial-non work related light duty. Mgr/supe/SS responsible for employees progress. Any changes reported buy supe to SS within 48 hours.

Operation of Vehicles cont?

If driving personal vehicles for work, must have min liability insurance. If insurance cancelled, can only drive city vehicle at work & must notify supervisor beginning of 1st shift on 1st working day after. Everyone must wear seat belts. Exceptions: Prisoners tx, PD tactical members, ambo. If using personal vehicle, you are responsible for making sure seat belt works & on work vehicles DD/Call Fleet Services for fixes.

Retirement Planning?

If in AZ State Retirement System (ASRS) works with Human Resource. Within 6 months eligibility, Provided 1 time per employee, If in Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS), can request 1 retirement estimate with 2 potential dates, once per calendar year. Work Transition Responsibilities: advance of retirement/ 60 days for Admin/DM/or higher, 30 days everyone else. Work with supervisor list current projects/status report/list Performance Evals/Written delegation of signature authority/responsibility/written procedures for specific duties/transfer of project mgt & cross training w/coworkers or sharing pertinent info.

Non-DUI driving offense?

Immediately removed f/driving privileges at work, assigned to non driving duties if available, subject to min 5% reduction in pay for 60 calendar days. Can include termination dependent upon DD & HR.

Special Thanks And Recognition Award (STAR)? (#330)

Includes dept awards, exceptional performance awards, 2-step merit, & unscheduled merit. For CS, Productivity, & performance. HR Coordinates providing quarterly reports to mgt funds/items used. Can be peer to peer or DM. Rewards: $100 or less, gift cards, movie passes, etc. Can be reported to W-2 as income.

Alcohol & Drug Free Workplace? (#316)

Includes everyone including those with conditional offers & volunteers. (Alcohol/drug/controlled substance). Valid Marijuana state card, cannot use, possess, or be impaired in the workplace or during hours working.

Bid Protest Procedures (Disability)?

Individual or Business denied bid because of disability can protest. Contracts (other than one by City Council/tangible personal property/insurance in excess of $10,000) - Business filing: letter to Purchasing within 5 working days. Purchasing responds within 5 working days after receiving letter. If business still upset, can be appealed & City Manager makes decision. City Council Contracts for tangible personal property & insurance over $10,000: Letter to Purchasing & submitted within 7 working days prior to CC meeting in which contract scheduled for reward. Reviewed by Purchasing-responds in writing in 3 working days. Not happy, appealed in writing within 3 working days. City Manager makes final decision.

Media Policy continued?

Info always accurate, reports should be available to media/public in reasonable time frame, when interview, must notify supervisor and report it thru Media Contact email group.

ID cards for security? (#116)

Lost: Contact Municipal Security Office PD/Facility Access. Shall wear it at all times with pic available when on property unless in hazard area. If on lanyard, breakaway & no advertising. Lost report, not altered, not loaned to anyone else. Termination, turn in. When promoted/new job title shall obtain new card.

What needs to be reported media related?

Major incidents/controversial issues. PD/Fire PIO notifies City Mgr or designee & Director of Office PIO & Communications.

Military Leave Benefits?

May choose health care for 24 month of Active Duty. Employee responsible for paying their portion. Not paying their portion, can use COBRA for 18 months paying both employer & employee premiums plus 2% processing fee. Can choose not to have benefits when gone and reinstate when back. EAP still covered when gone. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) can drop or continue when gone and can be auto deducted.

Commercial Drivers License (CDL)?

Mesa is 3rd party program of ADOT, MVD, CDL Program requirements: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations(FMCSR), Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), AZ Revised Statutes, AZ Administrative Code, State of AZ CDL Manual, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

Disaster Operations & EM Plan? (#304)

Min Loss of life, property, & environment f/disasters. Emergency Operations Plans reviewed annually/updated by City Emergency Manager. Mayor overall responsibility. City Mgr direct/control operations. Organization consisting of all Dept/agencies to control. City EM manage City's overall EM Program. Committee makes recommendations to City Manager on improvements to Program.

Commercial Drivers License (CDL) cont?

Min have to completed physical condition exam & written exam. Skills & Road Test portion to complete. Prior to test, must complete physical exam under Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations & Proof of presence in US. 21 years old for CDL or 18 for limited in state only. 21 y/o for hazmat endorsement. Prior to hire must complete DOT/FMCSA drug test w/Medical Officer negative cert, & DOT previous employer violation check. After hire, complete city 2 hour DOT/CDL training. CDL med exam cards only accepted when completed by certified CDL med examiner chosen by city.

Private Contributions to City (#209)?

Monetary gift/donation/or tangible gift of monetary value use to benefit services/programs of city. (DARE/Fire Prevention Week, etc). Used according to donors wishes if known but can be used at discretion of dept. Private contributions report, anything over $250, IRS states thank you letter sent within 10 working days. Inappropriate, sent back. Not cash, Contributed Asset Contribution form to Finance/Property sent to Finance. Thank you letter: Tell where funds used, dollar amount, name of contributor, name of receiving dept, & City Federal tax #. Copy to Controller in Accounting to Finance when funds posted to restricted revenue account. Finance compile/distribute monthly reconciliation report on expenditures & remaining balances.

Operating City Vehicles conti....?

Must be 18 & have min Class D license if driving personal vehicle. HR approves temps to drive if valid DL. Only passengers in city cars have to be part of business. Volunteers w/out of state DL are allowed to drive. Driver personally responsible for citations and must notify supervisor. Recommended headlights on while driving city vehicle. No smoking/encouraged to car pool. Cell Phones be careful. can answer calls, no texts. CDL peeps not allowed to use phones while driving.

Tuition Reimbursement? (#335)

Must be off probation or at-will for a year beginning of 1st day of class. Overall Rating of Meets in appraisal (waived for FD/PD first year). Discipline ineligible. Complete Orientation & sign Affidavit. Request must be made no earlier 120 days start date. Changes in class: form filled out & submitted within 7 calendar days. W/upfront payment can drop/add 1 time. Accredited School.

Operating city vehicles cont...?

Must pre inspect city vehicle to check for hazards before driving. Must check fluid levels min once a week or 500 miles. CDL completes pre-post trip inspections filled out entirety & no deviation. Form White copy-dept/yellow-fleet/pink-file copy. Each vehicle log book and keep for 1 year, Fleet keeps repair record 6 months. HR maintains drug/alcohol tests for CDL.

Operating City Vehicle restrictions?

Must report impairments to supervisor if driving. Do not drive if liquor, drug, vapor, controlled substance, prescription meds, over the counter, state approved items medical marijuana.

Release of Info to media for candidates for City Employment?

Name & short biography on high-profile (City Manager, dept directors, etc) released when in final interview/testing process. Applicants must give verbal or written approval. For other positions (Division directors/section admin), same info given and same consent when completion of testing process & under final consideration. Newly hired, media can request or hiring dept (same as above) Public record once hired & employee notified but consent not needed.

Meeting room usage?

Noise must not disrupt city operations. Must allow general public to attend/observe. No discrimination, no personal parties (weddings, birthday, etc). No constant meetings: Can use 16 hours in Month/144 hours in a year. Nothing can be sold to public in room. No endorsing beliefs, viewpoints, policies, or affiliations. If distribution/mailing info/or advertising must be disclaimer stating City is not endorsing. 1 sign allowed on door, no others.

Who is responsible to administer ID/Access Cards for the City?

PD/Facility Access to ensure security measures/documentation is in place. Contractor/non-employee handled by Personnel Rules & Human Resources Dept background check guidelines. These people only on property less than 1 business day or accompanied by someone.

Items not reimbursed by travel?

Personal Items, alcohol, non-business related entertainment. Expenses by family.

Threats received by telephone or mail?

Phone Calls use Bomb Threat checklist to gather info. Keep caller on the line to get info: who, what, when, where, & why? Write down everything said. Get location of bomb, time, building. Male or Female? Speech, accents, dialects? Listen for background noises, music, vehicle, etc? Package shitty wrapped with "Fragile' or "Rush". Irregular shaped, bulges, soft spots, buzzing, ticking noise, sloshing, & pressure or resistance when removing contents.

Alcohol/Drug free testing?

Pre-employment, Paramedic, Reasonable suspicion, Random, Post-Accident, Return to Duty, Follow-Up testing. Federal Law Pre-employment testing for those in safety/security sensitive areas. Supervisor Non-DOT (us) with good faith, own observation, or other sources who notices impairment, distribution, or influence may get with HR & require a Reasonable Suspicion Test. DOT may do the same. All Tests must be under direction of HR. Test results confidential. If refuse to test, separated from employment.

Safety Program (#305)?

Protection of city employees, facilities, equipment, & resources requiring employees to be personally responsible at work. Injuries prevented, line mgt. Establish Safety Services Division comply w/federal, state, & city regulations. Publish Safety Manual, identify hazards, can respond to outside agencies, PPE, safety training, safe equipment, provide first aid/medical to injuries, Review accident reports, post accident investigations, talks w/safety committees.

PD/Facility Access Responsibilities?

Provide equipment: ID/Access Cards in appropriate time, maintain records of everyone who has one, coordinate w/Human Resources, dept mgrs, & technical staff on security measures, Provide forms for ID/Access cards, and monitor systems in place. Notify for problems to Program Assistant or Security Comm Desk.

Interview guidelines?

Questions answered directly, if you do not know the answer than answer, "I do not know". Find the answer promptly. Speak with what will interest the public and represent city views. Avoid using technical jargon. No "Off the Record" comments". If you cannot discuss say, "I'm sorry, I cannot discuss that at this time". Never say, "No Comment".

Tuition Reimbursement cont?

Reimbursed upfront or up to 30 days of course completion. Not cover books, lab fees & Benefited PT only get 1/2 established annual rate. Once class complete send to TR Rep who sends it within 5 business days to HR. HR has 5 business days to send to payroll. If in payroll before Thursday before end of pay period, get next pay day. "C" or higher. Copies of official grade submitted within 30 calendar days of end of course.

Military Leave Days cont?

Reinstated to escalator positions. Original or higher/lower depending on circumstance. Probation extended. Can be granted step increase if deserved. Cost of Living if given. Accruals reinstated. Cannot be terminated for 6 months if gone more than 30 days, less than 181. OR 1 year if served more than 180 days. If violated USERRA act, HR investigates. FMLA applies to certain areas.

Travel reimbursement continued?

Rental car pre arranged thru pre qualified agency. Liability insurance used. No bumping flights, mileage round trip to airport and parking reimbursable but only excess to commute to work. Meals/taxes/tips allowable to US General Services Administration (GSA) Per Diem Rates. 20, 30, 50 % Breakfast, lunch, & dinner rates. Registration costs included. Entertainment approved is allowed. Tips allowed if less than $20 per trip. Approval must be made by supervisor/Dept Head/ & Accounting . Unused paid back. Submission of form to Accounting within 10 working days of arrival.

Disposal of City Property (#205)?

Resolution #4415 states City Mgr or designee (Business Services Dept Director) responsible. Section 101: Name & Powers of the City: To lease, sell, convey, exchange, or dispose any real or personal property owned by the City is determined by Council.


Serves at will for the city, can be dismissed with or without cause at any time with no right to appeal. Not protected by the merit system. Includes PT, seasonal, probation, etc. CM or designee must approve dismissal. Classified Employee: one who passed probation period.

Personal Property by city disposal?

Small Value Consumable Items: Responsibility of Head/or designee for items (office supplies, etc) costing less than $100 & usable life of less 1 year. Property Transfer/Approval disposal not required for these items. Computers, printers, phones transferred to Property Transfer to Info Technology; Radios to Communications. Vehicles to Fleet Services/Fire Support, seized vehicles by PD appropriately. Items sold/auctioned to transfer to Materials & Supply Warehouse. Only one doesn't need approval by Dept Head/or designee & City Manager designee.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? (#313)

Stresses: alcohol/drugs/marital/family/personal communication/legal & financial difficulties. Confidential w/no records in personal file. Job & promotional opportunities secure. Available to all immediate family members. No charge unless using other agency which insurance can cover some cost. Rehab- can apply for sick leave.

Performance Appraisal Program (#300)?

Supervisor duty. 4 phases development for planning, monitoring/coaching, self appraisal, & evaluating. Ongoing communication w/rater & employee w/performance. Known expectations over periods time. Improvement and strength areas by Role Competencies & SMART Goals. Quantifiable examples performance & documentation.

Disciplinary Corrective Action?

Supervisor gives corrective action considered formal disciplinary step. EX: Written Reprimand, Disciplinary Probation, Suspension, Involuntary Demotion, & Dismissal.

City Personal Property disposal?

Tangible/intangible property other than real property. Eligible for disposal if non serviceable for use by operations & not cost effective to retain or serviceable but cost higher than replacement. No more use for City, evidential/found property not claimed after 30 days since closed case. Forfeiture property. City owns due process sold or disposal. Narcotics/explosives/weapons/ammo sold or destroyed by PD. Not to be used personally if still owned by City.

Records & Proceeds of Sales of City Property?

Trade ins, salvage, barter, public sale/auction, sealed bid or negotiated if forwarded to Finance-Property Control w/detailed list, amount made, & accounting info. Proceeds deposited within 1 business day. All records maintained for State records retention requirements. all disposal subject to audit.

Disposal Methods?

Trade ins/Salvage/Sales/Barter. Negotiated or solicited. All Documented. Public Sale/Auction: on site, off site, on line, or consignment. Sale by Sealed Bid: Purchasing Dept responsible for sealed bid & soliciting it. Negotiated Sales: Less than $1000, Dept Head & City Mgr designee approve negotiated sale to person/firm/company/excluding employees & immediate families. Donation: Non profit/municipality/school/other govt agency by dept director recommendation & City Mgr/Deputy CM, or CM Executive Staff. Scrap: Cannibalization, recycling, or disposal.

Alcohol/Drugs Education?

Training, publish, internet access to policy, report drug violation in workplace to proper authorities within 10 days. If someone self-refers to having a problem, not a violation unless under disciplinary action already. If Rehab needed, can be eligible for FMLA. 5 or 10 Panel Test. 0.02 for Alcohol. Appearance, Behavior, Speech, or Body Odor. Get with HR for testing.

Compensatory Time? (#311)

Under Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). DD in charge. Have to be FT or Benefited PT. For every 1 hour OT worked - 1 1/2 CT granted. FT-max 100 hours & PT 50 hours. FIRE 140 HRS Reported in 1/4 hour increments. When max OT paid. Cashed out accrued time when separation of employment, retirement, removal of non exempt status thru promotion, demotion, transfer, or reclassification. Recorded each payroll. Fire max 140 hours CT. Adjusted if switch to 40 hrs. Use: Taken anytime w/supe approval. Have to take 1/4 hour increments, cannot be converted or transferred.

Travel arrangements by City?

Use discounted airline ticket thru travel coordinator. Use procurement cards for tickets if possible. If not use CC and staple receipt to form. If more than 3x a year, Frequent Traveler Procurement Card thru Purchasing. Not authorized to deal w/travel agents.

Public Use of community rooms/facilities? (#123)

Used for City business or public lawful purpose as privilege at no charge. People can use: government, Mesa residents, neighborhood organizations, agencies, non-profit, cultural, and civic organizations. First come, first serve with monthly/annual use limits. Commercial uses prohibited. Reservation can be cancelled due to emergency city use. Fees assessed if after hours or costing additional $. Staff expected to assist w/security & functions of room.

Bomb threats & Suspicious Packages? (#323)

What NOT TO DO: ignore item/threat, touch/shake/etc suspicious packages, take chances/worry about embarrassment if not bomb, use of radios/cell phones around it. What should you DO: Isolate-evacuate people and move away f/item, Open windows to vent gases, contact PD.

Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Policy 2?

Workplace Discrimination: Individual treated differently because of race, color, etc. Harassment or Discrimination? depends on facts/context/severity/frequency of conduct. Ex: email, text, hiring, physical-touching, & verbal-jokes.

Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Policy? (#308)

Workplace Harassment: Unwelcome behavior toward another individual based on race, gender identify/expression, etc. With the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering w/persons work performance or creating hostile environment that is offensive, demoralizing, & work effectiveness. (employee or volunteer)

After media interview, what do you do?

Written on approved City of Mesa News Release Letterhead, follow associated press & City style guidelines, and include a City contact and phone #.

Alcohol/Drugs Violations?

discipline up to termination by supervisor. Must notify DD if criminal charge/conviction once returning to work or within 5 calendar days of violation. Probation/PT/seasonal employees terminated on first offense if no card or script. Everyone else separated f/employment unless City Manager agrees to Last Chance Agreement. If refusing to test or go to EAP, you will be separated.

Corrective Action Plan?

non-disciplinary written plan lets employee know about performance with period to correct them. Outlines expectations, what employee needs to do, & warns of consequences. Signed by employee (or witness if refuses to sign) & sent to HR.

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