Mango-Shaped Space

Lakukan tugas rumah & ujian kamu dengan baik sekarang menggunakan Quizwiz!

how much money did mia and zack make from their lemonade stand? page 33

four dollars -DM

what does mia keep on thinking that she is called by? pm

freak p. 1

What color was Principal Dubner's name?

freshly piled hay

What does Mrs. Morris have a fear of?


What color was the sound of the violin?

glossy red

What did Zack make his dad do if he walked under the ladder?

go around the house backwards, twice

what has adam done before that enhanced his synesthesia? page116

got drunk on eggnog -DM

what is y?


what was strange about mrs. morris? pm

has a fear of germs p. 38

what happens to mango in the helicopter? pm

he passes away p. 183

what does mia say she needs to do acupuncture for? page 127

her "earache" -DM

What does Mom keep in the room behind the kitchen, down a narrow hallway?

her telescope and their winter coats

What was Mia's favorite subject?


What did Zach have a detailed chart on his wall of?

how many McDonald's burgers he'd eaten

what does zack keep a chart of? page 7

how many mcdonald's hamburgers he's ever had

what was mia and jenna's first fight about? page 62

how mia hid her colors from jenna for a while -DM

What is q to Mia?

dark silver (like dad's helicopter)

what is the name of the family doctor that mia's family has been seeing for forever? page 50

doctor randolph -DM

What color was the letter a?

faded sunflower yellow

What gender are the majortity of synesthetes?


How old were Jenna and Mia when they met?


What word did Mia's classmates call her in third grade?


What did the kids call Mia at the blackboard 5 years ago? MO

Freak p.1

where do mia's mother's parents live? page 20

florida -DM

How many turkeys did Beth say are killed in the US each year for Thanksgiving? MO

forty-five million p.201

What is Mia's last class?


What was Mrs. Lowe's punishment for Mia?

clean erasers for a week and apologize in front of the whole class

What can mute the effect of synesthesia? AW

coffee and nicotine pg. 89

What kind of synesthesia does Adam have?

colored hearing, number/letters, and (a little) colored taste

What type of synesthesia does Adam have? AW

colored letters/numbers & a little colored taste pg. 100

What color was the number two?

cotton candy pink

What shape was the cookie jar Jenna stole quarters from?


Who does Mia's dad blame Mia's synestetia on?

crazy Aunt Polly

Why does Mia like the poster on her wall?

it's in black and white to everyone else, but in color to her

What kind and color line did the screeching chalk make?

jagged red line

What type of candy is in Ms. Finn's office?

jelly beans

who is mia's best friend? page 5


who does mia always sit with at lunch? page page 39

jenna, kimberly, molly, and sara -DM

what is the name of mia's new art teacher? page 41

karen -DM

what does adam ask mia to do? pm

kiss him p. 190

Are synesthetes usually right or left handed?


What are common traits for people with synesthesia? AW

left-handed, artistic, musical, bad speller, and bad at math pg.84

What is the most common type of synesthesia? (that Mia has)

lexical synesthesia

what is z?

light blue

What did Mrs. Morris do to the front row on the first day of school?

made them move to the back

what is mia's cats name ru


What subject are most synesthetes bad at?


who is the book focusing on RU


who is the cleaner one out of mia's father and mother? page 27

mia's mother -DM

what teacher has a fear of germs? page 38

mrs. morris -DM

what is the name of the new kitten that mia will be getting? page 217

mustard -DM

What is the name of Mia's condition? AW

nesthessyia pg. 82

what is jerry's(mr. weiss) medical field? pm

neurologist focusing on perception p. 82

When does Roger want to work on the history project?

on Monday at lunch

What is the color of Mango's wheezes? VG

orangish-yellowish color

what kind of figurative language does the author use to describe mia's feelings? pm

otomatapia p. 45

What color is Adam's name to Mia?

pale yellow (like the outside of a yellow grapefruit)

what does PIC stand for? pm

partners in crime p. 10

what actor does mia's mother have a crush on? page 91

paul newman -DM

What color is Karen?

plum with yellow specks

What did Adam secretly write?


what does mia's name look like to billy henkle? page 29

purple and orange -DM

What color does Billy say her name is? AW

purple with orange stripes pg.29

what is the name of jenna's dad's first girlfriend? pm

rebecca p. 130

what is c?


what color is beth going to dye her hair this time? page 25

red -DM

what color did beth dye her hair? pm

red p. 25

what did mrs. davis buy jenna and mia that they never take off? page 6

rope friendship bracelets

What reigned down behind Mrs. Morris because of her squeaky voice?

rust-colored spirals

what is the name of mia's math tutor? page 120

samantha -DM

What color was the sound of the French horn?

school bus yellow

what subject did mia's mother teach? page 20

science -DM

What did Jenna's mom do before she died?

she stocked up on presents and letters for Jenna

what did jenna do as "revenge" after she found out that mia hid her colors from her? page 74

she told the school about mia's colors -DM

why did Mia like history?

she was good at it (certain dates had colors)

How did Mia cheat on the math quiz?

she wrote the letters in their colors on her jeans to remember the equations

What color is x normally?

shiny maroon color(, like a ripe cherry)

What color was the flute?

silvery bluish-white

how long was beth gone for a summer college-prep program? page 12

six weeks

What grade is Zack in?


"they say the eyes are the windows to the __________?" pm

soul p. 20

who does zack always dress up for halloween as? page 136

spock -DM

What PIC mission did Jenna have to do for Kimberly and the boy she likes? AW

steal Beth's magic stuff to make a love potion

What does Mia do in the history room?

switches the sick and regular homework baskets

which condition does mia have? pm

synestesia p. 82

What condition does Mia have?


what is the name of mia's condition? page 87

synesthesia -DM

what do mia's parents think is going on with her health? pm

that she's hallucinating p. 47

who had lived on the cemetary since the 1800s? pm

the Roths p. 30

What is the reasoning for Mango's name? AW

the color of his wheezes are yellow-orange pg.18

At first, what does Mia's mom's explanation for her colored letters/numbers? AW

the colored toy blocks from when she was a baby pg. 49

what was mia's class reading in English? pm

"Lord of the Flies" p. 44

what does mia experience during acupuncture? pm

"chi" p. 146

How many emails did Adam send to Mia after their first three?

(3) (three)

What did Mia get on the quiz she cheated on?

(A sunflower yellow) a

What did Mia compare the calendar year to?

(a) Ferris wheel

What does Michelle's father own?

(a) hardware store

What weird thing did Mango do, that causes mom to chase him with a broom?

(he) peed on the couch

Why did Beth go to the doctor?

(she had) poison ivy

Where did Mrs. Simson go after teaching at the middle school for 30 years?

(the) high school (a better place)

What did Beth write an essay about that got her into the college-prep program?

(the) pressure of writing an essay

How old is Mia at the beginning of the book?


How old is Mia? VG


How old is Mia? MO

13 p.5

How old and in what grade is Adam?

14, 9th

How old is Beth? VG


When did Mia start collecting clocks?

1st grade

How many F's did Mia get on her report card? AW

2 pg. 46

What math problem was Mia trying to do?


like how many others, Mia has colored hearing and lexical synesthesia?


What did Mia see in the middle of the night? MO

A Mango-shaped space

Why is Mia's house so chaotic?VG

Mia's father and grandfather built it and could never agree on how the house should be laid out

Why does Beth refuse to shower after Mia? VG

Mia's feet get really dirty and Beth doesn't like taking a dirty shower

Who sits behind Mia in English?


What does Ms. Finn think Mia has? AW

Middle Child Syndrome pg. 66

How long have Mia and Jenna been friends? MO

Since they were 5 (8 years) p.7

Why does Mia want to know about acupunture? AW

So she could try it pg. 114

what one of mia's siblings is "addicted to the internet"? page 15


who made up that mia had "boyfriends"? page 119

zack -DM

What is Zach's hair color and why is it significant? VG

Blond, he is the only natural blonde in the family

Where does Adam live?


What color is the sound of the helicopter? VG

Brown streaks and slashes

What did her classmates call her in 3rd grade?VG

A freak

What does Mia's father fly around in? MO

A helicopter p.10

Who is Rodger? MO

A kid in Mia's history project group p.133

What group project is Mia in with Roger, Jonah, and Laura? AW

A project on an event of American History pg. 51

What was Mia going to be in the school christmas play? MO

A shepherd girl p.1

What do they do their history project on? AW

A slave ship pg. 113

Who was Mia's first kiss? MO


Who emailed Mia from the synesthesia website? AW

Adam Dickson pg. 100

What did Mia have first after homeroom?

American History

what is the name of billy henkle's older sister? page 154

Amy -DM

"A is for..." what?

Amy who fell down the stairs

"B is for..." What?

Basil, assaulted by bears

Who is Mia's older sister?VG


What is the name of the little boy who can also see colors? AW

Billy Henkle pg. 29

Where was Beth's college-prep program?


Where did Beth go to a summer college prep program? MO

California p.16

What is Mia's nickname for her dad? VG

Casper, because she hardly sees him at ground level

What does Beth do that annoys her parents so much?VG

Changes her hair color everyday

What is the Chinese word for internal energy? MO

Chi p.180

Who did Beth have plans with?

Courtney (and,) Brent

What was Mia's acupuncturist's name? MO

Faith p.177

What is Jerry's assistant's name?


What is Adam's last name?


Who is their family doctor?

Dr. Randolf

Who is the neurologist Mia goes to? MO

Dr. Weiss p.102

How old is Zach?VG


What is Mia's second class?


Where does Mia go to school?

Harrison Middle School

What happend to Mango? MO

He died p.227

What is weird about Zach? VG

He has a lot of strange ideas

Why has Rodger not yet asked Mia what color his name is? MO

He is color blind p.253

Who did Mia inherit her colors from? MO

Her Grandma. p. 262

What did Mia forget to give Mango? MO

His medicine p.233

What two Spanish words work fine for Mia's synethesia?

Hola (and,) madre

Why does Zack say you can't walk under a ladder?

It disrupts the sacred triangle formed by the ladder, the ground, and the wall

Who was Mia's best friend?

Jenna Davis

Who is Mia's best friend? MO

Jenna Davis p.7

Who is Rebecca? MO

Jenna's Dad's girlfriend p.161

Who made the name up? VG

Jenna's mom

What does Dr. Weiss tell Mia to call him? MO

Jerry p.102

What artist does Mia randomly open her text to on the bus?


What is Mia's art teacher's name?


Who did Jenna tell about Mia's colors? MO

Kimberley p.93

Who did Jenna tell about MIa's synethesia?


Who do Mia and Jenna sit with at lunch?

Kimberly, Molly, and Sara

Who did Jenna tell about Mia's colors? AW

Kimberly, who tells the whole school pg. 74

What is the first book on their reading list?

Lord of the Flies

what is mia's computer password? page 95


What is Mia's cat's name?MO


What is Mia's password on the computer?


What had Mia painted on her grandfathers shoulder? AW

Mango pg.31

What is Mango's official name?

Mango the Magnificat

Who is Jenna? VG

Mia's best friend

What music did Mia turn on when she painted?


Who is Mia's English teacher?

Mr. Siedler

What was Jenna's mom's name?VG

Mrs. Davis

Who gave Jenna and Mia the name "PIC"?

Mrs. Davis (Jenna's mom)

Who was Mia's third grade teacher?

Mrs. Lowe

Who was the American History teacher?

Mrs. Morris

Who does Dr. R send Mia to see? What is their profession? AW

Ms. Finn & therapist pg. 57

What is the therapist Mia went to go see? MO

Ms. Finn p.79

What color was one of Mango's children's meows? MO


Where did Mia live?

Northern Illinois

Why is Jenna made at Mia for? AW

Not telling her about the colors pg.61

In what month is Jenna's birthday?


What does PIC stand for?VG

Partners in crime

What does PIC stand for? MO

Partners-in-Crime p.13

Who does Mia's mom say Jerry looks like?

Paul Newman

What is on the Winnie-the-Pooh baby blanket?

Pooh and Piglet walking off into the sunset

Where does Mia go after lunch?


Where did Mrs. Lowe send Mia in third grade?

Principal Dubner's office

What block does Mia's mom show her as a test? (letter and color)

Red Q

Who takes Mia to get acupuncture? MO

Rodger p.175

Who is in Mia's American history group?

Roger Carson, Jonah Finley (and,) Laura Hoffson

What does Father do for a living?VG

Sells and repairs farm equipment

How did Mia cheat on math quiz? AW

She drew stripes of the color corresponding with the letter in the equation pg. 115

What happened to Beth that made her not want to go on the Helicopter?VG

She threw up

What costume was Mia wearing in third grade in math class?


What does Jenna do when Mia tells her about her colors? MO

Starts crying p.77

What does Mia have that causes her to see colors? MO

Synesthesia p.82

What happend to Mia's colors after Mango died? MO

They disappeared p.237

What is Mango's favorite toy?

Tweety bird

Where does Mia's neurologist work? AW

University of Chicago pg.69

who did zack say had found him?

Voodoo vixen

What is Mia's last name?


What is Mia's last name?VG


Who is Mia's younger brother? VG


Who wanted to go to Mia's appointments to get out of school? AW

Zach pg.80

Whose idea was the pressure of writing an essay essay?


Who is Mia's brother? MO

Zack p.10

what kind of dog did roger have? page 34

a golden retriever -DM

where did mrs. simpson move to job-wise? pm

a high school to teach p. 42

Where did Mia and Jenna learn the morbid rhyme they recite at the beginning of the book?

a poster on Mia's wall

Why did Jenna think it took Mia a year to finish her painting?

a priest told her it takes a year for a soul to get to heaven

who does dr. randolph want mia to see? p. 56

a psychotherapist p. 56

what does mia draw on her jeans to help her cheat on her math test? page 115

a rainbow -DM

what is jenna wearing on the first day of school? page 37

a sundress with small pink flowers on it -DM

When did Mrs. Davis give Mia and Jenna the name "PIC"?

after she caught Mia standing guard while Jenna stole quarters from a cow shaped cookie jar in the kitchen

What color was the number four?

baby-blanket blue

Why did Mia name her cat Mango? page 19

because his purrs are various shades of yellow-orange

why does mia love the poster in her room so much? page 5

because it's black and white to other people, but she sees it in color

why did mango have a wheeze? page 19

because when they first found him, he had a deep rip in one of his lungs -DM

why is it bad luck to walk under a ladder? page 13

because you're disrupting the sacred triangle of life formed by the ladder, the ground, and the wall

Other than Mango, what did Mia find in Beth's room?

beth's diary

where does adam live? page 100

boston -DM

What color is Jenna's name?

bright green with yellow highlights

what is b?


What did the woman Jerry tested taste every time her husband talked?

buttered popcorn

where did mia first find mango? page 18

by her grandfather's grave on the day of his funeral

what does mia call her dad? pm

casper p. 11

where did mia lose mango for the first time? pm

cemetary p. 23

what is the Japanese word for internal energy? page 146

chi -DM

What Spanish words don't work at all?

chico, chica, adios

What is Jenna supposed to do if she sees someone coming on their PIC mission at school?

chuck her book bag

What does Mango usually sleep on?

the foot of Mia's bed on a Winnie-the-Pooh baby blanket

what is different about zack in the family? pm

the only blonde one in the family p. 7

Where do Beth and Mia find Mango?

the room down the narrow hallway behind the kitchen

What is Mia's condition the crossing of? AW

the senses pg.83

What does Jerry give Mia before she leaves?

the web address for a website for people with Synesthesia

what is one similarity between adam and mia? pm

they both have synestesia p. 103

what new tradition does beth want to start on thanksgiving? pm

tofu loaf p. 167

what is the name of the cat that mango has a crush on? page 64

twinkles -DM

How much allowance did the acupuncture cost? MO

two-months' p.200

What does Mia compare the world without colors to?

vanilla ice cream without the gummy bears

What did Mia and Jenna bond over when they were five?

ways to contort Barbie and Ken dolls without breaking them

What did people keep asking Mia after they found out about her colors? AW

what color their name was pg.78

what do jenna and mia consider their most successful PIC mission? page 10

when they hid in Beth's closet and eavesdropped what Beth's friends were talking about and Beth's sleepover party

what does mia's dad call her for a nickname? page 11

wild child

what does mia's father call mia? pm

wild child p. 11

what is a?


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