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attribute-based choice requires

The knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made and attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands

T/F Most purchases are the results of extended decision making and therefore involve considerable external search prior to purchase


T/F The long term total influence of advertising and other marketer-provided information on consumer decision making and sales is nominal


which approach to problem recognition attempts to determine human capabilities in areas such as vision, strength, response time, flexibility, and fatigue and the effect on these capabilities of lighting, temperature, and sound?

Human factors research

Barry is always searching information about wine. He reads Wine Spectator every month, has several books related to wine, visits wine-related Web sites frequently, and has visited several wine regions throughout the world. While he purchases wine frequently, he does not conduct this information search for just that reason. He just enjoys learning about wine. For Barry, his search for information about wine is a(n) _____.

Ongoing search

Which group of consumers is better able to chunk product information?

Product experts

T/F A consumer's desired state can be influenced by previous decisions


T/F Banner ads are one way to drive a firm's information to consumers.


T/F Market characteristics that influence the expected benefits and perceived costs of search include the number of alternatives, price range, store distribution, and information availability.


T/F Nominal decision making is sometimes referred to as habitual decision making


Using WD-40 as an additive to fish bait is an example of _______.

Use innovativeness

Skippy is a well-known brand of peanut butter that recently introduced a line of snack bars bearing the Skippy name. This is an example of _____.

a brand extension

___refers to the capacity of individuals to attend to and process information


Which type of consumer problem is one the consumer is aware of or will become aware of in the normal course of events


an ___ is the way an individual perceives his or her feelings and situation to be at the present time

actual state

Which of the following is a type of consumer choice process?

affective choice attitude based choice attribute based choice

refers to the need to develop mutually helpful and satisfying relationships with others


Before a marketing manager or public policy decision maker can develop a sound strategy to affect consumer decisions, he or she must determine all EXCEPT which of the following

all of them have to be determined

A learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object is known as a(n) _____.


Bobbie bought a Dell computer because her brother has one, and he seems to be satisfied with it. She did not compare any other computers when making this choice. Which type of choice process did Bobbie use?

attitude-based choice

Which component of attitude represents one's tendency to respond in a certain manner toward an object or activity?


Services that aid consumers in their search and decision making on the Internet are known as _____.


Many consumers associate Mercedes automobiles with status, luxury, quality engineering, and high price. This is an example of Mercedes' _____.

brand image

___refers to the schematic memory of a brand

brand image

is what people think of and feel when they hear or see a brand name

brand image

Organizing individual items into groups of related items that can be processed as a single unit is called _____.


can greatly aid in the recall of information from memory


attempts to create an association between a stimulus (e.g brand name) and some response (e.g behavior or feeling)

classic conditioning

can lead to positive attitudes by influencing brand feelings and beliefs

classical conditioning

which of the following is NOT considered a stimulus factor affecting attention


In McGuire's classification of motives, which ones focus on the person's need for being adaptively oriented toward the environment achieving a sense of meaning?


which of the following are abstractions of reality that capture the meaning of an item in terms of other concepts


Jamie was participating in a market research study regarding computers when he was presented with 24 different computers that varied on four criteria. He was asked to rank all 24 descriptions in terms of his preference for those combinations of features. Which approach to assess the relative importance Jamie places on evaluative criteria was this research using?

conjoint analysis

Which of the following is the most popular indirect measurement approach to measuring the relative importance of consumers' evaluative criteria?

conjoint analysis

Which decision rules establishes minimum required performance standards for each evaluative criterion and selects the first or all brands that meet or exceed these minimum standards


Experience, familiarity, social status, shopping orientation and product involvement are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search?

consumer characteristics

Jon purchased an antique watch on eBay from another consumer. Which type of sale is this known as?

consumer-to-consumer sale

Rebecca is a single woman in her 40s. She sold her Honda Civic and bought an Acura CSX, which is considerably more expensive. She was going to her brother's house with her mother, and she asked her mother to drive in her car instead of Rebecca's new one. She didn't want her brother to see that she had purchased an expensive car for herself. Rebecca was experiencing _____.

consumption guilt

Every time Hannah buys a sandwich at Super Subs, she gets a stamp on a card. Once she has 10 stamps she get a free sandwich. This is example of a

customer loyalty program

Which of the following does NOT influence the evaluation of alternatives on each criterior?

decision rules applied

A loyal consumer will often use _____ to protect their brand by reducing the importance they put on a given attribute.


Which decision rules established a minimum level of performance for each important attribute (often a fairly high level), and all brands that meet or exceed the performance level for any key attribute are considered acceptable?


A brand whose perceived performance falls below expectations generally produces _____.


Which emotion would be classified under the "arousal" dimension of emotion?


Which of the following is a theory about how attitudes are formed and changed under varying conditions of involvement?

elaboration likelihood model

serve to redefine or add new elements to memory

elaborative activities

refers to specific feelings, whereas affect deals more with generally with the way in which those feelings are evaluated such as like/dislike or good/bad


Which of Maslow's needs reflects individuals' desires for status, superiority, self-respect, and prestige?


also known as traditional memory recall

explicit memory

which type of memory is characterized by the conscious recollection of an exposure event?

explicit memory

__Occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person's relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves


Very high levels of purchase involvement tend to produce

extended decision making

five-factor model of personality traits

extroversion, instability, agreeableness, open to experience, and conscientiousness

A long-running television commercial for Dial soap would show an individual in various situations with other people (e.g., car pool or elevator). This individual would join the others and look around, appearing to be in discomfort. Then a voice over would say, "Aren't you glad you used Dial...don't you wish everyone did?" Which type of appeal does this illustrate?

fear appeal

Which of the following is FALSE regarding aviodance

females are more likely to avoid ads than males

___ involves presenting the stimulus in such a way that is perceived as the focal object to be attended to all other stimuli are perceived as the background


For which type of products can affect, emotions, and Aad play a role in more conscious, high- involvement settings?

hedonistic products

Which type of learning situation is one in which the consumer is motivated to process or learn the material?

high-involvement learning

Appeal characteristics represent _____ a message is communicated


which type of processing involves the recall and mental manipulation of sensory images, including sight, smell, taste, and tactile (touch) sensations?

imagery processing

Brands for which a consumer is aware but basically indifferent toward compose his or her _____.

inert set

The manufacturer of the Little Giant Ladder runs a commercial that is 60 minutes long. The inventor of the ladder shows the versatility and uniqueness of this ladder, and several "regular" people demonstrate how easy it is to use. In fact, this ladder is over 20 ladders in one because of the many different ways it can be configured. Viewers can call the 800 number or visit the website to purchase this product. This is an example of a(n) _____.


___ is a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored.

information processing

Which type of motives activates behaviors designed to achieve a second goal

instrumental motives

Sometimes consumers have difficulty retrieving a specific piece of information because other related information in memory gets in the way, which is an effect referred to as _____.


Once a problem is recognized, relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known, what the characteristics of potential solutions are, what are appropriate ways to compare solutions, and so forth. This is referred to as _____.

internal search

Perception is a process that begins with consumer exposure and attention to marketing stimuli and ends with consumer _____.


Rudy is a product category manager for a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Part of his job requires that he analyze a given product category and logically determine where improvements could be made. Rudy has determined several consumer problems this way. Which of the following best describes how Rudy uncovers consumer problems?


Which of the following is NOT an advertising tactic used to communicate brand personality

length of the ad

which type of consumer decision making includes the evaluation of only a few attributes, simple decision rules, and few alternatives?

limited decision making

some companies attempt to initiate problem recognition throught

mass media advertising and point of purchase displays

Simply presenting a brand to an individual on a large number of occasions might make the individual's attitude toward the brand more positive is known as _____.

mere exposure

Which of the following is used to understand a consumer's cognitive component of attitude?

multiattribute attitude model

which of the following is NOT a type of cognitive learning


A technique that requires consumers to judge the similarity of alternative brands is

perceptual mapping

the voluntary and self-selected nature of online offerings where consumers "opt in' to receive email based promotions is often referred to as ___

permission-based marketing

Friends, family, and others are examples of which source of information

personal sources

__ motives emphasize the individual as striving to maintain equilibrium


Which of the following is NOT an alternative if a consumer decided to retain a product's package?

recycle it

Marketing efforts focused on a firm's current customers are generally termed

relationship marketing

Marriott Rewards customers earn points whenever they stay at any Marriott property. Louis is in this program, and he travels quite a bit because he works in sales. He usually stays at a Courtyard by Marriott, and when he walks into the lobby there is a sign by the desk welcoming him by name as well as other Marriott Rewards customers who might be staying there. This ongoing relationship between Louis and Marriott is an example of _____.

relationship marketing

Which of the following is NOT a core trait in the Five-Factor model of personality


___ continue to buy the same brand though they do not have an emotional attachment to it

repeat purchasers

Smoke detectors, preventive medicines, insurance, retirement investments, seat belts, burglar alarms, and sunscreen are all examples of products to satisfy consumers' _____ needs.


For years, the U.S. Army ran an advertising campaign with the tagline, "Be all you can be." To which of Maslow's needs is this appealing?


__ involves the desire for self fulfillment, to become all that one is capable of being


represents the person's understanding of an object or event at its simplest level

semantic memory

when asked what the concept "new year's" meant to holly, she mentioned the following: party, holiday, new beginning, football, fun, resolution, and winter. Holly's basic knowledge and feelings she has about this concept comprises her

semantic memory

Barbara is an individual that usually feels restful, serene, comfortable, and soothed. Which emotion is Barbara experiencing?


classified under the pleasure dimension of emotion


Procter & Gamble, the maker of Crest Brand toothpaste, has modified this brand to include whiteners. To encourage consumers to adopt this brand, P&G gave away free samples along with a high value coupon the purchase of a tube. The hope was that consumers would try the brand, purchase it at a discount, and finally buy it at full price. This is an example of


The process of encouraging partial responses leading to the final desired response is known as


critical step in the purchase or trail of a product


the process of encouraging partial responses leading to the final desired response is known as ___


Amelia wanted to purchase a nice watch for her husband, but she was overwhelmed by the amount of information available on the Internet for this product. She visited one website that offered a service that would do the searching and comparisons for her, so she decided to use it. The service Amelia used is referred to as a(n) _____.

shopping bot

limited capacity to store information and sensations, and is that portion of total memory that is currently activated or in use

short-term memory

The segment of mobile phone users whoa re younger, feel communication is key, and that a mobile device helps them connect socially is known as

social connectors

which of the following is a non marketing factor affecting problem recognition?

social status previous decisions motives situation

Lisa has to check her e-mail frequently to delete the unsolicited messages she gets, typically for loans and prescription drugs. If she doesn't delete them, her inbox will fill up and e-mails that she wants to receive won't get through. This unsolicited e-mail is known as _____.


Which strategy for overcoming the barriers presented by DVR involves holding the ad visual relatively constant while the ad is fast-forwarded through by the viewer?

still-frame ads

____refers to the process of learning to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli

stimulus discrimination

effective quality control and distribution and package inserts that assure the consumer of the wisdom of their purchase are attempts at

suppressing problem recognition

An attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute is known as a _____.

surrogate indicator

Sandy uses online banking, and her bank charges her $4.99 per month. However, she has seen ads for a competing bank offering free online banking services. She'd like to switch, but she realized that it might be difficult to do since she has several of her bill payments set up as automatic debits. The cost of changing to another bank represent Sandy's _____.

switching costs

The two types of evaluative criteria are

tangible and intangible

Karen went to a movie and was disappointed because the main character died. She prefers happy endings to movies, and this one really put her in a bad mood for the rest of the day. This movie was in contrast with which need of Karen's?

teleological need

A completely nominal decision does not even include consideration of _____.

the "do not purchase" alternative

T/F Emotional advertisements that trigger a positively evaluated emotion will enhance the liking of the ad itself


T/F Firms attempt to cause selective problem recognition to gain or maintain market share


Using a product in a new way is referred to as _____.

use innovativeness

Theories based on which need view the consumer as a problem solver who approaches situations as opportunities to acquire useful information or new skills?

utilitarian need

Which type of appeal attempts to build a personality for the product or create an image of the product user?

value-expressive appeal

Barry decided he needs a new car, so he started looking at commercials on television and ads in magazines as well as visiting several websites. What type of exposure does this represent?


Factors such as information quality, navigation, price, merchandise availability, purchase process, and order tracking are part of which dimension in online satisfaction and dissatisfaction?

website design and interaction

___ occurs when one fast-forwards through a commercial on a prerecorded program, and __ involves switching channels when a commercial appears.

zipping; zapping

Which of the following is a key element of relationship marketing?

-customizing the relationship to the individual customer -pricing in a manner to encourage loyalty -augmenting the core service or product with extra benefits -marketing to employees so that they will perform well for customers.

Which of the following is a common technique for inducing trial behavior?

-free samples -point of purchase displays -tie in purchases

Which of the following is a factor that may account for inconsistencies between measures of beliefs and feelings and observations of behavior?

-lack of need -failure to consider relative attitudes -failure to consider interpersonal influence -failure to consider situational factors

Which of the following factors influence the expected benefits and perceived costs of search?

-market characteristics -product characteristics -consumer characteristics -situation characteristics

Which of the following is an alternative once consumer has decided to get rid of a product?

-sell it -give it away -loan it to someone -throw it away

Generally speaking, compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral route, attitudes formed under the central route tend to be _____.

-stronger -more resistant to counterpersuasion attempts -more accessible from memory -more predictive of behavior

A consumer decision requires information on which of the following

-the appropriate evaluative criteria for the solution of a problem -the existence of various alternative solutions -the performance level or characteristic of each alternative solution on each evaluative criterion

Customer complaints communicated directly to the company and no one else are important because

-they can alert the firm to problems -enable problems to be solved -neutralize negative WOM -enable dissatisfied customers to be more satisfied

Which of the following statements adequately reflects the concept of attitude component consistency?

A change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other components.

Which of the following factors if the MOST likely reason consumers change providers of a service?

Core service failure.

Which of the following NOT an action a consumer may utilize to reduce dissonance?

Increase the importance of alternative that were not considered in the purchase initially

Which type of decision making involves recognizing a problem for which there are several possible solutions?

Limited decision making

Which source of information includes inspection or product trial

Marketing sources

Which of the following statements is true regarding consumer choice processes?

Motivation, information availability, and situational factors interact to determine the likelihood that attitude-based choices are made.

A food manufacturer asked a group of working mothers to think about the problem of serving nutritious meals to their families given their time constraints and to indicate what activities, products, or brands are associated with or perhaps could eliminate those problems. This manufacturer is using which approach to problem recognition?

Problem analysis

Which of the following are indirect measurement techniques used to determine consumer's evaluative criteria?

Projective techniques and perceptual mapping

Which side of the brain deals with pictorial, geometric, timeless, and nonverbal information without the individual being able to verbally report it?


Which dimension of product of product performance related to aesthetic or image-enhancement performance


related to strength and number of incoming linkages, and strength and directness of links to nodes


Nike has several models of athletic shoes, and most have high functionality. However, several models are also sleek looking and can actually make a fashion statement for the wearer as well as performing the functional aspects of the product. By going beyond the cognitive associations of functionality and attempting to tap consumers' affective reactions, Nike and other marketers are developing products with _____.

aesthetic appeal

which term is used to refer to the liking/disliking aspect of a specific feeling?


SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) is used to assess which component of attitude?


Amy is shopping for a dress to wear to a formal dance. She tried on several dresses, not even noticing the price of each. After about two hours of this, she tried one on and exclaimed, "This is it!" That particular dress was the one that she thought made her look fabulous, so she bought it. Which type of choice did Amy use to select this dress?

affective choice

An advertising theme such as "serve Pepsi to your friends, they'll love you for it" is most likely based on __ motivation


Elizabeth is 15 years old and is asking her parents for more freedom. She wants to make more of the decisions that affect her, such as the clothes she wears, how late she can stay out, and what school she attends. This is an example of Elizabeth's need for _____.


need for independence and individuality is a characteristic of the American culture


Marketers must promote _____ rather than _____, especially for less knowledgeable consumers and for complex products.

benefits, features

Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of nominal decision does this illustrate?

brand loyal decision

Mitch likes Toyota automobiles because he thinks they have the highest reliability of all automobiles. His belief about Toyota's reliability represents which component of Mitch's attitude?


____ are the use of previously stored experiences, values, attitudes, beliefs, and feelings to interpret and evaluate information in working memory as well as to add relevant previously store information

elaborative activities

Donald has just learned that he has Type II diabetes, so he wants to learn as much as he can to manage his health. He reads health magazines, visits health-related Web sites, and reads product nutrition and ingredient information on packages. Donald's strength of learning is most likely to be strong due to which factor that affects the strength of learning?


refers to the value that consumers place on the information to be elarned


which type of consumer problem is one of which the consumer is not aware?


Which of the following is NOT a source of increased customer profitability over time?

increased churn

An advertisement theme of "do your own thing" is most likely to be based on a need for


Magazines, consumer groups, and government agencies represent which source of information?

independent sources

Which measurement technique used to assess consumer's evaluative criteria assumes consumers will not or cannot state their evaluative criteria


Darcy is considering the purchase of living room furniture. While there are several national-chain furniture stores in her city, she is not considering Haverty's because she's purchased furniture from this store before and has been dissatisfied. For Darcy, this furniture retailer is included in her _____.

inept set

Renee has been going to the same dentist for years. However, her employer changed her dental insurance plan, and her dentist was not part of the plan. She had to switch to an approved dentist. Which reason for changing providers does this represent?

involuntary switching

Which of the following is NOT used to classify McGuire's psychological motives?

is the outcome of the behavior temporary or permanent?

____is separating a stimulus object from other objects


The minimum amount that one stimulus can differ from another with the difference still being noticed is referred to as the

just noticeable difference

Which side of the brain is primarily responsible for verbal information, symbolic representation, sequential analysis, and the ability to be conscious and report what is happening?


which type of memory is viewed as an unlimited, permanent storage that can store numerous types of information such as concepts, decision rules, processes, affective (emotional) states, and so forth?

long-term memory

Blake doesn't much care about cars but is engaging in a substantial amount of information search about cars since he is about to buy a new car. In terms of involvement, Blake is _____.

low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

Sales personnel, websites, and advertising represent which type of information source?

marketing sources

Which need is activated when one's identity is threatened, motivating the person to protect his or her self-concept and utilize defensive behaviors and attitudes?

need for ego defense

Which of the following is a type of cognitive preservation motive

need for objectification

this motive reflects need for observable cues or symbols that enable people to infer what they feel and know

need for objectification

Advertisements or sales messages in which only one point of view is expressed are referred to as _____.

one-sided messages

Deliberate external search that occurs in the absence of problem recognition and is done both to acquire information for possible later use and because the process itself is pleasurable is known as _____.

ongoing search

____is (are) a stimulus characteristic that refers to the physical arrangement of the stimulus objects and can affect consumer interpretation and categorization


Gail was participating in a market research study, and she was given 20 pairs of brands of shampoo and asked to indicate which pair is most similar, which is second most similar, and so forth until all pairs were ranked. Which type of indirect measurement technique used to assess Gail's evaluative criteria does this represent?

perceptual mapping

Interpretation is generally a relative process rather than absolute, often referred to as ___

perceptual relativity

Dana is watching television when a commercial for a brand of bathroom cleaner comes on. She is not very interested in the product category, but the ad was entertaining and made her laugh. As a result, she had a positive attitude toward the brand of cleaner advertised. According to the elaboration likelihood model, which route to persuasion influenced Dana?

peripheral route

Many victims of hurricane Katrina were left without their homes, food, and water--basic necessities for living. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which motives were activated for these individuals?


food, water, sleep, and to an extent, sex, are considered to be __ needs


what is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

have highly organized memory structures and are better able to learn and avoid information overload

product experts

_____ involves incorporating brands into movies, television programs, and other entertainment venues in exchange for payment or promotional or other consideration, with the goal being to add realism to the scene, give subtle exposure to the brand, and influence consumers in an unobtrusive manner.

product placement

which of the following is a non-marketing factor affecting consumers' actual state?

product/brand performance

Gwen is an elderly lady and is participating in a market research study. The researcher asked her to describe the criteria someone who needs adult diapers might use to evaluate alternatives. The researcher was not asking Gwen what criteria she would use, but rather, the criteria Gwen thinks someone else would use. Which type of technique is this known as?

projective technique

critical for marketers who want consumers to perceive their brands as unique compared with other brands

stimulus discrimination

Before a marketing manager or public policy decision maker can develop a sound strategy to affect consumer decisions, he or she must determine _____.

which evaluative criteria are used by the consumer how the consumer perceives the various alternatives on each criterion the relative importance of each criterion

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