Marketing extras
In order to have a strong brand, three things need to be perfectly aligned. What are they? (Multiple answers-mark all that apply).
- the consumer experience - the brand promise - the brand identity
functional packaging benefits typically fall into which of these categories? (multiple choice- mark all that apply)
-convenience to use - store-ability - portability
The term "Heuristic" is associated with which of these? (multiple answers. Mark all that apply).
1. a mental shortcut 2. eases the cognitive load of decision making 3. recognizable tag lines or music jingles 4. recognizable package shapes 5. recognizable logos
Which of these elements are typically part of a packaging creative brief?
1. the competitive environment 2. addresses essential issue and insights 3. specifies opportunities to create a competitive advantage 4. specifies important consumer benefits 5. states the brand personality and attitude
Packaging rule of thumb: If a consumer cannot spot your package from _______(feet) away and within ______(seconds), your packing needs improving
15 feet and 3 seconds
Research has shown that every time you go through a cycle of learning, you reduce your chance of failure by what percent?
brand strategy
Gathering and dissecting insights and understanding the marketplace, consumers, and competition
Gross Ratings Points are calculated from what?
Reach x Frequency
"The Big Bang Theory" earned a 3.8 rating within the 18-49 Demographic. What does this mean?
That 3.8 percent of all USA homes that have a TV and have someone in their home between the ages of 18-49 years old saw the show.
If you were told that Salt Lake City had a BDI of 50, what would that mean to you
That Salt Lake City was only selling about half of what you'd expect its sales to be based on its percentage of the target population
blue (analytical)
accuracy/precision, questions, research, logic, details
acting trendy when your product is not
actions - how?
angry, accusatory, intimidating
what are the four stages of the AIDA model?
attention, interest, desire, action
connect with blues
be brief, clear and precise, use data and fact based charts, plan for debate, be accurate and specific
connect with red
be more personal, ask about them, pay attention to non-verbal, make eye contact, establish rapport first
There are over 30,000 items stocked at a typical grocery store, but only about 250 items make up over 80% of sales? What is this concept called?
big head, long tail
Yellow- conceptual
big picture thinking, out-of-the-box, spontaneity, creativity, strategy
blue and red
brand management is, at its core, turning customers into
brand evangelists
A brand consists of three core components. One is Brand Strategy, another is Brand Positioning. What is the third?
brand identity
yellow extrovert
constant flow of ideas, loves to experiment with others
green introvert
controlled, always "doing", often keeps to self
green extrovert
controlling, "organizer" of events and people
red- personal
counseling, rescuing, sacrificing, helping/caring, avoiding conflict
blue extrovert
debater, often funny, driven (chandler bing)
It's marketing's job to ensure that consumers have a seamless experience with brands, products, and services at all touchpoints across the globe. What are the three touchpoints?
digital, analog, personal
What type of marketing takes form in a set of automated emails that are set out on a predetermined schedule?
drip marketing
red introvert
expressive through writing, caring in a quiet way
facts - what?
It is much cheaper to gain a new customer than to retain a current customer.
Quantitative research is done on a few people, generally for exploratory purposes. The results are not statistically relevant.
it is easy to gain a customer's trust
Which of these forms of research would be classified as qualitative research?
focus group transcripts
connect with yellows
give overview first, use metaphors, keep it moving, have have, not too serious
In the google micro-moments chapter and lecture, we discussed the four "Moments That Matter". What are they?
go, do, know, buy I want to go moments I want to do moments I want to know moments I want to buy moments
ideas - why?
Both Pepsi and Coca-Cola are just caramel colored, caffeinated, sugar water in a can or bottle. The actual ingredients between the two are extremely similar. But how you think about Coke and Pepsi is very different. Products are made in factories. Where are brands made?
in the mind
What is "The Strongest Force in the Universe- which love and hate don't stand a change against?"
irrelevant pretty pictures
brand identity
is about creating elements
brand positioning
is the focused simplified
You are at the store considering buying a new pair of running shoes. As you look at the store display, it tells of the many new features in the shoe - spring loaded heels, gel-cushioned insoles and more. It all looks great, but you really want to talk to a sales associate to get more information. You look around, but there's no one in sight. You try on the shoes, but still want to get some expertise from someone to try to understand the shoes quality- but no sales associate is in view. Finally, you put the shoes down and walk away in frustration. You just used what to make that purchase / none purchase decision?
life currencies
What is this strategy called? Band-Aid treated with aloe vera and vitamin E, Band-Aid treated with antiseptics, unique Band-Aid strips shaped for finger and knuckle cuts, sport Band-Aids, waterproof Band-Aids, clear Band-Aids, bright-color Band-Aids, and Band-Aids featuring children's favorite cartoon characters.
line extension
________________ allows marketers to engage with customers and potential customers 24/7 without any actual human intervening. Its tools are used to automatically track, manage, monitor, and engage with customers online.
marketing automation
a green bindspot
may overlook details and practicality
blue blind spot
may overlook facts or analysis
a red blind spot
may overlook feelings and synergy
yellow blindspot
may overlook new ideas or the big picture
mimics comps ads
What is the tool called that allows marketers to measure customer experience and loyalty?
net promoter score
blue perceptions
number cruncher, unemotional, calculating, uncaring, cold fish
yellow introvert
off in own world, independent, loner
Which of these creates a form of "business government" with checks and balances in the system so that everything can move efficiently?
operating charter
over sell / over promises
personal - who?
green perceptions
picky, unimaginative, stick-in-the-mud, grinds out the task, can't think for themselves
What are the four parts of the cycles of learning
plan, do, study, act
pride, gluttony, envy, greed, sloth, wrath
connect with green
provide an opportunity to take notes, unfold ideas in a step-by-step format, be on time and stay on track
what is the url you use to create and/or log into your Qualtrics account
blue introvert
quiet, serious, focused
trust creates which type of purchase
Research that is conducted to find information that has been previously published is called:-
secondary research
research that is conducted to find info that has been previously published is called:
secondary research
slapping your logo everywhere
perceptions of red
soft touch, a push over, touhy-feely, talk, talk, talk, bleeding heart
green (practical)
tactics, planning, organizing, controlling, checklists/routines,
If you were told that Salt Lake City had a brand development index (BDI) of 50, what would that mean to you?
that salt lake city was only selling about half of what you'd expect sales to be based on its percentage of the target population
In marketing what is the guide that leads to true north?
the brand positioning
Which of these are key metrics used to measure email effectiveness?
the click through rate
How do you calculate a Brand Development Index?
the percentage of total US sales made in the market divided by the percentage of total population of the target audience in the population
While the tactics used to execute marketing plans constantly evolve - for example, the emerging opportunities with digital marketing, social media platforms and mobile smartphones are tools still evolving - the strategies that lead to successful marketing have remained surprisingly consistent over time.
What is the emotional connection every brand strives to make with a customer?
trust = _____ over time
perceptions of yellow
undisciplined, dreams a lot, off-the wall, scattered, unrealistic
in a Three-Circle Analysis, what do we call the area where What Your Brand Does Well, and What the Consumer Wants - Intersect?
winning zone
yellow and blue green and red
yellow and green
yellow and red blue and green
colors from clockwise of the three circle analysis
yellow, red, green, blue