Marketing research test 1

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The Nielsen Company conducts research in two major areas. One of these is "what consumers watch" and the other is _________________.

"what consumers buy"

Types of internal secondary data

-transaction data -customer communications -marketing research tracking studies -other sources

5 types of research to avoid

-unethical research -when the research results will not be used -when you're tempted to take short cuts -when the manager specifies what the results should be -when the costs of the research outweigh its potential benefits

Types of projected methods

-word association - ________ completion -Storytelling -Role playing

One of the key limitations of the systems approach is data availability: the analysis is limited to the data that are in the database.


Standardized marketing information can be used to obtain informatoin about a company's product sales.


Which of the following is an example of the use of secondary data?

Using transaction data to determine the times of the business day during which most purchases occur.

Three methods of ethical reasoning

Utility: Is society as a whole better off? Rights: Strictest model Justice: are the costs and benefits equally distributed?

Which of the following is NOT one of the "Three V's" of big data?


In which country did Procter & Gamble conduct extensive research to find new uses for its Ambi Pur (known as Febreze in the U.S.) product?


The three V's of Big data

Volume, Velocity, Variety

Marketing testing

a controlled experiment done in a limited but carefully selected sector of the marketplace

Literature Search

a search of popular press(newspapers, magazines and so forth), trade literature, academic literature, or published statistics from research firms or governmental agencies for data or insight into the problem at hand

Marketing Information systems

a set of procedures and methods for the regular, planned collection, analysis and presentation of information for use in marketing decisions

Secondary source

a source of secondary data that did not originate the data but rather secured it from another source

Simulated test market

a study in which consumer ratings are obtained along with likely or actual purchase data often obtained in a simulated store environment; the data are fed into computer models to produce sales and market share predictions (doesn't cost very much but you get what you pay for, has least accurate results of the three test markets but can be done quickly)

Decision support system

a system that combines data, models for guiding decision, and a user interface that allows users to interact with the system to produce customized information (user interface is what sets it apart from standard MIS)

Customer Relationship Management

a system that gathers all relevant information about a company's customers and makes it available to the employees that interact with the customers

Standard test market

a test market in which the company sells the product through its normal distribution channels (most expensive and slowest but most accurate)


a type of case analyses which is the detailed observation of consumers during their ordinary lives using direct observations, interviews, and video and audio recordings (good for very rich detail about a few specific cases)

Researchers working with Frozen Coca-Cola tried to manipulate sales of the product through what fast-food restaurant chain?

Burger King

Depth Interviews

Interviews with people knowledgeable about the general subject being investigated

__________ retailers are in an ideal situation for field experiments


_______________ is designed to aid both explanatory and forecasting abilities for the betterment of the firm.

Predictive analysis

_____________ refers to information collected specifically for the investigation at hand.

Primary data

Advocacy Research

Research that is conducted to support a position rather than find the truth about an issue (Dr. Brown literally hates it lol)

Which method of ethical reasoning does NOT consider the consequences of actions or the costs and benefits to society?

The rights approach

Field experiment

research study in a realistic situation in which one or more independent variables are manipulated by the experimenter under as carefully controlled conditions as the situation will permit (produces more realistic results that could be replicated in another similar environment)

Three types of test markets

standard, controlled, simulated

Dialog system

permits users to explore the databases by employing the system models to produce reports that satisfy their particular information needs. It is the user interface of the decision support system, which is also called a language system. Very advanced can pull up almost anything you need on your smartphone

Structured Data

data that can be written into rows on a spreadsheet or database on standard column headings

Unstructured data

data that can take the form of social media comments, blog posts, other text-based communication, photos, videos, audio or any other form that is not easily arranged in structured format

Secondary data

data that have already been collected, often for some other purpose or by some other organization

Consider the following statement: "Using a new promotional campaign will increase awareness of our brand by 25%." This is an example of a(n) ________


Projective methods

encourage respondents to reveal their own feelings, thoughts and behaviors by shifting he focus away from the individual through the use of indirect tasks (ex: ink blot tests)

Consistent variation

evidence of the extent to which X and Y occur together or vary together in the way predicted by the hypothesis

Elimination of other explanations

evidence that allows the eliminations of factors other than X as the cause of Y

Time order

evidence that shows X occurs before Y

Which of the following is NOT a type of exploratory research?

experimental research

Which of the following outcomes should we NOT expect from exploratory research?

final answers for the manager's decision problem

Model system

includes all the routines that allow the user to manipulate the data so as to conduct the kind of analysis the individual desires. It is the collection of analytical tools to interpret the database

Job opportunities in marketing research are projected to _______ over the coming years.


Exploratory research

research conducted to gain ideas and insights to better the problem or opportunity that confronts the manager (should be small scale and flexible)

Descriptive research

research in which the major emphasis is on describing characteristics of a group or the extent to which variables are related (ex: a survey)

Laboratory experiment

research investigation in which investigators create a situation with exact conditions in order to control some variables and manipulate others


the availability of demographic, consumer behavior, and lifestyle data by arbitrary geographic boundaries that are typically quite small

Internal validity

the degree to which an outcome can be attributed to an experimental variable and not to other factors (lab experiments tend to have higher levels of internal validity)

External validity

the degree to which the results of an experiment can be generalized or extended to other situations (field experiments tend to have higher levels of external validity)

Causal research

type of research in which major emphasis is on cause and effect sometimes we need too know with more certainty that one variable is related to another, other times we need to know why the variables are related


using organizations that excel at some function as sources of ideas for improvement

Key challenges to "Big data" integration

-Access to and retrieval of data (including data integration) -Analytic skills -Firm integration of big data

Evidence of causality

-Consistent variation - Time order - Elimination of other explanations

Three types of primary data research

-Exploratory research -Descriptive research -Causal research

Types of exploratory studies

-Literature search -Depth Interview -Focus group -Data mining

Limitations of the systems approach

-Managers won't always share their decision-making processes -Differing data needs across managers -Time costs Monetary costs -Data availability—analysis is limited to the data that are in the system

Characteristics of focus groups

-Typically 8-12 people -1.5 to 2 hours in length -Homogeneous within group; heterogeneity introduced across groups -Participants carefully screened -Sessions recorded and transcribed -Oscar Mayer example -Moderator / observers


A statement that describes how two or more variables are related

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good focus group moderator?

All of the above are good characteristics

Focus group

An interview conducted among a small number of individuals simultaneously; the interview relies more on group discussion than on directed questions to generate data

The importance of having a manager that is actively involved in the research process was illustrated by a manager in which of the following industries?

Cable television programming


Contacting people under the guise of marketing research when the real goal is to sell products or services

Which of the following characteristics separates data mining from other types of exploratory research?

Data mining is a quantitative form of exploratory research, while the other types are usually qualitative in nature.

Components of decision support systems

Data system, model system, and dialog system

Which of the following is NOT a reason that business students should study marketing research?

Each of the above are reasons that business students should study marketing research.

Suppose that you were conducting research designed to better understand why annual revenues had begun to decline at a local bookstore. With which of the following individuals would it be good to conduct depth interviews?

Each of the above individuals might be good to interview on this topic.

In the marketing research process, the collection of primary data comes before a search for existing data.


It is possible to prove that one version of an advertising campaign causes a change in sales for the product being advertised.


Most focus group take at least two hours to complete.


Primary data

Information collected specifically for the investigation at hand

Which of the following is NOT an example of causal research?

Mark has designed a survey to measure respondents' opinions and preferences for five different hotel brands.

Which of the following companies offers a standardized marketing information service that measures advertising exposure and effectiveness?

More than one of the above

Which of the following companies discovered through marketing research that the demographics of its customers didn't match what most managers thought was true?

Rib Crib

Which of the following is NOT a component of a decision support system?

Systems management.

Which of the following companies used big data analytics to target female customers who were expecting babies?


When working with managers, researchers are wise to be very careful with certain kinds of managers. For example, some managers may not be critical enough of the research process and assume that research results are always valid. This kind of manager might be referred to as ____________ .

The Information Lover

Compared with other types of research, exploratory research is much more flexible


Ethnography is a form of case analysis that involves observing individuals during their ordinary lives


Exploratory research can be effectively employed at two different stages in the marketing research process.


Exploratory research is used in the process of problem definition.


Suppose that you hold a strong personal belief that capital punishment is wrong and have joined a group to promote ended the practice of capital punishment in the United States. To support your cause, you have conducted research that indicates that a majority of people in the U.S. share your convictions about capital punishment. To get this result, however, you carefully worded the survey questions so that respondents were more likely to support your position. You have conducted _________ research.


Controlled test market

an entire test program conducted by an outside service in a market in which it can guarantee distribution (in a controlled test market you are buying the market but it is cheaper than standard test markets)

Moderators guidebook

an ordered list of general and specific issues to be addressed during a focus group; the issues normally should move from general to specific

Environmental Systems, Inc., is a large company that provides environmental consulting services to a wide variety of organizations around the world. The company maintains a database that includes internal transaction data and customer relationship data, plus information about markets, competitors, and potential customers obtained from outside vendors. When they need information, employees can quickly and easily access and manipulate any of the data within the system. This data system might be referred to as a

decision support system.

James works in marketing research for a company that produces consumer electronics. He has designed a survey that will be administered online to a sample of customers to assess the degree of satisfaction with the company's latest product, which was introduced six months prior to the survey. What type of research is James conducting?

descriptive research

Predictive analysis

designed to aid in both explanatory and __________ abilities for betterment of the firm

Descriptive analysis

designed to enhance understanding of available data to benefit firm performance (ex: data mining, data fusion, neural network analysis, visualization)

Prescriptive analysis

designed to optimize the various courses of action available to enhance firm performance

After defining the problem, the next step is to

look inside the organization for existing data.

Which of the following is NOT generally regarded as a "right" of research respondents under the rights approach to ethical reasoning?

right to reasonable payment


scientific investigation in which an investigator manipulates and control one or more independent variables and observes the degree to which the dependent variables change

Standardized marketing information

secondary data collected by companies that sell the data to multiple companies, allowing the costs of collecting, editing, coding and analyzing them to be shared. The data are standardized so that they can be used by multiple companies rather than customized for a specific company


the individual that meets with the focus group participants and guides the session

Case analyses

the intensive study of selected examples of the phenomenon of interest

Primary source

the originating source of secondary data (preferred source to work with)

Data system

the part of a decision support system that includes the processes used to capture and the methods used to store data coming from a number of external and internal sources, fundamentally creates a data base

Marketing ethics

the principles, values, and standards of conduct followed by marketers

Knowledge management

the systematic collection of employee knowledge about customers products and processes and the marketplace

Data Mining

the use of analytic techniques to explore the data held within a dataset in order to isolate useful information

There are several different types or sources of unstructured data. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

transactional data

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