Marketing Research Test 2: Chpt 4-6

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Why are sensitive questions info requested at the end ? Check all that apply

*Respondents may be embarrassed bc accurate responses may threaten prestige or self-image *respondents may start the survey with negative tone if answer sensitive questions first *respondents may believe more sensitive questions followed and more willing to answer at the end

make sure the wording is clear

*ambiguous terminology should be avoided and language tailored to target group (How many bottle of beer do you drink in a normal week?) *Clarity; use reasonable terminology and state the general purpose of the survey at the beginning) *the questions means the same thing to all respondents *ask only one item in a question: avoid double barreled questions

Consider the Respondent's Ability to Answer

*•In some cases, a respondent may never have acquired the information needed to answer the question (avoid uniformed opinion, such as husband identifying best sewing thread brand, doesn't know but still provides answer (albeit inaccurate) *problem : forgetfulness; inability to recall (solve by keeping time frame shirt)

Questionnaire Design Process

1) Survey Objectives, resources, and constraints 2)Determine the data-collection method 3) Determine the question response format 4) Decide on the question wording 5) establish questionnaire flow and layout 6) Evaluate the questionnaire 7) obtain approval of all relevant parties 8) Pretest and revise 9) prepare final copy 10) Implement the survey

Multiple choice questions Disadvantages

Closed-ended questions that ask the respondent to choose among serval answers (respondent choices one answer that correctly or closely relates to their answer) 1.Need to spend time generating the list of possible responses 2.Need to settle on a range of possible answers 3.Position bias: respondents typically will choose either the first or the last alternative, all other things being equal (when CATI used, position bias is eliminated)

Dichotomous question

Closed-ended questions that ask the respondents to choose between two answers *easy to administer and usually evoke a rapid response

The first step in the development of a sampling plan is to____________

Define the pop. of interest

Do you own a cell phone _____ yes or ______ no? What type of question format is the example above?


Consider the respondent?

Distinguish users and buyer - cereal parent buy but children's pick out what kind Topic interests them: more willing to complete longer survey if they do Language used must be easy to understand

A marketing researcher subcontractors the data collection process to a field services firm. After the data are collected the researcher finds a large # of mistakes. In the many cases skip patterns were not followed and difficult questions were often skipped. The researcher contacts serval of the interviewers and finds that they received little to no training or supervision. what kind of error is evident here?

Interviewer error

Which of the following is an example of a self-administered questionnaire?

Mail survey

Consider the Respondent's Willingness to Answer

Might be embarrassed or sensitive or threatening or divergent questions and may not answered bc self-image *Embarrassing questions that deal with topics such as borrowing money, personal hygiene, sexual activities, and criminal records must be phrased carefully to minimize measurement error Solution: ask in third person or state the behavior to the question is not unusual

Researchers found that when making estimates about products consumption levels, consumers ___________ usages


Positioned between survey objectives (managers problem) and respondent information - translates objectives into specific questions

Pivotal Role of questionnaire

A manufacturer of desserts tested a new 5-minute dessert on working females. A marketing firm measures consumer responses to the dessert. The results of the survey were dismal. the firm was sure the new working dessert would be appealing to the working females. A follow-up focus group revealed that working females w/out children were not interested in the new idea, but working females with children were. What kind of error was evident in the initial survey?

Population specification error

Under what kind of sampling procedure must the researcher adhere closely to precise selection procedures to ensure that the results are projectable to the population under study


Set of questions designed to generate the data necessary to accomplish the objectives of the research project aka data acquisition form


__________ samples must be selected in such a way that every element of the pop. has a known and equal chane of being selected

Simple random

Survey Objectives, resources, and constraints

Survey Objectives; : outline of the decision-making info required Resources: budget in terms of money, time, and personnel Constraints: the budget and other requirements

Questionnaire Pivotal Role in Research Process

Survey objectives and Respondent Information Questionnaire data analysis Findings Recommendations Managerial Action

Determine the question response format

Three major types of questions: open-ended, closed-ended, and scaled-response questions

Determine the data-collection method The survey method impacts a questionnaire design:

Various way: In-person (mall intercept interview), telephone, mail, and internet The kind of info needed yo obtain to fulfill the research objectives dictates the opinion you have to collect the data o Time constraints o Complexity o Only verbal descriptions or pictures/videos

Step 4: Decide on the question wording

We are writing the actual questions Wording guidelines: 1.The wording must be clear 2.The wording must not bias the respondent 3.The respondent must be able to answer the questions 4.The respondent must be willing to answer the questions

Which of the following is an incorrect statement concerning questionnaire layout?

always place demographic questions at the beginning

The idea that a large # of sample statistics will approximately normal distribution regardless of the distribution of the pop. from which they were drawn is, __________

central limit theorem

Subsequent steps depend on the questionnaire:

costs, length, and complexity

Which of the following is currently the least popular type of data collection?

door-to-door interviews

Which of the following if NOT a characteristic of open-ended questions?

ease of coding and table action of results

Sensitive questions on age, education, religion, marriage, etc. should be placed at the __________ of the questionnaire.


Field management companies

firms that provide such support services as questionnaire formatting, screener writing, and coordination of data collection Ex:, the logit group

Piping - How would you rate your 2021 Highlander overall?"

integrates responses from a question into later questions * type in answer for an open-end question and the text of that answer could be incorprated into the wording of the next question

if the standard deviation increases, then the n required to represent a pop. in question will be _______________


In pretesting a questionnaire a researcher finds respondents perceived serval of the questions as leading, and others as difficult to understand. If the researcher does not make the necessary revisions to the questionnaire there will probably be a large amount of which of the following?

measurement instruments bias

Avoid Biasing the Respondent

o "Do you often shop at lower class stores like Super Shop?" o "Have you purchased any high-quality Black & Decker tools in the past 6 months?" leading questions (a question asked in a way that is intended to produce a desired answer) "Weren't you pleased with the good service received last night at the Holiday Inn?" •Sponsor identification early in the interviewing process can distort answers - solve by mixing in questions

•Ways to avoid fatigue:

o Add a progress bar at the top of the screen o Keep the survey length down o Vary the types of questions being asked and the structure of the questions o Give an honest estimate up-front regarding the length of the interview o If appropriate, offer an honorarium or gift as a thank you for completing the survey

_______________ is the total group of entities from whom info is obtained


A questionnaire that is not computer coded, thereby increasing the complexity of inputting the questionnaire data into a database will probably suffer from which of the following?

processing error

New potential target market for his new pain medication product. The proposed research design merges roomy something consumers likely to take the medication. Those over 65 who have arthritis pains. Two questions: 1) Are you older than 65? If yes continue to q2. Q2: do you experience pain from arthritis ? Q1 & Q2 are considered _______ questions


This results from the fact that samples are not perfectly representative of the population from which they are drawn

sampling error

Marketing data analysis software automatically catches coding errors - CATI - take care of skip patterns for questionnaire in two ways;

skip pattern (branching) and piping

If E(margin of error) increases, then n required to represent a particular pop. is ____________


A researcher who wants to use probing should consider using which type of questionnaire?



the respondent replies in his or her own words Advantages: give their general reactions to questions suggestion different alternative options that may not be listed in a closed-ended question problems: editing and coding can consume great amount of time and money if dome manually

Skip pattern (branching)

the sequence in which questions are asked, based on a respondent's answer *Takes the respondent to different sets of questions based on the answers given to prior questions

Step 7: Obtain Approval of All Relevant Parties

•After the first draft of the questionnaire has been completed, Draft copies should be distributed to all parties who have direct authority over the project *Mangers may step in with new info, requests, or concerns *Questionnaire manager approval tacitly reaffirms what decision-making information is needed and how it will be obtained

Scaled-response questions

•Closed-ended questions in which the response choices are designed to capture the intensity of the respondent's feeling •A primary advantage of using scaled-response questions is that scaling permits measurement of the intensity of respondents' answers and •Can use much more powerful statistical tools - get better results

Step 8: Pretest and Revise

•No survey should be conducted without a pretest o Pretest: Trial run of a questionnaire (need managerial approval then can pretest) *use same collection method for final as pretest to target respondents for the study *Researchers Look for misinterpretations or confusion on the part of respondents, lack of continuity, poor skip patterns, additional alternatives for closed-ended questions, and general respondent reaction to the interview

Step 6: Evaluate the Questionnaire

•Once there is a rough draft, critically evaluate it •Consider the following issues: 1.Is the Question Necessary? 2.Is the Questionnaire Too Long? 3.Will the Questions Provide the Information Needed to Accomplish the Research Objectives?

Avoiding Respondent Fatigue

•One reason response rates can be low is respondent fatigue; happens when the respondent becomes bored, exhausted, or uninterested in the survey o Any survey over 45 minutes long is always subject to interviewee fatigue

Criteria for a good questionnaire

•Provide the necessary information for managerial actions? •Consider the respondent? •Solicit responses in an unbiased manner? •Meet editing (going through each questionnaire to ensure that skip patterns were followed and the required questions are filled out), coding, and data analysis requirements?

Screeners; Qualifying questions

•Purpose: to identity target respondents and must be filled put by anyone who interviewed •Have you been snow skiing in the past 12 months?" • •"Do you own a pair of skis?" • •"Have you shopped at the Gap in the past month?" Warm-up *Initial question should be simple and nonthreatening •Purpose: easy-to-answer items to show that survey is simple (thro respondent to the topic) * After warm-up, should procced in a logical fashion *Work in middle, the scaled question: •Items that require slightly more effort or set the tone for the more difficult questions to come and statements informing the topics coming up *End: Classification or Demographic Questions

Guidelines on Questionnaire Flow

•Screening questions (screeners) to identify qualified respondents •Begin with a question that gets the respondent's interest •Ask general questions first and go specific: oShampoo à how often à which brand à satisfaction •Ask questions that require "work" in the middle •Sensitive, threatening, and demographic questions at the end •Put instructions in capital letters •Proper introduction (cover letter) and closing •Make sections of related questions and place sections logically.

Step 5: Establish Questionnaire Flow & Layout

•To sequence them and develop a layout •Need a logic to the positioning of each section and question •A well-organized questionnaire usually elicits answers that are more carefully thought out and detailed

Step 9: Prepare Final Questionnaire Copy Step 10: Implement the Survey

•Written surveys need to look professional • •Online surveys need to look professional on a phone, tablet, or computer • •Most mall and telephone interviewing is conducted by field service firms (in-person interviewers) • •A series of forms and procedures must be issued with the questionnaire to make certain that the field service firm gathers the data correctly


•respondents choose from a list of answers o Dichotomous (binary): two options * Multiple choice: more than 2 options Scaled-response: to capture intensity or degree •Primary advantage is simply the avoidance of many of the problems associated with open-ended questions; •Reading response alternatives may jog a person's memory and generate a more realistic and accurate response. •Interviewer bias is minimized * coding can be done automatically with questionnaire software programs

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