marriage and family midterm

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A feminine expectation that has emerged over the past thirty years is that of the "__________ woman," who is independent, ambitious, and self-confident.

gender bending

A highly masculine male who paints his fingernails pink is BEST described as an example of _________.

"There has been a serious breakdown in marriage and family values."

A person who believed in the "family-decline" theory might say the following:


A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. Which group of scholars might point out that, typically, it is mothers and not fathers who are primarily responsible for their children's health—and ask why?

family ecologists

A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. Which group of scholars might remark on the quality of the facilities or speculate about the home that these people live in?

Exchange theorists

A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. Which group of scholars might speculate about the individuals' personal power and resources relative to others in the United States?

too broad and inclusive

A possible disadvantage of the family ecology perspective is that it is __________.


A potential bias of case studies is that people who present themselves for counseling may differ in important ways from those who do not.

fictive kin

A recent study among immigrants found that relationships "based not on blood or marriage but rather on religious rituals or close friendship ties" can serve as a functional alternative to the nuclear family. According to the text, what are these relationships called?

findings and conclusions may be highly subjective

A significant disadvantage of using case studies is that_________.


According to the text, family life is far more complex and difficult than the traditional image commonly portrayed.


According to the text, female full-time employees earn __________ percent of what employed males do.

Honesty, motiviation, and the ability to respond

According to the text, one disadvantage of survey research is it depends on the_________.


According to the text, the strongest predictor of boys' feeling pressure to be physically strong and ready to fight was exposure to boys making sexual comments and jokes about girls.


According to the text, you should never listen to the emotional dimension of decision making, sometimes called the gutfactor.


Among immigrants, males may lose some masculine _______ because of the changing gender roles upon entering the United States.

Clinician's case study

Andre is a family therapist who is interested in how husbands cope when they are the victims of physical abuse suffered at the hands of their wives. He makes an intensive study of the five husbands who are currently his clients for therapy sessions because they suffer physical abuse from this source. Andre is using which type of research method?


Black men and women generally reject egalitarian relationships.


Children are __________ likely than the general population or the elderly to be living in poverty.


Children who live in poor neighborhoods are at less risk for negative social, educational, economic, and health outcomes.

longitudinal study

Children who live in poor neighborhoods are at less risk for negative social, educational, economic, and health outcomes.


Deciding about, rather than sliding into, a situation involves looking at the alternatives, not just picking the ________ choice.


Differences among women or among men (within-group variation) are usually greater than the differences between men and women (between-group variation).


Economic _________has affected bread-winning and consumption in American families.


Family _________ theorists posit that today's family forms need to be seen as historically expected adjustments to changing conditions.


Family researchers will often generate a __________, or educated guess about the way things are, based on their theoretical orientation.

familistic (communal) values.

Family togetherness, stability, and loyalty are all examples of


From the family systems perspective, the parts of a family are seen as making a whole that is more than the mere sum of its parts.


Functional definitions of the family refer to what the family is, while structural definitions emphasize what the family does.


Gender refers only to male or female anatomy and physiology.

look through the catalog at all the possibilities, consider what will benefit you in the future, and register early to get the class you consider best

If you wanted to make a knowledgeable decision about choosing which class to take,_________.

white, middle class heterosexuals

Images of men as instrumental and women as expressive are based on _________.


Institutions in virtually every society have been characterized by patriarchy and masculine dominance.

the participation and even antics of white boys in the classroom were considered inevitable and rewarded

Journalist Peggy Orenstein observed students in two California middle schools and found that _________.

comprise a diverse category of all ages and racial/ethnic groups

Lesbian and gay singles__________.

individual freedom

Life in American families reflects a tension in American culture between family solidarity and_________.


Many households containing grandparents are __________ family households, which include other relatives besides parents and children.

Gender expectations

Michael is a stay-at-home father and feels pressure from society to watch football on TV, enjoy action movies, play basketball on the weekends, and bring home a bigger paycheck than his corporate executive wife. What is this societal pressure called?


Native American women's political power ________ with European invasion.


Native American women's political power ________ with European invasion.


One way gender identities are changing involves the increasing convergence of men's and women's social roles.


Our beliefs about families, based on our own personal experience, are usually accurate.

self concept

Parents, siblings, and other relatives are usually highly influential in developing a child's _____________, or that child's sense of worth and value.

gender variance

Parents, teachers, and pediatricians wrestle with issues of ________ and how much children should be able to define themselves if they are like the "other" gender.


Particularly among college-educated women, parenthood is _________.


People are influenced by the society around them. Societal or structural conditions can negatively limit or positively__________ our options.


Personal experience provides us with information, but it can also act as _________, which is why we need scientific study.


Persons who change gender identity are referred to as _________.


Representative samples (like Gallup polls) are important to family survey research because the results can be ________ to the national population of the sample.


Research finds that black couples prefer more role ________ and power sharing than whites.


Research shows that parents, siblings, and other relatives influence a child's self-concept, having a profound influence on personal identity.


Researchers who randomly assign subjects to different groups would suggest that the investigators are using which technique?

but also feels free to express emotion

Since the 9/11 attacks, the so-called can-do man tackles traumatic events head-on _________.


Single-person households now represent around a quarter of American households.


Sociobiologists are careful to point out that biological predisposition does not mean that a person's behavior cannot be influenced or changed by social structure.

there is a mismatch between their high levels of physical activity and school expectations

Some analysts concerned about boys' behavior in school note that _________.


Some of our choices are not conscious, and we slide into them.

significantly underepresented

Statistics on women in politics highlight that women, who make up more than 50 percent of the U.S. population, are ________ in high government positions.


Studying social change in the family can be best understood through _______ data.

had a representative example

Suzanne and Paul obtained a complete list of all 500 students in their marriage and family class. Starting with the first student on the list, each student was assigned a number ranging from 1 to 500. Then, Paul and Suzanne selected for their study every tenth number on the list. Clearly, they were trying to ensure that their research_________.


The Census Bureau uses which of the following terms to describe a person or a group of people residing together?


The aim of qualitative research is to gain in-depth understandings of people's experiences.


The child population of the United States is ________ racially and ethnically diverse than the adult population.

unequal power

The conflict and feminist theories call attention to __________ within groups—including families—and within the larger society.


The family ecology perspective stresses the interdependence of all the world's families—not only with one another but also with the physical environment.


The informed consent of human subjects is only necessary in dangerous research.


The most common household type today is that of married couples without children.

promoting genetic material

The structure-functional theoretical perspective views the family as performing at least three important functions. Which of the following is NOT one of these?


The term transgendered implies that the individual is either homosexual or bisexual.

A rejection of marriage as an institution

The text cites four social factors that may encourage young people today to postpone marriage or not to marry at all. Which of the following is NOT one of these?


The text concludes that the best way to make decisions about our personal lives is to make them_________.

having fewer recesses

The text lists three proposals to help boys to adjust better to our educational system. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

has strengths and weaknesses

The text points out that each data collection technique_________.

less predicatable

The text points out that the social institutions of marriage and the family have become _________________ since the mid-twentieth century.

more than 50

The text reports that _________ percent of first marriages were preceded by cohabitation.


The view that the family is an enduring social institution because of the important tasks it performs for society—economic security, emotional support, socialization of children—is the __________ perspective.

an institutional review board (IRB)

To help accomplish ethical standards, most researchers now must have their research plans reviewed by_________.


Today's family ecologists stress the interdependence of all the world's families, not only with one another but also with our planet's __________ environment.


Today, only about __________ percent of American households fit the 1950s nuclear family ideal of a married couple with children, where only the husband is employed.


Until about thirty years ago, researchers tended to see men and women as homogeneous categories.


Warmth, sensitivity, tenderness, and placing concern about others' welfare above self-interest can be classified as __________ character traits.


We live in a society characterized by _________ change, including increased ethnic, economic, and family diversity.

Strong day-to-day pressures on the job cutting into time at home.

What factor may cause a father to make choices about his family by sliding into a decision?

the manipulation of sperm and/or egg in the absence of sexual intercourse that may involve a third party

What is assisted reproductive technology (ART)?

Communication technologies change the way families interact.

What is the impact of communication technologies like e-mail, Skype, and GPS on families?

It takes longer to earn enough to support a family

What is the primary reason, according to the text, that the transition to adulthood has become elongated?


When conducting __________, researchers ask a series of structured, or closed-ended questions.


Which is the correct term for a person who has been born with ambiguous genital anatomy?


Which of the following is NOT a style of relating, according to attachment theory?

meeting sexual desires

Which of the following is NOT listed by the text as a major family function?

try to avoid making a decision if possible.

Which of the following is NOT one of the steps involved with making knowledgeable choices?

postponed marriage

Which of the following is a path young adults took in response to the recession?

inadequate support from families

Which of the following is attributed to the United States by family-change scholars?

personal decisions are impacted by, but also influence, society

Which of the following reflects the relationship between personal decision making and society?

boys are still discouraged from cultivating tenderness

While family members increasingly encourage girls to develop instrumental skills, _________.


Women now surpass men in the proportion of the total population that are college graduates.

family identity

________________ is made up of the ideas and feelings about the uniqueness and value of one's family unit, which often emerges in family traditions, rituals and celebrations.

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