Mastering Biology Chapter 17 HW

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A ___________ mutation does not change the wild-type amino acid sequence.


After transcription begins, several steps must be completed before the fully processed mRNA is ready to be used as a template for protein synthesis on the ribosomes. Which three statements correctly describe the processing that takes place before a mature mRNA exits the nucleus?

- A poly-A tail (50-250 adenine nucleotides) is added to the 3' end of the pre-mRNA. - Noncoding sequences called introns are spliced out by molecular complexes called spliceosomes. - A cap consisting of a modified guanine nucleotide is added to the 5' end of the pre-mRNA.

Which of the following terms associated with transcription describe regions of nucleic acid?

- promoter - terminator - gene


- rRNA - tRNA

Use the table to sort the following ten codons into one of the three bins, according to whether they code for a start codon, an in-sequence amino acid, or a stop codon. Drag each item to the appropriate bin: start/methionine


Before a molecule of mRNA can be translated into a protein on the ribosome, the mRNA must first be transcribed from a sequence of DNA. What amino acid sequence does the following DNA nucleotide sequence specify? 3′−TACAGAACGGTA−5′ Express the sequence of amino acids using the three-letter abbreviations, separated by hyphens (e.g., Met-Ser-His-Lys-Gly).


stop codon


Why is a frameshift missense mutation more likely to have a severe effect on phenotype than a nucleotide-pair substitution missense mutation in the same protein?

A substitution missense affects only one codon, but a frameshift missense affects all codons downstream of the frameshift.

amino acid


not used in protein synthesis

RNA primers

Which of the following sequences shows a frameshift mutation compared to the wild-type mRNA sequence?


Place the labels of Group 1 in their proper locations on this diagram showing the process of transcription. Then, use the labels of Group 2 to identify the corresponding RNA nucleotide that belongs in each pink target. Labels of Group 2 can be used once, more than once, or not at all. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets.

* RNA polymerase reads the template strand of the DNA to produce the final RNA. In doing so, the enzyme follows the base pairing rules for RNA, with U complementary to A.

RNA plays important roles in many cellular processes, particularly those associated with protein synthesis: transcription, RNA processing, and translation. Drag the labels to the appropriate bins to identify the step in protein synthesis where each type of RNA first plays a role. If an RNA does not play a role in protein synthesis, drag it to the "not used in protein synthesis" bin: transcription/RNA processing

- snRNA - pre-mRNA - mRNA

Life as we know it depends on the genetic code: a set of codons, each made up of three bases in a DNA sequence and corresponding mRNA sequence, that specifies which of the 20 amino acids will be added to the protein during translation. Imagine that a prokaryote-like organism has been discovered in the polar ice on Mars. Interestingly, these Martian organisms use the same DNA → RNA → protein system as life on Earth, except that there are only 2 bases (A and T) in the Martian DNA, and there are only 17 amino acids found in Martian proteins. Based on this information, what is the minimum size of a codon for these hypothetical Martian life-forms?

5 bases *In the most general case of x bases and y bases per codon, the total number of possible codons is equal to xy . In the case of the hypothetical Martian life-forms, is the minimum codon length needed to specify 17 amino acids is 5 (25 = 32), with some redundancy (meaning that more than one codon could code for the same amino acid). For life on Earth, x = 4 and y = 3; thus the number of codons is 43, or 64. Because there are only 20 amino acids, there is a lot of redundancy in the code (there are several codons for each amino acid).

Ribosomes provide the scaffolding on which tRNAs interact with mRNA during translation of an mRNA sequence to a chain of amino acids. A ribosome has three binding sites, each of which has a distinct function in the tRNA-mRNA interactions. Drag the appropriate tRNAs to the binding sites on the ribosome to show the configuration immediately before a new peptide bond forms. Note that one of the binding sites should be left empty.

During translation, new amino acids are added one at a time to the growing polypeptide chain. The addition of each new amino acid involves three steps: 1. Binding of the charged tRNA to the A site. This step requires correct base-pairing between the codon on the mRNA and the anticodon on the tRNA. 2. Formation of the new peptide bond. In the process, the polypeptide chain is transferred from the tRNA in the P site to the amino acid on the tRNA in the A site. 3. Movement of the mRNA through the ribosome. In this step, the discharged tRNA shifts to the E site (where it is released) and the tRNA carrying the growing polypeptide shifts to the P site.

Place the events in the transcription of a gene in their proper order from left (first event) to right (last event). Rank from first event to last event.

Earliest Transcription begins when a molecule of RNA polymerase binds to a promoter. Transcription continues through the gene, producing the RNA. Once RNA polymerase reaches the terminator, the RNA is released, and RNA polymerase falls off the DNA. Last Event

Think about the DNA coding sequence of a gene. If an A were swapped for a T, what kind of mutation could it cause and why?

It could cause a silent, missense, or nonsense mutation because those are the types that can be caused by a nucleotide-pair substitution like this one.

During translation, nucleotide base triplets (codons) in mRNA are read in sequence in the 5' → 3' direction along the mRNA. Amino acids are specified by the string of codons. What amino acid sequence does the following mRNA nucleotide sequence specify? 5′−AUGGCAAGAAAA−3′ Express the sequence of amino acids using the three-letter abbreviations, separated by hyphens (e.g., Met-Ser-Thr-Lys-Gly).


The DNA in a cell's nucleus encodes proteins that are eventually targeted to every membrane and compartment in the cell, as well as proteins that are targeted for secretion from the cell. For example, consider these two proteins: - Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is an enzyme that functions in the cytoplasm during glycolysis. - Insulin, a protein that regulates blood sugar levels, is secreted from specialized pancreatic cells. Assume that you can track the cellular locations of these two proteins from the time that translation is complete until the proteins reach their final destinations.For each protein, identify its targeting pathway: the sequence of cellular locations in which the protein is found from when translation is complete until it reaches its final (functional) destination. (Note that if an organelle is listed in a pathway, the location implied is inside the organelle, not in the membrane that surrounds the organelle.)

PFK---Cytoplasm only insulin---ER-->Golgi-->outside cell There are two general targeting pathways for nuclear-encoded proteins in eukaryotic cells. - Proteins that will ultimately function in the cytoplasm (PFK, for example) are translated on free cytoplasmic ribosomes and released directly into the cytoplasm. - Proteins that are destined for the membranes or compartments of the endomembrane system, as well as proteins that will be secreted from the cell (insulin, for example), are translated on ribosomes that are bound to the rough ER. For proteins translated on rough ER, the proteins are found in one of two places at the end of translation. If a protein is targeted to a membrane of the endomembrane system, it will be in the ER membrane. If a protein is targeted to the interior of an organelle in the endomembrane system or to the exterior of the cell, it will be in the lumen of the rough ER. From the rough ER (membrane or lumen), these non-cytoplasmic proteins move to the Golgi apparatus for processing and sorting before being sent to their final destinations.

Suppose that the triplet of nucleotides indicated in bold (AGC) spans two codons, that is, CTA and GCC. If the triplet AGC were deleted from this DNA coding sequence, what effect would it have on the resulting protein? 5'-ATGCTAGCCTATCGTAAC-3'

The two flanking codons would be altered, but the rest of the amino acid sequence would be the same because there would be no frameshift. *When a deletion of a set of three nucleotides that is out of frame to the reading frame of codons occurs, it only affects the codons flanking it. Once the ribosome reads past that point, the rest of the codons are in frame because a full triplet was deleted at one time.

Suppose that a portion of double-stranded DNA in the middle of a large gene is being transcribed by an RNA polymerase. As the polymerase moves through the sequence of six bases shown in the diagram below, what is the corresponding sequence of bases in the RNA that is produced? Enter the sequence of bases as capital letters with no spaces and no punctuation. Begin with the first base added to the growing RNA strand, and end with the last base added.


Use the codon table to determine which mRNA triplets code for the amino acid cysteine, Cys.


Based on the genetic code chart above, which of the following would be the result of this single base-pair substitution?

a nonsense mutation resulting in early termination of translation *The effect of a single base substitution depends on the new codon formed by the substitution. To identify the new codon, it is first necessary to determine the reading frame for the amino acid sequence. The first codon starts with base 1, the second codon with base 4, the third with base 7, and so on. In this problem, the codon that contains the single base substitution begins with base 34. The original codon (UUA, which encodes the amino acid leucine) is converted by the single base substitution to UAA, which is a stop codon. This will cause premature termination of translation, also called a nonsense mutation.

During transcription in eukaryotes, a type of RNA polymerase called RNA polymerase II moves along the template strand of the DNA in the 3'→5' direction. However, for any given gene, either strand of the double-stranded DNA may function as the template strand. For any given gene, what ultimately determines which DNA strand serves as the template strand?

he base sequence of the gene's promoter *In eukaryotes, binding of RNA polymerase II to DNA involves several other proteins known as transcription factors. Many of these transcription factors bind to the DNA in the promoter region (shown below in green), located at the 3' end of the sequence on the template strand. Although some transcription factors bind to both strands of the DNA, others bind specifically to only one of the strands. Transcription factors do not bind randomly to the DNA. Information about where each transcription factor binds originates in the base sequence to which each transcription factor binds. The positioning of the transcription factors in the promoter region determines how the RNA polymerase II binds to the DNA and in which direction transcription will occur.

A ___________ mutation causes a wild-type amino acid to be replaced by a different amino acid.


A ___________ mutation causes an early Stop codon to occur.


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