Matilda: Chp 1-5 questions
What was one of the tricks Matilda played on her father, and why did she play tricks on him?
1) She put glue in his hat. 2) To teach him a lesson.
How long was the walk to the library for Matilda?
10 minutes
How big was Matilda's TV?
12 inches
How old was Matilda when she learned to read?
3 years old.
What is the answer to the math problem Matilda's father gave Micheal?
4,303 pounds and 50 pence.
How many more years is Michael older than Matilda?
5 years older.
What did Matilda ask her dad to buy her?
A book
Who is Fred?
A friend of matilda's
What did the wormwoods think the parrot was?
A ghost
What did mr wormwood grab when he heard the parrot?
A golf club
Who was Mrs. Phelps?
A librarian.
What kind of pet did Fred have?
A parrot
What did mrs wormwood grab when they heard the parrot?
A poker
How long will sawdust and oil prevent a car from rattling (according to mr. Wormwood)?
About 100 miles
Where did Matilda travel with Ernest Hemingway?
What did Matilda do to get back at her Dad for tearing up the book?
After her father tore the book, Matilda punished him by putting the parrot up the chimney to scare him.
What did Matilda give Fred to borrow his parrot?
All her next week's pocket money
What town did Matilda's mother play bingo in?
Where did Matilda's mother go everyday?
What did Matilda occasionally make to drink when she read?
Bovril Ovaltine
What was the parrot's name?
What did Napoleon say was the best thing to do when attacked?
Counter attack
What was the only book in Matilda 's house?
Easy Cooking
How far away was Matilda's mother's bingo?
Eight miles away
What did Matilda do to get back at her father after the TV episode?
For revenge, Matilda put superglue in her father's hat.
How old was Matilda when she read all of the children's books at the library?
Four years and three months
What was the book Matilda read after she read all of the children's books?
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
What was the first adult book that Matilda read?
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
What kind of man was Matilda's father?
Greedy and dishonest
How does mr. Wormwood change the mileage on a car?
He attaches it to a drill that connects to the speedometer cable and turns it backwards
What does Mr. Wormwood do for a living?
He is a car salesman. He sells second-hand cars.
Why does Mr. Wormwood reject buying a book for Matilda?
He thinks the television is all she needs.
What happened to Matilda by age 1.5?
Her speech was perfect
Why was Mr. Wormwood trying to teach his son arithmetic?
His son was going into the business one day.
What did Matilda usually drink when she was reading in her room?
Hot chocolate
Where did Matilda travel with rudyard Kipling?
Who did Matilda sail olden-day ships with?.
Joseph Conrad
What decision did Matilda come to after her father makes her eat while watching TV with the family?
Matilda decided to take revenge (counterattack) because her father kept treating her badly
How did Matilda scare her family even more than the voices did?
Matilda said there must be a ghost and the room was haunted, and she acted as if she was scared.
What did Matilda say she saw her mother do?
Matilda saw her mother picking her nose.
What did Matilda find wrong with children's books?
Matilda thought all children's book should have funny parts, because children like to laugh.
How did Matilda solve her book problem?
Matilda walked to the library after her mum left for bingo.
Why did Matilda put the parrot cage up the chimney?
Matilda wanted to punish and scare her parents.
What made Matilda able to deal with her cruel family?
Matilda was able to deal with her beastly parents by playing tricks on them.
What did Matilda do with the parrot?
Matilda wedged (stuck) the parrot cage up the chimney.
How did Matilda figure out her Dad's profit from the day's car sales?
Matilda worked out her Dad's profit by doing the sums quickly in her head.
What is Matilda's brother's full name?
What were Matilda's parent's names?
Mr and Mrs wormwood
What did Mr. Wormwood do after Matilda told him the sum?
Mr. Wormwood called Matilda a cheat and a liar.
What was the worst part of having the hat glued to his headfor Mr. Wormwood?
Mr. Wormwood could not shower or sleep properly with the hat stuck on his head.
Why wasn't Matilda allowed to eat and read?
Mr. Wormwood insisted that the family ate dinner while watching TV.
How do you know Mr. Wormwood thought Matilda glued his hat?
Mr. Wormwood looked at Matilda because he suspected (thought) she had glued his hat.
Why did Mr. Wormwood treat Michael better than Matilda?
Mr. Wormwood thought boys were better than girls, so he treated Michael better than Matilda.
Why did Mr. Wormwood tear up Matilda's library book?
Mr. Wormwood tore up the book because he was jealous that Matilda could read and he couldn't.
Why did Mr. Wormwood give Michael the profit problem?
Mr. Wormwood wanted Michael to take over the family business, so he needed to learn how to calculate profit.
Why is Mr. Wormwood dishonest?
Mr. Wormwood was dishonest because he lied about the cars he was selling, to make a good profit.
What was the librarian's name?
Mrs Phelps
Who is the librarian who helped Matilda find books?
Mrs. Phelps
What did Mrs. Phelps do to try to make Matilda safer?
Mrs. Phelps let her borrow books to read at home.
How did Mrs. Wormwood feel about the hat being glued to Mr. Wormwood's head.
Mrs. Wormwood thought her husband looked silly and not like the man of her dreams.
Who said, " The only sensible thing to do when attacked is counterattack"?
Napoleon said if you're attacked, you should counterattack.
Name 4 books( and authors) that Matilda read at the library.
Nicholas Nickelby by charles dickens Oliver twist by charles dickens Jane Eyre by charlotte bronte Pride and predjudice by jane austen Tess of the D'Urbervilles by thomas Hardy Gone to earth by mary webb Kim by rudyard kipling Thr invisible man by hG wells The old man and the sea by ernest hemingway The sound and the fury by william faulkner Thr grapes of wrath by john steinbeck The good companions by JB priestley Brighton Rock by graham greene Animal farm by george orwell
Where are a grasshoppers hearing organs?
On the sides of their abdomen
What color was mr wormwood's jacket?
Orange and green
What was in the chimney?
When the Wormwood family was afraid of a ghost, what were they actually afraid of?
What color pajamas did mr wormwood wear?
Purple striped
What could the parrot say?
Rattle my bones
Who wrote Matilda?
Roald Dahl
What did Matilda's dad say helped him be successful at selling used cars?
What was the second prank Matilda played on her father?
She borrowed her friend Fred's parrot, hid it up the chimney, and made her family think it was a ghost.
What happened to Matilda by the time she was three?
She had taught herself to read using magazines and newspapers Around the house.
Why was Mrs. Phelps important to Matilda?
She helped her find books at the library.
What is the first prank Matilda plays on her father?
She put superglue in her father's hat.
What did Matilda do to get revenge on mr wormwood?
She put superglue in his hat and it glued to his head
How many years does cicada live as a grub underground?
What did mr wormwood think was the worst part about having a hat permanently on his head?
What book did mr wormwood rip up?
The Red Pony by John Steinbeck
What is Matilda's favorite book in the kids section of the library?
The Secret Garden
Why don't the Wormwoods keep books in their house?
The Wormwoods didn't keep books because you can't make a living out of reading, and Mrs. Wormwood thought looks are more important.
What did Mr. And Mrs. Wormwood assume had happened to his hair?
The parents assumed Mr. Wormwood picked up the wrong bottle in the bathroom.
How did the parrot feel when Matilda took him out of the chimney?
The parrot felt grumpy and sooty (dirty)
Why didn't Matilda's parents treat her nicely?
They thought she was stupid. They were busy with their lives and preferred Michael.
What did the wormwoods eat for dinner?
Tv dinners
How long did Matilda stay at the library each day?
Two hours
Where did Matilda put the parrot's cage?
Up her chimney
How does Matilda's father turn back miles on a car?
With an electric drill.
is a genius teaches herself to read
is a used car dealer is a miserable person cheats people doesn't like books or reading loves watching television
loves to play bingo loves to watch television does not understand her daughter
the librarian at the public library