Maturity Success Book Questions

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Four babies are in the newborn nursery. The nurse pages the neonatologist to see the baby who exhibits which of the following? 1. Intercostal retractions. 2. Erythema toxicum. 3. Pseudostrabismus. 4. Vernix caseosa.


Which of the following laboratory fi ndings would the nurse expect to see in a baby diagnosed with erythroblastosis fetalis? 1. Hematocrit 24%. 2. Leukocyte count 45,000 cells/mm 3. Sodium 125 mEq/L. 4. Potassium 5.5 mEq/L.


36. A 42-week-gestation baby, 2,400 grams, whose mother had no prenatal care is admitted into the NICU. The neonatologist orders blood work. Which of the following laboratory fi ndings would the nurse expect to see? 1. Blood glucose 30 mg/dL. 2. Leukocyte count 1,000 cells/mm 3 . 3. Hematocrit 30%. 4. Serum pH 7.8.


A baby was born 24 hours ago to a mother who received no prenatal care. The infant has tremors, sneezes excessively, constantly mouths for food, and has a shrill, high-pitched cry. The baby's serum glucose levels are normal. For which of the following should the nurse request an order from the pediatrician? 1. Urine drug toxicology test. 2. Biophysical profi le test. 3. Chest and abdominal ultrasound evaluations. 4. Oxygen saturation and blood gas assessments


A baby whose mother was addicted to heroin during pregnancy is in the NICU. Which of the following nursing actions would be appropriate for the nurse to perform? 1. Tightly swaddle the baby. 2. Place the baby prone in the crib. 3. Provide needed stimulation to the baby. 4. Feed the baby half-strength formula.


A baby with hemolytic jaundice is being treated with fluorescent phototherapy. To provide safe newborn care, which of the following actions should the nurse perform? 1. Cover the baby's eyes with eye pads. 2. Turn the lights off for ten minutes every hour. 3. Clothe the baby in a shirt and diaper only. 4. Tightly swaddle the baby in a baby blanket.


A baby's blood type is B negative. The baby is at risk for hemolytic jaundice if the mother has which of the following blood types? 1. Type O negative. 2. Type A negative. 3. Type B positive. 4. Type AB positive.


A full-term infant admitted to the newborn nursery has a blood glucose level of 35 mg/dL. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform at this time? 1. Feed the baby formula or breast milk. 2. Assess the baby's blood pressure. 3. Tightly swaddle the baby. 4. Monitor the baby's urinary output


A neonate is being given intravenous fl uids through the dorsal vein of the wrist. Which of the following actions by the nurse is essential? 1. Tape the arm to an arm board. 2. Change the tubing every 24 hours. 3. Monitor the site every 5 minutes. 4. Infuse the fl uid intermittently.


A nurse is inserting a gavage tube into a preterm baby who is unable to suck and swallow. Which of the following actions must the nurse take during the procedure? 1. Measure the distance from the tip of the ear to the nose. 2. Lubricate the tube with an oil-based solution. 3. Insert the tube quickly if the baby becomes cyanotic. 4. Inject a small amount of sterile water to check placement


A nursing diagnosis for a 5-day-old newborn under phototherapy is: Risk for fl uid volume defi cit. Which of the following client care outcomes should be included in the nursing care plan? During the next 24 hour period, the baby will: 1. Urinate at least 6 times. 2. Breastfeed 2 to 4 times. 3. Lose less than 12% of the baby's birth weight. 4. Have an apical heart rate of 160 to 170 bpm


Based on maternal history of alcohol addiction, a baby in the neonatal nursery is being monitored for signs of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The nurse should assess this baby for which of the following? 1. Poor suck refl ex. 2. Ambiguous genitalia. 3. Webbed neck. 4. Absent Moro refl ex.


A baby born addicted to cocaine is being given oral morphine. The nurse knows that which of the following are the main reasons for its use? Select all that apply. 1. Oral morphine contains no alcohol. 2. Oral morphine helps to correct the diarrhea. 3. Oral morphine is nonsedating. 4. Oral morphine improves respiratory effort. 5. Oral morphine helps to control seizures.

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A newborn in the nursery is exhibiting signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome. Which of the following signs/symptoms is the nurse observing? Select all that apply. 1. Hyperphagia. 2. Lethargy. 3. Prolonged periods of sleep. 4. Hyporeflexia. 5. Persistent shrill cry.

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A Roman Catholic couple has just delivered a baby with an Apgar score of 1 at 1 minute, 2 at 5 minutes, and 2 at 10 minutes. Which of the following interventions is appropriate at this time? 1. Advise the parents that they should pray very hard so that everything turns out well. 2. Ask the parents whether they would like the nurse to baptize the baby. 3. Leave the parents alone to work through their thoughts and feelings. 4. Inform the parents that a priest will listen to their confessions whenever they are ready


A baby is born with erythroblastosis fetalis. Which of the following signs/ symptoms would the nurse expect to see? 1. Ruddy complexion. 2. Anasarca. 3. Alopecia. 4. Erythema toxicum


A newborn nursery nurse notes that a 36-hour-old baby's body is jaundiced. Which of the following nursing interventions will be most therapeutic? 1. Maintain a warm ambient environment. 2. Have the mother feed the baby frequently. 3. Have the mother hold the baby skin to skin. 4. Place the baby naked by a closed sunlit window


A nurse makes the following observations when admitting a full-term, breastfeeding baby into the neonatal nursery: 9 lb 2 oz, 21 inches long, TPR: 96.6°F/35.9°C, 158, 62, jittery, pink body with bluish hands and feet, crying. Which of the following nursing actions is of highest importance? 1. Swaddle the baby to provide warmth. 2. Assess the glucose level of the baby. 3. Take the baby to the mother for feeding. 4. Administer the neonatal medications


An 18-hour-old baby with an elevated bilirubin level is placed under the bili-lights. Which of the following is an expected nursing action in these circumstances? 1. Give the baby oral rehydration therapy in place of all feedings. 2. Rotate the baby from side to back to side to front every two hours. 3. Apply restraints to keep the baby under the light source. 4. Administer intravenous fluids via pump per doctor orders.


An infant admitted to the newborn nursery has a blood glucose level of 35 mg/dL. The nurse should monitor this baby carefully for which of the following? 1. Jaundice. 2. Jitters. 3. Erythema toxicum. 4. Subconjunctival hemorrhages.


A 1-day-old neonate, 32 weeks' gestation, is in an overhead warmer. The nurse assesses the morning axillary temperature as 96.9°F /36.1°C. Which of the following could explain this finding? 1. This is a normal temperature for a preterm neonate. 2. Axillary temperatures are not valid for preterm babies. 3. The supply of brown adipose tissue is incomplete. 4. Conduction heat loss is pronounced in the baby.


A 6-month-old child developed kernicterus immediately after birth. Which of the following tests should be done to determine whether or not this child has developed any sequelae to the illness? 1. Blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. 2. Alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin. 3. Hearing testing and vision assessment. 4. Peak expiratory flow and blood gas assessments.


A jaundice neonate must have a heel stick to assess bilirubin levels. Which of the following actions should the nurse make during the procedure? 1. Cover the foot with an iced wrap for one minute prior to the procedure. 2. Avoid puncturing the lateral heel to prevent damaging sensitive structures. 3. Allow the site to dry after rubbing it with an alcohol swab. 4. Firmly grasp the calf of the baby during the procedure to prevent injury.


A neonate is in the warming crib for poor thermoregulation. Which of the following sites is appropriate for the placement of the skin thermal sensor? 1. Xiphoid process. 2. Forehead. 3. Abdominal wall. 4. Great toe.


There is a baby in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) who is exhibiting signs of neonatal abstinence syndrome. Which of the following medications is contraindicated for this neonate? 1. Morphine. 2. Methadone. 3. Narcan. 4. Phenobarbital.


Which of the following neonates is at highest risk for cold stress syndrome? 1. Infant of diabetic mother. 2. Infant with Rh incompatibility. 3. Postdates neonate. 4. Down syndrome neonate.


Which of the following would lead the nurse to suspect cold stress syndrome in a newborn with a temperature of 96.5°F /35.8°C? 1. Blood glucose of 50 mg/dL. 2. Acrocyanosis. 3. Tachypnea. 4. Oxygen saturation of 96%


A baby is grunting in the neonatal nursery. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? 1. Place a pacifier in the baby's mouth. 2. Check the baby's diaper. 3. Have the mother feed the baby. 4. Assess the respiratory rate.


A neonate is under phototherapy for elevated bilirubin levels. The baby's stools are now loose and green. Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? 1. Discontinue the phototherapy. 2. Notify the healthcare practitioner. 3. Take the baby's temperature. 4. Assess the baby's skin integrity.


A newborn admitted to the nursery has a positive direct Coombs test. Which of the following is an appropriate action by the nurse? 1. Monitor the baby for jitters. 2. Assess the blood glucose level. 3. Assess the rectal temperature. 4. Monitor the baby for jaundice.


The nurse must perform nasopharyngeal suctioning of a newborn with profuse secretions. Please place the following nursing actions for nasopharyngeal suctioning in chronological order. 1. Slowly rotate and remove the suction catheter. 2. Place thumb over the suction control on the catheter. 3. Assess type and amount of secretions. 4. Insert free end of the tubing through the nose.

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