mbj L2 rao part b (anterior triangle)

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1) C4- upper border of thyroid cartilage 2) Carotid sinus; CN IX & sympathetic nerves --> baroreceptor 3) Carotid body; CN IX, X and sympathetic trunk--> chemoreceptor (O2, CO2, pH)

1) at what lvl does the CCA bifurcate? 2) what is the slight dilation found at the end of the CCA and beginning of internal CA and what is its innervation and function? 3) what is the small reddish brown structure situated behind the bifurcation of the CCA, and what is its innervation and function?

Carotid triangle

If my borders as followed are.... Ant; sup. belly of omohyoid Post; ant. border of sternoCM Sup; post. belly of digastric What am I? (Tip= #3 in diagram)

sup. belly of omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, inf. belly of omohyoid, thyrohyoid, and geniohyoid

Muscles supplied by the ansa cervicalis are...?

Ant: Mid line of neck from hyoid bone to sternum Postero-sup: Sup. belly of omohyoid Postero-inf: Ant. border of SCM Floor: Sternohyoid and sternothyroid Roof: Skin, superficial fascia (w contents) and investing deep cervical fascia

What are the boundaries of the muscular triangle?

On each side: Ant. belly of digastric Base: Body of hyoid bone Apex: Symphysis menti Floor: 2 mylohyoid muscles with median raphe Roof: skin, superficial fascia (w contents) , and investing deep cervical fascia

What are the boundaries of the submental triangle?

Ant. part: submandibular lymph nodes, ganglion, and gland with its duct, Lingual nerve, Facial vein, artery, Submental artery, Mylohyoid nerves and vessels, CN XII and intermediate tendon of digastric and stylohyoid. Post. part: lower part of parotid gland and ext Ca before entering parotid Note* deep structures between ICA and ECA are; styloglossus and stylopharyngeus muscles, CN XII and CN X, styloid process and part of parotid

What are the contents of the digastric/submandibular triangle/ Name at least 3.

Thyrohyoid--> C1 fibres thru CN XII Sup. belly of omohyoid--> Descendens hypoglossi sternohyoid, sternothyroid, inf. belly of omohyoid--->Ansa cervicalis Overall action; depress hyoid bone during swallowing and vocal movements

What are the innervations of the infrahyoid muscles and their overall action?

bifurcation if sup. laryngeal nerve into ext and internal laryngeal nerves. Also, wall of the pharynx.

What is deep to the ext CA in the carotid triangle?

cervical branch of CN VII, CN XII, facial vein, lingual vein and sup. thyroid vein

What superficially crosses the ext CA @ ant border of the SCM?


does the external carotid artery lie posterior or anterior to the internal carotid artery?

ansa cervicalis

lopp of nerves formed by C1, 2 & 3 on the ant. wall of carotid sheath. supplies infrahyoid muscles.

external carotid artery

terminal branch of CCA, chief artery of anterior structures of the face and neck. Begins at C4 or upper border of thyroid cartilage.

1) Submental triangle (red) 2) Submandibular/digastric triangle (green) 3) Carotid triangle (yellow) 4) Muscular triangle (blue)

what 4 triangles do the digastric and sup. belly of omohyoid muscles divide the anterior triangle into?

Superior thyroid Ascending pharyngeal Lingual Facial Occipital Posterior auricular Maxillary Superficial temporal 3 are ant., 2 post., 1 medial and 2 terminal, figure out which ones are!

what are the 8 branches of the ext CA? Hint; "Some Angry Lady Figured Out PMS".

Ant; ant. median neck line Post; ant. border of sternoCM Sup; inf. border of mandible and imaginary line from angle of mandible to mastoid process Inf; manubrium sterni

what are the boundaries of the anterior triangle?

Anteroinferiorly: ant. belly of digastric Posteroinferiorly: post. belly of digastirc and stylohyoid Superiorly: inf. border of mandible and imaginary line joining mandible and mastoid process Floor: mylohyoid, hyoglossus and middle constrictor muscle Roof: skin, superficial fascia (with contents), and investing deep cervical fascia

what are the boundaries of the digastric/submandibular triangle?

infrahyoid muscles; sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid and omohyoid

what are the contents of the muscular triangle?

Origin: Inf. belly from upper border of scapula and adjoining suprascapular ligament Insertion: Sup. belly to lower border of the body of hyoid bone lateral to sternohyoid

what are the origin and insertion of the Omohyoid muscle?

Origin: Post. surface of manubrium sterni Insertion: Medial part of lower border of Hyoid bone

what are the origin and insertion of the sternohyoid muscle?

Origin: Post. surface of manubrium sterni and adjoining 1st costal cartilage Insertion: Oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage

what are the origin and insertion of the sternothyroid muscle?

Origin: Oblique line of thyroid cartilage Insertion: Lower border of the body and greater cornu of hyoid bone

what are the origin and insertion of the thyrohyoid muscle?

common tendon

what are the two bellies of omohyoid connected by

1) Arteries; CCA (with carotid sinus and carotid body), internal CA and external CA with its branches (SOFAL) 2) Veins; Internal jugular vein and its tributaries (FLiPS) 3) Nerves; CN X (Sup laryngeal plus its branches), spinal part of CN XI, CN XII, ansa cervicalis (for strap muscles) and sympathetic chain 4) Deep cervical lymph nodes note* carotid sheath present

what arteries, veins and nerves and lymph nodes are found in the carotid triangle? give at least one of each.

Floor; thyrohyoid & hyoglossus muscles and inf & middle pharyngeal constrictors Roof; skin, superficial fascia (and its contents), and deep cervical fascia

what consists of the floor and roof of the carotid triangle?

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