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Answer Key: A This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social processes that influence human behavior." The answer to this question is option A. Associated with the functionalist theoretical paradigm in sociology, the concept of anomie describes the alienation that individuals feel when social norms and social bonds are weak. Without attachment to society, people will experience purposelessness and aimlessness. Periods of rapid social change are often associated with anomie. It is a Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles question because selecting the correct answer requires you to select the sociological concept described in the question.

Which concept refers to feelings of social disconnection that result from weak communal bonds and rapidly changing norms? A. Anomie B. Obedience C. Out-group D. Role exit

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social interactions." The answer to this question is B. Role conflict is defined as the stress that people feel when they are confronted with incompatible role expectations across different social statuses they occupy. A common source of role conflict is the need to balance the statuses of employee and caregiver. As illustrated in the correct answer, a full-time employee may face difficulties taking time away from work when a child is ill. It is a Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles question because it asks you to assess which example scenario best represents a sociological concept.

Role conflict is best illustrated in which of the following scenarios? A. A child is teased by peers after playing with toys and games associated with the other gender. B. After caring for a sick child at home, an employee falls behind with responsibilities at work. C. Parents are unable to select a treatment for their child after doctors disagree on a diagnosis. D. After being hospitalized with an illness, a doctor struggles to pay for all of the medical bills.

Answer Key: C This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social thinking." The answer to this question is option C. Social stigma is derived from the symbolic interactionist perspective in sociology and calls attention to how certain individuals or groups face social disapproval. Often, the social disapproval is associated with a behavior, identity, or other attribute that is considered deviant by others. This question assesses Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles because you are asked to select the option that identifies a specific concept.

Social stigma is most commonly associated with: A. an unrecognized prejudice. B. a failure to cope with stress. C. an attribute that is devalued. D. a discriminatory reaction.

Answer Key: C This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Self-identity." The answer to this question is option C, because the question provides the main features of the concept of the looking-glass self. In line with the symbolic interactionist paradigm in sociology, the looking-glass self suggests that the self-concept is more than just the product of self-reflection. Instead, the way in which people see themselves is based on how they believe others perceive them during social interactions. The question requires Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles because you are asked to recognize the concept referenced in the question.

Which concept describes the self-concept as a product of social interaction, emerging out of the way an individual perceives others to view him or her? A. The front stage self B. The back stage self C. The looking-glass self D. The self-fulfilling prophecy

Answer Key: C This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Self-identity." The answer to this question is C because a reference group refers to any group that an individual compares himself or herself to for self-evaluation. A person does not have to be included in a reference group for the group to be relevant. This question involves Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles because you are asked to select the concept described in the question.

A member of a youth sports league evaluates his or her own behaviors by comparing them to those of professional athletes. For this young athlete, professional athletes represent a(n): A. primary group. B. in-group. C. reference group. D. social network.

Answer Key: A This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Understanding social structure." The answer to this question is option A. The rational choice perspective assumes that individual behavior will be based on an implicit analysis of the costs and benefits of actions. The correct answer presents a strategy in which the cost of healthier food decreases while the cost of unhealthy food increases. From a rational choice perspective, individuals should then be more inclined to select the healthier foods. Although the other options present potentially valuable public health programs or interventions, only the correct answer is consistent with a strategy from the perspective of rational choice theory. It is a Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving question because you are asked to choose a public health strategy derived from a specific theory.

A public health agency seeks to improve population health by motivating people to modify their health behaviors. If the agency followed the rational choice perspective, which of the following strategies would they most likely use? A. Reduce the cost of fruits and vegetables while increasing the cost of processed foods. B. Mandate a reduction in the sugar, salt, and fat content found in public school lunches. C. Design public spaces that encourage people to increase their level of physical activity. D. Offer exercise ideas to parents who want to encourage physical activity in their children.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social interactions." The answer to this question is option D because ethical research requires that all participants voluntarily participate in the study. At any point, participants should be able to freely withdraw their participation, and their data can then no longer be used. Although the other options are sometimes part of a research protocol, none but the correct option identifies a requirement for ethical research. It is a Reasoning about the Design and Execution of Research question because you are asked to select the principle that is most important for ensuring a study is conducted in an ethical manner.

A researcher designs a study that involves interviewing cancer survivors about their experiences with support groups, along with other forms of social support, during treatment. In order for the study to be considered ethical, the researcher needs to: A. explain the study's research contribution to all of the participants. B. provide ample financial compensation for the participants' time. C. ensure that each participant is asked the exact same questions. D. allow the participants to withdraw from the study at any time.

Answer Key: A This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social interactions." The answer to this question is option A because it presents an option that is consistent with dramaturgical theory. The concepts of front stage self, back stage self, impression management, and communication are all relevant to the dramaturgical approach to social interactions. Dramaturgy uses the metaphor of theater to understand social interactions. When interacting, people are assumed to act in accordance with the expectations of their audience. The reference to audience is in the correct answer, making it consistent with dramaturgical theory. The incorrect options use sociological terms, but are not consistent with the main premises of the theory. This question involves Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving because you are asked to conclude which prediction uses concepts accurately, consistent with a theory of social interaction.

A researcher following the dramaturgical approach to social interaction is most likely to make which prediction? An individual will modify his or her front stage self in response to the perceived audience. The back stage self will be used in social interactions more often than the looking-glass self. Impression management will occur only if individuals understand the relevant social norms. Verbal communication will express more symbolic meaning than nonverbal communication.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Understanding social structure." The answer to this question is option D. Social epidemiology emphasizes how social factors, such as class or race/ethnicity, affect the distribution of health and disease. As a subfield of epidemiology, social epidemiology has significant overlap with sociological perspectives on health and disease. Both types of research call attention to the ways in which health and disease are conditioned by the social context. The question assesses Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving because you determine the research focus of an approach to studying population health.

A researcher taking the perspective of social epidemiology is most likely to focus on: impression management during social interactions. the most common pathologies of social institutions. medicalization as a feature of modern societies. the social determinants of health and disease.

Answer Key: A This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social interactions." The answer to this question is option A. The question describes the observation of role strain (stress experienced from contradictory demands of the same social role) in physicians treating patients with terminal illnesses. This scenario refers to ethnographic research, which involves observing social interactions in real social settings. Studying the experience of role strain through observation can increase our understanding of how physicians cope with the challenging demands of extending life with interventions while accepting the reality of death. The question requires Reasoning about the Design and Execution of Research because it asks you to select the research design that is most applicable to the hypothetical study described in the question.

A study is conducted in which researchers observe how physicians deal with role strain when treating patients with terminal illnesses. This study is best described as following which type of research design? A. Ethnographic B. Comparative C. Experimental D. Cross-sectional

Answer Key: A This is a Sociology question that draws on knowledge of socioeconomic status from the "Social inequality" content category. Socioeconomic status is typically defined as consisting of income (or wealth), educational attainment, and/or occupational status. Validity refers to the extent to which a measure reflects the phenomenon being studied. Although receiving government assistance (such as unemployment benefits or other forms of social welfare) could be a possible proxy indicator for income, it does not provide a direct measure of income. Thus, government assistance as a measure of socioeconomic status raises the issue of validity, since there are other available measures that would more directly assess the construct. It is a Reasoning about the Design and Execution of Research question because you are asked to consider which methodological issue is most important when evaluating the hypothetical study presented in the question.

A study uses the receipt of government assistance to indicate socioeconomic status. Which of the following reflects the main methodological issue that is raised by using this measure? A. Validity B. Reliability C. Generalizability D. Reproducibility

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Understanding social structure." The answer to this question is option B because the question suggests that assimilation is influencing health status. In particular, assimilation was found to result in worse health outcomes, as represented in the hypothetical survey comparison in the question. Because greater levels of assimilation are associated with worse mental health, it represents a negative correlation. It is a Data-based and Statistical Reasoning question because you are asked to display an understanding of how a finding can be reported as a correlation between variables.

A survey finds that immigrants report fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety than individuals from the same racial/ethnic group who were born in the United States. Which correlation best describes this finding? A. A positive correlation between socioeconomic status and assimilation B. A negative correlation between assimilation and health status C. A positive correlation between culture shock and socioeconomic status D. A negative correlation between health status and culture shock

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Demographic characteristics and processes." The answer to this question is option B. Demographic transition refers to a theory of economic development and population change. The theory suggests that economic changes, specifically industrialization, affect the relationship between the fertility and mortality rates in a society. Population growth occurs rapidly because the mortality rate falls before the fertility rate does. Over time, the fertility rate also falls, thus stabilizing a lower rate of population growth. It is a Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving question because you select the correct answer based on understanding which theory explains the proposition in the question.

A theory based on which concept would best explain how economic development leads to changes in a society's fertility and mortality rates? A. Social reproduction B. Demographic transition C. Cultural diffusion D. Social stratification

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Understanding social structure." The answer to this question is option B because it provides an explanation that is consistent with the sociological theory of symbolic interactionism. As a theory that focuses on micro-level social relationships, symbolic interactionism explains social phenomena in terms of the meaning that they hold when people interact with one another. The observation that people continue to smoke cigarettes, despite knowing the health risks of tobacco smoking, can be explained by symbolic interactionism's reference to group membership. For some people, smoking might signify social connection and social identity with a group. As a result, smoking may persist, even knowing that the behavior is harmful. The other response options correspond to other sociological theories: conflict theory (option A), rational choice theory (option C), and functionalist theory (option D). It is a Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving question because you are asked to choose the explanation that is consistent with a sociological theory.

Despite knowing the health risks of tobacco smoking, some long-term cigarette smokers may not attempt to quit. Which statement best explains this observation from the sociological perspective of symbolic interactionism? A. Cigarette manufacturers have targeted certain groups, in order to exploit and profit from those who become addicted. B. Smoking signifies membership within a group, which can maintain a social identity along with social connections. C. Because people have choices in a democratic society, tobacco regulation only partially protects public health. D. As the number of smokers steadily declines, smoking no longer serves the social function that it once did.

Answer Key: C This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Understanding social structure." The answer to this question is C because the concept of medicalization refers to the process in which something, usually a behavioral problem (such as, for example, alcoholism), becomes described and treated as a medical condition when it was not previously conceived in that way. It is a Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles question because you are required to recognize the best description of a sociological concept.

The sociological concept of medicalization refers to the process in which: A. health care costs consume a growing percentage of a nation's overall economic output. B. the medical profession reaches a consensus and establishes norms of professional conduct. C. a problem becomes described in medical terminology and treated by medical professionals. D. a society's population increases after improved medical treatments become more common.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social inequality." The answer to this question is option D because it presents a relationship between variables that exemplifies the socioeconomic gradient in health. The socioeconomic gradient refers to the negative correlation between socioeconomic status and health risks (or a positive correlation between socioeconomic status and positive health outcomes, such as life expectancy). The correct answer refers to a situation in which greater educational attainment would be associated with fewer risk factors for disease (and lower educational attainment would be associated with more risk factors). It is classified as a Data-based and Statistical Reasoning question because it asks you to select the correlation between variables that illustrates a general finding from sociology.

The socioeconomic gradient in health is best demonstrated by a negative correlation between which variables? A. Age at arrival as an immigrant and exposure to chronic stressors B. The level of economic development and life expectancy at birth C. The percentage of people living in urban areas and the obesity rate D. Educational attainment and risk factors for cardiovascular disease

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Demographic characteristics and processes." The answer to this question is option B because the life course approach refers to a research perspective that considers how experiences from earlier in life affect outcomes later in life. Indicators of a life course approach are apparent in all of the options, except for the correct answer. The other response options suggest analysis across different stages of live (over the life course), and some options also suggest unique attributes of specific life stages. However, the correct answer is narrower in comparison, as it only addresses the association between occupation, income, and cultural capital during adulthood. There is no clear influence across life stages in the correct answer. It is a Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving question because you are asked to select the hypothesis that is not consistent (keeping in mind the use of LEAST in the question) with an approach to studying the relationship between social factors and health.

Which hypothesis is LEAST compatible with the life course approach to health? A. Interventions that improve childhood health will have effects that last into adulthood. B. Occupational status will be correlated with income and cultural capital in adulthood. C. Children will imitate parents' behavior, forming patterns that persist into adulthood. D. Exposure to chronic stressors in adolescence will predict disease risk in adulthood.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Demographic characteristics and processes." The answer to this question is option D. Of the options, the correct answer is most directly related to the presumption that social and cultural factors affect differential health outcomes between males and females. Unintentional injury often occurs from behaviors that are patterned according to gender norms. For example, males are more likely than females to engage in risk-taking activities that can lead to injuries. This difference is rooted in social and cultural factors more so than in purely biological causes. The remaining options, although having a social element, are each more strongly based in biological differences between males and females. This question involves Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving because you are asked to select the empirical observation that would exemplify a theoretical proposition from sociology.

Which observation best demonstrates the proposition that gender is socially constructed? A. On average, females begin pubertal development at an earlier age than males. B. On average, adult males have higher levels of testosterone than adult females. C. On average, females have a higher prevalence of osteoporosis than males. D. On average, males have a higher rate of unintentional injury than females.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social inequality." The answer to this question is option D because the finding corresponds most directly to the concept of social capital, which suggests that social networks provide valuable resources. Social capital is believed to result in various health benefits for the individual, including reductions in the health risks of chronic inflammation. Partly related to social support, social capital emphasizes the tangible resources provided by network members (whereas social support tends to focus on emotional resources). Both social support and social capital suggest that social contacts will be beneficial to individual health and well-being. The other options are incorrect because they do not provide direct support for the relationship between social networks and health. This question requires Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving because you are asked to determine which observation supports a hypothesis based on the main premise of a sociological concept.

Which potential finding best supports the hypothesis that greater social capital will be associated with better health? A. Economic development is associated with increases in life expectancy. B. Intergenerational social mobility is associated with higher social status. C. Cultural diversity in an organization is associated with fewer employee sick days. D. Large social network size is associated with a lower risk of chronic inflammation.

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social processes that influence human behavior." The answer to this question is option B because it best applies labeling theory to the example of adolescent behavior. Labeling theory is a perspective on deviance that suggests labels get applied to certain groups or individuals regardless of specific behavior. Adolescents are often subject to stigmatizing labels, leading to perceptions that may not match behavior. Labeling theory calls attention to the power that stereotypes can have in determining how individuals are perceived. The question involves Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving because you are asked to select the prediction about a social group that is consistent with a sociological theory.

Which prediction related to adolescent behavior is most consistent with labeling theory? A. Adolescents will frequently conform to the attitudes of their peers. B. Adolescents will be stigmatized regardless of their individual behaviors. C. Adolescents' risky behaviors will be due to immature cognitive abilities. D. Adolescents' attitudes will generally be inconsistent with their behaviors.

Answer Key: C This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Understanding social structure." The answer to this question is C. Social constructionism presumes that ideas (such as knowledge about health and disease) are created through historical processes that are socially defined and culturally distinct. Thus, variation in mental illness classification across societies with different cultures suggests that such disorders are socially constructed. The reference to cultural differences and classification in the question indicates an explanation derived from social constructionism. It is a Scientific Reasoning and Problem Solving question because you are asked to reason with several major theoretical perspectives from sociology.

Which sociological theory best explains the existence of cross-cultural differences in how mental health disorders are classified? A. Functionalism B. Exchange theory C. Social constructionism D. Conflict theory

Answer Key: B This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social thinking." The answer to this question is B because it most closely aligns with the distinction between ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Ethnocentrism refers to using one's own cultural standards, such as norms and values, to make judgments about another culture. Cultural relativism, on the other hand, refers to an awareness of differences across cultures in norms, values, and other elements of culture. It is a Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles question because it involves making a conceptual distinction between contrasting principles.

Which statement best distinguishes ethnocentrism from cultural relativism? A. Ethnocentrism refers to in-group favoritism, whereas cultural relativism recognizes an out-group bias. B. Ethnocentrism assumes universal norms, whereas cultural relativism describes awareness of diversity. C. Ethnocentrism emphasizes social interaction, whereas cultural relativism focuses on social institutions. D. Ethnocentrism addresses discriminatory actions, whereas cultural relativism targets prejudicial beliefs.

Answer Key: C This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social inequality." The answer to this question is option C. Income is often reported using the median to reduce the influence of outliers (most often, this is due to high income data points that would skew the mean and thus not provide the best representation of the income distribution). The other response options make reference to income data, but do not provide a more direct or justifiable reason that explains why income data is most often summarized using the median. It is a Data-based and Statistical Reasoning question because it requires you to assess how measures of central tendency are used in reporting data (specifically, for summarizing sociological data on income distributions).

Which statement best explains why income distributions are usually reported using the median rather than with other measures of central tendency? A. For data on high income levels, the median is easier to calculate than the mean or the mode. B. As a measure of income, the median is more valid and reliable than the mean or the mode. C. Income data often includes outliers, and the median can summarize skewed distributions. D. Income data often has missing values, and the median does not require every data point.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Demographic characteristics and processes." The answer to this question is D because it best reflects the sociological distinction between race and ethnicity. Sociologists consider ethnicity to be categorizations of people based on culture and ancestry. Sociologists consider race to be categorizations of people based on perceived physical characteristics. Both concepts are understood in sociology as complex, social categories that change over time, rather than simply biological features of human beings. It is a Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles question because it requires you to distinguish between two similar, yet conceptually distinct, ideas from the social sciences.

Which statement best reflects how sociologists differentiate the concepts of ethnicity and race? A. Ethnicity is both dynamic and self-chosen, whereas race is immutable. B. Ethnicity addresses shared attitudes, whereas race addresses collective norms. C. Ethnicity is tied to a geographic region, whereas race is tied to an identity. D. Ethnicity classifies by culture, whereas race classifies by physical characteristics.

Answer Key: D This is a Sociology question that falls under the content category "Social inequality." The answer to this question is D because a health disparity refers to a difference in health outcomes that is closely related to social or economic factors. For the other options, plausible biological mechanisms can explain why disease frequencies would vary across groups. However, an association between a factor like socioeconomic status and a disease outcome indicates the potential influence of social inequality. It is a Knowledge of Scientific Concepts and Principles question because you are asked to select the example that reflects a sociological concept.

Which statement, if assumed to be true, is most likely to indicate a health disparity? A. The risk of Type 2 diabetes is lower in younger adults than in older adults. B. Rates of malaria infection decrease with greater distance from the equator. C. Across the life course, men are less likely to get breast cancer than women. D. Higher socioeconomic status is associated with a lower incidence of stroke.

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