Med Surg 3 Ch 42

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Two days after surgery to amputate the left lower leg, a client reports pain in the missing extremity. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?

Administer medication, as ordered, for the reported discomfort.

When providing discharge teaching to a client with a fractured toe, the nurse should include which instruction?

Apply ice to the fracture site.

The nurse in an orthopedic clinic is caring for a new client. What sign or symptom would lead a nurse to suspect that a client has a rotator cuff tear?

Difficulty lying on affected side

Which of the following would lead a nurse to suspect that a client has a rotator cuff tear?

Difficulty lying on affected side

A client who has injured a hip in a fall cannot place weight on the leg and is in significant pain. After radiographs indicate intact yet malpositioned bones, what repair would the physician perform?

joint manipulation and immobilization

A patient sustains an open fracture with extensive soft tissue damage. The nurse determines that this fracture would be classified as what grade?


Which is a hallmark sign of compartment syndrome?


After surgery to treat a hip fracture, a client returns from the postanesthesia care unit to the medical-surgical unit. Postoperatively, how should the nurse position the client?

With the leg on the affected side abducted

A client with a recent left above-the-knee amputation states, "I can feel pain in my left toes." Which is the best response by the nurse?

"Describe the pain and rate it on the pain scale."

A client undergoes a total hip replacement. Which statement made by the client indicates to the nurse that the client requires further teaching?

"I don't know if I'll be able to get off that low toilet seat at home by myself."

A client is being discharged from the Emergency Department after being diagnosed with a sprained ankle. Which client statement indicates the client understands the discharge teaching?

"I'll make sure to keep my ankle elevated as much as possible."

A 14-year-old client is treated in the emergency room for an acute knee sprain sustained during a soccer game. The nurse reviews discharge instructions with the client's parent. The nurse instructs the parent that the acute inflammatory stage will last how long?

24 to 48 hours

A client was playing softball and was hit in the right ankle by the ball sustaining a contusion. What is the first action taken to help alleviate pain and swelling?

Apply a cold pack to the ankle.

A client who has sustained a fracture reports an increase in pain and decreased function of the affected extremity. What will the nurse suspect?

Avascular necrosis

The nurse is caring for a 24-year-old female client with a right tibial fracture treated with a cast 2 hours ago. The client now reports unrelenting pain, rated as 7/10, despite taking oxycodone, and decreased sensation in the right foot. A nursing assessment reveals the right foot is cooler and paler than the left foot, with delayed capillary refill and a weak pulse.

Based on the nursing assessment, the priority action the nurse should take is to notify the orthopedic health care provider immediately and prepare the client for bivalving of the cast

Which assessment findings would the nurse expect to find in the postoperative client experiencing fat embolism syndrome?

Column B

A client sustains a fractured right humerus in an automobile accident. The arm is edematous, the client states not being able to move or feel the fingers, and the nurse does not feel a pulse. What condition should the nurse be concerned about that requires emergency measures?

Compartment syndrome

Two days after application of a cast to treat a fractured femur, the client reports severe, deep, and constant pain in the leg. What will the nurse suspect?

Compartment syndrome.

A patient sustains an open fracture of the left arm after an accident at the roller skating rink. What does emergency management of this fracture involve? (Select all that apply.)

Covering the area with a clean dressing if the fracture is open Immobilizing the affected site Splinting the injured limb

Colles fracture occurs in which area?

Distal radius

The client with a fractured left humerus reports dyspnea and chest pain. Pulse oximetry is 88%. Temperature is 100.2 degrees Fahrenheit (38.5 degrees Centigrade); heart rate is 110 beats per minute; respiratory rate is 32 breaths per minute. The nurse suspects the client is experiencing:

Fat embolism syndrome

The femur fracture that commonly leads to avascular necrosis or nonunion because of an abundant supply of blood vessels in the area is a fracture of the:

Femoral neck.

Which type of fracture involves a break through only part of the cross-section of the bone?


Which factor inhibits fracture healing?

Local malignancy

A client with a traumatic amputation of the right lower leg is refusing to look at the leg. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?

Provide feedback on the client's strengths and available resources.

A client sustains an injury to the ligaments surrounding a joint. What will the nurse identify this injury as?


A client comes to the emergency department and it is found that the client's radial head is partially dislocated. What is this partially dislocated radial head documented as?


A client arrives in the emergency room complaining of severe pain in her left hip after falling out of the bed. What indication upon assessment does the nurse recognize as a dislocated left hip? Select all that apply.

The left leg is shorter than the right. Limited range of motion of the left hip. The skin of the lower left leg is pale.

Which is not one of the general nursing measures employed when caring for the client with a fracture?

cranial nerve assessment

A client has been in a motor vehicle collision. Radiographs indicate a fractured humerus; the client is awaiting the casting of the upper extremity and admission to the orthopedic unit. What is the primary treatment for musculoskeletal trauma?


A nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client who must undergo an above-the-knee amputation of the left leg. After a leg amputation, exercise of the remaining limb:

should begin the day after surgery.

A client has had surgical repair of a hip injury after joint manipulation was unsuccessful. After surgery, the nurse implements measures to prevent complications. Which complications is the nurse seeking to prevent? Select all that apply.

skin breakdown wound infection pneumonia

When is it advisable for the nurse to apply heat to a sprain or a contusion?

After 2 days

A patient sustains a fracture of the arm. When does the nurse anticipate pendulum exercise should begin?

As soon as tolerated, after a reasonable period of immobilization

A nurse is caring for a client who underwent a total hip replacement. What should the nurse and other caregivers do to prevent dislocation of the new prosthesis?

Prevent internal rotation of the affected leg.

Which nursing intervention is essential in caring for a client with compartment syndrome?

Removing all external sources of pressure, such as clothing and jewelry

The nurse caring for a client, who has been treated for a hip fracture, instructs the client not to cross their legs and to have someone assist with tying their shoes. Which additional instruction should the nurse provide to client?

Do not flex the hip more than 90 degrees.

A client undergoes open reduction with internal fixation to treat an intertrochanteric fracture of the right hip. The nurse should include which intervention in the postoperative care plan?

Keeping a pillow between the client's legs at all times

Which nursing diagnosis takes highest priority for a client with a compound fracture?

Infection related to effects of trauma

A patient falls while skiing and sustains a supracondylar fracture. What does the nurse know is the most serious complication of a supracondylar fracture of the humerus?

Volkmann's ischemic contracture

A client is treated in the emergency department for acute muscle strain in the left leg caused by trying a new exercise. During discharge preparation, the nurse should provide which instruction?

"Apply ice packs for the first 24 to 48 hours, then apply heat packs."

A client is admitted to the emergency room after being hit by a car while riding a bicycle. The client sustained a fracture of the left femur, and the bone is protruding through the skin. What type of fracture does the nurse recognize requires emergency intervention?


Which of the following disorders results in widespread hemorrhage andmicrothrombosis with ischemia?

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

A client with arterial insufficiency undergoes below-knee amputation of the right leg. Which action should the nurse include in the postoperative care plan?

Elevating the stump for the first 24 hours

The nurse is monitoring a patient who sustained a fracture of the left hip. The nurse should be aware that which kind of shock can be a complication of this type of injury?


Which term refers to the failure of fragments of a fractured bone to heal together?


A client is brought to the emergency department after being struck with a baseball bat on the upper arm while diving for a pitched ball. Diagnostic tests reveal that the humerus is not broken but that the client has suffered another type of injury. What type of injury would the physician likely diagnose?


A client has been involved in a motor vehicle collision. Radiographs indicate a fractured humerus; the client is awaiting the casting of the upper extremity and admission to the orthopedic unit. Other than the bone, what physical structures could be affected by this injury?

All options are correct.

A patient has stepped in a hole in the yard, causing an ankle injury. The ankle is edematous and painful to palpation. How long should the nurse inform the patient that the acute inflammatory stage will last?

Between 24 and 48 hours

An important nursing assessment, post fracture, is to evaluate neurovascular status. Therefore, the nurse should check for:

Capillary refill.

The nurse is caring for a client who was involved in an automobile accident and sustained multiple trauma. The client has a Volkmann's contracture to the right hand. What objective data does the nurse document related to this finding?

Claw-like deformity of the right hand without ability to extend fingers

Radiographic evaluation of a client's fracture reveals that a bone fragment has been driven into another bone fragment. The nurse identifies this as which type of fracture?


A client who was in a motor vehicle crash is diagnosed with a stable T7 spinal fracture with no neurologic deficits. Which nursing intervention should the nurse implement?

Maintain bed rest with the head of the bed at 20 degrees.

A fracture is considered pathologic when it

occurs through an area of diseased bone.

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