med surg adaptive dynamic quiz ati

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education regarding external radiation treatment

"I should use my hand, instead of a washcloth, to wash the areas being radiated"

Amputation of the left lower leg. Which of the following statements indicates that the client understands how to care for the incision and his left upper leg?

"I will lie on my stomach for 30 min a few times each day"

A nurse is caring for a client with acute pancreatitis. Which of the following labs should return to normal within 72 hours of treatment?

Amylase Pancreatitis is the most common diagnosis for marked elevations in serum amylase.

A nurse is examining the ECG of a client who has frequent PVCs. Which of the following QRS changes should the nurse expect to see on the clients ECG?

B. Much greater amplitude than the usual QRS complexes The QRS complexes unusually have greater amplitude in height and depth in clients with PVCs.

expected findings for a client who has HF

BNP of 200 pg/mL the nurse should identify that a client who has HF will have an elevated BNP level of >100

Which of the following disorders should the nurse identify as increasing the client's metabolic needs?

COPD, Cancer, PARKINSONS, Major Burns Clients who have Parkinson's develop hypermetabolism because they burn calories due to muscular rigidity

A nurse is caring for a client recieving TPN. The nurse notes that the infusion pump for the client's TPN is turned off. After restarting the pump, the nurse should monitor the client for which of the following findings?

Diaphoresis The client has the potential to develop hypoglycemia due to sudden withdrawal.

A nurse is teaching a client with pernicious anemia. The nurse should encourage the client to increase consumption of which of the following foods?

Eggs The nurse should encourage foods rich in B12, such as dairy products, animal protein, poultry, shellfish, and eggs.

Client has a PICC line. How should the nurse maintain this central venous access device?

Flush the line with 0.9$ sodium chloride before and after medication administration Access the PICC for blood sampling Perform a heparin flush of the line at least daily when not in use

Client has cerebral lesion and develops hyperthermia. Which of the following area of the client's brain is affected?

Hypothalamus because it regulates body temperature

Recurrent otitis media. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

Instill a diluted alcohol solution into the ear after swimming. Decreases bacteria to prevent inflammation

Ways to reduce allergen exposure

Mattress cover on the bed Vacuum daily Remove carpet and curtains

A client experiences Somogyi effect and takes intermittent-acting insulin. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan>

Monitor the client's nighttime blood glucose levels. The somongyi effect describes a high blood glucose level in the morning after an extremely low blood glucose level during the night.

Elevated ST segments on the ECG indicate what?

Necrosis The client requires revascularization

Manifestations of GERD (select all that apply)

Regurgitation Nausea Belching Heartburn

Intercostal retractions and a high-pitched inspiratory sound indicates what?

Respiratory obstruction

Preop teaching for a client undergoing bone-marrow biopsy

The nurse should prepare the client to expect a painful, pulling sensation when the provider aspirates the bone marrow as well as some discomfort from the rotation of the needle into the bone

Vitamin deficiency associated with scurvy

Vit c

manifestation of MI

acute confusion

a nurse is caring for a client who has moderate alzheimer's disease. which of the following actions should the nurse take?

add gestures when speaking with the client

drug interaction for probenecid

aspirin probenecid is used to treat gout. aspirin can decrease the effectiveness of probenecid

pt has symptoms of TB. what do you do?

assign pt to negative pressure room and wear and N95

infection prevention education for HIV patients

avoid large gatherings of ppl cleaning toothbrush by running it thru dishwasher avoid digging in the garden

which food is linked to a latex allergy

bananas other cross reactive foods include avocados, kiwi, chestnuts, mangoes, pineapple, and passion fruit.

head injury with fixed, dilated pupils should be triaged as what?

black tag--will be allowed to die naturally

guaiac test is performed to detect what?

blood in stool

describe cheyne-stokes respirations

breathing pattern of deep to shallow breaths followed by periods of apnea.

which nutrients should a client with CKD increase in their diet?

calcium! a client who has CKD can develop hypocalcemia due to the reduced production of active vit D, which is needed for calcium absorption

what does the spleen do?

destroys old blood cells

typical findings for a client recovering from a left-hemisphere stroke

difficulty with speech

complications involving the 8th cranial nerve

dizziness and hearing loss

education for a client with primary open-angle glaucoma

driving can be dangerous laser surgery can help reestablish the flow of aqueous humor

major burn injury and experiencing third spacing. electolyte imbalance?

elevated Hct

education for a pt with aplastic anemia

eliminate uncooked foods from diet to prevent infection

A nurse is caring for a client who has a Fx hip and was placed in buck's traction 4 hours ago. which of the following should the nurse take?

encourage the client to perform dorsiflexion of the affected extremity every 2 hours

how to evaluate cranial nerve X

have the client open his mouth and say, "aah"

education program about hep B. which of the following statements should be included in teaching?

hep B immunization is given to infants and children

a nurse is caring for a client who has been diagnosed with addisonian crisis and has a BP of 74/42 mmHg. which of the following prescriptions should the nurse anticipate?

hydrocortisone hydrocortisone is required to assist with replacing cortisol levels

pt has CKD. the pt reports significant persistent nausea and muscle weakness. what electrolyte balance is most likely occuring?


manifestations of addison's disease

hypotension due to adrenal insufficiency

risk factors for breast cancer

increased breast density BMI of 32 undergoing hormonal replacement therapy for 10 years

pt recently had an endotracheal extubation. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a possible manifestation of tracheal stenosis and report to the provider?

increased coughing

the release of histamine causes which of the following reactions?

increased mucus secretion

client has increased ICP and has recieved IV mannitol. what is a therapeutic effect of this medication?

increased urine output mannitol is an osmotic diuretic

client has nausea with an NG tube to suction. what can the nurse do to help?

irrigate the tube with NS

New pacemaker education

keep your cell phone 6 inches away from your pacemaker when making a call

instructions for a client with CKD

limit fluid intake to prevent hypervolemia

Manifestations of hemolytic transfusion reaction

low back pain headache, chest pain, tachypnea, tachycardia, dark urine

a client who is in the resuscitation phase following a major burn. which of the following labs should the nurse expect?

low sodium because the sodium is trapped in interstitial space

transillumination examines what?

maxillary sinuses transillumination allows the passage of light, often bright halogen light, through body tissues

pt is recieving chemo and has a protein deficiency. which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the plan of care?

mix powdered skim milk into liquid milk add a slice of cheese to hot vegetables mix yogurt into fresh fruit

EMG tests what?

nerves, will determine if they are working correctly

pt has burns over 40% of the body. what intervention should the nurse initiate?

range of motion exercises to prevent contractures and maintain mobility

4 hours postop following a lap chole. which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

right shoulder pain

pt is experiencing tinnitus in both ears. what's a risk factor for tinnitus?

sclerosis of the ossicles

anticipated manifestations for acute angle-closure glaucoma

severe eye pain halos around lights, blurred vision, HAs, brow pain, and N/V

what are papules

small, solid, elevated lesions with distinct borders. usually smaller than 10 mm in diameter

main function of gall bladder

storing bile

non-pharm interventions for a pt with stomatitis of the mouth

suck on popsicles to numb the mouth

indication of an acute intravascular hemolytic reaction

sudden oliguria

indication of impending resp failure


a pt is scheduled for an esophagogastric balloon tamponade tube to treat bleeding esophageal varices. which of the following pieces of info should the nurse include in the teaching?

the client will be placed on mechanical ventilation prior to this procedure

pt has lupus. the client asks the nurse what to do about skin lesions on the face and neck

the nurse should educate the client to apply moisturizer after bathing the lesions with warm water

s&s of third degree frost bite

the skin of the affected area has small blisters that are blood filled, and the skin does not blanch

purpose of PPD

to identify if a client has been infected with Mycobacterium TB

indications of tension pneumothorax

tracheal deviation to the left absent breath sounds on the right side neck vein distention

side effects of rifampin for the treatment of TB include

turns the skin orange

warning signs of malignancy of (for example) basal cell carcinoma

ulceration, increasing size, bleeding, and exudation

manifestations of exacerbation of herpes zoster

unilateral, localized, nodular skin lesions

variant angina vs stable

variant angina can cause changes on your ECG

what pts are at risk for iron deficiency

vegetarians, pregnant, an overweight toddler

foot care for pts with diabetes

wash feet daily using lukewarm water and soap

education for a client who has AIDS about preventing infection while at home

wash genitalia using an antimicrobial soap

how is pernicious anemia managed?

weekly injections of vitamin B-12

nursing interventions for a client recieving TPN

weigh the client daily

celiac disease. what foods to avoid?

wheat bread

preop for renal biopsy. which of the following statments should the nurse make?

you will need to be on bed rest following the procedure

a client is receiving peritoneal dialysis. which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider immediately?

cloudy effluent a cloudy or opaque effluent indicates the client is at high risk for peritonitis, a bacterial infection of the peritoneum

"Something just popped when I coughed"

cover the client's wound with a sterile, moist dressing

administering packed RBCs

check to determine the packed RBCs are less than 1 week old ask another nurse to check the packed RBCs label against the medical record prime the tubing with 0.9% sodium chloride

discharge education for a client who is postop following scleral buckling to repair a detached retina

client should avoid reading for 1 week

pt has a hx of calcium oxalate renal calculi. which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

consume 1000mg of dietary calcium daily. clients who are prone should consume the recommended daily allowance for calcium their age

crackling sensation upon palpation is known as what?


3 days post op--the incision is slightly edematous and pink with crusting on the edges.

it's healing appropriately

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