Med Surg Exam 1

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4. A nurse is admitting a patient to the postsurgical unit following a gastrostomy. When planning assessments, the nurse should be aware of what potential postoperative complication of a gastrostomy? A) Premature removal of the G tube B) Bowel perforation C) Constipation D) Development of peptic ulcer disease (PUD)

Ans: A Feedback: A significant postoperative complication of a gastrostomy is premature removal of the G tube. Constipation is a less immediate threat and bowel perforation and PUD are not noted to be likely complications.

12. A nurse is caring for a patient who has an order to discontinue the administration of parenteral nutrition. What should the nurse do to prevent the occurrence of rebound hypoglycemia in the patient? A) Administer an isotonic dextrose solution for 1 to 2 hours after discontinuing the PN. B) Administer a hypertonic dextrose solution for 1 to 2 hours after discontinuing the PN. C) Administer 3 ampules of dextrose 50% immediately prior to discontinuing the PN. D) Administer 3 ampules of dextrose 50% 1 hour after discontinuing the PN.

Ans: A Feedback: After administration of the PN solution is gradually discontinued, an isotonic dextrose solution is administered for 1 to 2 hours to protect against rebound hypoglycemia. The other listed actions would likely cause hyperglycemia.

10. A 15-year-old child is brought to the emergency department with symptoms of hyperglycemia and is Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 963 subsequently diagnosed with diabetes. Based on the fact that the childs pancreatic beta cells are being destroyed, the patient would be diagnosed with what type of diabetes? A) Type 1 diabetes B) Type 2 diabetes C) Noninsulin-dependent diabetes D) Prediabetes

Ans: A Feedback: Beta cell destruction is the hallmark of type 1 diabetes. Noninsulin-dependent diabetes is synonymous with type 2 diabetes, which involves insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion, but not beta cell destruction. Prediabetes is characterized by normal glucose metabolism, but a previous history of hyperglycemia, often during illness or pregnancy.

29. A patient will be undergoing abdominal computed tomography (CT) with contrast. The nurse has administered IV sodium bicarbonate and oral acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) before the study as ordered. What would indicate that these medications have had the desired therapeutic effect? A) The patients BUN and creatinine levels are within reference range following the CT. B) The CT yields high-quality images. C) The patients electrolytes are stable in the 48 hours following the CT. D) The patients intake and output are in balance on the day after the CT.

Ans: A Feedback: Both sodium bicarbonate and Mucomyst are free radical scavengers that sequester the contrast byproducts that are destructive to renal cells. Kidney damage would be evident by increased BUN and creatinine levels. These medications are unrelated to electrolyte or fluid balance and they play no role in the results of the CT.

30. A medical patients CA 19-9 levels have become available and they are significantly elevated. How should the nurse best interpret this diagnostic finding? A) The patient may have cancer, but other GI disease must be ruled out. B) The patient most likely has early-stage colorectal cancer. C) The patient has a genetic predisposition to gastric cancer. D) The patient has cancer, but the site is unknown.

Ans: A Feedback: CA 19-9 levels are elevated in most patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, but they may also be elevated in other conditions such as colorectal, lung, and gallbladder cancers; gallstones; pancreatitis; cystic fibrosis; and liver disease. A cancer diagnosis cannot be made solely on CA 19-9 results.

37. The most recent blood work of a patient with a longstanding diagnosis of type 1 diabetes has shown the presence of microalbuminuria. What is the nurses most appropriate action? A) Teach the patient about actions to slow the progression of nephropathy. B) Ensure that the patient receives a comprehensive assessment of liver function. C) Determine whether the patient has been using expired insulin. D) Administer a fluid challenge and have the test repeated.

Ans: A Feedback: Clinical nephropathy eventually develops in more than 85% of people with microalbuminuria. As such, educational interventions addressing this microvascular complication are warranted. Expired insulin does not cause nephropathy, and the patients liver function is not likely affected. There is no indication for the use of a fluid challenge.

26. A patient with a longstanding diagnosis of type 1 diabetes has a history of poor glycemic control. The nurse recognizes the need to assess the patient for signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy constitutes a risk for what nursing diagnosis? A) Infection B) Acute pain C) Acute confusion D) Impaired urinary elimination

Ans: A Feedback: Decreased sensations of pain and temperature place patients with neuropathy at increased risk for injury and undetected foot infections. The neurologic changes associated with peripheral neuropathy do not normally result in pain, confusion, or impairments in urinary function. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 971

35. A nurse is caring for an 83-year-old patient who is being assessed for recurrent and intractable nausea. What age-related change to the GI system may be a contributor to the patients health complaint? A) Stomach emptying takes place more slowly. B) The villi and epithelium of the small intestine become thinner. C) The esophageal sphincter becomes incompetent. D) Saliva production decreases.

Ans: A Feedback: Delayed gastric emptying occurs in older adults and may contribute to nausea. Changes to the small intestine and decreased saliva production would be less likely to contribute to nausea. Loss of esophageal sphincter function is pathologic and is not considered an age-related change.

6. A patient has come to the outpatient radiology department for diagnostic testing. Which of the following diagnostic procedures will allow the care team to evaluate and remove polyps? A) Colonoscopy B) Barium enema C) ERCP D) Upper gastrointestinal fibroscopy

Ans: A Feedback: During colonoscopy, tissue biopsies can be obtained as needed, and polyps can be removed and evaluated. This is not possible during a barium enema, ERCP, or gastroscopy.

20. A patients new onset of dysphagia has required insertion of an NG tube for feeding; the nurse has modified the patients care plan accordingly. What intervention should the nurse include in the patients plan of care? A) Confirm placement of the tube prior to each medication administration. B) Have the patient sip cool water to stimulate saliva production. C) Keep the patient in a low Fowlers position when at rest. D) Connect the tube to continuous wall suction when not in use.

Ans: A Feedback: Each time liquids or medications are administered, and once a shift for continuous feedings, the tube must be checked to ensure that it remains properly placed. If the NG tube is used for decompression, it is attached to intermittent low suction. During the placement of a nasogastric tube the patient should be positioned in a Fowlers position. Oral fluid administration is contraindicated by the patients dysphagia.

14.A patients health decline necessitates the use of total parenteral nutrition. The patient has questioned the need for insertion of a central venous catheter, expressing a preference for a normal IV. The nurse should know that peripheral administration of high-concentration PN formulas is contraindicated because of the risk for what complication? A) Chemical phlebitis B) Hyperglycemia C) Dumping syndrome D) Line sepsis

Ans: A Feedback: Formulations with dextrose concentrations of more than 10% should not be administered through peripheral veins because they irritate the intima (innermost walls) of small veins, causing chemical phlebitis. Hyperglycemia and line sepsis are risks with both peripheral and central administration of PN. PN is not associated with dumping syndrome.

30. A nurse is conducting a class on how to self-manage insulin regimens. A patient asks how long a vial of insulin can be stored at room temperature before it goes bad. What would be the nurses best answer? A) If you are going to use up the vial within 1 month it can be kept at room temperature. B) If a vial of insulin will be used up within 21 days, it may be kept at room temperature. C) If a vial of insulin will be used up within 2 weeks, it may be kept at room temperature. D) If a vial of insulin will be used up within 1 week, it may be kept at room temperature.

Ans: A Feedback: If a vial of insulin will be used up within 1 month, it may be kept at room temperature.

27. A patient has been brought to the emergency department by paramedics after being found unconscious. The patients Medic Alert bracelet indicates that the patient has type 1 diabetes and the patients blood glucose is 22 mg/dL (1.2 mmol/L). The nurse should anticipate what intervention? A) IV administration of 50% dextrose in water B) Subcutaneous administration of 10 units of Humalog C) Subcutaneous administration of 12 to 15 units of regular insulin D) IV bolus of 5% dextrose in 0.45% NaCl

Ans: A Feedback: In hospitals and emergency departments, for patients who are unconscious or cannot swallow, 25 to 50 mL of 50% dextrose in water (D50W) may be administered IV for the treatment of hypoglycemia. Five percent dextrose would be inadequate and insulin would exacerbate the patients condition.

8. A nurse is preparing to administer a patients intravenous fat emulsion simultaneously with parenteral nutrition (PN). Which of the following principles should guide the nurses action? A) Intravenous fat emulsions may be infused simultaneously with PN through a Y-connector close to the infusion site and should not be filtered. B) The nurse should prepare for placement of another intravenous line, as intravenous fat emulsions may not be infused simultaneously through the line used for PN. C) Intravenous fat emulsions may be infused simultaneously with PN through a Y-connector close to the infusion site after running the emulsion through a filter. D) The intravenous fat emulsions can be piggy-backed into any existing IV solution that is infusing.

Ans: A Feedback: Intravenous fat emulsions may be infused simultaneously with PN through a Y-connector close to the infusion site and should not be filtered. The patient does not need another intravenous line for the fat emulsion. The IVFE cannot be piggy-backed into any existing IV solution that is infusing.

9. A patient has sought care because of recent dark-colored stools. As a result, a fecal occult blood test has been ordered. The nurse should instruct the patient to avoid which of the following prior to collecting a stool sample? A) NSAIDs B) Acetaminophen C) OTC vitamin D supplements D) Fiber supplements

Ans: A Feedback: NSAIDs can cause a false-positive fecal occult blood test. Acetaminophen, vitamin D supplements, and fiber supplements do not have this effect.

36. A patient has been experiencing significant psychosocial stress in recent weeks. The nurse is aware of the hormonal effects of stress, including norepinephrine release. Release of this substance would have what effect on the patients gastrointestinal function? Select all that apply. A) Decreased motility B) Increased sphincter tone C) Increased enzyme release D) Inhibition of secretions E) Increased peristalsis

Ans: A Feedback: Norepinephrine generally decreases GI motility and secretions, but increases muscle tone of sphincters. Norepinephrine does not increase the release of enzymes.

34. A patient has been living with type 2 diabetes for several years, and the nurse realizes that the patient is likely to have minimal contact with the health care system. In order to ensure that the patient maintains adequate blood sugar control over the long term, the nurse should recommend which of the following? A) Participation in a support group for persons with diabetes B) Regular consultation of websites that address diabetes management C) Weekly telephone check-ins with an endocrinologist D) Participation in clinical trials relating to antihyperglycemics

Ans: A Feedback: Participation in support groups is encouraged for patients who have had diabetes for many years as well as for those who are newly diagnosed. This is more interactive and instructive than simply consulting websites. Weekly telephone contact with an endocrinologist is not realistic in most cases. Participation in research trials may or may not be beneficial and appropriate, depending on patients circumstances.

14. An advanced practice nurse is assessing the size and density of a patients abdominal organs. If the results of palpation are unclear to the nurse, what assessment technique should be implemented? A) Percussion B) Auscultation C) Inspection D) Rectal examination

Ans: A Feedback: Percussion is used to assess the size and density of the abdominal organs and to detect the presence of air-filled, fluid-filled, or solid masses. Percussion is used either independently or concurrently with palpation because it can validate palpation findings.

3. A patient has been brought to the emergency department with abdominal pain and is subsequently diagnosed with appendicitis. The patient is scheduled for an appendectomy but questions the nurse about how his health will be affected by the absence of an appendix. How should the nurse best respond? A) Your appendix doesnt play a major role, so you wont notice any difference after you recovery from surgery. B) The surgeon will encourage you to limit your fat intake for a few weeks after the surgery, but your body will then begin to compensate. C) Your body will absorb slightly fewer nutrients from the food you eat, but you wont be aware of this. D) Your large intestine will adapt over time to the absence of your appendix.

Ans: A Feedback: The appendix is an appendage of the cecum (not the large intestine) that has little or no physiologic function. Its absence does not affect digestion or absorption.

2. A nurse is promoting increased protein intake to enhance a patients wound healing. The nurse knows that enzymes are essential in the digestion of nutrients such as protein. What is the enzyme that initiates the digestion of protein? A) Pepsin B) Intrinsic factor C) Lipase D) Amylase

Ans: A Feedback: The enzyme that initiates the digestion of protein is pepsin. Intrinsic factor combines with vitamin B12 for absorption by the ileum. Lipase aids in the digestion of fats and amylase aids in the digestion of starch.

28. A diabetic nurse is working for the summer at a camp for adolescents with diabetes. When providing information on the prevention and management of hypoglycemia, what action should the nurse promote? A) Always carry a form of fast-acting sugar. B) Perform exercise prior to eating whenever possible. C) Eat a meal or snack every 8 hours. D) Check blood sugar at least every 24 hours.

Ans: A Feedback: The following teaching points should be included in information provided to the patient on how to prevent hypoglycemia: Always carry a form of fast-acting sugar, increase food prior to exercise, eat a meal or snack every 4 to 5 hours, and check blood sugar regularly.

18. A diabetic educator is discussing sick day rules with a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic. The educator is aware that the patient will require further teaching when the patient states what? A) I will not take my insulin on the days when I am sick, but I will certainly check my blood sugar every 2 hours. B) If I cannot eat a meal, I will eat a soft food such as soup, gelatin, or pudding six to eight times a day. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 967 C) I will call the doctor if I am not able to keep liquids in my body due to vomiting or diarrhea. D) I will call the doctor if my blood sugar is over 300 mg/dL or if I have ketones in my urine.

Ans: A Feedback: The nurse must explanation the sick day rules again to the patient who plans to stop taking insulin when sick. The nurse should emphasize that the patient should take insulin agents as usual and test ones blood sugar and urine ketones every 3 to 4 hours. In fact, insulin-requiring patients may need supplemental doses of regular insulin every 3 to 4 hours. The patient should report elevated glucose levels (greater than 300 mg/dL or as otherwise instructed) or urine ketones to the physician. If the patient is not able to eat normally, the patient should be instructed to substitute soft foods such a gelatin, soup, and pudding. If vomiting, diarrhea, or fever persists, the patient should have an intake of liquids every 30 to 60 minutes to prevent dehydration.

6. The nurse is administering total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to a client who underwent surgery for gastric cancer. Which of the nurses assessments most directly addresses a major complication of TPN? A) Checking the patients capillary blood glucose levels regularly B) Having the patient frequently rate his or her hunger on a 10-point scale C) Measuring the patients heart rhythm at least every 6 hours D) Monitoring the patients level of consciousness each shift

Ans: A Feedback: The solution, used as a base for most TPN, consists of a high dextrose concentration and may raise blood glucose levels significantly, resulting in hyperglycemia. This is a more salient threat than hunger, though this should be addressed. Dysrhythmias and decreased LOC are not among the most common complications.

26. A patient presents at the walk-in clinic complaining of recurrent sharp stomach pain that is relieved by eating. The nurse suspects that the patient may have an ulcer. How would the nurse explain the formation and role of acid in the stomach to the patient? A) Hydrochloric acid is secreted by glands in the stomach in response to the actual or anticipated presence of food. B) As digestion occurs in the stomach, the stomach combines free hydrogen ions from the food to form acid. C) The body requires an acidic environment in order to synthesize pancreatic digestive enzymes; the stomach provides this environment. D) The acidic environment in the stomach exists to buffer the highly alkaline environment in the esophagus.

Ans: A Feedback: The stomach, which stores and mixes food with secretions, secretes a highly acidic fluid in response to the presence or anticipated ingestion of food. The stomach does not turn food directly into acid and the esophagus is not highly alkaline. Pancreatic enzymes are not synthesized in a highly acidic environment.

22. A nurse is caring for a patient newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The nurse is educating the patient about self-administration of insulin in the home setting. The nurse should teach the patient to do which of the following? A) Avoid using the same injection site more than once in 2 to 3 weeks. B) Avoid mixing more than one type of insulin in a syringe. C) Cleanse the injection site thoroughly with alcohol prior to injecting. D) Inject at a 45 angle. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 969

Ans: A Feedback: To prevent lipodystrophy, the patient should try not to use the same site more than once in 2 to 3 weeks. Mixing different types of insulin in a syringe is acceptable, within specific guidelines, and the needle is usually inserted at a 90 angle. Cleansing the injection site with alcohol is optional.

1. A nurse is preparing to place a patients ordered nasogastric tube. How should the nurse best determine the correct length of the nasogastric tube? A) Place distal tip to nose, then ear tip and end of xiphoid process. B) Instruct the patient to lie prone and measure tip of nose to umbilical area. C) Insert the tube into the patients nose until secretions can be aspirated. D) Obtain an order from the physician for the length of tube to insert.

Ans: A Feedback: Tube length is traditionally determined by (1) measuring the distance from the tip of the nose to the earlobe and from the earlobe to the xiphoid process, and (2) adding up to 6 inches for NG placement or at least 8 to 10 inches or more for intestinal placement, although studies do not necessarily confirm that this is a reliable technique. The physician would not prescribe a specific length and the umbilicus is not a landmark for this process. Length is not determined by aspirating from the tube.

10. The nurse is preparing to perform a patients abdominal assessment. What examination sequence should the nurse follow? A) Inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation B) Inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion C) Inspection, percussion, palpation, and auscultation D) Inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation

Ans: A Feedback: When performing a focused assessment of the patients abdomen, auscultation should always precede percussion and palpation because they may alter bowel sounds. The traditional sequence for all other focused assessments is inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

7. A diabetes nurse educator is teaching a group of patients with type 1 diabetes about sick day rules. What guideline applies to periods of illness in a diabetic patient? A) Do not eliminate insulin when nauseated and vomiting. B) Report elevated glucose levels greater than 150 mg/dL. C) Eat three substantial meals a day, if possible. D) Reduce food intake and insulin doses in times of illness.

Ans: A Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 962 Feedback: The most important issue to teach patients with diabetes who become ill is not to eliminate insulin doses when nausea and vomiting occur. Rather, they should take their usual insulin or oral hypoglycemic agent dose, then attempt to consume frequent, small portions of carbohydrates. In general, blood sugar levels will rise but should be reported if they are greater than 300 mg/dL.

23. The nurse educator is reviewing the blood supply of the GI tract with a group of medical nurses. The nurse is explaining the fact that the veins that return blood from the digestive organs and the spleen form the portal venous system. What large veins will the nurse list when describing this system? Select all that apply. A) Splenic vein B) Inferior mesenteric vein C) Gastric vein D) Inferior vena cava E) Saphenous vein

Ans: A, B, C Feedback: This portal venous system is composed of five large veins: the superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, gastric, splenic, and cystic veins, which eventually form the vena portae that enters the liver. The inferior vena cava is not part of the portal system. The saphenous vein is located in the leg.

40. A female patient has presented to the emergency department with right upper quadrant pain; the physician has ordered abdominal ultrasound to rule out cholecystitis (gallbladder infection). The patient expresses concern to the nurse about the safety of this diagnostic procedure. How should the nurse best respond? A) Abdominal ultrasound is very safe, but it cant be performed if youre pregnant. B) Abdominal ultrasound poses no known safety risks of any kind. C) Current guidelines state that a person can have up to 3 ultrasounds per year. D) Current guidelines state that a person can have up to 6 ultrasounds per year.

Ans: B Feedback: An ultrasound produces no ill effects and there are not specific limits on its use, even during pregnancy.

12. A nurse is caring for a newly admitted patient with a suspected GI bleed. The nurse assesses the patients stool after a bowel movement and notes it to be a tarry-black color. This finding is suggestive of bleeding from what location? A) Sigmoid colon B) Upper GI tract C) Large intestine D) Anus or rectum

Ans: B Feedback: Blood shed in sufficient quantities in the upper GI tract will produce a tarry-black color (melena). Blood entering the lower portion of the GI tract or passing rapidly through it will appear bright or dark red. Lower rectal or anal bleeding is suspected if there is streaking of blood on the surface of the stool or if blood is noted on toilet tissue.

27. Results of a patients preliminary assessment prompted an examination of the patients carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels, which have come back positive. What is the nurses most appropriate response to this finding? A) Perform a focused abdominal assessment. B) Prepare to meet the patients psychosocial needs. C) Liaise with the nurse practitioner to perform an anorectal examination. D) Encourage the patient to adhere to recommended screening protocols.

Ans: B Feedback: CEA is a protein that is normally not detected in the blood of a healthy person; therefore, when detected it indicates that cancer is present, but not what type of cancer is present. The patient would likely be learning that he or she has cancer, so the nurse must prioritize the patients immediate psychosocial needs, not abdominal assessment. Future screening is not a high priority in the short term.

12. An occupational health nurse is screening a group of workers for diabetes. What statement should the nurse interpret as suggestive of diabetes? Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 964 A) Ive always been a fan of sweet foods, but lately Im turned off by them. B) Lately, I drink and drink and cant seem to quench my thirst. C) No matter how much sleep I get, it seems to take me hours to wake up. D) When I went to the washroom the last few days, my urine smelled odd.

Ans: B Feedback: Classic clinical manifestations of diabetes include the three Ps: polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. Lack of interest in sweet foods, fatigue, and foul-smelling urine are not suggestive of diabetes.

13. A nursing student has auscultated a patients abdomen and noted one or two bowel sounds in a 2-minute period of time. How would you tell the student to document the patients bowel sounds? A) Normal B) Hypoactive C) Hyperactive D) Paralytic ileus

Ans: B Feedback: Documenting bowel sounds is based on assessment findings. The terms normal (sounds heard about every 5 to 20 seconds), hypoactive (one or two sounds in 2 minutes), hyperactive (5 to 6 sounds heard in less than 30 seconds), or absent (no sounds in 3 to 5 minutes) are frequently used in documentation. Paralytic ileus is a medical diagnosis that may cause absent or hypoactive bowel sounds, but the nurse would not independently document this diagnosis.

23. A patient with type 2 diabetes achieves adequate glycemic control through diet and exercise. Upon being admitted to the hospital for a cholecystectomy, however, the patient has required insulin injections on two occasions. The nurse would identify what likely cause for this short-term change in treatment? A) Alterations in bile metabolism and release have likely caused hyperglycemia. B) Stress has likely caused an increase in the patients blood sugar levels. C) The patient has likely overestimated her ability to control her diabetes using nonpharmacologic measures. D) The patients volatile fluid balance surrounding surgery has likely caused unstable blood sugars.

Ans: B Feedback: During periods of physiologic stress, such as surgery, blood glucose levels tend to increase, because levels of stress hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone) increase. The patients need for insulin is unrelated to the action of bile, the patients overestimation of previous blood sugar control, or fluid imbalance.

34. A patients sigmoidoscopy has been successfully completed and the patient is preparing to return home. Which of the following teaching points should the nurse include in the patients discharge education? A) The patient should drink at least 2 liters of fluid in the next 12 hours. B) The patient can resume a normal routine immediately. C) The patient should expect fecal urgency for several hours. D) The patient can expect some scant rectal bleeding.

Ans: B Feedback: Following sigmoidoscopy, patients can resume their regular activities and diet. There is no need to push fluids and neither fecal urgency nor rectal bleeding is expected.

33. A patient with a history of type 1 diabetes has just been admitted to the critical care unit (CCU) for diabetic ketoacidosis. The CCU nurse should prioritize what assessment during the patients initial phase of treatment? A) Monitoring the patient for dysrhythmias B) Maintaining and monitoring the patients fluid balance C) Assessing the patients level of consciousness D) Assessing the patient for signs and symptoms of venous thromboembolism

Ans: B Feedback: In addition to treating hyperglycemia, management of DKA is aimed at correcting dehydration, electrolyte loss, and acidosis before correcting the hyperglycemia with insulin. The nurse should monitor the patient for dysrhythmias, decreased LOC and VTE, but restoration and maintenance of fluid balance is the highest priority. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 974

8. The nurse is discussing macrovascular complications of diabetes with a patient. The nurse would address what topic during this dialogue? A) The need for frequent eye examinations for patients with diabetes B) The fact that patients with diabetes have an elevated risk of myocardial infarction C) The relationship between kidney function and blood glucose levels D) The need to monitor urine for the presence of albumin

Ans: B Feedback: Myocardial infarction and stroke are considered macrovascular complications of diabetes, while the effects on vision and renal function are considered to be microvascular.

11. A patients physician has determined that for the next 3 to 4 weeks the patient will require parenteral nutrition (PN). The nurse should anticipate the placement of what type of venous access device? A) Peripheral catheter B) Nontunneled central catheter C) Implantable port D) Tunneled central catheter

Ans: B Feedback: Nontunneled central catheters are used for short-term (less than 6 weeks) IV therapy. A peripheral catheter can be used for the administration of peripheral parenteral nutrition for 5 to 7 days. Implantable ports and tunneled central catheters are for long-term use and may remain in place for many years. Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) are another potential option.

16. A nurse is caring for a patient with type 1 diabetes who is being discharged home tomorrow. What is the best way to assess the patients ability to prepare and self-administer insulin? A) Ask the patient to describe the process in detail. B) Observe the patient drawing up and administering the insulin. C) Provide a health education session reviewing the main points of insulin delivery. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 966 D) Review the patients first hemoglobin A1C result after discharge.

Ans: B Feedback: Nurses should assess the patients ability to perform diabetes related self-care as soon as possible during the hospitalization or office visit to determine whether the patient requires further diabetes teaching. While consulting a home care nurse is beneficial, an initial assessment should be performed during the hospitalization or office visit. Nurses should directly observe the patient performing the skills such as insulin preparation and infection, blood glucose monitoring, and foot care. Simply questioning the patient about these skills without actually observing performance of the skill is not sufficient. Further education does not guarantee learning.

10. A nurse is initiating parenteral nutrition (PN) to a postoperative patient who has developed complications. The nurse should initiate therapy by performing which of the following actions? A)Starting with a rapid infusion rate to meet the patients nutritional needs as quickly as possible B) Initiating the infusion slowly and monitoring the patients fluid and glucose tolerance C) Changing the rate of administration every 2 hours based on serum electrolyte values D) Increasing the rate of infusion at mealtimes to mimic the circadian rhythm of the body

Ans: B Feedback: PN solutions are initiated slowly and advanced gradually each day to the desired rate as the patients fluid and glucose tolerance permits. The formulation of the PN solutions is calculated carefully each day to meet the complete nutritional needs of the individual patient based on clinical findings and laboratory data. It is not infused more quickly at mealtimes.

15. A nurse is caring for a patient with biliary colic and is aware that the patient may experience referred abdominal pain. Where would the nurse most likely expect this patient to experience referred pain? A) Midline near the umbilicus B) Below the right nipple C) Left groin area D) Right lower abdominal quadrant

Ans: B Feedback: Patients with referred abdominal pain associated with biliary colic complain of pain below the right nipple. Referred pain above the left nipple may be associated with the heart. Groin pain may be referred pain from ureteral colic.

5. A nursing educator is reviewing the care of patients with feeding tubes and endotracheal tubes (ET). The educator has emphasized the need to check for tube placement in the stomach as well as residual volume. What is the main purpose of this nursing action? A) Prevent gastric ulcers B) Prevent aspiration C) Prevent abdominal distention D) Prevent diarrhea

Ans: B Feedback: Protecting the client from aspirating is essential because aspiration can cause pneumonia, a potentially life-threatening disorder. Gastric ulcers are not a common complication of tube feeding in clients with ET tubes. Abdominal distention and diarrhea can both be associated with tube feeding, but prevention of these problems is not the primary rationale for confirming placement.

31. A patient has come to the clinic complaining of blood in his stool. A FOBT test is performed but is negative. Based on the patients history, the physician suggests a colonoscopy, but the patient refuses, citing a strong aversion to the invasive nature of the test. What other test might the physician order to check for blood in the stool? A) A laparoscopic intestinal mucosa biopsy B) A quantitative fecal immunochemical test C) Computed tomography (CT) D) Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI)

Ans: B Feedback: Quantitative fecal immunochemical tests may be more accurate than guaiac testing and useful for patients who refuse invasive testing. CT or MRI cannot detect blood in stool. Laparoscopic intestinal mucosa biopsy is not performed.

5. A medical nurse is caring for a patient with type 1 diabetes. The patients medication administration record includes the administration of regular insulin three times daily. Knowing that the patients lunch tray will arrive at 11:45, when should the nurse administer the patients insulin? A) 10:45 B) 11:15 C) 11:45 Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 961 D) 11:50

Ans: B Feedback: Regular insulin is usually administered 2030 min before a meal. Earlier administration creates a risk for hypoglycemia; later administration creates a risk for hyperglycemia.

36. A diabetes nurse is assessing a patients knowledge of self-care skills. What would be the most appropriate way for the educator to assess the patients knowledge of nutritional therapy in diabetes? A) Ask the patient to describe an optimally healthy meal. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 975 B) Ask the patient to keep a food diary and review it with the nurse. C) Ask the patients family what he typically eats. D) Ask the patient to describe a typical days food intake.

Ans: B Feedback: Reviewing the patients actual food intake is the most accurate method of gauging the patients diet.

6. A patient has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The physician has prescribed an oral antidiabetic agent that will inhibit the production of glucose by the liver and thereby aid in the control of blood glucose. What type of oral antidiabetic agent did the physician prescribe for this patient? A) A sulfonylurea B) A biguanide C) A thiazolidinedione D) An alpha glucosidase inhibitor

Ans: B Feedback: Sulfonylureas exert their primary action by directly stimulating the pancreas to secrete insulin and therefore require a functioning pancreas to be effective. Biguanides inhibit the production of glucose by the liver and are in used in type 2 diabetes to control blood glucose levels. Thiazolidinediones enhance insulin action at the receptor site without increasing insulin secretion from the beta cells of the pancreas. Alpha glucosidase inhibitors work by delaying the absorption of glucose in the intestinal system, resulting in a lower postprandial blood glucose level.

17. A nurse in a stroke rehabilitation facility recognizes that the brain regulates swallowing. Damage to what area of the brain will most affect the patients ability to swallow? A) Temporal lobe B) Medulla oblongata C) Cerebellum D) Pons

Ans: B Feedback: Swallowing is a voluntary act that is regulated by a swallowing center in the medulla oblongata of the central nervous system. Swallowing is not regulated by the temporal lobe, cerebellum, or pons.

2. A patient is concerned about leakage of gastric contents out of the gastric sump tube the nurse has just inserted. What would the nurse do to prevent reflux gastric contents from coming through the blue vent of a gastric sump tube? A) Prime the tubing with 20 mL of normal saline. B) Keep the vent lumen above the patients waist. C) Maintain the patient in a high Fowlers position. D) Have the patient pin the tube to the thigh.

Ans: B Feedback: The blue vent lumen should be kept above the patients waist to prevent reflux of gastric contents through it; otherwise it acts as a siphon. A one-way anti-reflux valve seated in the blue pigtail can prevent the reflux of gastric contents out the vent lumen. To prevent reflux, the nurse does not prime the tubing, maintain the patient in a high Fowlers position, or have the patient pin the tube to the thigh.

13. A nurse is caring for a patient with a subclavian central line who is receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). In preparing a care plan for this patient, what nursing diagnosis should the nurse prioritize? A) Risk for Activity Intolerance Related to the Presence of a Subclavian Catheter B) Risk for Infection Related to the Presence of a Subclavian Catheter C)Risk for Functional Urinary Incontinence Related to the Presence of a Subclavian Catheter D) Risk for Sleep Deprivation Related to the presence of a Subclavian Catheter

Ans: B Feedback: The high glucose content of PN solutions makes the solutions an idea culture media for bacterial and fungal growth, and the central venous access devices provide a port of entry. Prevention of infection is consequently a high priority. The patient will experience some inconveniences with regard to toileting, activity, and sleep, but the infection risk is a priority over each of these.

17. An elderly patient comes to the clinic with her daughter. The patient is a diabetic and is concerned about foot care. The nurse goes over foot care with the patient and her daughter as the nurse realizes that foot care is extremely important. Why would the nurse feel that foot care is so important to this patient? A) An elderly patient with foot ulcers experiences severe foot pain due to the diabetic polyneuropathy. B) Avoiding foot ulcers may mean the difference between institutionalization and continued independent living. C) Hypoglycemia is linked with a risk for falls; this risk is elevated in older adults with diabetes. D) Oral antihyperglycemics have the possible adverse effect of decreased circulation to the lower extremities.

Ans: B Feedback: The nurse recognizes that providing information on the long-term complicationsespecially foot and eye problemsassociated with diabetes is important. Avoiding amputation through early detection of foot ulcers may mean the difference between institutionalization and continued independent living for the elderly person with diabetes. While the nurse recognizes that hypoglycemia is a dangerous situation and may lead to falls, hypoglycemia is not directly connected to the importance of foot care. Decrease in circulation is related to vascular changes and is not associated with drugs administered for diabetes.

39. A patient has been scheduled for a urea breath test in one months time. What nursing diagnosis most likely prompted this diagnostic test? A) Impaired Dentition Related to Gingivitis B) Risk For Impaired Skin Integrity Related to Peptic Ulcers C)Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements Related to Enzyme Deficiency D) Diarrhea Related to Clostridium Difficile Infection

Ans: B Feedback: Urea breath tests detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that can live in the mucosal lining of the stomach and cause peptic ulcer disease. This test does not address fluid volume, nutritional status, or dentition.

20. A nurse is caring for a patient admitted with a suspected malabsorption disorder. The nurse knows that one of the accessory organs of the digestive system is the pancreas. What digestive enzymes does the pancreas secrete? Select all that apply. A) Pepsin B) Lipase C) Amylase D) Trypsin E) Ptyalin

Ans: B, C, D Feedback: Digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas include trypsin, which aids in digesting protein; amylase, which aids in digesting starch; and lipase, which aids in digesting fats. Pepsin is secreted by the stomach and ptyalin is secreted in the saliva.

40. A patient is brought to the emergency department by the paramedics. The patient is a type 2 diabetic and is experiencing HHS. The nurse should identify what components of HHS? Select all that apply. A) Leukocytosis B) Glycosuria C) Dehydration D) Hypernatremia E) Hyperglycemia

Ans: B, C, D, E Feedback: Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 977 In HHS, persistent hyperglycemia causes osmotic diuresis, which results in losses of water and electrolytes. To maintain osmotic equilibrium, water shifts from the intracellular fluid space to the extracellular fluid space. With glycosuria and dehydration, hypernatremia and increased osmolarity occur. Leukocytosis does not take place.

32. A nurse is assessing the abdomen of a patient just admitted to the unit with a suspected GI disease. Inspection reveals several diverse lesions on the patients abdomen. How should the nurse best interpret this assessment finding? A) Abdominal lesions are usually due to age-related skin changes. B) Integumentary diseases often cause GI disorders. C) GI diseases often produce skin changes. D) The patient needs to be assessed for self-harm.

Ans: C Feedback: Abdominal lesions are of particular importance, because GI diseases often produce skin changes. Skin problems do not normally cause GI disorders. Age-related skin changes do not have a pronounced effect on the skin of the abdomen when compared to other skin surfaces. Self-harm is a less likely explanation for skin lesions on the abdomen.

11. A patient who has been experiencing changes in his bowel function is scheduled for a barium enema. What instruction should the nurse provide for postprocedure recovery? A) Remain NPO for 6 hours postprocedure. B) Administer a Fleet enema to cleanse the bowel of the barium. C) Increase fluid intake to evacuate the barium. D) Avoid dairy products for 24 hours postprocedure.

Ans: C Feedback: Adequate fluid intake is necessary to rid the GI tract of barium. The patient must not remain NPO after the test and enemas are not used to cleanse the bowel of barium. There is no need to avoid dairy products.

15.A nurse is providing care for a patient with a diagnosis of late-stage Alzheimers disease. The patient has just returned to the medical unit to begin supplemental feedings through an NG tube. Which of the nurses assessments addresses this patients most significant potential complication of feeding? A) Frequent assessment of the patients abdominal girth B) Assessment for hemorrhage from the nasal insertion site C) Frequent lung auscultation D) Vigilant monitoring of the frequency and character of bowel movements

Ans: C Feedback: Aspiration is a risk associated with tube feeding; this risk may be exacerbated by the patients cognitive deficits. Consequently, the nurse should auscultate the patients lungs and monitor oxygen saturation closely. Bowel function is important, but the risk for aspiration is a priority. Hemorrhage is highly unlikely and the patients abdominal girth is not a main focus of assessment.

3. A patient newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is attending a nutrition class. What general guideline would be important to teach the patients at this class? A) Low fat generally indicates low sugar. Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 960 B) Protein should constitute 30% to 40% of caloric intake. C) Most calories should be derived from carbohydrates. D) Animal fats should be eliminated from the diet.

Ans: C Feedback: Currently, the ADA and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) recommend that for all levels of caloric intake, 50% to 60% of calories should be derived from carbohydrates, 20% to 30% from fat, and the remaining 10% to 20% from protein.Low fat does not automatically mean low sugar. Dietary animal fat does not need to be eliminated from the diet.

3. A patient receiving tube feedings is experiencing diarrhea. The nurse and the physician suspect that the patient is experiencing dumping syndrome. What intervention is most appropriate? A) Stop the tube feed and aspirate stomach contents. B) Increase the hourly feed rate so it finishes earlier. C) Dilute the concentration of the feeding solution. D) Administer fluid replacement by IV.

Ans: C Feedback: Dumping syndrome can generally be alleviated by starting with a dilute solution and then increasing the concentration of the solution over several days. Fluid replacement may be necessary but does not prevent or treat dumping syndrome. There is no need to aspirate stomach contents. Increasing the rate will exacerbate the problem.

4. A nurse is providing health education to an adolescent newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus and her family. The nurse teaches the patient and family that which of the following nonpharmacologic measures will decrease the bodys need for insulin? A) Adequate sleep B) Low stimulation C) Exercise D) Low-fat diet

Ans: C Feedback: Exercise lowers blood glucose, increases levels of HDLs, and decreases total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Low fat intake and low levels of stimulation do not reduce a patients need for insulin. Adequate sleep is beneficial in reducing stress, but does not have an effect that is pronounced as that of exercise.

28. A clinic patient has described recent dark-colored stools;the nurse recognizes the need for fecal occult blood testing (FOBT). What aspect of the patients current health status would contraindicate FOBT? A) Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) B) Peptic ulcers C) Hemorrhoids D) Recurrent nausea and vomiting

Ans: C Feedback: FOBT should not be performed when there is hemorrhoidal bleeding. GERD, peptic ulcers and nausea and vomiting do not contraindicate the use of FOBT as a diagnostic tool.

8. The nurse is providing health education to a patient scheduled for a colonoscopy. The nurse should explain that she will be placed in what position during this diagnostic test? A) In a knee-chest position (lithotomy position) B) Lying prone with legs drawn toward the chest C) Lying on the left side with legs drawn toward the chest D) In a prone position with two pillows elevating the buttocks

Ans: C Feedback: For best visualization, colonoscopy is performed while the patient is lying on the left side with the legs drawn up toward the chest. A kneechest position, lying on the stomach with legs drawn to the chest, and a prone position with two pillows elevating the legs do not allow for the best visualization.

16. The management of the patients gastrostomy is an assessment priority for the home care nurse. What statement would indicate that the patient is managing the tube correctly? A) I clean my stoma twice a day with alcohol. B) The only time I flush my tube is when Im putting in medications. C) I flush my tube with water before and after each of my medications. D) I try to stay still most of the time to avoid dislodging my tube.

Ans: C Feedback: Frequent flushing is needed to prevent occlusion, and should not just be limited to times of medication administration. Alcohol will irritate skin surrounding the insertion site and activity should be maintained as much as possible.

35. A patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus is seeing the nurse to review foot care. What would be a priority instruction for the nurse to give the patient? A) Examine feet weekly for redness, blisters, and abrasions. B) Avoid the use of moisturizing lotions. C) Avoid hot-water bottles and heating pads. D) Dry feet vigorously after each bath.

Ans: C Feedback: High-risk behaviors, such as walking barefoot, using heating pads on the feet, wearing open-toed shoes, soaking the feet, and shaving calluses, should be avoided. Socks should be worn for warmth. Feet should be examined each day for cuts, blisters, swelling, redness, tenderness, and abrasions. Lotion should be applied to dry feet but never between the toes. After a bath, the patient should gently, not vigorously, pat feet dry to avoid injury.

32. A student with diabetes tells the school nurse that he is feeling nervous and hungry. The nurse assesses the child and finds he has tachycardia and is diaphoretic with a blood glucose level of 50 mg/dL (2.8 mmol/L). What should the school nurse administer? A) A combination of protein and carbohydrates, such as a small cup of yogurt B) Two teaspoons of sugar dissolved in a cup of apple juice C) Half of a cup of juice, followed by cheese and crackers D) Half a sandwich with a protein-based filling

Ans: C Feedback: Initial treatment for hypoglycemia is 15 g concentrated carbohydrate, such as two or three glucose tablets, 1 tube glucose gel, or 0.5 cup juice. After initial treatment, the nurse should follow with a snack including starch and protein, such as cheese and crackers, milk and crackers, or half of a sandwich. It is unnecessary to add sugar to juice, even it if is labeled as unsweetened juice, because the fruit sugar in juice contains enough simple carbohydrate to raise the blood glucose level and additional sugar may result in a sharp rise in blood sugar that will last for several hours.

13. A diabetes educator is teaching a patient about type 2 diabetes. The educator recognizes that the patient understands the primary treatment for type 2 diabetes when the patient states what? A) I read that a pancreas transplant will provide a cure for my diabetes. B) I will take my oral antidiabetic agents when my morning blood sugar is high. C) I will make sure to follow the weight loss plan designed by the dietitian. D) I will make sure I call the diabetes educator when I have questions about my insulin.

Ans: C Feedback: Insulin resistance is associated with obesity; thus the primary treatment of type 2 diabetes is weight loss. Oral antidiabetic agents may be added if diet and exercise are not successful in controlling blood glucose levels. If maximum doses of a single category of oral agents fail to reduce glucose levels to satisfactory levels, additional oral agents may be used. Some patients may require insulin on an ongoing basis or on a temporary basis during times of acute psychological stress, but it is not the central component of type 2 treatment. Pancreas transplantation is associated with type 1 diabetes.

1. A patient with type 1 diabetes has told the nurse that his most recent urine test for ketones was positive. What is the nurses most plausible conclusion based on this assessment finding? A) The patient should withhold his next scheduled dose of insulin. B) The patient should promptly eat some protein and carbohydrates. C) The patients insulin levels are inadequate. D) The patient would benefit from a dose of metformin (Glucophage).

Ans: C Feedback: Ketones in the urine signal that there is a deficiency of insulin and that control of type 1 diabetes is deteriorating. Withholding insulin or eating food would exacerbate the patients ketonuria. Metformin will not cause short-term resolution of hyperglycemia.

4. A patient asks the nursing assistant for a bedpan. When the patient is finished, the nursing assistant notifies the nurse that the patient has bright red streaking of blood in the stool. What is this most likely a result of? A) Diet high in red meat B) Upper GI bleed C) Hemorrhoids D) Use of iron supplements

Ans: C Feedback: Lower rectal or anal bleeding is suspected if there is streaking of blood on the surface of the stool. Hemorrhoids are often a cause of anal bleeding since they occur in the rectum. Blood from an upper GI bleed would be dark rather than frank. Iron supplements make the stool dark, but not bloody and red meat consumption would not cause frank blood.

5. An adult patient is scheduled for an upper GI series that will use a barium swallow. What teaching should the nurse include when the patient has completed the test? A) Stool will be yellow for the first 24 hours postprocedure. B) The barium may cause diarrhea for the next 24 hours. C) Fluids must be increased to facilitate the evacuation of the stool. D) Slight anal bleeding may be noted as the barium is passed.

Ans: C Feedback: Postprocedural patient education includes information about increasing fluid intake; evaluating bowel movements for evacuation of barium; and noting increased number of bowel movements, because barium, due to its high osmolarity, may draw fluid into the bowel, thus increasing the intraluminal contents and resulting in greater output. Yellow stool, diarrhea, and anal bleeding are not expected.

24. The physiology instructor is discussing the GI system with the pre-nursing class. What should the instructor describe as a major function of the GI tract? A) The breakdown of food particles into cell form for digestion B) The maintenance of fluid and acid-base balance C) The absorption into the bloodstream of nutrient molecules produced by digestion D) The control of absorption and elimination of electrolytes

Ans: C Feedback: Primary functions of the GI tract include the breakdown of food particles into molecular form for digestion; the absorption into the bloodstream of small nutrient molecules produced by digestion; and the elimination of undigested unabsorbed food stuffs and other waste products. Nutrients must be broken down into molecular form, not cell form. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance are primarily under the control of the kidneys.

9. A nurse is participating in a patients care conference and the team is deciding between parenteral nutrition (PN) and a total nutritional admixture (TNA). What advantages are associated with providing TNA rather than PN? A) TNA can be mixed by a certified registered nurse. B) TNA can be administered over 8 hours, while PN requires 24-hour administration. C) TNA is less costly than PN. D) TNA does not require the use of a micron filter.

Ans: C Feedback: TNA is mixed in one container and administered to the patient over a 24-hour period. A 1.5-micron filter is used with the TNA solution. Advantages of the TNA over PN include cost savings. Pharmacy staff must prepare both solutions.

7. A critical care nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. The nurse knows that the indications for starting parenteral nutrition (PN) for this patient are what? A) 5% deficit in body weight compared to preillness weight and increased caloric need B) Calorie deficit and muscle wasting combined with low electrolyte levels C) Inability to take in adequate oral food or fluids within 7 days D) Significant risk of aspiration coupled with decreased level of consciousness

Ans: C Feedback: The indications for PN include an inability to ingest adequate oral food or fluids within 7 days. Weight loss, muscle wasting combined with electrolyte imbalances, and aspiration indicate a need for nutritional support, but this does not necessary have to be parenteral.

19. The nurse is assessing placement of a nasogastric tube that the patient has had in place for 2 days. The tube is draining green aspirate. What is the nurses most appropriate action? A) Inform the physician that the tube may be in the patients pleural space. B) Withdraw the tube 2 to 4 cm. C) Leave the tube in its present position. D) Advance the tube up to 8 cm.

Ans: C Feedback: The patients aspirate is from the gastric area when the nurse observes that the color of the aspirate is green. Further confirmation of placement is necessary, but there is likely no need for repositioning. Pleural secretions are pale yellow.

19. Which of the following patients with type 1 diabetes is most likely to experience adequate glucose control? A) A patient who skips breakfast when his glucose reading is greater than 220 mg/dL B) A patient who never deviates from her prescribed dose of insulin C) A patient who adheres closely to a meal plan and meal schedule D) A patient who eliminates carbohydrates from his daily intake

Ans: C Feedback: The therapeutic goal for diabetes management is to achieve normal blood glucose levels without hypoglycemia. Therefore, diabetes management involves constant assessment and modification of the treatment plan by health professionals and daily adjustments in therapy (possibly including insulin) by patients. For patients who require insulin to help control blood glucose levels, maintaining consistency in the amount of calories and carbohydrates ingested at meals is essential. In addition, consistency in the approximate time intervals between meals, and the snacks, help maintain overall glucose control. Skipping meals is never advisable for person with type 1 diabetes.

24. A physician has explained to a patient that he has developed diabetic neuropathy in his right foot. Later that day, the patient asks the nurse what causes diabetic neuropathy. What would be the nurses best response? A) Research has shown that diabetic neuropathy is caused by fluctuations in blood sugar that have gone on for years. B) The cause is not known for sure but it is thought to have something to do with ketoacidosis. C) The cause is not known for sure but it is thought to involve elevated blood glucose levels over a period of years. D) Research has shown that diabetic neuropathy is caused by a combination of elevated glucose levels and elevated ketone levels.

Ans: C Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 970 Feedback: The etiology of neuropathy may involve elevated blood glucose levels over a period of years. High blood sugars (rather than fluctuations or variations in blood sugars) are thought to be responsible. Ketones and ketoacidosis are not direct causes of neuropathies.

21. The nurse is caring for a patient with a duodenal ulcer and is relating the patients symptoms to the physiologic functions of the small intestine. What do these functions include? Select all that apply. A) Secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) B) Reabsorption of water C) Secretion of mucus D) Absorption of nutrients E) Movement of nutrients into the bloodstream

Ans: C, D, E Feedback: The small intestine folds back and forth on itself, providing approximately 7000 cm2 (70 m2) of surface area for secretion and absorption, the process by which nutrients enter the bloodstream through the intestinal walls. Water reabsorption primarily takes place in the large bowel. HCl is secreted by the stomach.

38. A nurse is assessing a patient who has diabetes for the presence of peripheral neuropathy. The nurse should question the patient about what sign or symptom that would suggest the possible development of peripheral neuropathy? A) Persistently cold feet B) Pain that does not respond to analgesia C) Acute pain, unrelieved by rest D) The presence of a tingling sensation Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 976

Ans: D Feedback: Although approximately half of patients with diabetic neuropathy do not have symptoms, initial symptoms may include paresthesias (prickling, tingling, or heightened sensation) and burning sensations (especially at night). Cold and intense pain are atypical early signs of this complication.

16. An inpatient has returned to the medical unit after a barium enema. When assessing the patients subsequent bowel patterns and stools, what finding should the nurse report to the physician? A) Large, wide stools B) Milky white stools C) Three stools during an 8-hour period of time D) Streaks of blood present in the stool

Ans: D Feedback: Barium has a high osmolarity and may draw fluid into the bowel, thus increasing the intraluminal contents and resulting in greater output (large stools). The barium will give the stools a milky white appearance, and it is not uncommon for the patient to experience an increase in the number of bowel movements. Blood in fecal matter is not an expected finding and the nurse should notify the physician.

19. A patient with a recent history of intermittent bleeding is undergoing capsule endoscopy to determine the source of the bleeding. When explaining this diagnostic test to the patient, what advantage should the nurse describe? A) The test allows visualization of the entire peritoneal cavity. B) The test allows for painless biopsy collection. C) The test does not require fasting. D) The test is noninvasive.

Ans: D Feedback: Capsule endoscopy allows the noninvasive visualization of the mucosa throughout the entire small intestine. Bowel preparation is necessary and biopsies cannot be collected. This procedure allows visualization of the entire GI tract, but not the peritoneal cavity.

14. A diabetes nurse educator is presenting the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommendations for levels of caloric intake. What do the ADAs recommendations include? A) 10% of calories from carbohydrates, 50% from fat, and the remaining 40% from protein B) 10% to 20% of calories from carbohydrates, 20% to 30% from fat, and the remaining 50% to 60% from protein Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 965 C) 20% to 30% of calories from carbohydrates, 50% to 60% from fat, and the remaining 10% to 20% from protein D) 50% to 60% of calories from carbohydrates, 20% to 30% from fat, and the remaining 10% to 20% from protein

Ans: D Feedback: Currently, the ADA and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) recommend that for all levels of caloric intake, 50% to 60% of calories come from carbohydrates, 20% to 30% from fat, and the remaining 10% to 20% from protein.

21. A medical nurse is aware of the need to screen specific patients for their risk of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS). In what patient population does hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome most often occur? A) Patients who are obese and who have no known history of diabetes B) Patients with type 1 diabetes and poor dietary control C) Adolescents with type 2 diabetes and sporadic use of antihyperglycemics D) Middle-aged or older people with either type 2 diabetes or no known history of diabetes

Ans: D Feedback: HHS occurs most often in older people (50 to 70 years of age) who have no known history of diabetes or who have type 2 diabetes.

18. A patient is being assessed for a suspected deficit in intrinsic factor synthesis. What diagnostic or assessment finding is the most likely rationale for this examination of intrinsic factor production? A) Muscle wasting B) Chronic jaundice in the absence of liver disease C) The presence of fat in the patients stool D) Persistently low hemoglobin and hematocrit

Ans: D Feedback: In the absence of intrinsic factor, vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed, and pernicious anemia results. This would result in a marked reduction in hemoglobin and hematocrit.

29. A nurse is teaching basic survival skills to a patient newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. What topic should the nurse address? A) Signs and symptoms of diabetic nephropathy B) Management of diabetic ketoacidosis Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 972 C) Effects of surgery and pregnancy on blood sugar levels D) Recognition of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia

Ans: D Feedback: It is imperative that newly diagnosed patients know the signs and symptoms and management of hypo- and hyperglycemia. The other listed topics are valid points for education, but are not components of the patients immediate survival skills following a new diagnosis.

25. A patient with type 2 diabetes has been managing his blood glucose levels using diet and metformin (Glucophage). Following an ordered increase in the patients daily dose of metformin, the nurse should prioritize which of the following assessments? A) Monitoring the patients neutrophil levels B) Assessing the patient for signs of impaired liver function C) Monitoring the patients level of consciousness and behavior D) Reviewing the patients creatinine and BUN levels

Ans: D Feedback: Metformin has the potential to be nephrotoxic; consequently, the nurse should monitor the patients renal function. This drug does not typically affect patients neutrophils, liver function, or cognition.

9. A school nurse is teaching a group of high school students about risk factors for diabetes. Which of the following actions has the greatest potential to reduce an individuals risk for developing diabetes? A) Have blood glucose levels checked annually. B) Stop using tobacco in any form. C) Undergo eye examinations regularly. D) Lose weight, if obese.

Ans: D Feedback: Obesity is a major modifiable risk factor for diabetes. Smoking is not a direct risk factor for the disease. Eye examinations are necessary for persons who have been diagnosed with diabetes, but they do not screen for the disease or prevent it. Similarly, blood glucose checks do not prevent the diabetes.

22. A nurse is performing an abdominal assessment of an older adult patient. When collecting and analyzing data, the nurse should be cognizant of what age-related change in gastrointestinal structure and function? A) Increased gastric motility B) Decreased gastric pH C) Increased gag reflex D) Decreased mucus secretion

Ans: D Feedback: Older adults tend to secrete less mucus than younger adults. Gastric motility slows with age and gastric pH rises due to decreased secretion of gastric acids. Older adults tend to have a blunted gag reflex compared to younger adults.

7. A nurse is caring for a patient with recurrent hematemesis who is scheduled for upper gastrointestinal fibroscopy (UGF). How should the nurse in the radiology department prepare this patient? A) Insert a nasogastric tube. B) Administer a micro Fleet enema at least 3 hours before the procedure. C) Have the patient lie in a supine position for the procedure. D) Apply local anesthetic to the back of the patients throat.

Ans: D Feedback: Preparation for UGF includes spraying or gargling with a local anesthetic. A nasogastric tube or a micro Fleet enema is not required for this procedure. The patient should be positioned in a side-lying position in case of emesis.

33. Probably the most widely used in-office or at-home occult blood test is the Hemoccult II. The patient has come to the clinic because he thinks there is blood in his stool. When you reviewed his medications, you noted he is on antihypertensive drugs and NSAIDs for early arthritic pain. You are sending the patient home with the supplies necessary to perform 2 hemoccult tests on his stool and mail the samples back to the clinic. What instruction would you give this patient? A) Take all your medications as usual. B) Take all your medications except the antihypertensive medications. C) Dont eat highly acidic foods 72 hours before you start the test. D) Avoid vitamin C for 72 hours before you start the test.

Ans: D Feedback: Red meats, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, turnips, and horseradish should be avoided for 72 hours prior to the study, because they may cause a false-positive result. Also, ingestion of vitamin C from supplements or foods can cause a false-negative result. Acidic foods do not need to be avoided.

31. A patient has received a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. The diabetes nurse has made contact with the patient and will implement a program of health education. What is the nurses priority action? A) Ensure that the patient understands the basic pathophysiology of diabetes. B) Identify the patients body mass index. C) Teach the patient survival skills for diabetes. D) Assess the patients readiness to learn.

Ans: D Feedback: Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 973 Before initiating diabetes education, the nurse assesses the patients (and familys) readiness to learn. This must precede other physiologic assessments (such as BMI) and providing health education.

38. The nurse is caring for a patient who has a diagnosis of AIDS. Inspection of the patients mouth reveals the new presence of white lesions on the patients oral mucosa. What is the nurses most appropriate response? A) Encourage the patient to gargle with salt water twice daily. B) Attempt to remove the lesions with a tongue depressor. C) Make a referral to the units dietitian. D) Inform the primary care provider of this finding.

Ans: D Feedback: The nurse should inform the primary care provider of this abnormal finding in the patients oral cavity, since it necessitates medical treatment. It would be inappropriate to try to remove skin lesions from a patients mouth and salt water will not resolve this problem, which is likely due to candidiasis. A dietitian referral is unnecessary.

15. An older adult patient with type 2 diabetes is brought to the emergency department by his daughter. The patient is found to have a blood glucose level of 623 mg/dL. The patients daughter reports that the patient recently had a gastrointestinal virus and has been confused for the last 3 hours. The diagnosis of hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) is made. What nursing action would be a priority? A) Administration of antihypertensive medications B) Administering sodium bicarbonate intravenously C) Reversing acidosis by administering insulin D) Fluid and electrolyte replacement

Ans: D Feedback: The overall approach to HHS includes fluid replacement, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and insulin administration. Antihypertensive medications are not indicated, as hypotension generally accompanies HHS due to dehydration. Sodium bicarbonate is not administered to patients with HHS, as their plasma bicarbonate level is usually normal. Insulin administration plays a less important role in the treatment of HHS because it is not needed for reversal of acidosis, as in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

17. A nurse is caring for a patient with a nasogastric tube for feeding. During shift assessment, the nurse auscultates a new onset of bilateral lung crackles and notes a respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute. The patients oxygen saturation is 89% by pulse oximetry. After ensuring the patients immediate safety, what is the nurses most appropriate action? A) Perform chest physiotherapy. B) Reduce the height of the patients bed and remove the NG tube. C) Liaise with the dietitian to obtain a feeding solution with lower osmolarity. D) Report possible signs of aspiration pneumonia to the primary care provider.

Ans: D Feedback: The patient should be assessed for further signs of aspiration pneumonia. It is unnecessary to remove the NG tube and chest physiotherapy is not indicated. A different feeding solution will not resolve this complication.

18. A nurse is creating a care plan for a patient with a nasogastric tube. How should the nurse direct other members of the care team to check correct placement of the tube? A) Auscultate the patients abdomen after injecting air through the tube. B) Assess the color and pH of aspirate. C) Locate the marking made after the initial x-ray confirming placement. D) Use a combination of at least two accepted methods for confirming placement.

Ans: D Feedback: There are a variety of methods to check tube placement. The safest way to confirm placement is to utilize a combination of assessment methods.

11. A newly admitted patient with type 1 diabetes asks the nurse what caused her diabetes. When the nurse is explaining to the patient the etiology of type 1 diabetes, what process should the nurse describe? A) The tissues in your body are resistant to the action of insulin, making the glucose levels in your blood increase. B) Damage to your pancreas causes an increase in the amount of glucose that it releases, and there is not enough insulin to control it. C) The amount of glucose that your body makes overwhelms your pancreas and decreases your production of insulin. D) Destruction of special cells in the pancreas causes a decrease in insulin production. Glucose levels rise because insulin normally breaks it down.

Ans: D Feedback: Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells, resulting in decreased insulin production, unchecked glucose production by the liver, and fasting hyperglycemia. Also, glucose derived from food cannot be stored in the liver and remains circulating in the blood, which leads to postprandial hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes involves insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion. The body does not make glucose.

2. A patient presents to the clinic complaining of symptoms that suggest diabetes. What criteria would support checking blood levels for the diagnosis of diabetes? A) Fasting plasma glucose greater than or equal to 126 mg/dL B) Random plasma glucose greater than 150 mg/dL C) Fasting plasma glucose greater than 116 mg/dL on 2 separate occasions D) Random plasma glucose greater than 126 mg/dL

Ans: A Feedback: Criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes include symptoms of diabetes plus random plasma glucose greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL, or a fasting plasma glucose greater than or equal to 126 mg/dL.

1. A nurse is caring for a patient who is scheduled for a colonoscopy and whose bowel preparation will include polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage prior to the procedure. The presence of what health problem would contraindicate the use of this form of bowel preparation? A) Inflammatory bowel disease B) Intestinal polyps C) Diverticulitis D) Colon cancer

Ans: A Feedback: The use of a lavage solution is contraindicated in patients with intestinal obstruction or inflammatory bowel disease. It can safely be used with patients who have polyps, colon cancer, or diverticulitis.

39. A diabetic patient calls the clinic complaining of having a flu bug. The nurse tells him to take his regular dose of insulin. What else should the nurse tell the patient? A) Make sure to stick to your normal diet. B) Try to eat small amounts of carbs, if possible. C) Ensure that you check your blood glucose every hour. D) For now, check your urine for ketones every 8 hours.

Ans: B Feedback: For prevention of DKA related to illness, the patient should attempt to consume frequent small portions of carbohydrates (including foods usually avoided, such as juices, regular sodas, and gelatin). Drinking fluids every hour is important to prevent dehydration. Blood glucose and urine ketones must be assessed every 3 to 4 hours.

20. A 28-year-old pregnant woman is spilling sugar in her urine. The physician orders a glucose tolerance test, which reveals gestational diabetes. The patient is shocked by the diagnosis, stating that she is conscientious about her health, and asks the nurse what causes gestational diabetes. The nurse should explain that gestational diabetes is a result of what etiologic factor? A) Increased caloric intake during the first trimester Test Bank - Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14e (Hinkle 2017) 968 B) Changes in osmolality and fluid balance C) The effects of hormonal changes during pregnancy D) Overconsumption of carbohydrates during the first two trimesters

Ans: C Feedback: Hyperglycemia and eventual gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy because of the secretion of placental hormones, which causes insulin resistance. The disease is not the result of food intake or changes in osmolality.

25. A nurse is providing preprocedure education for a patient who will undergo a lower GI tract study the following week. What should the nurse teach the patient about bowel preparation? A) Youll need to fast for at least 18 hours prior to your test. B) Starting today, take over-the-counter stool softeners twice daily. C) Youll need to have enemas the day before the test. D) For 24 hours before the test, insert a glycerin suppository every 4 hours.

Ans: C Feedback: Preparation of the patient includes emptying and cleansing the lower bowel. This often necessitates a low-residue diet 1 to 2 days before the test; a clear liquid diet and a laxative the evening before; NPO after midnight; and cleansing enemas until returns are clear the following morning.

37. A patient with cystic fibrosis takes pancreatic enzyme replacements on a regular basis. The patients intake of trypsin facilitates what aspect of GI function? A) Vitamin D synthesis B) Digestion of fats C) Maintenance of peristalsis D) Digestion of proteins

Ans: D Feedback: Trypsin facilitates the digestion of proteins. It does not influence vitamin D synthesis, the digestion of fats, or peristalsis.

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