Med Surg: Musculoskeletal Disorders

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What are some of the risk factors associated with osteoporosis? Select all that apply. A: Alcohol use B: Low estrogen levels C: Low testosterone levels D: Active lifestyle E: Smoking F: Low potassium

A, B, E

What are some signs and symptoms that may be seen in a client suspected of having Systemic Lupus Erythematous? Select all that apply. A: Red butterfly rash B: Heberden's nodes C: Fever D: Weight gain E: Fatigue F: Hyperuricemia

A, C, E

During a routine physical examination of an older female client, a nurse notes that the client is 5 feet, 3/8 inches tall. The client states, "How is that possible? I was always 5 feet 1/2 inches tall." Which statement is the best response is the best by the nurse? A: "After menopause, the body's bone density declines, resulting in gradual loss of height" B: "There may be some discrepancies in the measuring tools" C: "It isn't the biggest difference in measurements so it's okay" D: "Your bone density increases as you age, resulting in gradual loss of height"

A: "After menopause, the body's bone density declines, resulting in gradual loss of height

Lyme disease is often associated with what symptom? A: Bullseye rash B: Butterfly rash C: Heberden's nodes C: Peptic ulcers

A: Bullseye rash

What are the 3 most common locations of tendinitis? A: Epicondylitis, ganglion cyst, carpel tunnel B: Epicondylitis, Heberden's nodes, carpel tunnel C: Epiglottis, ganglion cyst, carpel tunnel D: Epicondylitis, ganglion cyst, clavicle

A: Epicondylitis, ganglion cyst, carpel tunnel

A client with a right tibial fracture is being discharged home after having a cast applied. What instruction should the nurse provide in relationship to the client's cast care? A: Keep your leg elevated above your heart B: Apply a cold pack to the cast every 2 to 4 hours C: Keep your leg below your heart D: Apply a heat pack to the cast every 2 to 4 hours

A: Keep your leg elevated above your heart

The nurse assesses a client after a total right hip arthroplasty and observes shortening of the extremity. The client reports severe pain in the right side of the groin. What is the priority action of the nurse? A: Notify the health care provider B: Rotate the extremity C: Apply Buck's traction D: Cast the extremity

A: Notify the health care provider

Primary prevention of osteoporosis includes: A: Optimal calcium intake and estrogen replacement therapy B: Placing items within client reach C: Avoiding weight bearing activities as much as possible D: Optimal vitamin D intake

A: Optimal calcium intake and estrogen replacement therapy

While assessing a client who has had knee replacement surgery, the nurse notes that the client has developed a hematoma at the surgical site. The affected leg has a decreased pedal pulse. What would be the priority nursing diagnosis for this client? A: Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion B: Risk for infection C: Risk for impaired nutrition D: Risk for impaired mobility

A: Risk for ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion

Which of the following musculoskeletal injuries is manifested by acromioclavicular pain? A: Rotator cuff tears B: Avascular necrosis C: Dislocation D: Rheumatoid arthritis

A: Rotator cuff tears

What is one nursing intervention that should be anticipated for someone diagnosed with gout? A: Use of a bed cradle B: Use of assistive devices C: Use of adaptive utensils D: Use of an interpreter

A: Use of a bed cradle

The nurse is assessing a client presenting with deformity of the left radius. The client reports having pain and swelling in the area. The nurse should anticipate what diagnosis? A: Fibromyalgia B: Benign bone tumor C: Sprain D: Fracture

B: Benign bone tumor

An x-ray demonstrates a fracture in which a bone has splintered into several pieces. Which type of fracture is this? A: Complete B: Comminuted C: Incomplete D: Impacted

B: Comminuted

Which is a benefit of a continuous passive motion (CPM) device when applied after knee surgery? A: To improve comfort B: Promote healing by increasing circulation and movement of the knee joint C: Promote healing by aligning the bone D: Relieve pain

B: Promote healing by increasing circulation and movement of the knee joint

What statement is accurate regarding the care of a plaster cast? A: The cast will dry in about 12 hours B: The cast can be dented while drying C: Wrap the cast in linen to provide moisture D: Cover the cast while it is drying

B: The cast can dented while drying

A 91-year-old client is slated for orthopedic surgery and the nurse is integrating gerontologic considerations into the client's plan of care. What intervention is most justified in the care of this client? A: Use of ORIF B: Use of pressure-relieving mattress C: Use of cognitive behavioral therapy D: Use of adaptive utensils

B: Use of pressure-relieving mattress

A client has a compound facture of the right femur. Due to the nature of the fracture, open reduction will be used to align the femur. What other rationale requires the use of open reduction? A: Fracture involves several, small pieces of bone B: Fracture causes wide bone separation C: All options are correct D: Wound debridement is necessary

C: All options are correct

A client is treated in the emergency department for acute muscle strain in the left leg caused by trying a new exercise. During discharge preparation, the nurse should provide which instruction? A: Apply heat packs for the first 12 to 48 hours B: Apply ice packs for the first 12 to 48 hours C: Apply ice packs for the first 24 to 48 hours, then apply heat packs D: Apply heat packs for the first 24 to 48 hours, then apply ice packs

C: Apply ice packs for the first 24 to 48 hours, then apply heat packs

The nurse is very concerned about the potential debilitating complication of peroneal nerve injury. What symptom does the nurse recognize as a result of that complication? A: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) B: Avascular necrosis C: Foot drop D: Contractures

C: Foot drop

A clinic nurse is caring for a client with suspected gout. While describing the pathophysiology of gout to the client, what should the nurse explain? A: Increased troponin levels B: Increased calcium serum levels C: Increased uric acid levels D: Increased hemoglobin levels

C: Increased uric acid levels

A client with a fractured femur is in balanced suspension traction. The client needs to be repositioned towards the head of the bed. During repositioning, what should the nurse do? A: Take off the traction device while repositioning B: Reposition the bed, not the client C: Maintain consistent traction tension while repositioning D: Avoid applying traction tension while repositioning

C: Maintain consistent traction tension while repositioning

What diagnostic testing is used for fibromyalgia? A: X-ray B: MRI C: Rule-out D: CT scan

C: Rule out diagnosis method

A patient shows the nurse a round, firm nodule on the wrist. The pain is described as aching, with some weakness in the fingers. What treatment does the nurse anticipate assisting with? Select all that apply. A: Arthroplasty B: Educating the client on the use of gabapentin C: Active range of motion exercises D: Corticosteriod injections E: Surgical excision F: Aspiration of the cyst

D, E, F

An emergency department client is diagnosed with a hip dislocation. The client's family relieved that the client has not suffered a hip fracture, but the nurse explains that this is still considered to be a medical emergency. What is the rationale for the nurse's statement? A: None of the above B: Loss of blood supply to the site can lead to the need for amputation C: Deformity may occur is not promptly resolved D: Avascular necrosis may develop at the site if it is not promptly resolved

D: Avascular necrosis may develop at the site if it is not promptly resolved

Following a total knee replacement, the surgeon orders a continuous passive motion (CPM) device. The client asks about the purpose of this treatment. What is the best response by the nurse? A: CPM decreases the range of motion in the joint B: CPM aligns the bones to promote healing C: CPM decreases circulation to affected joint D: CPM increases range of motion of the joint

D: CPM increases range of motion of the joint

What should the nurse include in discharge preparation for a client with osteomyelitis? A: Educate about the use of a bed cradle B: Educate about use of gabapentin C: Educate about importance of weight loss D: Educate about protecting the area from injury and skin breakdown

D: Educate about protecting the area from injury and skin breakdown

A client has a fractured right arm. What are the advantages of applying a fiberglass cast? A: It dries faster B: Allows room for edema C: Better fit for most clients D: Fewer skin problems

D: Fewer skin problems

A client has recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. During a physical examination what is one thing the nurse should anticipate finding? A: Increased ROM of the affected joints B: Ulcers on the affected joints C: Red butterfly rash on the face D: Heberden's nodes on the fingers

D: Heberden's nodes

An 80-year-old man in a long-term care facility has a chronic leg ulcer and states that the area has become increasingly painful in recent days. The nurse notes that the site is now swollen and warm to touch. The client should undergo diagnostic testing for what health problem? A: Septic arthritis B: Osteoporosis C: Fibromyalgia D: Osteomyelitis

D: Osteomyelitis

Which nursing intervention is a priority for a client diagnosed with osteoarthritis? A: Passive range of motion exercises B: Decreased sodium intake C: Increase intake of omega 3 fatty acids D: Physical therapy and exercise

D: Physical therapy and exercise

What nursing intervention is essential in caring for a client with compartment syndrome? A: Wrapped the affected area in bandage to reduce swelling B: Elevating the affected area C: Performing range of motion exercises on the affected area D: Removing all external sources of pressure, such as clothing or jewelry

D: Removing all external sources of pressure, such as clothing or jewelry

The nurse is helping to set up Buck's traction on an orthopedic client. How often should the nurse assess circulation to the affected leg? A: Every 30 minutes for the first 24 hours B: Every 30 minutes for the first 12 hours C: Within 30 minutes, then every 4 to 8 hours D: Within 30 minutes, then every 1 to 2 hours

D: Within 30 minutes, then every 1 to 2 hours

The nurse is caring for a patient who had a total hip replacement. What lethal postoperative complication should the nurse closely monitor for?

Pulmonary embolism

What are the 5 P's of a neurovascular assessment?

pain, pallor, pulse, paresthesia, paralysis

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