Med Term: Female Reproductive System ch.17 part2

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post- coit -al

After A coming togethef Pertaining to

contra- cept -ion

Against Recieve Process

peri- men/o pause

Around Month, menses, menstruation Cessation


Beginning of the monthly flow

genital -ia

Belonging to birth Condition

cyst/o -cele

Bladder Hernia

mast -ectomy

Breast Surgical excision

mast -itis

Breast Inflammation

mamm/o -plasty

Breast Surgical repair

Uterine fibroid

But nine fibrous tumor of the uterus made up of muscular cells and other tissues that grow within the wall of the uterus: the most common benign tumors and women of childbearing age

cervic -itis

Cervix Inflammation


Cessation of the monthly flow

Cesarean section

Delivery of the fetus by means of an incision through the abdominal cavity and then into the uterus. Also known as C-section


Difficult or painful monthly flow


Difficult or painful sexual intercourse: copulation

dys- pareun -ia

Difficult, painful Laying beside, sexual intercourse Condition

dys- men/o -rrhea

Difficult, painful Month, menses, menstruation Flow


Excessive uterine bleeding at the time of the menstrual period, either in number of days or amounts of blood or both. Can because by such conditions as uterine fibroid tumors, pelvic inflammatory disease, or by endocrine inbalance

salping/o oophor -ectomy

Fallopiam tube Ovary Surgical excision

salping -ectomy

Fallopiam tube Surgical excision

salping -itis

Fallopian tube Inflammation

gynec/o log -ist

Female Study of One who specializes

gynec/o -logy

Female Study of

fibr -oma

Fibrous tissue Tumor


Fibrous tissue tumor; the most common benign tumor found in women


Formation of the ovum


Hernia of the bladder the protrudes into the vagina

Ectopic pregnancy

Hey pregnancy that occurs when the fertilize egg is implanted in one of various sites, the most common being a fallopian tube. The type of pregnancy is life-threatening to the mother and almost always fatal to her fetus.


Incision into the uterus, commonly combined with a laparotomy (surgical incision into the abdomen) during a cesarean section


Inflammation of a fallopian tube


Inflammation of the breast that occurs most commonly on women who are breastfeeding. It is caused by bacteria that enter through a crack or abrasion of the nipple


Inflammation of the muscular wall of the uterus


Inflammation of the uterine cervix


Inflammation of the vagina

a- men/o -rrhea

Lack of Month, menses, menstruation Flow


Lack of the monthly flow (menses or menstruation)

ovulat -ion

Little egg Process

lump -ectomy

Lump Surgical excision.


Male or female reproductive organs


Medical instrument used to examine the vagina and cervix by means of magnifying lenses

men/o -rrhea

Month, menses , menstruation Flow

men -arche

Month, menses, menstruation Beginning

men/o pause

Month, menses, menstruation Cessation

men/o -rrhagia

Month, menses, menstruation To burst forth

my/o metr -itis

Muscle Womb, uterus Inflammation


Normal monthly flow

oophor -ectomy

Ovary Surgical excisio

o/o -genesis

Ovum, eggs Formation, produce


Pathological condition in which endometrial tissue has been displaced to various sites of the abdominal or pelvic cavity. The tissue response to cyclic hormonal signals. Because it is outside the uterus and cannot be cast off each month, the tissue causes bleeding, with the formation of scars and adhesions


Period of gradual changes that lead into menopause, affecting the woman's hormones, body, and feelings. It can be a stop start process that can take months or years. The homeowner levels fluctuate thereby causing changes in the menstrual cycle which becomes irregular


Pertaining to after sexual intercourse


Pertaining to or resulting from sexual intercourse


Pertaining to within the uterus


Physician who specializes in the study of the female, especially the diseases of the female reproductive organs and the breast


Process in which in overtime is discharged from the cortex of the ovary: periodic ripening and rupture of immature graafian follicle and the discharge of the ovum from the cortex of the ovary. Occurs approximately 14 days from the onset of the next menstrual period


Process of miscarrying: termination of the pregnancy before the fetus is viable. Treatment during or after the miscarriage includes measures to prevent hemorrhage and infection.


Process of preventing conception


Refers to any pregnancy, regardless of duration l, including the present one; when used in the recording of an obstetrical history, indicates the number of pregnancies

oligo- men/o -rrhea

Scanty Month, menses, menstruation Flow


Scanty monthly flow

venere -al

Sexual intercourse Perttaining to


Study of the female, especially the diseases of the female reproductive organs and the breasts


Surgical excision of a fallopian tube


Surgical excision of an ovary


Surgical excision of an ovary and a fallopian tube


Surgical excision of the breast can involve a modified radical or a radical m.


Surgical excision of the uterus


Surgical removal of the tumor from the breast. This procedure removed only the tumor and done surrounding tissue but no lymph nodes


Surgical repair of the breast

Placenta previa

This condition, the placenta is improperly implanted in the lower uterine segment. Defeatist receives less oxygen and the expectant mother has an increased risk of hemorrhage and infection

abort -ion

To miscarry Process

uter -ine fibr -oid

Uterus Pertaining to Fibrous tissue Resemble

vagin -itis

Vagina Inflammation

colp/o -scope

Vagina Instrument for examining

Endo- metr/i -osis

Within Uterus Condition

intra- uter -ine

Within Uterus Pertaining to

hyster/o -tomy

Womb, uterus Incision

hyster -ectomy

Womb, uterus Surgical excision

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