media lab blood bank

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The concentration of sodium chloride in an isotonic solution is:

0.85 %

A regular dose vial will provide sufficient anti-D to protect against -----? of packed RBCs.

15 ml

Approximately what percent of the Caucasian population is Rh negative?


The proper storage requirements for granulocyte concentrates is:

20 - 24 degrees Celsius, 24 hours

After frozen RBC's have been thawed and washed, they must be used within how many hours?


What is the maximum interval during which a recipient sample may be used for compatibility testing if the patient has recently been transfused or was pregnant within the past 3 months?

3 days

One standard 300 µg vial of RhIg contains enough anti-D to protect against what amount of whole blood exposure?

30 mL

Which of the following is the most important factor in determining the immediate outcomes of kidney transplants?

ABO compatibility

What is the MOST common cause of acute hemolytic transfusion reactions?

Clerical errors

Which of the following describes the main function of hemoglobin?

Carry oxygen

`A primary immune response typically presents with which class of antibody?


Which of the following antigens are well developed on fetal cells?


is the terminal sugar responsible for H (blood group O) specificity.


PHENOTYPE:Le(a-b+) Lewis Genotype:? Secretor Genotype:?

Le Se

PHENOTYPE :Le(a+b-) Lewis Genotype:? Secretor Genotype:?

Le sese

Lewis Blood Group System is a human blood group unlike most others. The antigen is produced and secreted by exocrine glands, eventually adsorbing to the surface of red blood cells. Its expression is based on the genetic expression of the Lewis and Secretor genes. Based on the following genotype (Le) (Se), what would you predict the Lewis antigen phenotypic expression to be?

Le(a- b+)

Which one of these Lewis blood group system phenotypes usually produces anti-Lea?


hich characteristic best describes IgG antibodies produced against red blood cells?

React best at 37o Celsius

Which subset of effector lymphocytes is predominantly responsible for regulation of antibody production?


A microdose of RhIg will provide sufficient anti-D to protect against a loss of pregnancy before the 12th week when total fetal blood volume is estimated to be less than

5 mL

A standard blood donation of 450-500 mL requires a minimum anticoagulant-preservative solution volume of:

63 mL

Donor and recipient samples are stored for a minimum of ------------???? ) following transfusion

7 days (or one week

In the African American population approximately _____%? individuals are Rh negative


The presence of hemolysis in a post-transfusion blood sample is best associated with

ABO incompatibility

If the unit is going to be transfused within the collection facility, autologous blood must always be tested for which of the following before transfusion?


A febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction is characterized by which of the following?

An increase in temperature of >1oC above 37oC during transfusion

Of the following blood group antibodies, which has been most frequently associated with severe cases of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN)?


How can a hematoma from venipuncture be prevented?

Apply pressure to venipuncture site immediately after drawing blood

Glycine-HCL/EDTA treatment of red cells can destroy which of the following antigens, allowing for confirmation of a suspected antibody and detecting additional antibodies?

Bg and Kell

Common antigens of the Rh blood group system include

D, C, c, E and e.

is the terminal sugar responsible for B (blood group B) specificity.


if PEG is added before centrifugation what happens

False positives

Lewis antigens and the I antigen are all poorly developed on

Fetal cells

What would be the best way to determine how much RhIg should be given to a postpartum female who received RhIG antenatally and demonstrates the anti-D antibody at delivery?

Flow cytometry

What sugar configuration is necessary as a base for attachment of other sugars to produce ABO antigens?

Galactose plus fucose

Which specific immunodominant sugar is responsible for A (blood group A) antigenic specificity?


Which of the following is considered an indication for Rh immune globulin (RhIG) administration in postpartum women?

Passive protection

When giving a whole blood donation to a patient, what consideration must be made in regards to the ABO/Rh compatibility between the recipient and the donor?

The recipient and donor ABO and Rh types must be identical.

What is the minimum number of reactive antigen-positive and non-reactive antigen-negative panel cells that must be present in order to identify a red cell antibody with statistical confidence?


Most naturally occurring antibodies are IgM cold agglutinins which react best

at room temperature or lower.

Fibroblasts of the bone marrow help support the

bone marrow stroma.

Which of the following is used as a source for irradiation of blood products?

cesium-137 or cobalt-60. Cs137

Many white blood cells function to

fight infections.

is formed in the precursor structure but not as an immunodominant sugar that determines blood group specificity.


The Kleihauer-Betke acid elution is able to differentiate and quantify fetal and maternal red cells, but the test is

highly subjective.

A higher concentration of saline, such as 8.5% or 85%, creates a

hypertonic solution.

A lower concentration of saline outside the cell, such as 0.08%, creates a

hypotonic solution

PHENOTYPE : Le(a-b-) Lewis Genotype:? Secretor Genotype:?

lele sese or Se

Antibody titration cannot differentiate between

passive anti-D or active anti-D,

Hemostasis is an important function of


The rosette test is able to identify, but not

quantify D+ cells. Because of this, it cannot be used to determine the number of RhIg vials that should be administered.

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