Medical Botany Exam 1

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Who was given credit for isolating Salicin?

A chemical compound, salicin, a glycoside, was first isolated during the 19th century. J. Buchner in 1828 is given credit for isolating Salicin Salicin was initially used for rheumatic fever, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.

Nitrogen containing substances

Alkaloids Non-protein amino acids Cyanogenic glycosides Glucosinolates & A FEW MORE

Allium sativum (garlic)

Allium sativum Known in traditional European (TEM) & Indian medicine (TIM) for its antibacterial and lipid-lowering activities.


Aspirin was discovered in 1898, by Felix Hoffman (Working for Bayer) a chemist within the Bayer company, which is why up to today Bayer sells Apirin. Felix Hoffman wanted to help father with arthritis. The name aspirin is based on "a" for acetylsalicylic acid. "spirin" for "SPIREA", another plant source was the inspiration for the name Aspirin. Medicinal compounds come together from nature to create the best medicines TODAY, salicylic acid is still used topically to treat various skin conditions, like acne

Atropa belladonna "deadly nightshade" LEAVES AND ROOTS CONTAIN ALKALOIDS

Atropine, Hyoscyamine Atropa belladonna "DEADLY NIGHTSHADE" Native to Europe, Asia Belladonna means "beautiful lady" Has "Belladonna alkaloids" or, "tropane alkaloids" (are they the same thing?) Leaves and roots contain these alkaloids. At low doses these alkaloids have sedative effects At high doses they lead to hallucinations, insomnia, and death These (tropane) alkaloids are also found in many other members of the nightshade family (solanaceae)

Jesuit missionaries were the first to observe the use of infusion from the _________ of __________ among native american indians in south america.


An example of a non-flowering plant which is an anti-cancer drug?

Pacific Yew

Quinine - from Cinchona plant

Quinine used a long time for Malaria, comes from South America Cinchona for malaria....Quinine is derived from the plant Cinchona. Knowledge obtained from Native South American Indians Plant was called 'quina-quina', which means 'bad bad" Jesuit missionaries came in the 17th century and studied indigenous people . Quinine itself was discovered and isolated in 1820 Chloroquine - semisynthetic

Vinblastine comes from?

Rosy Periwinkle - Madagascar

Salicin comes from

White Willow

medicinal oils

fatty oils or waxes mixed with medicinal extracts, external/internal use

artemesinin used for cerebral malaria was invented by...

invented by Zhou Yiqing in the 1980s.

Vincristine can treat

leukemia and other types of cancer


made by binding powders or powdered extract


mixtures of drugs and a waxy medium designed to melt at body temperature after being inserted into the anus or vagina

fatty oils used in herbal medicines are labeled as


Morphine is used as

pain reliever and hypnotic

What plant part is Black Cohosh has accumulated active compounds that are used in treating menopausal symptoms in women?

rhizomes and roots

Radix means...



semisolid preparations in small proportions


semisolid preparations meant for external application


small containers with medicinal products


tablet-likes intended for chewing

True or False Gingko supplements help delay dementia


What is used adjunctively in anesthesia provides skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery?

tubocurarine (chondrodendron tomentosum) South America

There is skepticism about the efficacy of the herbal medicine due to...

unrealistic claims made by the producers of the herbal products.

Rev. Edward Stone used...

willow for treatment of fever and chills during the 18th century

Salix alba (white willow)

willow trees, Salix alba (binomial system) (alba means white) Extracts come from branches/leaves, infusion is made like tea, will make you feel better Rev. Edward Stone used willow for treatment of fever and chills during the 18th century

Garlic Bulbs are rich in...

-Bulbs are rich in sulfur-containing compounds. -Allicin IS AN ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUND

Snakeroot plant from India was initially used for snakebites. What else is this plant good for?

-Hypertension -Snakebites

All alkaloids end in...


Pharmacological actions of alkaloids

1. Analgesics & Narcotics - morphine, codeine 2. Central stimulants- strychnine, brucine 3.Local anesthetics - cocaine 4. Antispasmodics- atropine, hyoscyamine 5.Antihypertensives- reserpine 6. Muscle paralyzers- tubocurarine 7. Anti tumor agents - camptothecine

Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo

A popular traditional medicine in China USED TO STRENGTHEN THE HEART AND LUNGS. A Gymnosperm. What looks like fruit is actually not a fruit, it's a seed with fleshy outside portion Seed is made up of a hard seed core, seed coat is fleshy and is referred to as ARIL Plant is known as a "living fossil" because the same species, its ancestors, lived along with dinosaurs, has been around for a very long time. Relatives lived around 200 millions years ago... Leaves are the source of chemical compounds: FLAVONOIDS, TERPENES Some people will refer to the Ginkgo tree as a "Silver Apricot" because of the seeds having a fruit-like appearance. Fruits actually have a a grotesque odor Leaves are the source of chemical compounds: Also used in modern medicine Ginkgo used to treat dementia & associated memory impairment, sleep disorders and dizziness. Clinical trial prove its efficacy in delaying dementia. Clinical trails prove its efficacy in delaying dementia. Adverse effects are mild & reversible, GINKGO MAY INTERACT WITH ANTICOAGULANTS. IT CAN DELAY ONSET FOR DEMENTIA, DOESN'T REVERSE DEMENTIA.

Chemical compound of Artemisia annua is? (CHINESE ARTEMISIA - WORMWOOD_

ARTEMESININ -Used for cerebral Malaria, chemical compound is artemesinin -invented by Zhou Yiqing in the 1980s.

Coartem is what type of drug?

Anti-malarial drug

Warfarin (Coumadin)

Anticoagulant (blood thinner)

You need to be careful with vitamin K because it interferes with_________.

Blood thinning medicines!

Taxol is used in the treatment of what cancers?

Breast and Ovarian Cancers

What is an alcohol denaturant and where does it come from?

Brucine comes from Strychnos nux-vomica

What is the binomial name of the tree known as the "cancer tree"

Camptotheca acuminata

Camptotheca acuminata - Chinese Happy Tree / Cancer Tree

Camptothecine Chinese Happy Tree / Cancer Tree Camptotheca acuminata From China Bark and leaves : source of alkaloid Camptothecine was discovered in 1966 by Drs. Wall and Wani Favorable results in breast, prostate, pancreas, ovarian, leukemia, and lymphoma cancer treatments, as well as malignant melanomas Synthetic Variants are also developed cancer treatments

Name the pharmaceutical drug derived from Chinese Wormwood and what it does.

Coartem - antimalarial


Comprise the largest class of secondary plant substances, over 7000 "Alkali-like substances" Alkaloid is a basic plant product They may be crystalline or in liquid form Colorless, brown, or yellow

Chondrodendron tomentosum Tubocurarine - Curare Plante

Curare: a variety of SA Arrow Poisons Chondrodendron tomentosum Found in Amazon rainforest From South America TREE BARK IS USED Used adjunctively in anesthesia provides skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery CRUDE EXTRACT has paralyzing effect. Reverses strychnine poisoning.

Curcuma longa - anti timor agent

Curcuminoids Curcuma Curcuma longa Native to India Fresh or fried rhizomes are used Curcumin is an anti tumor agent. Other: anti-inflammatory, anti microbial, antioxidant



Dioscorea villosa (wild yam)

Diosgenin Steroidal Saponin Dioscorea villosa Tubers "CORMS" or rhizomes contain diosgenin (40%) that can be synthesized to steroidal hormones (estrogen, progesterone) and oral contraceptives.

Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh)

Dried rhizomes are utilized Used to treat MENOPAUSAL SYMPTOMS/hot flashes. Recent studied suggest combining with St John's Wort No possible side effects, some people may have mild GI upset Higher doses may lead to nausea and vertigo

Which North American medicinal plant has its genus name that translates to "prickly"?

Echinacea Echinacea means "PRICKLY", inflorescence, a cluster of flowers in a bunch. Like a sunflower is inflorescence, every petal is a flower essentially. "Achene" —> lead to name Echinacea.

Sambucus Mexicana - Elderberry

Elderberry grows natural and the fruits are completely edible, we can make juices and stuff, but stems and leaves are slightly toxic. Great for colds.


Essential Oils

Volatile oil is another name for

Essential Oils

True or False A plant that is safely consumed as a tea may be totally unsuitable for human use as a tincture.


Who was credited for inventing Aspirin?

Felix Hoffman

Purple Cone Flower is good for what?


Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower

Fresh plant juice & also roots used for UPPER RESPIRATORY AND URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS Known as immune stimulant AND FOR ITS ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS. Echinacea means "PRICKLY", inflorescence, a cluster of flowers in a bunch. Like a sunflower is inflorescence, every petal is a flower essentially. "Achene" —> lead to name Echinacea. Active compound in Echinacea POLYSACCHARIDES THE TRIAL DATA FROM 14 CLINICAL STUDIES INDICATE THAT IT IS EFFECTIVE IN PREVENTING/REDUCING COLD BY ~58% AND REDUCING DURATION OF COLD. Effective in treating infections & cold. Rare adverse effects can include ALLERGIC REACTIONS.

Allium Sativum helps lower...

Garlic helps lower SERUM TRIGLYCERIDES, NOT LDL CHOLESTEROL The size of the effect is so modest. No adverse effects, EXCEPT THE OBVIOUS ODOR Avoid taking anticoagulant type medicines, like warfarin, while consuming Garlic. Garlic is actually a good blood thinner. May be effective in large quantities.

Which plant is referred to as a "living fossil"?

Gingko Biloba

Groundsel, Senecio longilobus

Gnaphalium sp Gordolobo and related species have been used for centuries in Mexico and other Latin American countries, chiefly to expel phlegm (mucus), to treat bronchial asthma and coughs.

What is the binomal name for Devil's Claw Plant?

Harpagophytum procumbens

Hyoscyamine (from Atropa belladonna) is used in?

Hyoscyamine is used in treating disorders of GI tract and in reducing symptoms of Parkinson's Disease.

The extract from this plant is used as an antidepressant, also has an excellent safety profile. What plant is this?

Hypericum perforatum

Long term use at high doses is asociated with flaky, dry yellowing of skin, hair loss, hearing loss and weight loss. What plant is this?


Warfarin comes from?

Melilotus officinalis - Sweet Clover

Papaver somniferum = 'sleep bearing'

Morphine, Codeine, Opium Poppy, "joy plant" Native to southeastern Europe and W. Asia Coagulated latex from ripened capsules is the "crude opium" Contains 23 alkaloids including papaverine

Which plant has been proven to be effective on treating respiratory conditions?

Purple Cone Flower

Erythroxylum coca - Coca Plant

Q'oka, an Aymara word S. American shrub Parts used: Cocae folium Leaves yield 14 different alkaloids including nicotine and tropane alkaloids Albert Niemann extracted cocaine in 1860s Cocaine is a local anesthetic & euphoric. Includes physiological dependence, highly addictive, is not used very often In Australia it is used as a local anesthetic for mouth and lung ulcers. Replaced in western medicine by synthetic local anesthetic such as benzocaine.

What is the binomial name for the Indian Snakeroot?

Rauwolfia serpentina

Rauwolfia serpentina (Indian Snakeroot) Sarpagantha

Rauwolfia serpentina Native to India, used as ANTI-HYPERTENSIVE Used to cure "Moon disease" Also found in R. Vomitoria (Africa) and R. Tetraphylla (India) Roots are used. Mahatma Ghandi drinks this every day Alkaloid in powder form is used in the treatment of mild hypertension, blood pressure, and mental disorders. Root decocción induces uterine contractions.

Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort)

ST. JOHN'S WART Hypericum perforatum LEAVES HAVE TINY WHITE DOTS ALL OVER IT, PLANT HAS YELLOW FLOWERS. Little white dotes "perforatum" are functional oily glands -Plant has been used frequently for conditions involving the liver, like jaundice, used for detoxification. -Entire plant extract as antidepressant -Flower oil is also used for wound healing and body pain. Used in European, Asian & in NAm medicine. Active ingredients: Phenolic compounds, terpenoids. For Example Hypericin and Hyperforin. St John's Wort can be sold as herbal pills also as leaves and flowers Clinical trials proved that the plant is effective and superior to conventional antidepressants. Potential serious symptoms are manic symptoms and infrequent photosensitization. Avoid when taking prescription drugs. Good for anti depression.

Serenoa repens (saw palmetto)

Saw Palmetto Serenoa repens Repens = creeping, close to the ground From SE US. A prostrate plant, with fan-shaped leaves. Fruits are used to treat benign prostate hyperplasia. BPH** Good for middle aged men as a preventative means for BPH, not good for malignant prostate hyperplasia. Dry fruit solvent extract is recommended Efficacy was comparable to synthetic drugs, such as Proscar, pretty damn useful. WELL TOLERATED WITH RARE SIDE EFFECTS. Well tolerated with rare side effects. Active ingredients: FATTY ACIDS, PHYTOSTEROLS Clinical evidences support its efficacy in the proposed used Adverse effects are rare and typically mild. Recommended daily dose is 320 mg, shouldn't exceed this recommended amount.

Dry seeds are used as the source of active compounds used in improving liver health. Which plant is this?

Silybum marianum

Strychnos nux-vomica - Strychnine Tree

Strychnine, Brucine Nun vomica Strychnos nux-vomica Native to S Asia The seeds are used in homeopathy strychnine & brucine which are extremely toxic. Poisoning symptoms Seeds contain strychnine and brucine, very toxic Poisonings symptoms include anxiety and convulsions leads to death Strychnine is used as an important tool in physiological and neuroanatomical research. It increases apetite and digestion, used ass tonic in <20 mg/day Brucine is used as alcohol denaturant Bark juice reduces fever Several South American species, such as Strychnos toxifera, yield TOXIFERINE (part of curare poison) That is useful in surgery to prevent muscle contraction

Coumarin comes from

Sweet Clover Warfarin "anticoagulant" (coumadin) from sweet clover Melilotus spp. Warfarin is a drug which is a blood thinner, it can help treat and also prevent blood clots. Chemical compound is known as COUMARIN

Taxus brevifolia - Pacific Yew

Taxol Paclitaxel, from Pacific Yew Plant Taxus Brevifolia, a conifer Taxol is an anti cancer drug. During chemotherapy treatments, taxol is utilized. Tissue culture and propagation are used for this plant to bring this plants medicine components about, super rare. Taxol has antitumor properties, discovered in the 1960's. Taxol discovered in 1960s. Used in the treatment of BREAST AND OVARIAN cancers.

Taxol, what is it? (chemotherapy)

Taxol from Pacific Yew plant Taxus brevifolia Taxol Paclitaxel, from Pacific Yew Plant Taxus Brevifolia, a conifer Taxol is an anti cancer drug. During chemotherapy treatments, taxol is utilized. Tissue culture and propagation are used for this plant to bring this plants medicine components about, super rare. Taxol has antitumor properties, discovered in the 1960's.

Artemisia annua Chinese Artemisia (Wormwood)

These plants live for about a year. Plant from China which can be used to treat Malaria It was used as a insect repellent. Used as anti-malaria drug -Used for cerebral Malaria, chemical compound is artemesinin -invented by Zhou Yiqing in the 1980s.

Coartem Chinese Artemisia (Wormwood) Artemisia annua

These plants live for about a year. Plant from China which can be used to treat Malaria It was used as a insect repellent. Used as anti-malaria drug -Used for cerebral Malaria, chemical compound is artemesinin -invented by Zhou Yiqing in the 1980s. Quinine used a long time for Malaria, comes from South America Coartem was approved in the US for use a an anti-malarial drug starting in 2009 Coartem provides cure rates of more than 95% In Africa, one child dies from Malaria every 30 seconds Coartem is provided without making a profit in developing countries.

Panax Ginseng

Traditional medicine in China, Europe & N. America use these plants. Ginseng is effective, used to improve stamina, concentration, as diuretic, antidepressant, and as an aphrodisiac Fresh or dried roots have triterpenoid saponins, and sterols. Ginseng can be natural sleep supplement CLINICAL GINSENG TRIALS GIVE MIXED RESULTS PROVEN TO ENHANCE MOOD AND IMPROVE STAMINA LOW INCIDENCE OF SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDE INSOMNIA, DIARRHA, SCHIZOPHRENIA, AND HEADACHE Clinical trials give mixed results*** Low incidence of serious side effects include insomnia, diarrhea MAY DECREASE THE EFFECT OF WARFARIN, AVOID USING WITH OTHER STIMULANTS Ginseng may interact with blood thinners. Ginseng means "yang tonic"

Catharanthus roseus / Madagascar Periwinkle

Vincristine from Rosy periwinkle Catharanthus roseus - from Madagascar Vincristine can treat leukemia and other types of cancer Vincristine and Vinblastine are chemical compounds extracted from the leaves of the plant, Marketed in 1957 under trade names Used for treatment of childhood Leukemia, Hodgkins, Lymphona Diseas, breast cancer, Sarcoma, and more. This plant is used in chemotherapy treatments and is typically injected. Lymphona, swelling of lymph's

Vincristine and Vinblastine

Vincristine from Rosy periwinkle Catharanthus roseus - from Madagascar Vincristine can treat leukemia and other types of cancer Vincristine and Vinblastine are chemical compounds extracted from the leaves of the plant, Marketed in 1957 under trade names Used for treatment of childhood Leukemia, Hodgkins, Lymphona Diseas, breast cancer, Sarcoma, and more. This plant is used in chemotherapy treatments and is typically injected. Lymphoma, swelling of lymph's

Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover

Warfarin "anticoagulant" (coumadin) from sweet clover Melilotus spp. Warfarin is a drug which is a drug thinner, it can help treat and also prevent blood clots. Chemical compound is known as COUMARIN More potent and longer acting anticoagulant, warfarin can be synthesized from Coumarins.

Melilotus spp. Warfarin - "anticoagulant" (coumadin) from sweet clover

Warfarin is a drug which is a drug thinner, it can help treat and also prevent blood clots. Chemical compound is known as COUMARIN More potent and longer acting anticoagulant, warfarin can be synthesized from Coumarins.

What is Devil's Claw used for?

Widely used in Europe for mild joint pain, mainly in Germany. Also sold for arthritis. Sold in Capsule form and as tonic Harpagoside is the active compound. Dried, sliced roots are used to reduce low back pain and inflammation

History of how Coumarin was founded?

Wisconsin, huge cow farms - cheese. Cows graze on open lands and come home, bloods started having very thin blood, were oozing blood, blood was super thin. Didn't know if cows were diseased, they went to UMW and spoke to researchers over there. Cows were grazing on natural blood thinners. If they're hungry they eat anything. Cows had such thin blood there were literally bleeding out. Wisconsin Alumni - Research Fund. ———> WARF, which is why it's called WARFARIN WARF + COUMARIN = WARFARIN


a typically alcoholic mixture containing a medicine or remedy

In the medical community, Warfarin is mainly prescribed for which of its qualities?

anticoagulant properties


any of a large class of plant pigments having a structure based on or similar to that of flavone. Over 4000 flavonoids have been identified, many of which occur in fruits, vegetables, and beverages They have diverse biochemical and antioxidant effects For example black elderberries.


compressed powdered material, uncoated

The active compounds linamarin and amygdalin fall under the category of

cyanogenic glycosides

Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil's claw)

• Devil's Claw plant Harpagophytum procumbens The common name was based on its peculiar fruit shape Dried, sliced roots are used to reduce low back pain and inflammation Widely used in Europe for mild joint pain, mainly in Germany. Also sold for arthritis. Sold in Capsule form and as tonic Harpagoside is the active compound.

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