Medical Sociology Chapter 13

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Alternative views of health in ill health: Individuality and Holism

- All alternatives focus on this - What's normal in biomedicine is average (normal temp, blood pressure) - Alt. approaches look at body as complete integrated system, recognizing that each person is slightly diff from others - Treatment varies through person; tailored to individual people - This doesn't occur in biomedicine, standard approach (docs could get in trouble for conducting this

Folk Healing (Alternative Traditional)

- Beliefs in practitioners of specific alternative therapies by herbalists, spiritualists, and naturalists to promote health - Holistic-Contextual approaches - Focuses on mind, body, spirit, and social support - Examples: African American Healing, Curanderismo, American Indian healing

CAM Utilization

- Causes: • Religious, cultural, financial, pragmatic reasons • Dissatisfaction with conventional medicine/effects - Social Demography: • Study found that alternative medicine is Used more by White, more well educated, higher income, female • Reason: most alt med not covered by health insurance • Bi- Mobile distribution - ppl above middle class • Some turn to alt. med because don't have any choice • Females use alt. medicine more than males

African American Healing (Folk healing)

- Distinguishes between natural illnesses (which may be divine and requires repentance) or unnatural illnesses caused by evil influences or magic

Alternative views of health in ill health: Self-healing

- Everyone knows that its the body that ultimately heals itself - Among alternative goal of practitioner is facilitating the body to heal itself (less intervention)

Alternative views of health in ill health: Natural-Ecological Context

- Focus missing in biomedicine - Body is best suited to attain nutrients in their natural form - In 1960's= back to nature movement

NCCAM: Manipulative and Body-Based practices

- Focus on structures and systems of the body - Bones, joints - Ex: massage therapy, spinal manipulation

Christian Science Church

- Group that maintains that sickness and pain are an illusion - Spend time in prayer or religious education - No medicine, chemicals, blood transfusions -Resulted in a conflict b/w religious freedom - Parents refuse medical treatment for their children - Religious Freedom vs Parent's Rights Controversial when balancing children's rights to medical treatment against parents religious beliefs

American Indian Healing (Folk healing)

- Illness is seen as caused by soul loss, witchcraft, spirit possession, or violations of tribal taboos - Break clearly held values in a group= result in physical health illness - Practice is declining b/c fewer men have been trained

NCCAM: Mind and Body Medicine

- Interactions among brain, body - Ex: meditation to control stress, yoga, physical therapy, deep breathing

Wellness Lifestyle Approach

- Interrelationship of CAM use, health lifestyles (life choices & life chances), health promotion, and wellness - Having a meaning and purpose, captures being well - Being well allows people to better heal themselves - Being able to thrive (happiness)

Chiropractic (Alternative Modern)

- Manipulation of bones in the spinal column = relieves pressure on the nerves and thereby alleviate illness and pain - Key concept = self-healing - This is a very popular group - Discouragement of use of pharmecuticals

Curanderismo (Folk healing)

- Mexican American healers - Blend religion and medicine into a single approach, emphasize cause of disorders rather than symptoms, and do not distinguish natural from supernatural - Employs prayer and religious counseling alongside a variety of folk drugs and herbs

Alternative views of health in ill health: Wellness

- Most alternative approaches focused on increasing quality of life, integrated fitness; not just the absence of disease - The biomedical approach is more focused on the absence of disease

NCCAM: Other CAM practices

- Movement therapies, traditional healers, energy healers, traditional Chinese medicine - All cultures have a tradition healing system ○ Diff def. of what health is and how to heal it ○ Not part of biomedical paradigm

From Quackery to Complementary Winnick, 2009

- Study found Americans reported using some form of alternative medicine - Always been used by Americans, but considered underground - More on politics, not science - Reaction of Conventional Medicine (phases): 1) Condemnation = Attempt to obstruct CAM; doctors would threat patience to not see CAM 2) Reassessment = Struggled to come with grips with CAM 3) Integration = Found a way to work around CAM or with CAM - Physicians still Dominate medical position but open to CAM

Western Herbalism (Alternative Modern)

- The study and practice of using plan material for food, medicine, and health promotion - Use natural molecules unlike synthetic created molecules (i.e. aspirin) - All cultures have an herbal pharmacopoeia

Alternative traditional approach

- Toward Holistic Model, Metaphysical - outside of scientific perspective - Faith Healing - Folk Healing

Alternative Modern approach

- Toward Medical Model, Physical Science - Much more affiliated w/ medical model/physical science - Homeopathy - Osteopaths - Chiropractic - Western Herbalism

Homeopathy (Alternative Modern)

- Treatment based on drugs that produce similar symptoms to a given disease - Represents the body to heal itself (like vaccinations) - Ex: take spiders and dilute them w/ water 6x's .... Then after have someone drink the water ("energy" left)

Faith healing (Alternative Traditional)

- healing that comes from faith (power of suggestion, prayer, and faith in god) rather than medical means - Alleviation of symptoms - Relief from psychological distress - Acceptance of one's health or life situation - Redefining ailments as less serious or less medical ** Prayer is the most used healing mechanism in the US**

Osteopaths (Alternative Modern)

- physicians who combine manipulative procedures with conventional treatment - Require same training as MD's - More of a holistic approach

Alternative views of health in ill health: Bioenergy

-Focus on disruption in the flow of energy, alt. approach finds way to get people rebalanced - Use subtle energy approach

NCCAM: Natural products

-Use to prevent health problems or restore - Herbs, probiotics, more natural products, organic foods


National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine


complementary and alternative medicine

Alternative medicine

health care practices and products used in place of conventional medicine -provided by someone other than an MD

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