Medical Terminology Final Exam

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What does SOAP stand for

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

What is the correct pronunciation for the term thyrotropin


What is the correct pronunciation of the term thyrotropin


Which abbreviation and terms are not associated in the SOAP method? Occult, DDX, Idiopathic, Mortality, WDWN

WDWN = well-developed, well-nourished and is part of exam findings (observation)

What is glycemic index

a ranking of food based on the way it affects sugar levels in the blood

An EMG is most properly defined as

a record of the electrical activity of a muscle

What is the correct breakdown of atopognosis into its component parts


What is the correct breakdown of the term atopognosis into its components


What term means artery rupture


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term arthrodesis

arthro (joint) + desis (binding) = binding of a joint (surgical fixation of a joint)

ABCDE is a mnemonic device for remembering steps in analysis and means

asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving

What is the term for hearing aid

auditory prosthesis

What is the correct pronunciation for onychotomy


What is the correct breakdown and translation for the term bilirubinemia

bili (bile) + rubin (red) + emia (blood condition) = presence of bilirubin (red bile) in the blood

Build a medical term for reconstruction of the eyelid


Translate as literally as possible the term osteolysis

bone loss

Build a medical term that means slow breathing


Translate as literally as possible the term mastoptosis

breast drooping condition

What term means calcium in the urine


What is the term for cyt/o


Build a medical term the means head pain


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term cervicodynia

cervico (neck) + dynia (pain) = neck pain

Translate the medical term cholandioma as literally as possible

chol (bile) + angi (vessel) + oma (tumor) = tumor of the bile vessels (ducts located in the liver)

What is a combination of roots that refer to ducts through which bile leaves the liver


Translate the root cycl/o

ciliary body, the circle of tissue surrounding the lens

What words parts refer to blood's ability to form clots


What is hearing loss caused by sound not getting to the middle/inner ear

conductive hearing loss

Note that is authorized by a specialist and provides an expert opinion on a more challenging problem

consult note

What does CGM stand for

continuous glucose monitor

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term craniosynostosis

cranio (skull) + syn (together) +ost (bone) osis (condition) = premature fusing of the skull bones

Identify and define the suffix in pseudocyesis

cyesis = pregnancy

Build a medical term that means downward placement of the bladder


What is not part of the lymph system? cyt/o, lymph/o, splen/o, thym/o, tonsil/o


What is the correct breakdown of the term dacryocystorhinostomy into its components


What term means procedure for looking at the skin


A review of symptoms is a

description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem

What is a metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia

diabetes mellitus

What is the definition of the term phlebarteriectasia

dilation of blood vessels

Translate as literally as possible the term xerophthalmia

dry eyes

What root refers to tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord


Build a medical term that means bad feeling or sensation


Translate the root myring/o


What is the correct breakdown of elliptocytosis into its component parts )


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term encephalopyosis

encephalo (brain) + py (pus) + osis (condition) = puss-filled abscess in the brain

Proper translation for cardiomegaly

enlargement of the heart

What is the correct breakdown of epicardium into its component parts


Identify and define the root term erythroderma

erthro (red) + derma (skin) = red skin

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term erythrocytosis

erythro (red) + cyt (cell) + osis (condition) = abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term exophthalmus

ex (out) + ophthalmus (eye) = eyes protruding from the eye socket

What is the correct pronunciation of the term phakitis


Translate the root term ather/o

fatty plaque

What term refers to the use of electric current to destroy tissue


Translate as literally as possible the term myringomycosis

fungal condition of the ear drum

Translate the root term myc/o


What root term refers to a nerve bundles


Specialist in the stomach and intestines


Build a medical term that means a hardening of the blood vessels within the kidney that filter blood


What root terms mean sugar

gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o

What root refers to sex organs


What term means hormone that stimulates the gonads


What is the correct definition of the term otosclerosis

hearing loss caused by the hardening on the bones in the middle ear

Proper breakdown and into it's parts for hemarthrosis


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hematopoiesis

hemato (blood) + lysis (breakdown) = breakdown of blood cells

What term means kidney condition


What is the correct breakdown of the term neuroarthropathy into its components


Translate as literally as possible the term anesthetic

no sensation

Translate as literally as possible the term aspermia

no sperm condition

What does the abbreviation NSR stand for

normal sinus rhythm

What root is used in the abbreviations OD, OS, OU

oculus - eye

What does OD stand for

oculus dexter (right eye)

What does OS stand for

oculus sinister (left eye)

What does OU stand for

oculus uterque (both eyes)

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term odontoclasis

odonto (tooth) + clasis (break) = breaking a tooth

Translate as literally as possible the term cerebral palsy

"pertaining to brain paralysis" paralysis caused by damage of the area of the brain responsible for movement

Translate as literally as possible the term hydrocephaly

"water head condition" abnormal accumulation of the spinal fluid in the brain

What roots do not refer to the eye? ocul/o, ophthalm/o, -opia, opt/o


What is the word part that means stimulating hormone


Which syllable receives emphasis when pronouncing the term dermopathy

2nd syllable: maw

Which syllable receives emphasis when pronouncing the term petechial

2nd syllable: tee

Which syllable receives emphasis in the term neurasthenia

3rd syllable: then

Drug that opposes fever


Drug that prevents sepsis (rotting of the flesh) by killing microorganisms


What is the flow of blood backwards from the aorta into the heart caused by a weak heart valve

aortic regurgitation

Translate as literally as possible the term vasospasm

involuntary contractions of a blood vessel

Define the medical term esotropia

inward turning of the eye, towards the nose

Build a medical term that means inflammation of the iris and cornea


What term means abnormal softening of the cornea


What root means arrangement, order, coordination


What term means excessive desire to steal


Translate the root for gnosi/o


What abbreviation does not refer to a type of diabetes? CGM, DI, DM, GDM, NIDDM


What abbreviation is not a type of test? GTT, HgA1C, HRT, TFT


Translate as literally as possible the term macrocytosis

Large cell condition ; condition characterized by large blood cells

What abbreviation does not pertain to a vertebrae C1-C7, L1-L5, M1-M8, S1-S5, T1-T2


What is not a diagnostic procedure? CTA, EKG, MRA, NSR, TEE


What abbreviation can be found in the "plan" portion of a health record? Dx, ROS, QHS, PERRA, RRR

QHS = take at bedtime

What is not an acceptable abbreviation for subcutaneous? SC, SCC, SQ, subcut


What is the abbreviation of stroke volume


The fear of heights is known as


What root terms mean fat

adip/o, lip/o, steat/o

What is not a root used to refer to vessels? angi/o, arteri/o, vas/o, vascul/o, all of these are vessels

all of these are vessels

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term anesthetic

an (not) + esthestic (feeling sensation) = drug that causes loss of sensation

Describe PET

an imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain

What is a bulge in a blood vessel


What term means surgical reconstruction of a vessel


What term is used to describe joint stiffness


Identify and define the root term for heminephrectomy

hemi = half

Translate as literally as possible the term myelomeningocele

hernia of the spinal cord and meninges

Story of the patient's problems is know as

history of present illness

What does HRT stand for

hormone replacement therapy

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hydrarthrosis

hydr (water) + arthr (joint) + osis (condition) = water in the joint

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hydrophobia

hydro (water) + phobia (excessive fear) = fear of water

What is the correct breakdown of the term hypergonadism into its component parts

hyper/gonad/ ism

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hypogonadism

hypo (under) + gonad (gonad) + ism (condition) = under secretion of the sex glands

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hypophysectomy

hypophys (pituitary gland) + ectomy (removal) = removal of the pituitary gland

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hypophysitis

hypophys (pituitary gland) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the pituitary gland

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term hysteropexy

hystero (uterus) + pexy (fixation) = surgical fixation of the uterus

In the abbreviations HIV and AIDS what does the "I" stand for

immunodeficiency-means the immune system has a decreased or compromised response to disease causing organisms

What is the correct definition for the abbreviation IVF

in vitro fertilization= fertilization of an egg done in a test tube

Translate as literally as possible the term bursotomy

incision into a bursa

What is the correct breakdown and translation for the term leukocytosis

leuko (white) + cyt (cell) + osis (condition) = white cell condition. abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells

What term refers to a well defined portion of any organ


What is the correct translation for the root lumb/o

loin, lower back

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term lymphedema

lymph (lymph) + edem (swelling) = swelling caused by abnormal accumulation of lymph, usually in the extremities

Build a medical term that means the surgical removal of a lymph gland (node)


Build a medical term that means lymph deficiency


What terms mean freckle

macule, macula

Build a medical term that means an instrument for examining the opening of the urethra


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term myasthenia

my (muscle) + asthenia (weakness) = muscle weakness

What term means fungal condition


What root term refers to spinal cord or bone marrow


What term describes nearsightedness


Build a medical term that means muscle tone


Identify and define the root term for necrosis

necr/o = death

What is the correct breakdown and translation for the term osteochondritis

osteo (bone) + chondr (cartilage) + it is (inflammation) = inflammation of the bone and cartilage

What is the correct breakdown for osteochondroma into its component parts


What term means ear pain


What term refers to ear pain


Define the medical term ectropion

outward turning of the eyelid, away from the eye

Translate as literally as possible the term hypersplenism

over spleen condition

What root term means thick


What is the correct breakdown and translation for the term pancytopenia

pan (all) + cyto (cell) + penia (deficiency) = deficiency in all cellular components of the blood

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term pancreatolithiasis

pancreato (pancreas) + lith (stone) + iasis (presence) = presence of a stone in the pancreas

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term parathyroidectomy

para (beside) + thyroid (thyroid) + ectomy (removal) = removal of the parathyroid

A patient experiencing an abnormal sensation, usually numbness or tingling in the skin is


What is the correct definition and translation of the abbreviation PEJ

percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy- using an endoscope to assist in the creation of an opening in part of the small intestine without having surgically opening the abdomen for placement

What is the root for region between the female genital organs and the anus


What means inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity


Translate as literally as possible the term optokinetic

pertaining to eye movement

Translate as literally as possible the term hypoglycemic

pertaining to low blood sugar: deficiency of sugar

What is the correct breakdown of the term phlebosclerosis into its component parts


Translate as literally as possible the term pleuralgia

pleura pain

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term pleurodynia

pleuro (pleura) + dynia (pain) = pain in the pleura (membrane surrounding the lungs

Inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord is


What is the correct breakdown of the term polyadenopathy into its component parts


What means downward displacement of the rectum and anus


The study of the effects of drugs on mental processes is called


Build a medical term that means renal pelvis disease


What is the definition of the abbreviation TEE

record of the heart using sound waves performed by inserting the sonograph into the esophagus

Translate the root term ichthy/o


What is the correct breakdown of the term sclerokeratoiritis into its components


What term means formation of oil


Identify and define the roots in the term somnambulism

somn-sleep, ambul-walk

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the abbreviation SHG

sonohysterography - sono (sound) + hystero (uterus) + graphy (writing procedure) = procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus

What is an instrument used to measure blood pressure


What is abnormal narrowing of the spine called

spinal stenosis

Translate as literally as possible the term splenolysis

spleen breakdown. breakdown (destruction) of speen tissue

Build a medical term that means spleen pain


What is the correct translation for the root ankyl/o

stiff, bent

What term means surgical reconstruction of the mouth


What is the definition of the abbreviation SCA

sudden cardiac arrest: sudden cessation of functional circulation

Translate as literally as possible the term embolectomy

surgical removal of a mass of matter present in the blood

Oophorocystectomy and ovarian cystectomy both mean a

surgical removal of an ovarian cyst

Translate the medical term atherectomy

surgical removal of fatty plaque within an artery

What root term refers to arrangement, order, coordination


Translate the root lacrim/o


Build a medical term that means "binding of a tendon"


Why do urologist deal with both urinary tract problems and male genital problems

the male reproductive system shares structures with the urinary system

Build a medical term that means clot breakdown agent and is a drug that breaks down blood clots


What term means thyroid hernia and is another name for goiter


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term tracheostomy

trachea (windpipe) + stomy (opening) = creation of an opening in the windpipe

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term uremia

ur (urine) + emia (blood condition) = presence of urinary waste in the blood

What term means inflammation of a heart valve


What is a drug that causes the relaxation or expansion of a blood vessel


Translate the root term phleb/o


What is the correct breakdown and translation of the term venostasis

veno (vein) + stasis (standing) = standing vein

Translate as literally as possible the term angioma

vessel tumor

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