Medical Terminology questions

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The suffix that means pain is


The suffix that means a surgical puncture to aspirate fluid is


The suffix that means stretching out, dilation, or expansion is


The suffix that means loosening, dissolution, separating is


The suffix that means viewing is


The suffix that means suturing, repairing is


The suffix that means an instrument used for visual examination is


The suffix that means control, stop and standing is


The hospital closed a surgery suite because of an outbreak of a strain of bacteria that is resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics. What is this resistant strain called??


Which of the following is the abbreviation for chronic inflammatory disease involving the skin, joint, kidneys, and nervous system?


Which of the following is the abbreviation for berry-shaped (bacterium) in twisted chains?


The term bronchopneumonia is built from which of the following combinations of word parts?

Two word roots, a combining vowel, and a suffix

The suffix -plasia is defined as

a condition of formation, development, growth

The term stricture is defined as

abnormal narrowing

A precancerous condition of horny tissue that results from excessive exposure to sunlight is

actinic keratosis

The term that means cancerous tumor of glandular tissue is


The term that means without fever is


A term for a person or a place, such as Alzheimer disease named for the physician who first described the symptoms as seen in a patient, is:

an eponym

The prefix that means absence of, without is


The prefix that means absence of, without is:


the term ventral has a meaning similar to


the frontal or coronal plane is a vertical plane passing from side to side that divides the body into

anterior and posterior portions

The term that means absence of urine is


the umbilical region is the area located

around the navel

Levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood are tested by

arterial blood gases.

Another term that means suffocation is


The term that means to withdraw fluid or suction fluid; also to draw foreign material into the respiratory tract is


A respiratory disease which is characterized by coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, caused by constriction and inflammation of airways that is reversible between attacks is called


The term that means incomplete expansion (collapse of alveoli due to internal cause) in reference to the lung or portion of the lung is


The act of listening through a stethoscope for sounds within the body is called


The term that means condition of urea in the blood is


the combining form dors/o means


in the physician's order for a "PA and lat chest radiograph," the image will be taken from

back to front and side

the patient having both ovaries removed would be scheduled for a

bilateral oophorectomy

A voiding cystourethrography is a radiographic imaging of the

bladder and the urethra

The combining form vesic/o is defined as

bladder, sac

The patient's physician listed her diagnosis as COPD due to chronic


A cancerous tumor originating in a bronchus could be

bronchogenic carcinoma.

the combining form carcin/o means


The term carcinoma is defined as a

cancerous tumor (malignant), usually of skin

The patient diagnosed with an infection of his mouth caused by a yeast type of fungus, or


a substance that produces cancer is said to be an


The term that means cancer of epithelial tissue in the early stage, before invading the surrounding tissue is

carcinoma in situ

A flexible, tubelike device for withdrawing or instilling fluids is a(n)


the combining form meaning tail (downward() is


the term that means toward the head is


Valley fever, a fungal disease affecting the lungs, also is called


The suffix that means berry-shaped is


The o in arthr/o/pathy is the

combining vowel

The suffix -iasis is defined as


The term leiodermia is defined as

condition of smooth skin

The term that means bruise is


the suffix -stomy is defined as

creation of an artificial opening

a term that means abnormal condition of bluish discoloration is


The radiographic image of the bladder is called a


The term that means stone(s) in the bladder is


An instrument used for visual examination of the bladder is called a


To evaluate the lower urinary tract, a diagnostic visual examination of the bladder was performed or a


The term that means incision into the bladder is


The term hypoxemia is defined as ________________ in the blood.

deficient oxygen

Removal of skin scars with an abrasive material such as sandpaper is called


The term that means fibrous tumor of the skin is


The combining form blast/o is defined as

developing cell, germ cell

The term that means profuse sweating is


The suffix -rrhea is defined as


The term seborrhea is defined as

discharge of sebum (excessive)

The term paronychia is defined as

diseased state around the nail

The term nephroptosis is defined as a(n)

drooping kidney

The combining form xer/o means


The term xeroderma means

dry skin

A patient admitted to the emergency department suddenly turned cyanotic and was having difficulty breathing or


A combining vowel is used to

ease word pronunciation

The suffix -phagia is defined as

eating or swallowing

A patient with swelling of tissue from accumulation of fluid would be diagnosed as having


A mineral in the body, such as sodium and potassium, that carries an electrical charge is a(n)


Following surgery, a blood clot dislodged from a deep vein in the lower extremity was carried to the pulmonary artery, causing a blockage of circulation to the patient's lung, or


the term that means enclosed within a capsule, as with benign or malignant tumors that have not spread beyond the capsule of the organ in which it orginated is


The patient complained of involuntary urination or


The prefix that means on, upon, or over is


A congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is known as a(n)


Another term for rhinorrhagia is


the patient may be diagnosed with polycythemia vera, a disease of unknown origin involving an increase in the total red cell mass of the blood. the patient originally presented with an increase in the number of red blood cells or


Hyperplasia is defined as cell development that is


The suffix -ectomy is defined as


A noninvasive surgical procedure to crush stone(s) in the kidney or ureter by administration of repeated shock waves is called

extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

The combining form myc/o is defined as


The combining form that means sugar is


Stridor is defined as

harsh, high pitched breath sound heard on inspiration.

The accident victim received a blunt trauma to the chest, which caused blood in the chest cavity or a


The term that means abnormal condition of water in the kidney is


Subcutaneous has the same translation as


The term that means pertaining to under the skin is


the region inferior to the umbilical region is called


the patient complained of pain inferior to the umbilical region or in the

hypogastric region

Incomplete development of an organ or tissues is called


A term that means the ventilation of the lungs does not fulfill the body's gas exchange needs is


The regions to the right and left of the hypogastric region are the


The term incontinence means

inability to control bladder and/or bowels

The term thoracotomy is defined as

incision into the chest cavity

The term pyelolithotomy is defined as the

incision of the renal pelvis to remove a stone

the term that means pertaining to below is


The medical term cellulitis means

inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by infection

The term that means pertaining to within the skin is


if a tumor is found to be benign,

it is not cancerous, non recurrent, and will not spread

pruritus is defined as


A cancerous condition that spreads through the skin to the lymph nodes and is commonly associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is

kaposi sarcoma

The medical term meaning abnormal condition (growth) of horny tissue (keratin) is


A term that means the surgical repair of the larynx is


A patient admitted with an inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi also could be said to have


An incision of the larynx and trachea is called


the abbreviation for the medical term meaning pertaining to a side is


the presence of uterine fibroids is a common diagnosis in fertile women over 40 years of age. because they are derived from the smooth muscle of the uterus, they are called


A tumor composed of fat (benign tumor) is a


The combining form that means stone or calculus is


An excision of a lobe (of the lung) is called


the regions to the right and left of the umbilical region are called


The patient was placed in the Trendelenburg position, meaning he was

lying on his back with his head lower than his feet

Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the anatomic structure described as

lymphoid tissue located on the lateral wall at the junction of the oral cavity and oropharynx.

If a tumor is becoming progressively worse and is likely to cause death due to spreading into tissues other than its tissue of origin, it is


The suffix-sarcoma is defined as a

malignant tumor

the combining form meaning middle is


the term that means perataining to the middle and side is


The correct way to analyze the term melanocarcinoma is


The prefix that means after, beyond, change, is


which of the following is the plural form of the term that indicates the spread of cancer to more than one organ


the term that means state of being mortal (death) is


A mucopurulent discharge contains

mucus and pus

Diaphragmatocele is a hernia of the

muscular partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity.

In the medical term ungu/al, the word root means


An upper respiratory infection (commonly called a cold) affects the

nasal cavity, pharynx or larynx.

A device that creates a mist is called a(n)


The term that means new growth is


The term that means inflammation of a kidney is the


Another term for renal calculus is


The patient recovered well after a procedure to surgically remove stones from his kidney or a


The surgeon told the patient who had a drooping kidney that it was necessary to attach the kidney back in place by performing a


The creation of an artificial opening into the kidney is a


According to the case history, Mrs. Wharton is a 59-year-old woman who presented in the dermatologist's office with a complaint of changes in a mole or a


Repetitive pharyngeal collapse leading to transient periods of apnea is called

obstructive sleep apnea.

The term that means scanty urine is


unilateral weakness following a stroke means weakness

on one side

The combining form for the horny plates at the distal ends of the fingers, made from flattened epithelial cells is


An abnormal condition of a fungus in the nails is called


A patent airway is


The term hypoxia is defined as a deficiency in

oxygen to the tissues

The term that means paleness is


a vertical plane passing through the body from front to back, dividing into unequal left and right sides is called the

parasagittal plane

A term that means a periodic or sudden attack is


In the term oste/o/arthr/o/pathy, whcih part is the suffix?


The term that means invasion into the skin and hair by lice is


The suffix -ary is defined as

pertaining to

The term idiopathic is defined as

pertaining to a disease of unknown origin

The meaning of the medical term subungual is

pertaining to under the nail

Whooping cough is also called


Pinpoint hemorrhages are called


The term that means inflammation of the throat is


Air in the chest cavity (pleural space) causing collapse of the lung is called


A condition in which the kidney is enlarged and contains many cysts is

polycystic kidney disease

The physician first suspected diabetes when the patient complained of an excessive amount of urine, or


the term that means pertaining to the back and to the front is


The word part that is attached to the beginning of a word root to modify its meaning is the:


The term diuresis is built from which of the following combinations of word parts?

prefix, word root, and suffix

The term cystocele is defined as a(n) ___________ the bladder

protrusion of

A chronic skin condition producing red lesions covered with silvery scales is


Accumulation of fluid in the alveoli and bronchioles is called

pulmonary edema.

A condition in which there is loss of elasticity of the alveoli resulting in distension causing stretching of lung tissue. There is difficulty exhaling and air is trapped in the lungs, and the lungs are insufficiently oxygenated:

pulmonary emphysema.

The patient, who had recently been treated for a UTI, presented with fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and lumbar pain. She was diagnosed with an inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidneys or


Pus in the chest cavity (pleural space) is known as


The patient's UA showed a presence of pus, which is called


The term nephrography is defined as the

radiographic imaging of the kidney

The suffix -rrhagia is defined as

rapid flow of blood, excessive bleeding

The combining form pyel/o is defined as

renal pelvis

A radiographic image of the urinary tract with contrast media instilled into the bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis through a catheter is called a(n

retrograde urogram

Inflammation of the nose (mucous membranes) is called


The term that means nasal discharge is


four abdominopelvic quadrants

right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right lower quadrant, left lower quadrant

a vertical plane passing through the body from front to back, dividing the body into right and left sides is called


a tumor of connective tissue usually develops rapidly and metastasized through the lymph channels. this type of tumor is called


The definition of the Fowler position is

semi-sitting position with slight elevation of the knees

The term nephrolysis is defined as the

separation of the kidney from other structures

The term lateral describes movement toward the


A fissure is defined as a

slit or cracklike sore in the skin

The suffix -malacia is defined as


Which of the following laboratory procedures is performed on a urine specimen to measure the concentrating or diluting ability of the kidneys?

specific gravity

the combining form that means breathe, breathing is


The combining form that means grapelike clusters is


In the term sub/hepat/ic, which part is the prefix?


In the term arthr/itis, itis is the


The word part that is attached to the end of a word root to modify its meaning is the:


Glycosuria indicates that the urine contains


an incision made into the upper or top portion of the kidney would be documented as an incision into the

superior kidney

the epigastric region is the area located

superior to the umbilical region

a patient lying on their back facing upward would be in what position


The term dermatoplasty is defined as

surgical repair of the skin

The term rhytidoplasty means the

surgical repair of wrinkles

When a cystorrhaphy is performed, the bladder is


The oncology patient's pathology report stated that there is metastases present which would mean that

the cancer has spread (beyond control)

The term that means a surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the chest cavity is


The term percutaneous is defined as pertaining to _____ the skin.


The term that means narrowing of the trachea is


To establish an airway for a patient choking on a piece of meat, the emergency department physician performed an incision into the trachea called a


a horizontal plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions is called


The combining form onc/o is defined as


The term cystolithotomy is built from which of the following combinations of word parts?

two word roots, two combining vowels, and a suffix

The term epidermal is defined as pertaining to ___________ skin.

upon the

Multiple routine tests performed on a urine specimen are called


The abnormal accumulation of urine in the bladder because of an inability to urinate is called

urinary retention

The sudden stoppage of urine formation is called

urinary suppression

A synonym for micturate is


The term that means pertaining to the force and flow of urine within the urinary tract is


The medical term for hives is


The term that means wart is


A condition characterized by white patches on the skin caused by the destruction of melanocytes is called


A definition of leukoderma is _____ skin.


All medical terms have at least one:

word root

The word part that contains the fundamental meaning of the word is the:

word root

A combining form is made up of a:

word root and a combining vowel

The term for yellow skin (jaundice) is


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