Medieval Europe: Chapters 4 and 5

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What is the Magna Carta?

A document giving more power to the people, not King. It leads to the revolution of democratic thought.

What are some ways in which criminals were punished?

For lesser crimes, people were fined or put to the stocks. For larger crimes they could be hanged or burned at the stakes in a public crowd.

How is the Bubonic Plague karma?

In the Crusades, England kills many people in the Middle East. The plague comes from the Middle East and killed millions of Europeans.

How is the English Government like the U.S government?

Parliment Congress House of Lords Senate House of commens House of Reps

Guilds are from what class?

The middle class, a new class just invented.

What were some commen diseases in medieval Europe?

Measles, Cholera, Small Pox, and Scarlet Fox

Where were towns in medieval Europe often located and why?

Most towns were located on the country side because it was very busy in the center of town.

How did the Bubonic Plague Spread?

Originates in Central Asia then travels through trade routes to China, India, Middle East, and Europe, then carried on a ship to Central Asia, the Black Sea, and Italy, then spreads north and west to Europe and England.

What were guilds? Why were they established?

Guilds were people that oversaw trade and productions of goods they provided health and protection for the people doing a certain kind of work. They were established so that that group of guild would be able to get more money.

What is the Model Parliment?

Expands the rights of the Magna Carta to the commeners.

What is a heretic?

A person who believes who holds belief that are contrary to a set of religious teachings.

Battle of Orlèans?

A win over the English with Joan of Arc where she didn't fight just rally the French. She was dressed in armor. Is a French saint.

How did trade change from the beggining of the Middle Ages to the High Middle Ages?

At the Middle Ages, most trade was in luxury goods, so only the rich people could afford it. In the high Middle Ages, more local people were able to buy and sell more kinds of products.

In the Hundred Year's war, who did it contribute to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought?

Because it split apart nations and money/taxes had to go to their country.

Why is Joan of Arc a heretic according to England?

Because she saw a vision that helped the French. They also think that she is a which.

Why were the English able to defeat the French in early battles, such as the one at Crécy?

Because the French had a feudal army that relied on horse mounted Knights. The English were lightly armored knights with long bows.

What is habeas corpus?

Bring the body to the court, right to a speedy trial.

List at least three different conditions in medieval town that led to the spread of disease.

Garbage was tossed into streams and canals, rats and fleas were commen and often carried diseases, and they emptied their bathrooms into streams.

What was the effect England taking over part of French land that each nation thinks is their own?

The Hundreds Year War begins with the two major battles of Orlèans and Crecy.

What changes did the Magna Carta bring in the English government?

The Magna Carta gave the noble people more power and less power to the king. Now whenever the king wanted to set a new law, he had to check with the nobles first.

What was the effect of creating the Magna Carta and creating democratic institutions?

The Magna Carta strengthened the nobels in their power, but declined feudalism.

How did guilds help their members and families of their members?

Their taxes took care of members who they were sick and unable to work.

How was the town able to become independent of a feudal lord?

They became independent byurchasing a royal charter.

How did merchants become the most wealthy and powerful citizens of towns?

They became so wealthy because they ran sizable businesses and looked for trading opportunities far from home.

What changes to the court system helped protect individual rights in the early 1100s of England?

They decided to use commen law which is a body of rulings made by judges or very old traditional laws that become part of a nations legal system.

How were the lives of medieval girls different form those of modern girls?

They had to marry young(15) and raise the children up on her own.

Describe two methods for deciding the guilt or innocence of accused criminals in the Early Middle Ages.?

They had to pass dangerous tests like being thrown into a well. If they drowned, they were not guilty and if they floated they were guilty.

How were Jews often mistreated in medieval Europe? What opportunity was open to them?

They were mistreated because laws supported people coul, they couldn't own land, and lords took their property. Jews could become bankers and moneylenders.

How was the plague spread?

They were spread by fleas that got passes to rats and when all the rats dies, the fleas bit the humans.

What contributed to the growth of towns in medieval Europe?

Trade contributed to the growth of towns.

Guilds are just like _____.

Unions. Can help fellow craftsman that do the same craft to make ore money, have a better reputation, and protect each other if somebody else attacks their nation. Like the teacher Union. If someone attacks the teacher, they protect their own.

What changes did Henery II make to the English legal system and how did these changes affect feudalism?

Henery allowed people to have more power, which weakened the feudal system.

Describe the typical home in a medieval town.?

Houses were very small, crowded, built of wood, and very narrow so could be up to 4 stories high.

Why do the British want to kill Joan of Arc?

She sees a vision form God, so it a witch. And she rallied the French to kill Their people.

What was difficult about growing up in a medieval town?

In poorer neighborhoods, families lived in one roomed houses and they worked where they lived. For the wealthy, their houses where very cold and a fireplace was the only source of light. Most children died before adulthood due to all the diseases going around, and the dirty/poopy water everyone had to drink and bathe in.

How did the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe contribute to the decline of fuedalism and the rise of democratic thought?

It killed off a lot of the population so the system could no longer work.

How did the Hundred Years' War start?

It sated what the Enfoish Monarchs claimed loan in Farnce and the French Kings became angry and wanted to take it back.

What was the plague called the Black Death? What were some of the common symptoms?

It was called the Black Deathrobably because of the black and blue swellings that appears on the skin of victims called bobous. Symptoms included fever, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, and swelling/bumps.

What was the model Parliment and why was it created?

It was created by King Edward I and was/is a governing body. It was created because the feudal system was corrupting and the Magna Carta could no longer support everyone.

What was the effect of the Bubonic plague speading through most of Europe?

It weakened feudalism and wiped out a lot of the population.

Who was Joan of Arc? What did she do for the French during the Hundred Years' War?

Joan was a French teenage girl who saw a vision of God and became the French's "rallier". During the battle of Orlèans, she led them to victory though she did not fight but was dresses in armor. She was killed by the British charged with witchcraft and just being with the French that killed so many people.

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