MEDS 201 Final Exam

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The most important longitudinal heart study in the world is being conducted in what American city since 1946:

Framingham, Massachusetts

What method is used to treat brain cancer by directing radiation at precise brain locations?

Gamma Knife

the diagnostic term rubella is also known as

German measles

silicosis is also known as

Grinder's disease

the probable cause of dwarf/ism is heredity factors or lack of pituitary ____ production


Leprosy is also known as

Hansen's disease

"I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia..." is the beginning of what famous oath?

Hippocratic Oath

____ is a defect in the vision in which the rays focus behind the retina due to a flattened eye globe, a flattened cornea or some other type of refractive error.


another term used to refer to Addison's disease is


A pathologist noted that a skin biopsy specimen exhibited "hyperplasia." This means there is/are:

an increase in cell number

the diagnostic term scabies actually means

Itch mite infestation

What kind of seizure has contractions that usually start in a group of muscles on one side of the body and spread to the extremities and the whole body?


The anterior part of the pituitary gland secretes which hormones?


Macro/phage literally means:


Which of the following produces a radio frequency radiation pulse image of soft and hard tissue in multiple planes?


Which of these conditions would be treated with Phakic intraocular lenses?


Concave lenses are used to correct _____, and convex lenses are used to correct _____.

Myopia; presbyopia

Which of these is one of Kubler-ross stages of death?


Acupuncture may be used during surgery for:


The diagnostic term for the ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall is:


Ischemia of the myocardium may result in:

angina pectoris

The procedural term for X-ray of the blood vessels after an injection of contrast medium dye is:


what does the word part talus- mean:


the diagnostic term for a disorder characterized by prolonged refusal to eat is

anorexia nervosa

Your patient has a condition which literally means "puffed up or inflated/refers to." What outcome will this disease most likely have in the patient?

barrel chest

Emphysema causes shortness of breath and a(n):

barreled chest

Cimex lectularius is also known as:

bed bugs

Vitamin B2 is also known as


Pneumonia can be caused by


Oral Koplik Spots are associated with:


The term "Prognosis" means:

before knowledge

Who is considered the founder of homeopathy?

Samuel Hahnemann

Pediculosis Corpus is often spread by:

Sharing fabrics and combs

Which was the first 3D-printed drug approved by the FDA?


Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is best known for:

The Stages of Death and Dying

The coronal plane divides the body into:

anterior and posterior portions

The pituitary lobe that secretes Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH), Growth Hormone (GH), and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is called the:

anterior lobe

Which of the following is a personality disorder in cluster B?

antisocial personality disorder

A patient may be given the antibiotic ciprofloxacin as prophylaxis after exposure to anthrax. The literal meaning for "prophylaxis" is:

before/guard against

The hypoglossal nerve is located:

below the tongue

Vitamin B1 is also known as


The most common combining vowel is


What does Reiki mean in Japanese?

Universal vital force

John's physician told him that his disease is idiopathic. this means its cause is


The medical term glauc/oma actually means:

Waterfall, Cloudy, or Gray Vision

Signs of AIDS include:

Weight loss, oral lesions and lymphadenopathy

the diagnostic term malignant melanoma actually means

a black tumor that is bad or cancerous

phimosis literally means

a condition of being muzzled

Dyslexia literally means:

a condition of words that are faulty or difficult

the condition of "epispadias" results in

a defect in the top of the urethra

Ultrasonography literally means _________/"process of recording."

beyond normal ranges/sound

aborior in latin literally means

a miscarriage

the word part cholangio- refers to

bile duct

The term "Cryo/surg/er/y" literally means:

a procedure of one who works by hand with cold

A stroke is also known as:


cholera literally means

bile-like flowing

cerebral ischemia results in a condition termed


The term "mammogram" means:

a recording of the breast

the word part "cele" means

a rupture, hernia or protrusion

The word part axillo- means:


the term blister is derived from the middle dutch bluyster meaning:

a swelling

The term "Volvulus" of the ileum or colon usually refers to which condition?

a twisting

The term _________________ refers to the lack of development of normal numbers of Erythrocytes in the blood.

a/plastic an/emia

The word "periosteum" has a prefix which means


circum/cis/ion literally means

around/to cut/ procedure

A defect in the sinoatrial node is most likely to result in a/an:


The diagnostic term that means hardening of the arteries is:


the diagnostic term that actually means the process of scraping away the skin by a mechanical process or injury is:


Athero/sclerosis is a type of:


The diagnostic term that literally means "inflamed joint" is:


A self-suggestion technique which assists patients in controlling stress is:


A defibrillator is used to correct:

abnormal heart rhythms

The medical term para/noia literally refers to a behavior that is out o touch with reality or:

abnormal thinking or reasoning

The term for X-ray film (recording) of a joint is:


Verb variations of a stem word usually describe:

action taken, condition, or state

Vitamin C is also known as

ascorbic acid

which of the following is not considered to be a sexually transmitted infection?


The diagnostic term for a chronic respiratory disease characterized by paroxysms of coughing, wheezing, panting with shortness of breath is:


The term "Clinical" means:

at patient's bedside

What is coronary artery disease most commonly caused by?


The term Tinea Pedis actually means:

athlete's foot

Which surgical suffix means "procedure or process of cutting out?"


The upper chambers of the heart are called the


the suffix that means drooping, sagging or prolapsed is


The suffix that means "to control or stop" is:


The incubation period for influenza is from ___ to ___ days.

1 to 3 days

Which of the following cranial nerves are responsible for carrying nerve impulses associated with special senses?

1, 2, 8, 9

A specialist who specializes in the study of hearing is an:


____ causes increased pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes.

addison's disease

The lymphoid tissues located behind the nasal cavity are called:


Ninety-nine percent of words in a medical dictionary are composed of nouns, verbs, and:


The endocrine glands located above each kidney (divided into 2 portions called the medulla "marrow-like" and the cortex "bark-like") are the


"reflexology" literally means:

again/bends/of/procedure of

A non-controllable risk factor for heart attack is:


the diagnostic term rheumat/oid arthr/itis refers to:

auto-immune disease often with cartilaginous hypertrophy

The word part occiputo- means:

back of head

mal/occlusion literally means:


what is the basis of Chinese traditional medicine?

balance within the body

Aromatherapy oils are

all of the above (inhaled, applied during massage, used with baths)

Lymphogranuloma inguinal is also known as

all of the above (lymphogranuloma venereum, lymphopathia venereum, climatic bubo)

Lymphogranuloma inguinal is also known as:

all of the above (lymphogranuloma venereum, lymphopathia venereum, climatic bubo)

HIV has a disproportionate impact on:

all of the above (men who have sex with men, black men, latino men)

cold sore recurrence can be triggered by

all of the above (stress, injury to the mouth or lips, pregnancy)

Helminth/ic Diseases can attack multiple body systems including the integumentary, digestive, and nervous systems. They are caused by Meta/zoa Parasitic Worms called:

all of the above (tapeworms, roundworms, flukeworms)

A patient with "leukocytosis" would have a white blood cell (WBC) count of:


There are ____ cranial nerves


Acupuncture has had mainstream appeal in the United States since:


What is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the penis or clitoris?


The optic, oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves all innervate the eye and are referred to as cranial nerves:

2, 3, 4, & 6

Hyper/cholesterol/emia is a blood condition with a cholesterol level above ________ mg per decl (milligrams/deciliter) in a 20 Y/O


A human has __ pairs of chromosomes


the nutritional term bolus literally means

ball or lump

How many hormones does the pituitary gland secrete in men?


Who was Syphilis?

A fictional shepherd boy

the muscular, hollow organ that temporarily holds the urine is the


the name of the pituitary hormone that is essential to the growth, development and continued function of the adrenal cortex is


what is the strongest tendon in the body?

Achilles tendon

Histo/plasmo/sis is characterized by:

All of the above: -Spleen and liver enlargements -Leukopenia -Lymphadenopathy

A patient with an "infarction" due to "stenosis" leading to "necrosis" means that the patient has a:

blockage leading to tissue death

Lou Gehrig's disease is also known as:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Who is considered the founder of osteopathy?

Andrew Taylor Still

Which of these individuals promoted a holistic healing approach to medicine?

Andrew Weil

Which example of the compound term "ankylosing" is fractured correctly?


The interruption of blood supply to the brain caused by a cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, or cerebral hemorrhage is called:


Which of these is not a common location of scabies rashes?

Between fingers, Wrists, Thighs, All of these are common sites

Which mental disorder involves manic periods and depressive episodes?

Bipolar Disorder

A patient with cyanosis has which skin color?


Hepatitis "___" may be dormant in the body for years before the Signs and Symptoms appear.


Which of the following is a noninvasive roentgenography diagnostic technique?

CAT scan

Bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and bronchiectasis are referred to as:


Your patient was reported to have a "serosanguinous" drainage from their surgical wound site. This drainage would resemble:


lyme disease is associated with a town in


Which mineral can be sourced from organ meats?


Hemorrhage means:

blood bursting forth

the diagnostic term for chronic inflammation of the small and/or large intestines and characterized by cobblestone ulcerations along the intestinal wall and the formation of scar tissue is

Crohn's disease

the medical term hemat/uria means

blood in the urine

Trichomoniasis is transmitted via ____________ during sex.

all of the above (urine, vagina, urethra)

What physicians use antagonistic substances to attach to disease organisms or illness?


All hypnosis techniques promote a relaxed state and what type of brain wave activity?


Therapeutic touch therapy is classified as what type of medicine


Who is considered the founder of chiropractics?

Daniel David Palmer

The area in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged is called the


The diagnostic term for a disease characterized by early senility, confusion, loss of recognition of persons or familiar surroundings, and restlessness is:

alzheimer's disease

is a puncture through the abdominal wall into the uterus to remove amniotic fluid


Granuloma inguinale is also known as:


The medical term hyper/tension means:

blood pressure that is above normal

The medical term Hemat/oma means:

blood swelling or tumor

blebs are

blood-filled blisters

the diagnostic term beri/beri refers to ____ and is caused by the lack of thiamine in the diet

body weakness

the diagnostic term furuncle actually means


A trephine is used to remove:


osteomyelitis literally means:


A PET scan is used to detect the metabolism of glucose by the:


A patient having an electroencephalogram is having a recording made of the electrical activity in their:


An electroencephalogram is used to record information about electrical activity in the:


The combining form en/cephal/o- refers to the:


The word part cerebro- means:


cerebrum means


The cranial nerves are string-like groups of nerves coming off of the:

brain and brain stem

your patient is being treated with antibiotics for "mastitis". where is their infection


A patient undergoing testing for emphysema has a "spirometry" procedure. What is the literal meaning of this term?


Parturition in which the feet, arms, or buttock emerge first is called:

breech birth

The condition where the bronchi of the lungs are dilated outward is:


A nebulizer produces a mist that causes:


what term describes the grinding of teeth


The disease of Crypto/cocc/o/sis is a _______________that can infect the lungs, skin, brain (CNS), bones, and urinary tract causing death.

budding yeast fungus

which of the following is a primary skin lesion


After hatching in a _____, scabies larvae migrate to a skin pocket and molt several times.


the diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of lime or calcium tissue is:


A ___ is the horny mass of condensed epithelial cells in the stratum corneum layer of the skin that becomes thickened


the name of this fungal infection which literally means "glowing white" is


"Aphthous stomatitis" is a term which describes:

canker sores

The medical term sy/stole actually means:

cardiac cycle phase where chambers contract raising blood pressure

The term for a patient with the condition which literally means "heart/muscle/disease/process of" has:


what is a stricture of the carotid arteries in the neck that can lead to stroke called

carotid stenosis

______ is characterized by soreness, tenderness, and weakness of the muscles of the thumb caused by pressure on the median nerve.

carpal tunnel syndrome

______ is a gristle-like connective tissue structure between bones


The directional term that means "toward the lower end of the body" is


Condylomata acuminata is a contagious STI usually on the anus, vulva, penis, thighs, and/or perineum. The lesions usually are moist, soft, red or pink, and can be:

cauliflower-like, solitary and pedunculated "pedicle", knuckle-like or nipple-like all of the above

The term that describes movement toward the top of the body is


The diagnostic term for a condition characterized by brain damage and lack of muscle control and partial paralysis is:

cerebral palsy

Which of the following is not a congenital heart defect?

cerebral vascular accident

the vagina leads from the labia to a structure whose name literally means "neck". This structure is called the


The disease which is literally referred to as "sore/resembles" and is caused by hemophilus ducreyi is:


Folk remedies are based on:


what does the word part bucco- mean?


Which of these treatments would commonly be labelled "orthodox" medicine?


Your 5-year-old is "masticating." What is he doing?


herpes zoster virus causes shingles and also causes


Giardiasis is commonly seen in:

children in daycare centers

The word part Mento- means:


The bacteria which causes lymphogranuloma inguinal has the literal meaning "cloak/rough." What is the name of this bacterium?

chlamydia trachomatis

which mineral can be sourced from table salt and processed foods?


the procedural term for X-ray filming of the gallbladder is


the surgical term that means crushing a stone in the common bile duct is


The surgical term for the repair of cartilage is called:


The term that means cartilage swelling or cartilage tumor is:


the diagnostic term crohn's disease is also known as

chronic regional ileitis

the diagnostic term for a chronic disease of the liver characterized by the gradual destruction of liver cells is


The word part cleido- means:


The diagnostic term cataract actually means:

clouding of the lens of the eye

sickle cell anemia includes the:

clumping of blood in vessels causing ischemia, infarction, and tissue necrosis

The disease term Anthrax literally means:

coal lesion

The ____ deals with hearing, and the ____ deals with balance.

cochlea, labyrinth

What is a break in the distal portion of the radius and the ulna of the arm called?

colles' wrist fracture

____ means the process or procedure of cutting and forming a mouth in the big intestine


In the divided medical term 'arthr/o/pathy', "o" is the:

combining vowel used with both the stem word and suffix

A _____ fracture means the bones are broken up into small parts.


a terat/oma is

composed of different kinds of tissue not normally found in the location of the tumor

the diagnostic term dys/hidr/osis literally means

condition of faulty sweating

The diagnostic term diverticulosis actually means:

condition of out pouching in the colons rugae or fold

the diagnostic term hydro/nephr/o/sis actually means

condition of water backing up into kidney

The condition which has a literal meaning "knuckle/swellings/warts" is also known as:

condylomata accuminata

What interprets color?


If a baby was born with gon/orrhea, it is:


The inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs is called:

congestive heart failure

The mucous membrane lining the inner eyelids and eyeball globe is the:


_____ is caused by foreign bodies or pathogenic organisms that cause inflammation and petechial hemorrhages.


fibromas are

connective tissue tumors

Miotic eye drops cause the eye's pupils to:


_ is a contraction or shortening of muscle fibers, which causes atrophy


the diagnostic term that means skin or tissue bruise is


The term 'af/ferent' which may be used to describe sensory impulses is defined as:

conveying toward the center

The surgical technique that brings a new blood supply to heart muscles by detouring around blocked atherosclerotic coronary arteries is called:

coronary artery bypass

the combining forms or terms that literally mean "rib" are:

cost/o and pleuro-

The literal meaning of the medical term carcin/oma is:

crab-like tumor

which of the following means "skull"?


The term Trache/os/tom/y actually means:

creation of an artificial mouth-like opening in the throat and neck

meniscus literally means


A congenital lack of thyroxine secretion is referred to as:


the combining form scolio- means

crooked and bent

the term "ankylosis" literally means:

crooked, stiff, bent/condition

Which acute viral infection is usually seen in infants before 3 years of age and may cause vocal cord swelling, voice loss, and possible choking?


Lithotripsy is a procedure for:

crushing calculi

the surgical term lithotripsy means

crushing of a stone

the diagnostic term that means "state of undescended testes" is


what is the scraping or scooping of the tissue surface of the skin or wall of a tumor cavity


a motor vehicle accident victim admitted to the emergency department was described as having "lacerations" and "contusions". This means they have:

cuts and bruises

With mumps, often there is inflammation of the tear gland, or


What is an inflammation of the tear sac?


The diagnostic term an/emia means:

decrease in normal RBC numbers, iron, or hemoglobin levels

The medical term hypoxia means:

deficient oxygen in the blood

The diagnostic term coronary isch/emia actually means:

deficient supply of blood to the crowning blood vessels of the heart

"X-rays" procedure pictures of what type of body tissue and bones?


"X-rays" produce pictures of what type of body tissue and bones?


The layer of skin that is sometimes referred to as true skin is the


an embolism results from

detached thrombus

The diagnostic medical term multiple sclerosis refers to:

deterioration or loss of the myelin sheath nerve body covering

The phase in the cardiac cycle in which chambers relax between contractions is called:


Which of the following can be diagnosed by looking at the retina:


The diagnostic term for a chronic disease caused by under activity of the Islets of Langerhans

diabetes mellitus

Your asthma patient presents with "dyspnea" and "tachypnea." These two terms describe that the patient has:

difficult breathing with a rapid rate

The medical term Dysphagia means:

difficult swallowing or eating

during parturition, a patient may present with "dystocia." dystocia literally means


the term peptic ulcer literally means:

digestion : sore

Mydriatic drops _____ the pupils


The schick skin test is used to detect:


Which of the following means double vision?


Adjectives usually modify a noun denoting quality, quantity, extent, or _____ .

distinction of the object from something else

the diagnostic term that refers to abnormal condition of having outpouchings in the colon is:


The word part fiss- means:

divide, split

The study that uses ultrasound to determine the velocity of the flow of blood within a vessel is:

doppler flow studies

The directional term for movement toward the back of the body is


Your patient has a "pericardial" tamponade. The term pericardial indicates the tamponade is located in the:

double sac enclosing the heart

If a patient has "ptosis" of their eyelid, you can expect to see the eyelid:


the diagnostic term xero/derma literally means


The word part conio- means:


the diagnostic term that means painful menstrual discharge is


An "Otoscope" is used to view the:


The word part oto- means:

ear and hearing

Small acupuncture needles are used to treat which area of the body?


Irregular and large hemorrhages under the skin is called


the diagnostic term that means pregnancy occurring outside the uterus:


____ is local or generalized swelling caused by excessive tissue fluids.


what term is used to describe the blood vessels which take blood away from the bowman's capsule in the kidney


Acupuncture needles are used in combination with which of these during treatment?

electrical current

Electric shock therapy is also known as:

electroconvulsive therapy

What is obstruction of blood vessels by a clot of any foreign substance called?


When lung tissue swells as a result of distention and loss of elasticity in the alveoli, the condition is called:


_____ is an inflammation of the serous membrane lining inside the myocardium of the heart.


what is abnormal dispersion of endometrial lining throughout the abdominal pelvic area


the combining form that means "small intestines" is


your patient has "verrucae" on their fingers/ The appearance of this condition can be described as:

epidermal nipple-like skin tumors

The outer layer of skin is called the


The hormone that helps the body deal with stress is


what does the adrenal gland produce?

epinephrine and corticosterone

the procedural term for the incision into the perineum at the end of the 2nd stage of labor to avoid tearing is


the diagnostic term for a congenital defect in which the urinary meatus is located on the upper surface of the penis is


the tube that extends from the throat to the stomach and means gullet is the


The combining form that means "cause of disease" is:


What is seborrhea?

excessive flow of oil

The surgical term Phalang/ectomy means:

excision of a finger or toe bone

The movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position is called:


A tonometer measures pressure within the:


Tiny blood vessels in the back of the ________ are viewed with a Ophthalmo/scop/e to help diagnosis Arterio/sclerosis, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and many other diseases.


The medical terms palebr/itis refer to:

eyelid inflammation and eyelid drooping

exophthalmia refer to

eyes bulging outward

The procedural term Dermatoplasty includes

face lifts

The diagnostic term "hyperopia" means:


Groups of muscle fiber bundles and their coverings are referred to as a(n):`


A patient has "steatorrhea" associated with their pancreatitis. What is "steatorrhea?"

fat in the feces

Stress factures are also referred to as:

fatigue fractures

A patient has "dysentery" resulting from shigellosis. What is the literal meaning of "dysentery?"

faulty and painful/intestine/process of

The diagnostic term muscular dys/trophy means:

faulty muscle development

the diagnostic term dys/phonia actually means

faulty speech

the diagnostic term dys/entery literally means

faulty, difficult, and painful intestines

The word septum means

fence or partition

An unborn child from approximately the third month of pregnancy to birth is referred to as a:


the word part fibro- means


"Fibromyalgia" literally means:


A tumor of the fibrous and cartilaginous tissue is called a:


the word part dactylo- means:

finger, toe

the diagnostic term ichthy/osis actually means

fish-like skin condition

which of the following is a secondary skin lesion


A pacemaker can be external or internal and usually generates electrical stimuli to the heart muscle with:

fixed and/or alternate impulses

The diagnostic term pes planus means:

flat foot

the diagnostic term "avulsion" means:

forceful tearing away of part of a body structure

the word part frons- means

forehead or front

The prefixes quadri- and tetra- mean:


Breaking a compound term into component word parts combined with a vowel or vowels is called:


The disease of histoplasmosis or darlings disease is a ____ infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum.


The skin condition of Ringworm is actually caused by a:


a patient who is diagnosed with "cholecystitis" would have inflammation of what structure?


the diagnostic term ____ actually means tissue death or literally "an eating sore."


what is the inflammation of the stomach rugae mucosal wall?


what is caused by an infection of herpes simplex II

genital herpes

The word part Pia- means:


what is a diabetes condition that forms during pregnancy called

gestational diabetes

what does the word part hyalo- mean


the process of forming urine begins in the


the surgical term that means suture of the tongue is


the diagnostic term for the fungal infection candid/iasis literally means

glowing white/condition

A PET scan is used to detect:

glucose metabolism

The word part Glio- means:


what is the word part for jaw?


What is an enlargement of the thyroid that may be caused by lack of iodine, inflammation induced by an infection, tumors, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism?


What STI infection causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the reproductive system and can also affect the eyes and mouth?


A condition that causes buildup of uric acid crystals in the blood with deposition in joints is:


The name of this sexually transmitted infection means "lover of swine." Its tertiary stage is characterized by soft, fibrous tumors called:


An epilepsy patient is being treated with phenytoin for his seizures. A side effect of this drug is "gingival hyperplasia." This condition is enlargement of the:


The literal meaning of tricho/mon/iasis is:

hair-like/one unit/refers

The prefixes hemi- and semi- mean:


The word part mano- means:


Which of these body parts is commonly massaged by practitioners of reflexology?


The word part Duro- means:


Antonyms comprise medical terms and are words that:

have opposite meanings

The word part Caputo- means


The combining forms acous- and audi/o- both mean:


A thallium scan is used to detect damage to the:


An "EKG or ECG" is used to record information about electrical activity in the:


the diagnostic term gastroesophageal reflux disease can also refer to:

heart burn

If an electrocardiogram shows that a patient has "tachycardia" it means that the patient's:

heart rate is elevated

The literal meaning of the diagnostic term cardio/myo/path/y is:


What is the emergency procedure for dislodging bolus or other objects from the trachea or throat?

heimlich maneuver

What is paralysis on the opposite half of the body from where brain-damaged occurs?


The literal term "blood/bursting forth/resembles" is used to refer to:


which term can be used interchangeably with hypertrichosis


Which of the following is not a personality disorder in cluster C?

histrionic personality disorder

which type of medicine emphasizes self-care and illness prevention?


What physicians administer small doses of similar disease substances to allegedly stimulate the natural body response of immunity?


The term given to substances secreted by Endo/crine (within blood/secrete) Glands that means to urge on is:


genital warts are spread to others by:

human papilloma virus

The diagnostic term for the state of excessive thyroxin production is


When the thyroid produces too much thyroxine, what results?


gout is caused by


The term which literally means "under/ribs cartilage/condition" refers to which diagnosis?


which of the following is not a form of arteriosclerosis?


the surgical term that means excision of the uterus is


____ is a condition of dry, fish-like skin


what is an inflammation of the ileum


Which of the following muscles are not involved in the breathing process?


the bacterial infection that is referred to as ____ is characterized by vesicles or sacs that rupture and form a golden crust


if an athlete is circumducting their arm, they are moving it

in a circle

A controllable risk factor for heart attack is:

inadequate exercise

The word part atelo- means:


Which of these is not a sign of brain concussion?

increased appetite

hepatitis A is also known as

infectious hepatitis

In the medical term "pleurisy", what is the meaning of its suffix?


The diagnostic term balan/itis actually means:

inflamed glans penis or glans clitoris

The compound term "Sebo/aden/itis" literally means:`

inflamed oil gland

osteoarthritis is:

inflammation of a bone joint causing bone hypertrophy

The diagnostic term en/cephal/itis actually means:

inflammation of the brain

The medical term myring/itis actually means:

inflammation of the eardrum

The medical term kerat/itis actually means:

inflammation of the eye's cornea

The diagnostic term Blephar/itis means:

inflammation of the eyelid

the diagnostic term gingivitis means

inflammation of the gums

The term con/junctiv/itis literally means together/joined/inflamed. It actually means:

inflammation of the membrane that covers the eyeball and the eyelid

The diagnostic term Anterior polio/myel/itis means an:

inflammation of the spinal cord frontal gray horn

orchitis literally means

inflammation of the testes

which is the most common type of hernia


Concentration of urine occurs in the renal "medullary" zone. Based on its name, where is the medullary zone located in the kidney?

inner marrow-like pyramids

The term "Stetho/scop/e" literally means:

instrument to examine the chest

The term "opthalmo/scop/e" means:

instrument to examine the eye

The term "bronchoscope" literally means:

instrument to view trachea-like structures

the term proctoscope means

instrument used for visual examination of the rectum

the suffix -graph in the term cardio/graph means:

instrument used to record

The hormone that plays an important role in the control of blood sugar levels and controls hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic body responses is:


Complimentary or Alternative Medicine" is now referred to as

integrated medicine

Massage and reflexology are examples of:

integrated medicine

The abbreviation "ICU" refers to an:

intensive care unit

the term ascaris in Greek literally means

intestinal worm

The word parts Ferro- and Sidero- mean:


The second portion of the small intestine whose name means "to empty" is the


the diagnostic term tinea cruris actually means

jock itch

the nutritional term chyme literally means


Which oil might an aromatherapist use to attempt to ease a client's joint pain?


What is a malignant, multifocal neoplasm of the reticuloendothelial cells of the body?

kaposi sarcoma

A patient who has undergone a nephrectomy has had which of the following removed?


The root word nephr/o- in its combining form means:


the organ whose functions are to remove waste products from the blood and aid in maintaining water and acid base balance in the body is the


Sally had a pyelogram performed today to help diagnose her:

kidney infection

A "pyelogram" records information about the:

kidney pelvis

the diagnostic term "stage horn calculus" refers to

kidney stone in deer antler shape

The "KUB" examination looks for defects in the:

kidney, ureter, bladder

A patient with "genu osteoporosis" means the condition is located in their:


the diagnostic term "genu varum" means:

knees are bent outward

the combining form of a term that means "hump or hunchback" is


The medical condition of _________ is the backward bending of the thoracic spinal vertebrae.


The tear glands that lubricate and protect the eye are called:

lacrimal glands

The small organs that produce and drain tears from the eye are the:

lacrimal glands and ducts

the combining forms that mean "milk" are

lact/o- and galacto-

the diagnostic term coloscopy refers to viewing and examining the:

large intestine

the word part maculo- means

large spot

The eye structure that lies directly behind the pupil and iris is the:


Cancers of the circulatory system include:

leukemia and lymphomas

A macro/phage can also be classified as a/(an):


what is a white, plate-like plaque on the gingiva called


"pediculosis corpus" is caused by


____ are bands of connective tissue that hold bones together.


Hemeo/path/ic literally means

like or same/as disease/refers

Aromatherapy is thought to have its effects on which part of the brain?

limbic system

the diagnostic term cheil/itis literally means

lip inflamed

A fatty tumor is called a(n):

lipoma, steatoma, or adipoma

You have shoveled snow for an hour in frigid temperatures and now suspect that you have "cheilitis." Which part of your body is affected by this condition?


If an infection is "Chronic" it is characterized by:

little change, slow progression, and long duration

The organ that produces bile is the


Hepat/oma literally means


is an abnormal anterior concave curvature of the spine and is referred to as swayback


the diagnostic term placenta previa actually indicates

low implantation

The term Hypo/glyc/emia literally means:`

low or below/sugar levels/blood

A pulmonary infarction actually means:

lung blood flow blockage

Spiro/metry is used to evaluate:

lung capacity

Upon exam, you notice a "bulls-eye" rash on your patient's arm. This may be indicative of which condition?

lyme disease

____ collected throughout the body drain(s) into the blood through two ducts in the neck.


What is the yellow spot in the retina lateral to the optic nerver?


The term Multi/cyesis literally means:

many or multiple/pregnancy

what is the manipulation of the body's soft tissues by stroking, rubbing, kneading and tapping?


the majority of STIs are diagnosed using

material swabbed from orifices

The correct way to fracture or divide the medical term melanocarcinoma is:


The inability to sleep is often caused by the lack of the pineal gland to secrete


The medical term diphther/ia literally means:


the vagina is lined with ___ and secretes a glycogenous substance

membranous mucosa

The three-layered membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord and literally means membrane is called the:


What is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord?


opisthotonos is frequently associated with


What is the broad, fan-shaped peritoneum fold that suspends and encircles the jejunum and ileum to the dorsal wall of the abdomen?


The prefix that means "change or after" is:


Otitis media is an inflammation of:

middle ear

____ are pinhead-sized papules on the face or genitals that are keratin-filled cysts.


the word part galacto- means


The combining form phren/o- means:


The valve located between the left atrium and ventricle is the:


A ___ neoplasm is composed of two or more germinal layers.


The condition which has a literal meaning "soft/to touch" is also known as:

molluscum contagiosum

__ is the presence of an elevated number of mononuclear leukocytes in the blood.


The epstein-barr virus causes a disease whose literal name is "one/nut or kernel." This disease is:


The word part Mater- means


A patient may display an ecchymosis after a/an

motor vehicle accident

the combining forms os-, or/o, and stomato- all mean


the word part oro- and os- mean:


"Fluoroscopy" is used to record:

moving body parts

if john is adducting his arm, he is

moving it toward his body

The compound term "Poly/dips/ia" literally means:

much/thirst/refers to

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited exocrine gland disorder that causes thick secretions of ____ to accumulate in the lungs.

mucus and pus

the word part ptyalo- means

mucus, saliva fluid

myexedma literally means


Non-Specific Urethr/itis actually means an inflammation of the urethral canal that is caused by:

multiple possible etiologic agents

Demyelination occurs in which of the following diseases?

multiple sclerosis

The name of this disease literally means "near/ear/inflamed" and is also known as "parotitis." What is it?


Cardiomyopathy refers to having a problem with the _______ of the heart


My/o- is the combining form of a word part that means:


The diagnostic term my/asthenia gravis means:

muscle heavy and weak

Which of the following isn't a vital sign?

muscle response

The medical term "tetanus" usually refers to:

muscle spasms

the parathyroid gland produces para/thormone, which regulates body calcium blood levels and prevents

muscle spasms

The somatic peripheral nervous system is composed of neurons that control the "soma" or body. They specifically control which of the following?


The term that means spinal cord inflammation is:


the combining form ______ means bone marrow or spinal cord


Coronary thrombosis may be a cause of:

myocardial infarction

a group of myofilaments make up:


the muscular wall of the uterus is called the


LASIK laser surgery can be used to correct:


the term tapeworm literally means

narrow banded worm

The diagnostic term aortic stenosis means:

narrowing of the aorta

Any therapy that relies on the body's own healing powers is considered:


Which type of medicine uses vitamin therapy, herbal remedies, and chiropractic care?


The medical term "Myopic actually means:


cervic/itis literally means


"Acu/puncture" literally means ________:

needle puncture

The medical term for new growth of abnormal tissue or tumor is:


The word part neuro- means:


The term neuralgia is defined as

nerve pain

The cord-like structures that carry bio-electrical impulses from one part of the body to another are called:


The medical abbreviations CNS, PNS, and ANS refer to divisions of the:

nervous system

The diagnostic term that means tumor made up of nerve cell is:


"neoplasm" literally means


papill/oma literally means


What STI causes dysuria and is usually associated with bladder or kidney infections?

nonspecific urethritis

A patient that is "euthyroid" has:

normal thyroid function

A patient with rhinitis undergoes a "rhinoscopy" which is a procedure to examine the:


the diagnostic term "in-continence" literally means _______ and is seen with lack of bladder or rectal control

not contained

The anatomical term Alimentary literally means:


What test can determine if a person has HIV or tell how much virus is present in the blood?

nucleic acid tests

What cellular organelle contains chromosomes and has the literal meaning "nut"?


A lumbar puncture is used to:

obtain spinal fluid samples

The diagnostic term geriatric alopecia actually means:

old age baldness

which word part literally means oil?


Aromatherapy uses which principle

olfactory stimulation

A cortical cataract occurs:

on the edge of the lens nucleus

The term "Nebuliz/er" means:

one who causes a mist

The anatomical term incis/or literally means

one who cuts in

The muscle term ad/duct/or literally means:

one who/draws/toward

if a fracture has a protrusion through the skin, it is a:

open fracture

The word part nario- means:

opening to nose

The nerve in the eye that carries visual impulses from the retina to the brain is the:


______ is devoid of rods and cones and hence is referred to as the blind spot

optic nerve

HIV antibody tests use samples from:

oral fluid or blood

what word part means socket?


A body part which is formed of two or more types of body tissue and performs one or more specific functions is called a(n):


the diagnostic term that means abnormal loss of bone density is:


The term that means one who studies and treats disease of the ear is:


The medical term for a fungal infection of the ear is:


The medical term that means specialist who studies and treats the diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, and throat is:


OV, OVAR, OV, OVARIO, and OOPHORO all refer to


The Pituitary Hormone that stimulates uterine contractions during female labor is:


In the medical term "cephalgia", the combining verb form means:


The diagnostic term ot/algia means:

pain in the ear

The medical term cephalo/dynia means:

pain in the head

the diagnostic term irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) refers to

painful intestines

What is a temporary or permanent loss of sensation, loss of ability to move, or inability to control movement?


which organ has both endocrine and digestive functions?


The medical term asthma literally means:


a patient with a condition which literally means "nipple/many/condition" has


the medical term that means small, solid skin elevation is


The medical term quadri/plegia means:

paralysis of all four limbs

Which of the following is a personality disorder in cluster A?

paranoid personality disorder

The name of the hormone that helps to maintain the level of calcium in the blood


The four small dime size glands that lie directly upon and behind the Thyroid Gland are the _____________ Glands.


What covers the inner surface of the ciliary process?

pars ciliaris

Which part of the retina is the sensory portion associated with sight?

pars optica

the diagnostic term sub/luxation actually means:

partial joint dislocation

The medical term cerebral palsy is characterized by:

partial or complete paralysis caused by a brain injury

The medical term that means "the science of or study of body changes caused by disease" is :


The study of disease is referred to as:


the term that means invasion into the skin and body hair by lice is:


During parturition, an "episiotomy" prevents lacerations. Episiotomy literally means:

pelvic floor/to cut/procedure

the diagnostic term for an infection which normally ascends from the vagina, cervix, uterus, oviducts, and broad ligament and may be accompanied by a mucopurulent discharge

pelvic inflammatory disorder

Which of the following isn't an antihypertensive drug?


The _____ is a double membranous fibrous sac that enclosed the heart.


peritonitis is the inflammation of:


the lining of the structures in the abdominal and pelvic


The suffies -a, -ia, -iac, -al, -ar, -ic, -is, -on, os, -us, -ium, and -um are used as a generalized actually meaning (not a literal meaning) for the phrase, "refers to or _______."

pertains to

The diagnostic term that is also referred to as whooping cough is:


Which term means "flat-footed?"

pes planus

Which word part means diaphragm


the diagnostic term fistula refers to a

pipe stem-like passageway

the ____ is referred to as the master gland of the body because it secretes multiple hormones that influence multiple body functions


the diagnostic term abruptio placentae actually indicate

placental miscarriage

the diagnostic term tartar refers to dental:


The double-sac membrane that covers each lung and lines the thoracic cavity is the


Bronchitis often progresses to a more severe lung condition called ________, which was the leading world killer around 1900 A.D.


The medical term for a specialist who treats and diagnoses foot diseases and disorders such as corns. bunions, claw foot, ingrown toenails, and par/onch/itis is a(n):


a "footed cell" may also be refered to as a


the diagnostic term acne vulgaris literally means

pointed and common

Septicemia is derived from the Greek word septikos, which means:

poison or putrefying

The diagnostic term for inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord is:


what word part means thumb?


In the divided medial term 'osteopor/o/sis', the slash lines (/) indicate that the vowel "o" may be used as part of which word parts?

por- and -osis

ATHER- means _____, and refers to yellow fat


The _______________ pituitary lobe stores and releases Anti/di/uret/ic Hormone (ADH) and Oxy/tocin.


Molluscum contagiosum is caused by:

pox virus

A patient diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease is characterized by:

pre-senile dementia

The word part attached to the beginning of a word root in order to modify its meaning is called a(n):


"striae gravidarum" would be found in which of the following patients?


the term gravida usually means_, but it literally means

pregnant and heavy

Swelling of the bursa below the knee is diagnostically referred to as:

prepatellar bursitis

if a patient has a decubitus ulcer, they have a(n):

pressure bedsore

During the ________ stage of syphilis, small, painless, red pustules appear at the sight of infection.


The term "Tympanostomy" literally means:

procedure of cutting and making a mouth-like opening in the ear drum

The term "Surgery" literally means:

procedure of working by hand

the diagnostic term 'cystoscopy' literally means

procedure to view and examine the bladder

The term "Graphy" means:

procedure using an instrument to record something

The term "Auscult/ation" literally means:

process or procedure for listening

The term "Percuss/ion" literally means:

process or procedure of striking

the combining form that means "rectum and anus" is


what is an inflammation of the rectum and anus?


the procedural term that means visual examination of the rectum is


What is used to prevent infections from being transferred or communicated from one person to another?


what is the increase in the size and development of the tissues of the prostate referred to as

prostatic hyperplasia

Trichomon/iasis is caused by a ___________ that causes a mal/odorous frothy yellow to green discharge, itching (pruritus), and burning.

protozoan parasite with a tail

The diagnostic term hiatal hernia refers to

protrusion of the stomach up through the diaphragm

the diagnostic term abdominal hernia refers to

protrusion through the abdominal wall

The term that describes the direction closets to the point of origin is


what is a chronic skin condition causing red patches with dry, thick, silver scales?


"Biofeedback" is a type of _____ therapy:


The medical term emphysema literally means

puffed up

A Stethoscope is placed over the heart valves to listen to the:

pulmonary valve

With _____, blood flows backward through an incomplete pulmonic valve from the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle.

pulmonic regurgitation

the medical term py/uria means

pus in the urine

the ring of muscles found around the opening between stomach and duodenum is the :

pyloric sphincter

periodontitis, rigg's disease, and periodontoclasia all refer to


the combining word forms that refer to the "spine, vertebral column, and/or vertebra" are:

rachi/o- and spondyl/o-

The word part Iro- means:


The diagnostic term "herniated disc" in reference to an intervertebral cartilage means that the cartilage is/has:

raptured or protruded

"Angiograms" are used for:

recording pictures of blood vessels

A patient with urticaria after exposure to an allergen displays "wheals." These are usually:


The term "ocular" literally means:

refers to the eye

the diagnostic term dental caries literally means:

refers to tooth cavities

the diagnostic term bulim/ia literally means

refers to/hungry

What treats the body using principles similar to acupuncture and acupressure?


The _____ is made up of a vascular coat and the rods and cones that help interpret light and colors.


What is the pathologic condition where the retina becomes separated from the choroid between the retina and sclera?

retinal detachment

______ is a pathologic condition where the retina becomes partially or completely separated from the choroid portion of the eye or vascular layer.

retinal detachment

___ is inflammation of nasal mucosa caused by allergies, viruses, and bacteria.


The word parts Pleuro- and Costo- both mean:

rib, side

Which word part contains the fundamental meaning of the word?

root word

The medical term trach/oma refers to chlamydial infection causing:

rough swollen eye lesions

what abnormal heart sound is described as low-pitched murmur?


the medical term burs/itis literally means:

sac inflamed

The term for the plane that divides the body into right and left halves:


HIV cannot be transmitted through:


when the oviducts are inflamed it is referred to as


What do forensic psychiatrists specialize in?

sanity during crimes

the diagnostic term squamous cell carcinoma actually means

scaly crab-like cell tumors of the surface tissue

The medical term Cicatrix literally means:


scarlet fever is also know as


The outer hard layer of the eye (white of eye) is the:


A 21-year-old male has a sexually transmitted infection with mucopurulent discharge from his urethra and dysuria. The literal name for his infection is:

seed producer/flow

What is the literal meaning of gon/orrhea?

seed producer/flow

The medical term epi/lepsy means:

seizure upon the mind and body

Holistic therapies stress the importance of:

self care and illness prevention

the male secretory structures that produce a fluid necessary for adequate sperm motility after ejaculation are called the

seminal vesicles and prostate gland

hepatitis b is also known as:

serum hepatitis

"Placebo" literally means:

shall please

High risk factors for HIV include:

sharing needles and syringes

"thyrotoxicosis" literally means

shield/poison/condition of

A muscular dystrophy patient who presents with a condition of "winged scapulae" means that they have a problem with their:


the word part omo- means


An atrophic muscle would appear:


there are ___ essential body nutrients.


An electromyogram is used to record information about electrical activity in the:

skeletal muscle

the combining forms cutane/o- (cutaneous), pel/o (pellagra), derm- (epi/derm/is and dermat/itis), and cut/i (cut/icle) all mean:


the diagnostic term pell/agra literally means ___ and is caused by the lack of niacin or niacinamide in the diet.


Dermato/plast/y literally means:

skin/surgical repair/process of

"hypnosis" literally means:


carbuncle in latin means

small, glowing ember

Genital herpes lesions are _____________ than oral herpes legions.


The leading cardiac risk factors are:

smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and hyper/cholesterol/emia

Smegma literally means _________. It can cause an irritation & inflammation of the glans penis or glans clitoris


A plantar wart is located on the:

sole of foot

what does the word part thymo- mean

soul or flowery

The medical term opto/metr/ist literally means:

specialist in measuring sight

The medical term Endo/crin/olog/ist actually means:

specialist in the science and study of glands of internal secretion

What is used to examine the cervix and vaginal walls?


The device or instrument that is used to measure arterial blood pressure by hand is a:


The structure that conducts nerve impulses to and from the brain and serves as a reflex center for some sensory information without input from the brain is the:

spinal cord

The word part Myelo- means:

spinal cord

A "myelogram" is used to record information about which tissue?

spinal cord and nerves

How is cryptococcosis diagnosed?

spinal tap and x-ray

what does the word part rachio- mean?


The etiologic agent of syphilis is a:


A ____ is usually a sudden traction on a muscle, ligament, and joint capsule.


A patient diagnosed with "orthostatic hypotension" must be in what position in order to be diagnosed?


An Em/bol/ism literally means:

state of a lump within

The medical student class learned about "auscultation" today. In order to perform this procedure, they used a/an:


the anatomical term gastric rugae literally means?

stomach folds

The word parts Litho-, Petro- and Lapio- all mean:


A patient who has a "cholecystolithotripsy" performed is having what process performed to their gall bladder?

stone crushed

What is the disorder of the eye in which the optic axis cannot be directed at the same object?


An orthodontist is a specialist in

straightening teeth

Rheumatic fever is most commonly caused by

streptococcus pyogenes

A patient with rhabdomyolysis has destruction of:

striated muscle

What is caused by a staphylococcus infection of the eyelid and sebaceous gland?


In the divided medical term 'sub/hepat/ic', which part is the prefix and which part is the suffix?

sub- and -ic

which of the following is not a salivary gland


the diagnostic term acute appendicitis actually means

sudden inflammation of the cecal appendage

the coiled tubular structures arising from the dermis that excrete sweat are the

sudoriferous glands

In the medical term arthr/itis, -itis is the


The word part attached to the end of a word root in order to modify its meaning is the:


"Placebo Effect Therapy" uses the principle of

suggestion and believability

pectus excavatum is more commonly referred to as

sunken chest

If one is flat on their back and face up, they are in a _____ position.


The surgical term Angioplasty means:

surgical repair of a blood vessel

The surgical term cheil/orrhaphy means:

suture of the lips

after a stroke, a patient can exhibit "dysphagia" . this means that they have difficulty


the combining forms hidr/o- and sudero- both mean:


the word part sudoro- means


How is shigellosis diagnosed?

symptoms and presence of Shigella in stool

colds are treated symptomatically, which means:

symptoms are treated with medications

An infectious sexually transmitted disease characterized by gum-like body lesions (gummas) appearing in the tertiary (3rd) stage of the disease is called:


the diagnostic term Rotary Cuff Avulsion actually means:

tearing of shoulder joint soft tissues, ligaments, and deep tendons

what attaches muscles to bone


A tear of the tendons that hook the muscles of the forearm to the elbow is

tennis elbow

The medical term opistho/tonos means:

tension that bends head backward

the ____ controls sexual development and the development of sperm


what is the twisting of blood vessels that supply blood to the male gonad?

testicular torsion

The condition resulting in muscle spasms (poor nerve communications) due to an abnormally low concentration of calcium in the blood is:


The medical term that means the same as Quadri/plegia is:


The term "Laryngo/scop/y" literally and actually means:

the procedure of viewing and examining the voice box

The term "biopsy" literally means:

the procedure of viewing life

The medical term psych/iatr/y literally means

the procedure or process of treating or curing the mind

the term 'gestation' literally means

the process of bearing or separating

the term mastectomy literally means

the process of cutting out the breast

laceration literally means

the process of tearing

what does mictur/ition mean

the process of urinating or voiding urine

The term "psychology" literally means:

the process or procedure of the science or study of the mind

parturition literally means

the process or the desire to bring forth

The medical term cardiology means:

the science and study of the heart

enteron in greek literally means intestine, but the term is usually used in reference to

the small intestine

the diagnostic term hirsut/ism literally means

the state of being hairy

The diagnostic term hammer toe means:

the toe or toes of the foot are bent over or down

The lungs and heart are found in the:

thoracic cavity

The term schizo/phrenia actually refers to a type of psych/osis that is also characterized by:

thought deterioration and lack of social functioning

Personality disorders are grouped into __________ types or clusters.


what abnormal heart sound can be felt as a vibration?


The word part pharyngo- means:


the diagnostic term thrush is usually a fungus infection of the:

throat or vagina

What is coagulated or clotted material that develops inside the vascular system?


Dia/betes literally means:


Located in front of the lower voice box and the upper trachea (rough), the ___________ Gland is the largest endocrine gland and is shaped like a shield.


The Thyroid Hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism is:


rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by rickettsia that is carried by a:


The combining form hist/o- means:

tissue or web-like

Herpes in Greek means

to creep

The term "phlebotomy" means:

to cut into a vein

In old French, strain means

to draw tight

The medical term Enema literally means:

to inject

The term "Catheter" literally means:

to let down, into

The term "Sphygmo/mano/meter" literally means:

to measure the pulse by hand

The term "depression" derives from the Latin word deprimere, meaning:

to press down

the diagnostic term scurvy literally means ____ and is the lack of vitamin C in the diet

to scratch

The medical term concussion means:

to shake violently

The term "metastasis" means:

to spread

the term gustation in old French means to feel, but the actual meaning is:

to taste

The directional term "lateral" describes movement in which direction:

to the side

The word parts dento- and donto- both mean:


dento-, donto-, and odonto- all mean


The term "diagnosis" means:

total knowledge

The directional term 'inferior' describes movement:

toward the lower end of the body

A patient who is adducting their arm is moving it:

toward their body

The combining forms that mean "poison" are:

toxic/o- "toxic", viro- "virus", or septo- "septic"

what type of medicine has ancient origins, strong cultural ties, and trained healers?


Which type of epilepsy is caused by trauma to the brain?


psychotherapy is the process of:

treating the mind with nonphysical therapies

What is the etiologic agent of syphilis?

treponema pallidum

The infection whose name has a literal meaning of "hair-like/one unit/refers" is caused by which organism?

trichomonas vaginalis

The mantoux skin test is used to diagnose


The relative speed with which the skin resumes its normal appearance after being stretched or compressed is called__________. It represents the amount of water in the tissues or hydration. This process is slower in seniors.


what is also referred to as rabbit fever or deerfly fever?


The combining form onc/o- means:


Dr. X has put a patient in the "prone" position. This means that the patient is:

turned down

A female neonate is diagnosed with a "volvulus." This means her intestines are


The procedure of using an instrument that produces high frequency sound waves to produce an image of the size or shape of a body part is called:


subcutaneous injection is

underneath the skin

The combining forms that mean "nail" are:

unguin/o- or onycho-

Epiglottis literally means:


the procedural term for a series of X-ray films taken of the stomach and duodenum after barium has been swallowed is

upper GI series

the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder are the


Your patient with diabetes insipidus has "polyuria" and "polydipsia." This means that the patient has increased:

urinary volume output and thirst

which of the following refers to a procedure which literally means "canal/viewing/procedure?"


a patient with "colpoptosis" is expected to display protrusion of the


The diagnostic term ar/rhythmia means:

variation in normal heart rhythm or contraction

the term that means twisted or enlarged and distorted spermatic cord veins is


the surgical term that actually means male sterilization is


The word part phlebo- means:


The combining forms that mean "vein" are:

ven/o, phleb/o

Anterior movement can also be called:


The lower chambers of the heart are called the


the medical term that means wart is


cryosurgery is used to treat


The combining forms angi/o- and vaso- all mean:


Angina pectoris literally means:

vessel : in chest

Biopsy literally means __________ / "Procedure of"

view of life

Hepatitis A, B, and C are caused by a:


The disease Smallpox is caused by a highly contagious __________ and is characterized by prostration, a vesicular-pustular rash, and fever.


The combining form or term that literally means "internal organs" is:


A diagnosis of "pleurisy" means that the patient has an inflammation between which layers of the pleura?


The E eye chart is used to measure:

visual activity

The laryngopharynx extends from the oral pharynx down to:

voice box

The word part Laryngo- means:

voice box

Parkinson's disease causes body tremors (shaking), weak speech, shuffling of feet, and depression. Other patients may experience:

voice loss, sphincter problems, falls and paralysis

the diagnostic term hydro/cele in males literally means

water like fluid build-up in the scrotal sac

the accumulation of serous fluid in a sac-like cavity results in a condition whose literal meaning is


the combining form "asthenia" means


ureteroscopy is most often used

when stones are suspected

which of the following is a dietary source of zinc

whole grains

The word bronchus means:


Pterygium literally means


The term "intramuscular injection" literally means

within a muscle

The term "intravenous injection" means:

within a vein

the diagnostic term anorexia nervosa literally means

without appetite: caused by a nervous condition

Idiopathic epilepsy is:

without known cause

The word "afebrile" has a prefix which means:

without or not

The word part Gyneco- means:


The combining form of a stem word is usually made of two component parts, the

word root and combining vowel

In the medical term intra/ven/ous, -ven- is the

word root or stem word

A compound term is derived from two or more:

word roots

The term "trauma" refers to a:


the combining form fet/o- actually means


after conception, the developing cells are referred to as a/an ___, meaning yolk


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