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Select ALL the sentences that use commandeer properly : 1. Immediately after commandeering the ship , the pirates searched for food , water , and anything else they could use 2. "There is no need to commandeer your players , " I thought as I watched the football coach bark orders at the team . 3. I could see right away that the yoga teacher didn't know what he was doing , so I went to the front of the ro and commandeered the class . 4.Even though our group was huge , our tour guide was able to commandeer us and give us information at the same time .

1. Immediately after commandeering the ship , the pirates searched for food , water , and anything else they could use . 3. 1 could see right away that the yoga teacher didn't know what he was doing , so I went to the front of the ro and commandeered the class

Select ALL the sentences that use chronicle properly: 1. Randy enjoyed reading a chronicle of the lives of everyday people living before , during , and after World War I. 2. The kindergarten teacher told her students to form a chronicle , a line organized by the order of their birthdays 3. My professor always wore a chronicle over his eye , which made him look like a character from a nineteenth - century novel 4. Martin's doctor referred to his illness as chronicle , meaning he could expect it to last a long time , and maybe forever .

1. Randy enjoyed reading a chronicle of the lives of everyday people living before , during , and after World War I.

Select ALL the sentences that use brevity properly: 1. The character Polonius from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet famously says that " brevity is the soul of wit , " despite the fact that he himself talks too much 2. During the challenging and , at times , scary hike up the mountain , Kimberly had to dig deep within herself to find her brevity 3. Patricia believed in brevity , so she wrote a speech that was half as long as what she was told to write . Since everyone had been acting so seriously 4 Robyn thought it was time for some brevity and told a few jokes to lighten up the mood in the room

1. The character Polonius from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet famously says that " brevity is the soul of wit , " despite the fact that he himself talks too much 3. Patricia believed in brevity , so she wrote a speech that was half as long as what she was told to write .

Select ALL the sentences that use versatile properly: 1. The college program didn't help Sam become more versatile in his skills , as it focused only on the type of accounting he already knew . 2. I was told I had a good chance of getting a job because companies like versatile workers who can do a lot of different things equally well 3. Kathy is a versatile athlete who holds school records in volleyball , softball , basketball , and cross country 4. The magazine was seeking a versatile writer who could handle research articles , short stories , and poetry equally well .

1. The college program didn't help Sam become more versatile in his skills , as it focused only on the type of accounting he already knew . 2. I was told I had a good chance of getting a job because companies like versatile workers who can do a lot of different things equally well 3. Kathy is a versatile athlete who holds school records in volleyball , softball , basketball , and cross country . 4. The magazine was seeking a versatile writer who could handle research articles , short stories , and poetry equally well .

Select ALL the sentences that use emphatic properly : 1. The dentist gave an emphatic and passionate speech about the importance of flossing 2. Our fundraiser was emphatic , so we unfortunately don't have the money for the new hats and may not be able to get new shirts either . 3. Luis was emphatic that he would not try the cafeteria's hamburgers , so we were all surprised to see him eat one a week later . 4. This story is so emphatic that I can barely remember all of the characters let alone the plot details

1. The dentist gave an emphatic and passionate speech about the importance of flossing 3. Luis was emphatic that he would not try the cafeteria's hamburgers , so we were all surprised to see him eat one a week later

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word treatise: 1. a scientific report detailing each known cause of global warming 2. a college professor's extensive research paper on all the benefits of coffee 3. a historian's book about everything that occurred during World War I 4. an agreement of peace between warring countries

1. a scientific report detailing each known cause of global warming 2. a college professor's extensive research paper on all the benefits of coffee 3. a historian's book about everything that occurred during World War

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word exemplify : 1. acting in a way that shows the characteristics of a good student 2. coaches demonstrating respectful sportsmanship for their players 3. at a dog show , the perfect example of a French poodle 4. investing money now so that you can earn more later

1. acting in a way that shows the characteristics of a good student 2. coaches demonstrating respectful sportsmanship for their players 3. at a dog show , the perfect example of a French poodle

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word voracious: 1. an athlete who craves food all day 2. a vampire who travels only by night 3. my aunt , who reads dozens of books in a month 4. a child who loves to watch television for hours at a time

1. an athlete who craves food all day 3. my aunt , who reads dozens of books in a month 4. a child who loves to watch television for hours at a time

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word discern: 1. realizing a neighbor is trying to tell you something important 2. detecting a new planet in a faraway galaxy using a telescope 3.listening to a song several times and finally understanding the lyrics 4.looking closely at a photograph and noticing a hidden detail

1. realizing a neighbor is trying to tell you something important 2.detecting a new planet in a faraway galaxy using a telescope 3. listening to a song several times and finally understanding the lyrics 4. ooking closely at a photograph and noticing a hidden detail

Select ALL the sentences that use ambiguous properly: 1. Trish had been sitting at her desk for days and was in need of some ambiguous exercise , so she put on her running shoes and headed to the park 2. Steph found Juliana's wording so ambiguous that he didn't . realize she was not merely cancelling their date but was uninterested in ever going out with him at all 3. Louie felt ambiguous about his decision to go to college in another state - he always knew that it was the right thing to do 4. The ambiguous wording of the vocabulary sentence made it difficult for the student to be sure whether or not the target word was being used correctly .

2. Steph found Juliana's wording so ambiguous that he didn't . realize she was not merely cancelling their date but was uninterested in ever going out with him at all 4. The ambiguous wording of the vocabulary sentence made it difficult for the student to be sure whether or not the target word was being used correctly .

Select ALL the sentences that use dormant properly: 1. Pete says the weather will be too dormant to go snowboarding this weekend 2. The ranger explained we wouldn't see bears because they were dormant in their caves at this time of year 3. Thank goodness that volcano was dormant when we were climbing it 4. This dormant toaster is great for small kitchens because it fits nicely on any countertop

2. The ranger explained we wouldn't see bears because they were dormant in their caves at this time of year 3. Thank goodness that volcano was dormant when we were climbing it!

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word dissension: 1. a bad feeling that something's going to go wrong 2. reactions to a new boss that some employees don't like 3. sailors rebelling against the captain of a ship 4. disagree passionately

2. reactions to a new boss that some employees don't like 3. sailors rebelling against the captain of a ship 4. disagree passionately

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word condemnation 1. dogs who are nervous around people and so are kept in an enclosed area 2. world leaders announcing disapproval of a country's human rights violations 3. a judge speaking against a criminal before sentencing him to prison 4. a bully being blamed for his actions and being removed from the school

2. world leaders announcing disapproval of a country's human rights violations 3. a judge speaking against a criminal before sentencing him to prison 4. a bully being blamed for his actions and being removed from the school

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word ambiguous: 1. a manager who has worked hard for five years to achieve her success 2. A question whose answer varies depending on who asks it 3. a movie that fails to clarify who the " good guys " and " bad guys " are 4. a book's ending that leaves you unsure about the fate of the main character

2.a question whose answer varies depending on who asks it 3.a movie that fails to clarify who the " good guys " and " bad guys " are 4. a book's ending that leaves you unsure about the fate of the main character

Select ALL the sentences that use sanction properly : 1. The inner sanction of the church was dark and cool ; Roberto elt a deep sense of peace amd calm here 2. The poetry teacher taught her students sanction , a method for determining the meter of a poem . 3. Mr. Reynolds was given sanction by the school's principal to include a class field trip to the amusement park , and his students looked forward to it . 4. In Albert's visit home from college , he made sure to visit the sanction that had been a big part of his upbringing

3. Mr. Reynolds was given sanction by the school's principal to include a class field trip to the amusement park , and his students looked forward to it .

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word infiltrate 1. beginning actors taking minor roles in television programs to start their career 2. using a pump to add air to a flat basketball 3. a spy obtaining important information by winning the trust of the enemy 4. a band that not known beyond its local performances

3. a spy obtaining important information by winning the trust of the enemy

An example of something inconceivable is: 1. A swimmer who crosses an ocean in three hours 2. A rainfall that lasts for three days straight 3. A child who eats three pancakes at one sitting

A swimmer who crosses an ocean in three hours

Who is a predecessor within your family ? A. Your great - great - grandparents B, Anyone you admire or respect C. Any of your siblings .

A, Your great - great - grandparents .

What is an example of a tranquil setting ? A. A calm , peaceful lake at sunrise B. A crowded mall during a weekend C.. A creepy dark house at midnight .

A. A calm , peaceful lake at sunrise .

What is an example of an innovation ? A. A company's new system of predicting growth and sales B. An employee's unexpected raise after a successful project C. A manager's outdated method of tracking sales data .

A. A company's new system of predicting growth and sales .

What is an example of something with a stigma? A. A habit that most people find unacceptable and even disgraceful B. A college degree that society respects and sees as valuable C. A book that is popular but receives harsh reviews from critics

A. A habit that most people find unacceptable and even disgraceful

What is an example of a sumptuous meal ? A. A seven - course feast made from only the finest ingredients B. Two delicious homemade cookies paired with some milk C. One that you have to eat quickly because you're late for work .

A. A seven - course feast made from only the finest ingredients .

What will a belligerent person most likely do in an argument? A. Become aggressive and want to fight B. Listen carefully to other viewpoints before speaking C. Try to stay calm and avoid getting angry

A. Become aggressive and want to fight

When should you think about paring a speech ? A. If it is too long and covers too many topics B. It it is unfinished , and you have not practiced it C. If it is similar to your friend's speech

A. If it is too long and covers too many topics

If something is conducive to learning , what is it ? A. It contributes toward better learning B. It makes learning costly and ineffective C. It prevents much learning from occurring

A. It contributes toward better learning

If something has unsurpassed quality , what does it have ? A. It has the highest quality known B. It has very low quality because it is not made well C. It has excellent quality

A. It has the highest quality known .

What is an appraisal ? A. It is an estimation of the value of something B. It is the price you have to pay at an auction for something valuable such as a painting C. It is the amount of money you need to pay back on a loan

A. It is an estimation of the value of something

What is an affiliation ? A. It is an official connection to an institution B. It is a preference for a particular activity or belief C. It is an opportunity to support an organization financially .

A. It is an official connection to an institution .

What does it mean when something is antiquated ? A. It is considered too old and useless B. It is considered highly likable and even beloved C. It is considered not interesting .

A. It is considered too old and useless

If someone's speech is emphatic , what is it ? A. It is delivered in a strong and forceful way B. It identifies other people's opinions on the subject C. It is long and confusing with no identifiable main point .

A. It is delivered in a strong and forceful way .

Where is a subterranean hideout ? A. It is hidden underneath the ground B. It is only accessible by boat C. It is located in an isolated area

A. It is hidden underneath the ground

What is contemptible behavior ? A. It is incredibly mean B. It is slightly impolite C. It is very noticeable

A. It is incredibly mean

What is piety A. It is remaining true to a religious belief you have B. It is displaying honesty during a difficult situation C. It is feeling kindness towards someone

A. It is remaining true to a religious belief you have

If you have an immaculate house , what is it like ? A. It is so clean that you could eat off the floors B. It is designed in an unusual way so that it stands out C. It is decorated with expensive art and furniture .

A. It is so clean that you could eat off the floors .

What is the inaugural issue of a magazine ? A. It is the first issue of that magazine ever published B. It is the magazine's issue that is most talked about by its readers C. It is the last issue of that magazine ever published .

A. It is the first issue of that magazine ever published

What is the acme of someone's career ? A. It is the highest level they can reach in it B. It is the training they need to do it C. It is the beginning or first year of it .

A. It is the highest level they can reach in it .

What is an ineffectual solution to a problem ? A. It is useless and doesn't solve the problem B. It is an unreliable method that works sometimes but not others C. It is the fastest and best way to solve the problem .

A. It is useless and doesn't solve the problem .

What does it mean to disillusion someone ? A. It means to disprove a belief of theirs by providing evidence to the contrary B. It means to give them bad news that will undoubtedly hurt them C. It means to fool them completely in order to take advantage of them .

A. It means to disprove a belief of theirs by providing evidence to the contrary

If rain is intermittent , what is it ? A. It starts and stops , starts and stops B. It continues at a steady rate for a long time C. It is predicted to happen but doesn't .

A. It starts and stops , starts and stops

Select ALL the sentences that use senile properly: A. It was heartbreaking for Jayne when her senile grandmother wandered off and was too confused to find her way home B. Joe knew his grandfather was becoming senile when he started needing a cane to walk C. The senile old man was as mentally sharp as he was at the age of thirty , and he could still remember names and dates better than even his grandchildren could D. Betsy's senile twelve - year - old sister was always forgetting things at school

A. It was heartbreaking for Jayne when her senile grandmother wandered off and was too confused to find her way home .

What is a coalition ? A. The joining together of various groups for a common cause B. A petition to a governing body that supports the creation of a law C. A ceremony that announces the creation of a new service group .

A. The joining together of various groups for a common cause

An example of a secular event would be: A. The presentation of the World Cup soccer trophy B. A church service during Christmas C. The Dalai Lama leading a meditation session

A. The presentation of the World Cup soccer trophy

How would you describe a benevolent person ? A. They are generous and compassionate B. They are very busy and involved in many activities C. They spend too much money on needless things

A. They are generous and compassionate

Select ALL the sentences that use morale properly : A.When workers heard the company was doing poorly and that many of them would soon lose their jobs , morale sank to an all time low B. Judith liked the song because it had a cheerful morale and upbeat tempo that stuck with her all day C. Tyler liked the morale of the story : that a person should always feel grateful for what he has D. On the first day of school morale was high , as both the students and teachers were optimistic about the coming school . year .

A. When workers heard the company was doing poorly and that many of them would soon lose their jobs , morale sank to an all time low. D. On the first day of school morale was high , as both the students and teachers were optimistic about the coming school year .

What does the veracity of someone's statement tell you ? A. Whether they are telling you the truth B. Whether they are an expert about something C. Whether they like the topic of discussion

A. Whether they are telling you the truth

How might you act if you are being wary ? A. You are alert to what is happening around you B. You ask others about their future plans C. You focus on only one thing at a time

A. You are alert to what is happening around you

If you traverse a desert , what are you doing ? A. You are making your way across it . B. You are living in the middle of it . C. You are studying all about it .

A. You are making your way across it .

If you feel disdain toward someone , what do you feel ? A. You feel disgust and a complete lack of respect B. You feel frustrated and maybe even a little angry C. You feel jealous and have a desire to be like them

A. You feel disgust and a complete lack of respect

What happens when you contemplate an action? A. You think hard about whether you should do it or not B. You finish it quickly so you can start something else C. You do it in secret because you want it to be a surprise

A. You think hard about whether you should do it or not

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word chronological A. in time order B. a historical novel that begins in 1800 and ends in 1900 C. a cold that won't go away D. in order of importance

A. in time order B. a historical novel that begins in 1800 and ends in 1900

What is a paradox ? A.A logical statement that is puzzling because it contradicts itself B. A singular way of looking at something based on a person's experience . C. A short story that is meant to teach a lesson or express a moral .

A.. A logical statement that is puzzling because it contradicts itself .

What is a caricature? A. portrait of a family that is realistic and accurate B. A comical drawing that exaggerates someone's physical traits C. An abstract sketch of a person that does not look like them .

B. A comical drawing that exaggerates someone's physical traits

What is dissension ? A. A very disorganized room or space B. A fierce debate among group members C. A large decrease in income or earnings

B. A fierce debate among group members

What is an example of a cornucopia of fruit ? A. A large bag of frozen blueberries B. A large amount of different kinds of fruit C. One banana and two pears

B. A large amount of different kinds of fruit

What is an impending event ? A. A joyful event that only recently happened B. A negative event that is going to happen soon C. A planned event that may not happen this year .

B. A negative event that is going to happen soon .

What is something that is expansive ? A. An apartment that costs a lot of money B. A very large national forest C. An extremely important document

B. A very large national forest

What is satire ? A. A written work that tells about the life of someone who is significant in history B. A written work that mocks people or ideas through humor and exaggeration C. A written work for which the author takes no credit and remains unknown

B. A written work that mocks people or ideas through humor and exaggeration

What is satire ? A. A written work that tells about the life of someone who is significant in history B. A written work that mocks people or ideas through humor and exaggeration C. A written work for which the author takes no credit and remains unknown .

B. A written work that mocks people or ideas through humor and exaggeration .

What is an example of an unwieldy thing ? A. A large cake that takes a long time to eat B. An odd - shaped sculpture that is difficult to move C. A delicate ornament that is easily broken

B. An odd - shaped sculpture that is difficult to move

What would someone with ingenuity do? A. Win a game by breaking the rules and cheating B. Fix something using intelligence and imagination C. Make a decision without thinking it through first

B. Fix something using intelligence and imagination

What is a rudimentary skill? A. It is any skill that requires you to practice it a lot in order to master it B. It is basic skill that you probably learned when you were young C. It is the skill of avoiding people that you don't want to talk to

B. It is a basic skill that you probably learned when you were young

What is a synthesis of ideas ? A. It is a gathering of ideas in order to eventually choose the best one B. It is a combination of two different ideas to create a single new idea C. It is a proposal of two different ideas that are both unrealistic

B. It is a combination of two different ideas to create a single new idea .

What is a facade ? A. It is a plastic surgeon's fixing of someone's skin after a terrible accident B. It is a false appearance or display of emotion C. It is temporary wall or partition to divide a space .

B. It is a false appearance or display of emotion .

What is an anecdote ? A. It is a long and exciting account of a daring adventurous B. It is a short personal narrative that's often amusing C. It is a short but friendly conversation between two strangers .

B. It is a short personal narrative that's often amusing .

What is a perilous situation ? A. It is one in which many errors are carelessly made B. It is one that is highly unsafe and could lead to injury C. It is one that is pointless and boring for everyone involved

B. It is one that is highly unsafe and could lead to injury

What is condemnation ? A. It is correcting a mistake or error that you made B. It is strong disapproval for a wrongdoing C. It is a gentle reminder to do something important

B. It is strong disapproval for a wrongdoing

If something is paramount to becoming successful , what is it ? A.It is more important than whether or not a person will succeed B. It is the most important thing needed to succeed C.It is something that prevents a person from succeeding .

B. It is the most important thing needed to succeed .

What does it mean to undermine someone's ability to rule ? A. It means to teach them for many years how to be a good ruler B. It means to disobey them until they slowly begin to lose their power to rule C. It means to provide support to them so they gain strength and power as a ruler .

B. It means to disobey them until they slowly begin to lose their power to rule

What are you likely to find in a rustic setting ? A. Piles of old car parts and broken appliances near a city junkyard B Some cows peacefully eating grass near a large farmhouse C. A courtyard full of people near an expensive and modern hotel .

B. Some cows peacefully eating grass near a large farmhouse .

What is an example of a baby who is captivated by something ? A. The baby yawns when they see it and nods off to sleep B. The baby smiles at it and won't look away from it C. The baby screams and pushes it away over and over .

B. The baby smiles at it and won't look away from it

If you study the strata of Earth , what do you study ? A. The amount of pollution in the atmosphere B. The layers of rock in the ground C. Climate zones around the world

B. The layers of rock in the ground

What happens when someone acts in an errant fashion ? A. They work hard to involve everyone in an activity B. They act in a way that is considered unacceptable C. They are annoyingly persistent at getting what they want

B. They act in a way that is considered unacceptable

What does it mean when a person flaunts something ? A. They worry about it all the time B. They brag about it all the time C. They protect it at all costs

B. They brag about it all the time

If a runner succumbs to knee pain , what happens ? A. They stop the pain as quickly as possible B. They give in to the pain and stop running C. They try to forget the pain and keep running .

B. They give in to the pain and stop running .

How might a sedate person act if they met a famous actress ? A. They would be so overwhelmed that they could not speak B. They would be calm , polite , and composed C. They would be rude and yawn out of boredom .

B. They would be calm , polite , and composed

What is an example of sabotage ? A. Kendra sees Maya cheat on a test and then reports it to the teacher B. Tomas flattens a tire on Joe's bike so Joe loses a bike race C. Theo argues why he would make a better president than Dennis

B. Tomas flattens a tire on Joe's bike so Joe loses a bike race

If you are tenacious , what are you ? A. You are quick to anger and often get into fights B. You are determined to reach the goals you've set C. You are easily convinced to change your mind

B. You are determined to reach the goals you've set

What does it mean to be voracious about something ? A. You are scared that it will attack you B. You are very eager to consume it C. You are interested in sharing it with others

B. You are very eager to consume it

What happens if you are incompatible with someone ? A. You thought about dating them but decided to just be friends instead B. You disagree with them so much that you don't get along with them C. You spend so much time together that you get tired of each other sometimes

B. You disagree with them so much that you don't get along with them

What happens if you patronize someone ? A. You respect their decisions ab. You look down on them C. You teach them a new skill

B. You look down on them

What happens when you bestow something upon someone ? A. You let them borrow it for a set period of time B. You respectfully present it to them . C. You throw it at them in anger or frustration .

B. You respectfully present it to them .

Select ALL answers that give either an example of or the meaning of the word dispel: A. spread a rumor B. break up a crowd after a fight in the hallway C. dismiss class D. chase away

B. break up a crowd after a fight in the hallway C. dismiss class D. chase away

What is an example of something grotesque ? A. A school bus that is painted pink with brightly colored flowers B. An erupting volcano that is raining ash and lava on a city below C. A five headed monster with giant feet and tiny arms

C. A five - headed monster with giant feet and tiny arms

What is an adage ? A. A collection of short stories from twentieth - century England B. A once - wise saying that is no longer relevant in modern life C. A memorable saying that expresses some common fact of life .

C. A memorable saying that expresses some common fact of life .

Who might create a treatise ? A. A famous actress who wants to tell the public about the events of her life B. A government leader who wants to establish peace with a neighboring country C. A professor who wants to write a formal paper on a serious topic .

C. A professor who wants to write a formal paper on a serious topic

What is vainglorious conduct ? A. Complimenting someone on their hard work on a project B. Accepting an award for solving an international problem C. Bragging about being the best tennis player in the world

C. Bragging about being the best tennis player in the world

What is an example of someone who subdues something ? A. Evelyn lets her younger brother win when they play a board game B. Eric runs in the other direction when he sees a big aggressive dog C Eleanor calms herself down by listening to music when she is scared .

C. Eleanor calms herself down by listening to music when she is scared

What is an example of audacious behavior ? A. Going for a ten - mile run in sandals and jeans B. Saving up for years to pay cash for a new car C. Investing every dollar you have into a risky investment .

C. Investing every dollar you have into a risky investment

What is a breach of trust ? A. It is a promise to be truthful with someone B. It is an offer to start an honest relationship C. It is a failure to be honest with someone .

C. It is a failure to be honest with someone .

What is a concise answer to a question ? A. It is one that is truthful and very detailed B. It is one that avoids answering the question C. It is one that is clear and uses few words

C. It is one that is clear and uses few words

What is a radical opinion ? A. It is held by the majority of people and is therefore the most popular B. It is based on sound advice gathered from many different experts C. It is so different from other opinions that it is considered extreme

C. It is so different from other opinions that it is considered extreme

What is morale ? A. It is the amount of time it takes for a group to complete a task B. It is the message that an author wants to share through a story C.. It is the emotional state of a person or group of people .

C. It is the emotional state of a person or group of people

What is a deterrent ? A. It is something that makes you feel better about yourself. B. It is a challenging task that creates a sense of accomplishment C. It keeps something safe by preventing an action to harm it

C. It keeps something safe by preventing an action to harm it

What is an example of an item that is indispensable ? A. An old mattress that you should probably discard soon B. An umbrella on a day when there is a small chance of rain C. Medication for your heart that you must take every day .

C. Medication for your heart that you must take every day .

What is a dissident ? A. Someone who reports an unsafe condition within a workplace B. Someone who is imprisoned for a minor offense such as shoplifting C. Someone who speaks publicly against an established governmental system .

C. Someone who speaks publicly against an established governmental system

What is an example of professional jargon ? A. The contract a lawyer signs when they are hired by a law firm B. The required exam that person must pass to become a lawyer C. The words and phrases that lawyers use during a trial .

C. The words and phrases that lawyers use during a trial .

If your plans are tentative , what are they ? A.They are private and not available to the public . B. They are complicated and require a lot of explanation C. They are not finalized and could change at any time .

C. They are not finalized and could change at any time

What does it mean if a person is mercenary ? A. They travel to other nations to help those in need B. They share their religious beliefs with others C. They care only about financial gain

C. They care only about financial gain .

If someone is subversive , what might they do ? A. They might organize an event to raise money for charity B. They might complain but never try to make things better C. They might try to overthrow someone in power .

C. They might try to overthrow someone in power .

If someone has an ornate style of decorating , how do they decorate? A. They use warm colors to create a cozy , welcoming environment B. They avoid bright colors and use simple , plain patterns C. They use fancy decorations and detailed , elaborate patterns

C. They use fancy decorations and detailed , elaborate patterns

If a business has a deficit , how will the owner most likely react ? A. They will decide to keep the business just as it is B. They will gather all the employees together to congratulate them on job well done C. They will have their business spend less and sell more so it can start making a profit .

C. They will have their business spend less and sell more so it can start making a profit

What do people do when they collaborate? A. They submit entries to the same contest and compete to win B. They each speak at a conference about different topics C. They work together to achieve a common goal

C. They work together to achieve a common goal

What would someone who cares about propriety do ? A. They would invest all of their money in real estate B. They would only accept a job if it interested them C. They would speak and act in a way that is socially correct

C. They would speak and act in a way that is socially correct

What are convergent companies ? A. Similar companies that compete for business . B. Companies that produce more than one product . C. Two companies that join into one larger company .

C. Two companies that join into one larger company .

What does it mean to be susceptible to allergies ? A. You are not likely to get allergies since no one in your family does B. You used to get allergies as a kid , but you don't anymore C. You are more likely to get allergies than other people .

C. You are more likely to get allergies than other people .

If you are a confidant to someone , what are you ? A. You are someone who encourages them to take risks B. You are someone they admire and look to for advice C. You are someone with whom they can speak honestly

C. You are someone with whom they can speak honestly

How do you feel if you are apprehensive about something ? A. You are pretty sure you can successfully do it B. You're not sure you completely understand it C. You feel anxious and fearful about it

C. You feel anxious and fearful about it

How do you feel if you are apprehensive about something ? A. You are pretty sure you can successfully do it B. You're not sure you completely understand it C. You feel anxious and fearful about it .

C. You feel anxious and fearful about it .

If you do superficial research for a project,what have you done ? A. You have done so much research that you are having a hard time sorting through it all B. You have extensively researched your topic and understand it on a deeper level C. You have only researched the basic and most obvious aspects of your topic .

C. You have only researched the basic and most obvious aspects of your topic

What happens when you facilitate a project ? A. You stay off to the side and observe as it happens B. You think about contributing your time and effort towards it C. You help to complete it in a more efficient way

C. You help to complete it in a more efficient way

What does it mean to augment something ? A. You fix it because it has not been functioning B. You persuade others that it is worth buying C. You make it work better than it originally did .

C. You make it work better than it originally did .

If you considered your sister's concern frivolous , how would you respond ? A. You would inform the police since you think it's potentially dangerous B. You would make sure she told no one about it since you think it's a secret C. You would ignore it since you think it's unimportant and silly

C. You would ignore it since you think it's unimportant and silly

What does it mean when something is ambiguous ? A.It is practical because it can be used in many different ways B. It is difficult to understand because it exists only in theory C. is confusing because it has multiple meanings .

C.It is confusing because it has multiple meanings

_______ skills or knowledge are basic or simple things that are learned early on in life A. Pugnacious B. Prolific C. Zealous D. Rudimentary

D. Rudimentary

What is an example of something that is tangible ? A. Music played so loudly that it shakes the windows B. An apple that you can hold in your hand C. A dream that you remember clearly the next day

N. An apple that you can hold in your hand

If you are known for your philanthropy , what might you do ? A. Donate your time and money to help others B. Spend large amounts of money on foolish things C. Give wise and practical advice to others

a . Donate your time and money to help others .

If something is conducive to learning , what is it ? A. It contributes toward better learning B. It makes learning costly and ineffective . C. It prevents much learning from occurring .

a . It contributes toward better learning .

If a problem is pervasive , what is it ? A. It is found in many different places B. It is too difficult to be solved C. It is one that has existed for a long time .

a . It is found in many different places .

If you procured the medicine your sister needs , what did you do ? A. You got it for her after a great deal of effort B. You lost it and can't seem to find it anywhere C. You used it all yourself and did not save any for her .

a . You got it for her after a great deal of effort .

The ______ and daring investor sponsored the construction of a community theater where no one believed it could thrive A. audacious B. adamant C. emphatic D. Inaugural


What is dissension ? A. A very disorganized room or space B. A fierce debate among group members C. A large decrease in income or earnings .

b . A fierce debate among group members .

What is an example of a secular building ? A. A large temple that is the tallest building in the city B. A sandwich shop that serves the best apple pie in town C. A small church that was built two hundred years ago .

b . A sandwich shop that serves the best apple pie in town

If you want to give a retort to your sister , what should you do ? A Dress up like a pirate and scare her when she comes home B. Quickly think of something clever to say to back to her C. Write out a long apology and put it where she will find it .

b . Quickly think of something clever to say to back to her .

What happens if you deviate from a path ? A. You stay on the path from start to finish B. You walk away from the path C. You tell somebody about the path .

b . You walk away from the path .

What does it mean when something is ambiguous ? A.. It is practical because it can be used in many different ways B. It is difficult to understand because it exists only in theory C. It is confusing because it has multiple meanings

c . It is confusing because it has multiple meanings .

What is a regime ? A. It is the schedule a leader follows on any given day B. It is the process by which a leader is chosen C. It is the leaders that are in power right now .

c . It is the leaders that are in power right now .

What is moderation ? A. Staying so busy that you never find time to relax B. Avoiding anything that is challenging or hard C. Maintaining a balance of homework , activities , and fun

c . Maintaining a balance of homework , activities , and fun .

What is brevity ? A. The act of taking unnecessary weight off a heavy load B. The desire to make a task as easy as possible C. The ability to say what you mean quickly .

c . The ability to say what you mean quickly .

What does the adjective cognitive describe ? A. Someone's capacity to work hard in difficult situations B. A person's social reputation within a particular setting C. Those abilities having to do with the intellect or thinking .

c . Those abilities having to do with the intellect or thinking .

When would a liaison be needed ? A. When a group needs someone who knows how to market a product successfully B. When a group needs someone willing to secretly collect information about a rival group C. When two groups need someone to help them work together more effectively .

c . When two groups need someone to help them work together more effectively .

What happens if you abridge a novel ? A. You add references to other similar works B. You explain its connection to another story C. You shorten it by omitting some content .

c . You shorten it by omitting some content .

If someone is _____ in a job , they are able and skilled enough to do it well A. repulsive B. subterranean C. monotonous D. competent


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