Methods of data collection and analysis

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Coding framework

a list of codes that you anticipate will be used to index and divide your material into descriptive topics


a word or a short phrase that descriptively captures the essence of elements of your material.

How is mean calculated?

adding up all the values and then dividing by the total number of values


an individual/entity from which one is interested in collecting data.

Focus group discussion

an organised discussion between 6 to 8 people. Provides participants with a space to discus a particular topic, in a context where people are allowed to agree or disagree with each other.

Sample frame

list of all the units in a target population

Inferential statistics

used to identify statistically significant differences between groups of data

What are the key steps for you to establish a study focus?

1.) Be clear of your purpose 2.) Define the scope of study 3.) Develop a research question 4.) Develop a list of research objectives

What are the methods for collecting and analysing qualitative data?

1.) Individual interview 2.) Focus group discussions 3.) Photovoice 4.) Picture story

What are the key items that a research report must include?

1.) Introduction 2.) Methodology 3.) Findings 4.) Discussion

What are the two types of variables?

1.) Numerical 2.) Categorical

What are the forms in which quantitative data may be collected?

1.) Units 2.) Prices 3.) Proportions/percentages 4.) Rates of change 5.) Ratios 6.) Scoring and ranking

What features should an information sheet contain?

1.) Words written in the local language 2.) Explain who you are and give contact details 3.) Purpose of interview 4.) Specify whether they have to take part(including what happens if they do or don't want to participate) 5.) How long will interview take 6.) How confidentiality is assured 7.) What will they get out of participating 8.) Associated risks

What is the purpose of a research question?

A research question can be used to focus a research topic that is too broad to be appropriately handled in the format for which one is researching.

Framework analysis

A structured approach to qualitative analysis that is particularly useful for applied policy studies.

What should the "introduction" portion of a research report contain?

Argues for the importance of exploring a particular research question, highlighting the limitations of existing evidence.

This quantitative method involves the collection of biophysical data.

Biophysical measurements

Variables made up of a group of categories.

Categorical variables

This statistical variable describes a typical value.


What are the two main statistics which will be used to calculate the sample size?

Confidence interval (Margin of error) and confidence level.

Confidence level

Determines how sure you want to be that actual percentage falls within your selected interval

How is spread calculated?

Difference between the maximum and the minimum

What is the first way of analysing qualitative data

Examine findings with a per-defined framework, which reflects one's aims, objectives and interests.

This study design aims to test the impact of an intervention.


This type of study design tries to explore and observe what is occurring within a given context.

Exploratory and observational

Descriptive statistics

Help us summarize our data

What should the "Discussion" portion of a research report contain?

Highlights how the findings emerging from the study either corroborate, contradict or build on existing evidence as well as giving detail to the limitations of the study.

What is the difference between the upper quartile and lower quartile(25%)

Interquartile range

What should the "methodology" portion of a research report contain?

Justifies you sampling strategy and the research methods to be used to answer your research question.

Table method

Method of cutting out codes and moving them around on a table.

Variables made up of numbers; can be counts, measures, or durations.

Numerical variables

What should one do if children under the age of 18 are participating in ones' study?

Obtain informed consent from their guardians

What should the "Findings" portion of a research report contain?

Presents key findings emerging from the analysis that answers the research question.

This quantitative method involves data collection on projects.

Project records

Describes the relative frequency of each category and is calculated by dividing each frequency by the total number


This type of research is exploratory and seeks to explain "how" and "why" a particular phenomenon operates as it does within a particular context

Qualitative research

This type of data is numerical and is collected in a a NUMBER of forms

Quantitative data

This type of research typically explores specific and clearly defined questions that examine the relationships between two events, where the second event is a consequence of the first event.

Quantitative research

By using this technique costs may be reduced and a good representation can be gained from which inferences may be made about a population.


A major failing in research design that can lead to inconclusive, unreliable results.

Sampling bias

This quantitative method is often carried out during the monitoring and evaluation of a project

Service provider or facility assessment

This quantitative method involves facility data and includes collection of data on services provided by some institution.

Service provider or facility data

What is the simplest way to select participants from a population?

Simple random sampling

This statistical variable describes the distance of data from the centre.


this statistic shows the average difference between each individual data point and the mean age.

Standard deviation

This type of sampling can be used when individuals in a population can be split into distinct, non-overlapping groups.

Stratified sampling

This quantitative method involves the use of carefully constructed questions, often ranking or scoring options or using closed-ended questions.

Surveys and questionnaires

What is the "rule of thumb" when determining a sample size for quantitative research?

There is none

What are one potential cause of sampling bias?

When decisions are made about sample selection that means that some individuals have a greater chance of being selected for the sample than others.

Individual interview

a conversation between two people that has a structure and a purpose.


a participatory action research method that involves placing cameras in the hands of participants so that they may visually represent and communicate to others their lived experiences.

Thematic network analysis

an exploratory approach to qualitative analysis that enables one to shape their interpretation in different and unexpected ways.

What is the second approach to analysing qualitative data

an exploratory perspective that encourages one to consider and code all data, allowing for new impressions to shape ones' interpretation in different and unexpected directions.

Picture story

enables participants to communicate their perspectives on particular issues through a series of drawings they have made. The story telling may either be done in writing, or verbally with a researcher.

What are the most common statistics used to describe the centre?

mean and median

How are percentages calculated?

multiplying each proportion by 100

What should a consent form contain?

statements that the participant has understood what they will be involved in

Confidence interval

the acceptable range in which your estimate can lie

Qualitative data analysis typically revolves around what?

the impressions and interpretations of key ressearchers

How is qualitative data normally gathered?

through individual interviews and focus group discussions using semi-structured or unstructured topic guides

what are the usual determinants of the scope of a research project?

time, resources, and staff constraints

When is stratified sampling beneficial?

when there are big differences between the strata, as they can give a more accurate representation of the population and allow for further sub-set analysis(if the sample size is large enough)

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