Mexican-American HIST

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chief or captain, regional warlords rage an army and run Texas-borderlands-

Europe around the same time 15 cent

filthy disease about 30 if you lucky to live about a 1/4 of babies died before the age of one Before the age of 20, half dead, of everyone 90% farmed-10%nobility-high crime theft-etc... early 14 cent-crowded-border over crowd 1347-Black Plague-51-death rate 33%-tension of overpop loosened a little, but by the time mid 15 cent it is back-lack of opp, land, so people needed a so called fresh start 1300-1500 consciousness of outside world period of Renaissance-/proceeded by crusades-=knowledge of outside worlds-tech better-1487ish- what about Spain-drastic changes by 1492-La Reconquista -Isaballea and Ferdi-unify the pen Cath and Moors-these two curious of outer world

Las Gorras Blancas

group of Mexican Americans living in New Mexico who attempted to protect their land and way of life from encroachment by white landowners the White Caps, group of Mexican Americans living in New Mexico who attempted to protect their land and way of life from encroachment by white landowners. commit arson wire cutting-enclosure-statement of solidarity and pride for poor Mexicans Vigilantism New Mexico


invites laborers from China to Mexico to help modernize project, did not work here 1880s-irony-Chinese Exclusion Act in America

King Ranch

largest ranch in Texas (15,500 acres) was started by Richard King and Mifflin Kenedy in 1853 market oriented big a lot of land grabs-title questioning-small mexican ranchers would be chased off by king ranchers down to Mexico then rep sent to nego deal-violence and intimidation- cattle drive moving north-expansion-and price of meat go up-better tec, railroads, Civil war as well (hard to get beef in North)=leads to comp in Texas-free ranch cattle prior 48 to enclosure (stealing, cattle wrestling, violence, enclosure),

Northern Frontier

Texas, Cali, New Mex, most populated NM-water source, terrain, more developed societies, slavery* and wealth, extraction, 10k subjects, 1609 santa fe defensive settlement in Cali against the Russians and Brits San Diego 1769, 1776 San Fran, LA 1781, mission system Crown initiated Texas Defensive against the French, San Anto-1731, nacogdoches 1783-350 people-against French, La Bahïa 1783, 500 people


Land tax free Trade US nationalism Cotton-expansion of cotton eco/slavery complex "Second Middle Passage"=1800-1840-shift to cotton economy in the deep south, cotton and slavery pushing west "Seeds of Empire"=book of expansion of cotton and slaves

Victor Ochoa

Journalist anti Diaz inventor/revolutionary

Intermarriage in California

"Ricos" and poor intermarriage common here, gender dynamics same young anglo men "montrimorial sharks" in spanish sources "Agringado"- claim to status-acceptance of anglo american dominance Horris Bell "Future in the hands of the conquering race." 1848 taken and 50 statehood

The Aztecs

(1200-1521) 1300, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region. Worshiped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor. warfare-imperial structure sports Mexico Massive cities Tenochitlan (Mexico city) further north-Teotihuacan-(200k before abandoned)

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

(1848) treaty signed by the U.S. and Mexico that officially ended the Mexican-American War; Mexico had to give up much of its northern territory to the U.S (Mexican Cession); in exchange the U.S. gave Mexico $15 million and said that Mexicans living in the lands of the Mexican Cession would be protected (Feb, 2) Mexican North-Southwest 100k Mexicans-if stay, 1 year get citi, most stay-first large class of Mexican American cause of this citi thing, these people are tech caucasian according to US gov, naturalization of 1790, raelity of course social daw, white sup, 1848 turning point, big mood

Camp Grant Massacre

(1871) O'odham warriors, Mexican and American civilians attack Apaches at Camp Grant, Arizona, along the San Pedro River. Nearly 150 men, women, and children were killed. 144 people killed, all but 8 were women and children, and apache allies, =coop violence

Mexican Revolution

(1910-1920 CE) Fought over a period of almost 10 years form 1910; resulted in ouster of Porfirio Diaz from power; opposition forces led by Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata.

Mexican Revolution

(1910-1920 CE) Fought over a period of almost 10 years form 1910; resulted in ouster of Porfirio Diaz from power; opposition forces led by Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. diaz-1876-1911 the good?-boost economy, foreign investment, capitalism, railroad, certain sense of stability, gained indepen from Spain until his reign, liberal/conser politics in Bad-no free speech, privatization on land peasantry displacement effectively break down in civil war amongst the revolutionary themselves Fransisco Madero-Elite, European, launches the revol, in San Antonio, and else Paso big mood, was in exile, a lot of anti Diaz fled into Texas, issues proclamation against Diaz needs to get pesantry to his side-appeal to people who have been displaced-very much borderline conflict Mexico Caudillos-warlords- Venustiano Caranza Pancho Villa (assass after revol) they join him and join him revol pretty quick 1911 (should have been over here) but did not

Mexican Independence

(1910-1920 CE) Fought over a period of almost 10 years form 1910; resulted in ouster of Porfirio Diaz from power; opposition forces led by Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. (wrong one)

Africans Americans in the Border

(all kind research here) pre 1865-people escaped from slavery 2k-3k ex slaves in northern mexico beacons of hope here what about after? Post 1865-escape from Jim Crow-lynching, separate but equal, William Henry Ellis parents of slaves-fluent in spanish, not that dark, pass yourselves off as Mexican, better treatment-guiermo Enrique Eliseo= known as "passing" becomes successful 1888-signs deal diaz to establish a cotton colony in northern mexico does not work well, winds up failing, climate difficult, international competition, debt poionage and labor oppression failed experiment but still flee cause Merica bad

Borderlands/La Frontera

El Paso, 1910s Mexican exiles, anti Diaz, politically radical, florez majun brothers radicals against Diaz, and also advocate on Anglos (sym with pan rebels)

Texas Annexation 1845

Although most Texans favored annexation by the U.S., relations with Mexico and Texas's slave status were obstacles. Many politicians (Northern) didn't want to tip power in the senate to pro-slavery states. Mex US-break diplo relations-and Pol sent Taylor gen to the nueces in Jan 1846-But in reality wanted the US wanted to get blood shed on their side to start war, cynical history, provoke a war-fighting, Polk goes in boom war how it starts (46)

Texas in the 1820s

1821-1826 Stephen F. Austin-works out for 5 years-false slaves Hayden Edwards (1826)-Empresario in east Texas Filibuster in 19th cent-=land piracy take a swaft of land and call it independence-like aron Burg Edwards starts-Fredunia Rebellion-group of tejanos, americans, and . cherokee indians,-reb crushed- resp of Mexico this indicates something-show that fear of American imperialism-Texan's are too independent- Mier y Teran-comes north and issues report 1828-Americans and Texans too independent, 2; Africans are actually slaves, not servants these slavers are inhuman, and these tejanos are not true mexicans, they speak mongral spanish-disloyal essentially, if we do nothing (mexico) we lose Texas,

Evidence for dispossession

1851- no Spanish surname in state legislator-faster than Texas -quick conquest-1880-no spanish surname individuals in public office anywhere in the state-underpinned by Committees of Vigilance-"Lynchocracia" summary justice that is meet out of people "The Hounds" active in dispossession of people and violence-targed a chaleyan neighborhood- rebellion and resistance takes place as early as 1851 women lynch first time in cali histori-Josefa Segovia in Downievelle, either threat with rape, called a who, or protect husband, ango an storms house and she kills him-next day kangaroo court -pops out of no where and sentence taken out immediately-bridge over Yuha river widespread outrage-since women higher order-not supposed to do this-so massive violence-revolt Juan Flores Revolt, 56-57, splits californios-opposed by Ricos and poor support him-reason for faster americanization is because of gold develop-mineral wealth, access to the pacific Transcontinental Railroad-1869, Gatsis purchase of 83-Arizona-railroad=town founding-los angeles center everything for Cali cause of it 1850 1k pop in los-1890 50k-state 70k new comers per year-1850 60 percent of MExican LA owns land-by 1880 by 24 percent, census 1880s-manual labor-65 percent -anglo 25, but not just labor force Mexican American but Chinese-railroad labor-last until 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act (arguably the first anti-immigrant bill, also first bill that looks at a immigrant population and looks at them and creates illegal immigrants) and also native americans who were displaced-but still like a cent away a

Emergence of Modern State

1860s into 20th century world powers-modern diplomacy, Germany 1871 comes together, Italy (1861), Japan (1868), U.S. (1868) all have to be global trade, indust, militarism, citizenship rights, border enforcement, controlling land, Mexico Modernity-happens under Diaz

Border Tension

1870s-Comanchee raids into northern Mexico-US military needs to stop this, so from Washington Mexican Indians livestock theft US gov and Mex gov send commission to talk about these problems Tho

US Mexico Border during revolution

400k-500k who leave and go to US labor jobs in the form of labor railroad effectively remade texas-farming work, build cities, remake cities and country side fleeing revolt- revolutionary idealism-questioning authority, mistreatment, fight back, new element radical, politically, deeply suspicious of people who hold power, socialist, anarchist is other respects this Matter in Mexican American respective Anglo Views old-19th cent of immigrants male, single, "homing pigeons" lack of permanency New immi-20th cent families-stay- anglo reaction-birth of nativism concern mexi imm catholic, job seekers, foreigners, the problem with catholicism it is too controlling-power beholding to Pope, american system cannot work for them, "un-assimilable"

The Mayans

A Mesoamerican civilization of Central America and southern Mexico. Achievements include mathematics, architecture, and a 365 day a year calendar. They flourished between the 4th and 12th centuries C.E.. Science- concept of zero Calendars Mayapan


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones favoring ideal type of native born Mericans

Texas Revolution (1835-1836)

A rebellion of colonists from the United States and Tejanos (Texas Mexicans) in putting up armed resistance to the centralist government of Mexico; opposed to the regime of President Antonio López de Santa Anna, the Mexican government believed the United States had instigated the Texas insurrection with the goal of annexation. The Texas war of independence ended on April 21, 1836, but Mexico refused to recognize the independence of the Republic of Texas, and intermittent conflicts between the two states continued into the 1840s. The United States recognized the Republic of Texas in March 1837 but declined to annex the territory. starts in Gonzales Texas, Garrison of Goliad 1836, San Antonio, (assault on 1835-Dec.)-siege to city held by Mex-austin only here at war, Martin Perfecto De Cos at Antonio-surrenders-Texian Victory

Bourbon Reforms

A series of economic, administrative and religious measures instituted by the Bourbon monarchs (1700-1824) in the Spanish American colonies. they united North American southwest-under Provincia Internas-gov and mili-a royal official in charge here the secularization of the missions -the people pay for missions-parisheners-excessive tax-tax burden up-cause of beuro u have to pay for and then the church all gov pos in New Spain aside from the head royal, go to Spaniards-inhibits notion of self governance- Enlightenment-age of revolutions (1775-1783) French Revolution (1789-1799) Hatian Rev (1799-1804) unites all of these is the question of Individual rights

U.S. -Mexican War

A war fought over the annexation of Texas and a border dispute. Mexico thought the border of Texas was at the Nueces River and the U.S. thought the border of Texas was at the Rio Grande. causes Texas Mexico Mex better claim Why NM-santa fe and trade Cali-attractive cause nationalism and access to pacific whole equation in 1834-conseq election-James K. Polk

Booker T. Washington

African American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African American better themselves individually to achieve equality. accommodation


After defeating Huerta, he turned on Zapata and Villa and became Mexico's new ruler. Huerta's arch-rival who succeeded him after his collapse in July 1914. He was still resentful of Wilson's military intervention. However, Wilson reluctantly supported him with arms and recognition. Z and V enough enough-join forces and oppose him (knights book 2nd volume) power struggle on border

Town living Colonial Period

Alcalde-Mayor ayuntamiento-town council Vaqueros-cowboys towns were dirty, illiteracy was common, fun: drink, rodeo celebrations, folk/oral traditions

Texas Independence

American slave owners revolted against the Mexican government when they banned slavery. This created disputes over the land's ownership. Independence in 36-american vol to help Texan mili Why? join US, idealism at work here American politics-Jackson-(D)-Ethnocentrist-populist (racism, imperialism, Sam Houston-student and friend of Jackson-"Win this war and well let Texas join the Union..."-Jackson Santa Anna marches north and assualts March 1836, for days of inde, =he does this to avenge 1835 defeat-slaughter (strateg not that important), interp, as vanity-but pushes for texas for independence- Goliad-mass execution, more than Alamo-human rights tragedy Then April, accused of cowardice, and Houston catches to Anna and finishes


Ancient civilization (1200-1500AD) that was located in the Andes in Peru- 12 mill Macchu Picchu Complex irrigation systems Paved highways Quechua


Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory. domination force change natives wealth Case of New Spain-mineral wealth (gold and silver, northern Mexico, 1519-1821, g and s silver mines most productive) Ranching and Ag, Human Capital (regulated by the crown, Enconmienda System (labor grant, comes from the monarchs sometimes the Viceroy (hed royal official, Indian Slavery) Why come if you regular? Gold and Silver, wealth, ranching/some ag (subsistence) Spread Catholicism


Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory. ethnic min dominated native majority cultural imperialism extract-often Ag-in NA sense-India diamons-cotton egypt-New Spain gold-silver S. Texas-incentive human capital-migrant stream/labor narrative of victimhood is dangerous-histerical agency-ability to make choices

Victoriano Huerta

Attempted to reestablish centralized dictatorship in Mexico following the removal of Madero in 1913; forced from power in 1914 by Villa and Zapata. autocrat, power struggle Carranza 1914

the reconquista

Beginning in the eleventh century, military campaigns by various Iberian Christian states to recapture territory taken by Muslims. In 1492 the last Muslim ruler was defeated, and Spain and Portugal emerged as united kingdoms.

The Black Legend

Belief that the Spanish only killed, tortured, and stole in the Americas while doing nothing good Violent-the Reconquista (700-1492), Moors (north African Muslims), Spaniards (Caths) Ferdinand and Isabella developed "warrior culture" amongst early Spanish culture "Infidels"-becomes Native Americas from the Moors


Bering Land Bridge-Asia to Alaska-35k bce -25k-little ice age -hunters and gathers-nomadic-thousands of years human evolution- Mexico/SA-9000 years ago, ag is developed-Maize revolutionary time-no more following food source- sedentary-build, society=culture=religion-governance=etc...--yields advanced civilization-they were not simple, arguably more advanced than in Europe-michinca and inca more people than Europe combined-big mood

Juan Seguin

Born in 1806. He was an outspoken champion of the Texans' demand for more self-government, and very critical of the dictatorial policies of President Santa Anna. On February 3, 1836, he was among the twenty-five men who accompanied Colonel William Travis into the Alamo. Then on the night of February 25, after the Alamo was surrounded, he was chosen to carry an urgent plea for reinforcements to the Texan commander at Gonzales. memoirs- foreigner in my own land-1858 dipped- Tejanos were now colonized

Ramon De la Cerda 1902

Branded a cattle was not him and killed for it idea of banditry social bandits=turn into folk hero

Christopher Columbus

Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506) west to get east Nina Pinta Santa Maria lands in New world, Bahamas (india thinks) then mistakes Cuba for China- Vespucci (circa 1500)

Early Mexican American Identity

Diversity regional differences take Tejanos for example-violent, rugged, never supportive, individualistic, ranching, familiarity with Indians and fear=kinda diff from cent mexico who has no exp with natives-cultural mixing Californios-Capitalist cen society push in 1820s and 30s secula the missions-why question the catholic church-livestock and money-classcism-divide in Spaniards and Indians-displacement New Mexico-"Hispanos"- claim to whiteness-descendants to spanish heritage-Puebloan Indians Capitalist class Orientation-US NO somos Mexicanos, but share distrust to Central gov of Mexico, but results to diverse set of iden-1821-48

Juan N. Cortina, 1859

Desperado; shot sheriff in the arm for assaulting an older cowboy, this causes many years of back and forth wars in the valley between Cortina and the law, local troops couldn't get him, people began evacuating the valley. US army pushes him into Mexico, comes back later, shoots up Brownsville saying the Mexicanos are having their land stolen from them, goes back to Mexico, caught in 1876, dies under house arrest in the 90's; news reached all the way to London and was known for going up against the law. Seen as either a hero or frontier opportunist

Francisco Madero

Early leader in the Mexican Revolution; in 1911 became president of Mexico; wanted land ownership and free, honest/free demo elections, two years later he was murdered, led to power struggles neo-liberalism=poss of further foreign intervention replaced by Victoriano de la huerta

Cons. of 1824

Election Anna wins-federalist state right platform-const rep, (F) win in 1833, before he flips and instantly retires to hacienda and wants to see where the minds of the people are and who he wants to go with, vice pres takes his place=gomez farias (F)-institutes liberal reforms that the fed wanted to see-cuts size of military, goes after catholic church, no legal obligations to church, secularization of missions===outcry from traditionalists, centralists, Anna hears these cries and comes out of retirement and moves VP from office-1835 with blessing of laws-siete leyes=abolish statehood in Mexico-const of 1824 gone, he is now a dictator-establishes centralist dictship === 11 state in open revolt-one goal reinstating the 1824 Texas rev-1835-1824 back

Mexican Civil War

Fransisco Villa, a dictator, rose to power in Mexico. The USA Attempted and failed his capture.

Women in New Spain

Had few opportunities. Married women could own property in America women as oppressors? Women-colonial agents Difficult lives Women in charge of taking care of children, and keep the morality of Husbands in check Marianismo/Machismo why marry off? economic, restricted to home front, childbirth, mortality rates high Colonial Texas-women did have certain rights-keep own property, could lawsuit, The frontier-mexican american homeland-harder to be a women-had to fight -flattening of society-social mobility of indians, meztisos,


Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies; sometimes seized national governments to impose their concept of rule; typical throughout newly independent countries of Latin America.

United States Mexican War

Lasted from May 1846 until March 1848. Once war was declared, American forces quickly took control of New Mexico, California, and eventually Mexico City. After the conquest of the Mexican capital, the U.S. and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 1848. It was ratified by congress on March 10. As a result of the treaty, Mexico ceded 525,000 square miles of territory (New Mexico, and California) in exchange of $15 million and the assumption of Mexico's debts to American citizens. In addition, Mexico agreed to recognize the loss of Texas and established the Rio Grande as the border. First front-Taylor south to Mex-no really resistance-villages who stand down or deserted, racist interpretation, why?=comanchees peek of power in the 1820s, 30s, 40s, "Thousand Deserts", raiding way south into Mexico, (not really studied, Mexican had the right to fear American military", why=massive atrocities and war crime, not well documented, no control over men, mass rapes, murdering people in broad daylight, torture, in a cave (war crimes), City of Veracruz, Taylor (whig against Demo), Polk was worried about his fame, he recalled Taylor from the field, Windfield Scot replacement, and in order to soften city, order city bombarded, most of Veracruz destroyed (also not well documentation or written), 10k civilians killed appr, Scot gets all the way down to Mexican City Depression, Front number 1 number 2, American Southwest Gen Kranney-assault at Santa Fe-no shot fired why-Trade, but peace with the Indians California-John C. Farmont (fili, bear flag rep), short lived, fighting here, but Cali does fall, big mood, relatively short war, over by 47.

Box Bill (1925) and Harris Bill (1926)

Legislation proposed to limit the importation of Mexican workers. Both were defeated, primarily through the opposition of California growers who supported the widespread use of a cheap Mexican labor force.

Adam-Onis Treaty (1819)

Made Spain cede all of Florida to the U.S.and give up its claim to the 42nd parallel in the Pacific Northwest. In return America gave up its claims to Texas.

Joaquin Murrieta

Mexican bandito that fought against encroaching Anglos in the gold rush, seen as a mexican patriot or a hooligan, significant because he was one of the most famous Mexicans that fought against Anglo oppression after the gold rush A Mexican folk hero/bandit who stole from gold miners and made a killing doing it


Mexican dictator that came into power after Diaz and many Mexicans feared that he would confiscate all land owned by foreigners. Before this happened he was murdered by Mexican army led by Huerta. promised land redistribution-you get some-but limited return lands of peasantry-only about 20% of populace supported him

Mexican War of Independence

Mexico took control of Texas and also won their independence from Spain.

Mesoamerica to post contact Mexico (1520s)

Mexico- pluriculturalism-informed by cultural interactions-diversity of cultures that create something new identity 1519 Mex-25 million of indigenous people 2015-claim indi or heri-is the same 25 mill-like 20% of the population US closer to 6 mill-like 2%- Mexico is pluri

Plan de San Diego

Military operation led by mexican revolutionaries during mexican revolution. Called for "liberation of all races and peoples" Sought to regain Cali, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado from US by form and form its own republic. Wanted to kill every white male over 16. Failed and led to death of 300 mexicans. Document drafted by Mexican Americans in the early 1900s that called for Mexican Americans to take control of South Texas. appeal in the Zimmerman (southwest and return to Mexico) racial element that mattered a lot to revolutionaries "stranger" over 16 killed regardless of nationality shots on Tejano progressives- anglo men enemy-common cause with displaced mexicans, indians, blacks, apache of Arizona, plenty people who wanted to revolt in texas, power structure not clear, reprisal killing by rangers further accelerates displacement then LULAC pop ups a decade later none of this happen if not Mexican revolution, violence, accom, resist, under this revolt in the borderlands Mexican descented people fractures by events in 19 teens

Plan de San Diego 1915-16

Military operation led by mexican revolutionaries during mexican revolution. Called for "liberation of all races and peoples" Sought to regain Cali, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado from US by form and form its own republic. Wanted to kill every white male over 16. Failed and led to death of 300-5k mexicans. Irridentist uprises reprisal killing (TX rangers hands) this colonial paradigm=evidence of these were anti colo revolts-no coincidence took place after 1848

The Pueblo Revolt

New Mexico 1680 Native American revolt against the Spanish in late 17th century; expelled the Spanish for over 10 years; Spain began to take an accommodating approach to Natives after the revolt Popé and other natives enacted a revolt reasons -Religious Syncretism- Animism -Forced Labor and slavery 1696-Spanish back in NM Increase of religious tolerance 1700-1821 Enlightenment-feeds into a more tolerant condition

W.E.B. DuBois

Opposed Booker T. Washington. Wanted social and political integration as well as higher education for 10% of African Americans-what he called a "Talented Tenth". Founder of the Niagara Movement which led to the creation of the NAACP.

Law of April 6, 1830

Passed by the Mexican government stopped immigration to Texas from the U.S.-"squatting" No more slavery=tension Curbed immigration from the us-Squatting


Phase 1 1830s-50s Anti Catholic Nativism-Irish, Germany,=Larger Context-1800-1815 (era of good feelings)-"Era of Good Feelings" Nationalism, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe-Virginia dynasty Expan, Stab, Eco growth, when Monroe takes Quincy as VP (transfer power peacefully) what brings nationalism down? Cracks come with a corrupt bargain this ties to nativism when there is panic, political, economic, crimes against immigrants,

Profirio Diaz

President of Mexico continuously from 1876 to 1911 he fell from power during the Mexican Revolution, after he had imprisoned his electoral rival and declared himself the winner of an eighth term in office. The years in which he ruled Mexico are referred to as the Porfiriato. dictator iron first no freedom of press, criticisms, quest: modernize Mexican Economy-certain extent successful-railroad-further integration through railroad-foreign investors- Britain and U.S. Ejidos (communal plot)-communal farming-displaced land owners for capitalistic purposes migrate to city to get by-Montarey N-big industry, development, mining, if you cant get work here you go to U.S. across the border

Spanish Cruelty

Rise and fall 1492-1700 documentation of excessive cruelty Cabeza de Vaca (1528-36) governor of Paraguay advocate for native rights De Las Cases-"Destruction of the Indias" 1557 Bartolomê New Mexico 1680-

Continuation 1565

Spain advacement St. Augustine (1565) oldest settlement Juad De Oñate (1598) Conquest of acuama pueblo supp to search for the city of gold, but it was to get slaves Santa Fé (1607)-17th cent-slavery-brutality-New Mexico leads to religious Synchrytism-=Folk Catholicism-borderlands version of it, pagan influence-must be beaten out of you 1680-Pueblo Revolt-Popé-revolt-kicked the spaniards out of new mexico for 12 yrs-1692- no spanish presence-so in the 18th cent greatly level of tolerance-learned from the past greater sense of tolerance and diversity Mestizaje-a part of columbian exchange old world from horses to new new women old men-intermixing -integration not killing

Hernando Cortes (1485-1547)

Spanish conquistador who initiated the conquest of the Aztec Empire on behalf of Charles V, king of Castile and Holy Roman Emperor, in the early 16th century. out fo god, gold, and glory-he sailed about 500 men over to Mexica and beaten back at initial attempt, but comes back successful-why? Befriended a few-made allies of the Mexican enemies-group a group b-Tlaxiacalans)-tribute in various forms-goods or captives-other advantage was small pox-germs Hispañiola-Tajïnos-maybe a mill 1492-couple of cent like 500 left-slavery-overworked-spaniard brutality How did this happen? accident actually, microbes Europe east west than Americas NS-more interactions between various groups of people leads to more domesticated animals which means immunities are better from germs-=gunpowder-guns-steel-=gives advantage to these wool wearing men-it is interpreted by them as God's favor by early 1520s it is over-establishment of new Spain

Texas, 1821-1836

Stephen F. Austin-"Empresario"=land settler families to the us in exchange for land-why to hold deal? Mexican governmental perspective-tax revenue raise-trade with US-protection against comanchees- Austin settlers are supposed to: be Mexican citizens, follow miexican laws, have to be respected, convert, encouraged inter marriage the sett did not take serious at all, but Austin did, one of few, all of this was done under Mexico's federal Constitution of 1824-liberal constitution-guarantees state rights in Mexican system-appealing because M city will you alone, in regards to slaves-1829 slaves legal, but slavery will be allowed in Texas, look away (gov)-the coming Texas Rev was to grow cotton and expand slavery market.


Still a territory-small population so like cooperation cause there is no population pressure unlike california labor shortage-so better worker treatment difficult climate difficult topography since its a frontier-frontier coexistence in the beginning

Ineffectiveness of Mission System

Texas-mission system weak sauce, few converts secular purpose of missions is hispanicize- Texas Indians-l=kind of coming and going Span autho in Texa weak suace again Cali-lack of stab but diff reasons-too strong late 1700s, brutality, etc... pop indians cal 20k-also weak sauce, 1785 woman Toypuria -led a revolt-Mission San Gabriel we get age of enlightenment


The League of United Latin American Citizens was a middle-class Mexican American civil rights organization founded in Texas in 1929. It focused on ending segregation in housing, public facilities and schools. fights for middle class rights this progressive tactic emerged out of necessity "Americanizing"/Mixing (very Mexican)

Water Rights

The legal rights to use the water in a river, stream, or other body Treaty from Tres Alamos in 186 35 spanish surnames, 21 euro americans, 3 marked as AA, how to split water and run irrigation shows community, more tolerant society, driven by necessity Apaches big mood-band together against them-apache is affectively an outsider-common enemy cowboys are not cattle, they are outlaws, see it all the time in Arizona-when circ dictate-people can come together

Spanish Conquistadors

They believed that their religion required them to conquer or convert pagan nations. Since they had the only "true" religion, they were superior. They were stronger in weapons than the nations they conquered and believed that this gave them the right to conquer. The real goal was riches.

Treaties of Velasco

Two treaties signed in 1836 that were meant to make Mexico agree to recognize that Texas was independent April 36, Tex Indep, never ratified by Mexican ratified question of indepen, according to the minds of Texas it is sttled , but geo pol not really

Voting in South Texas

Under Machine Politics 'Boss Rule" patronage-corralling the vote favor-in the from Star County-Manuel Guerra AY Baker-Hidalgo county Trading favors for vote this displacement people of borderlands took these deals 1920s-mid west-brown people voting no no machines defeated not cause corrupt cause Mexicans voting-goes down

Mexican Civil War

Wanting democracy to triumph there, Wilson refused to recognize the military dictatorship of General Victoriano Huerta, who had seized power in Mexico in 1913 by arranging to assassinate the democratically elected president. 1910-1916, 4 different leaders of Mexico. 1915, Pancho Villa invaded New Mexico, Wilson sent military to Mexico to get Villa, 6K commanded by BlackJack John J Pershing. He asked permission before he went to Mex, and this shows Wilson's moralistic tendency

political machine

a party organization that recruits members by dispensing patronage

Mission System

a way of living used by the Spanish in the Americas, in which settlements were designed to convert local Indians to Catholicism and make them into loyal Spanish subjects -conversion -state support -the conversion="hispanicizing" Indians-=creating spaniards" Benefits to Indians next ot missions-Presidios (military garrisons) Giente de Razön-christians Giente sin Razon in these early mexican communities "Revolt" book, what life was like after Spaniards left

Catarino Garza Revolt 1891

against DIaz

Teresa Urrea

all before people in Texas "The humming bird's daughter" based on her life, written by descendant faith healer-young mistizo woman-religious experience, folk catho-became healer, anti Diaz, fleeing to El Paso, people came to come and heal by her

Mexican Independence 1821

an armed conflict, and the culmination of a political and social process which ended the rule of Spain in 1821 in the territory of New Spain Ferdy y 1808 Exiled when Neo conquers Spain New Spain-"Juntas" royalists who formed military governance by people "peninsulares" or "Criollos" (mexican born spaniards" Hidalgo y Castillo-1810 he revolts against standing of the king "Junttas" excessive tax yata yata 1821 Mexican independence-Augustine De Iturbide-royalists then switched sides, big mood pro gamer mover, why? cause Juntas losing Caste System of New-peninsulares-bottom los Indios and negros-middle:criollos, mestizos-middle and lower fighting for constitutional republic-when Agustine switched sides and makes Mexico constitutional monarchy opposing views-1821-76 mexican politics just bad and corrupt-the centralists (mexican conser, centralized power, state religion, autocracry) and opp them Federalists (indiv rights, states' rights, freedom of religion, you got tension diaz takes over mexico porfino diaz

Thomas P. Robb commissions

analyze the border and Mexican's fault Juan Cortina The Mexican response is to form commisoin La Comisiön Pesquisdora-americans fault-blame reservation policy, blame US, blame texas ranchers land grabbing importance of all of this is both state cognizant of the border being a problem so solution-armed citizens or military both the US and Mex government say this in the 1870s-looks at the border as ungovernable and a problem defining tenants on US Mexican history, stem from the state, immigration, exclusion, and citizenship

Mutual Film Company

birth of the nation -glorifies KKK bad bad deeply racist company signed a contract with Pancho Villa filmed revol-at MExico-the life of General villa revol filmed-loved ice cream and ladies publi his cause-freedom of the poor-land redistribution reactions mixed el paso-victorian city-if u a woman do not be outside after dark, no smoking or drinking

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

law that suspended Chinese immigration into America. The ban was supposed to last 10 years, but it was expanded several times and was essentially in effect until WWII. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first significant law that restricted immigration into the United States of an ethnic working group. Extreme example of nativism of period repealed 1943-cause of World War II so what happens-migrate to Mexico first-they could take out citizenships, them migrate to border, show your papers and big mood I am Mexican-early period it worked-says that US view foreigners all the same-unit 1902 this stops working so Chinese illegal immigration solely because the state says no-liability cause it says the state is weak Coyotes-human smugglers-expensive, no guarantee, inhuman, exploitation, targeted by Rangers (1924 by border), come in urban spaces-policed to hard to cross so forced to go through the Sonoran Desert, Arizona borderlands by-product of state flexing on the border, statism, race and ethnocentrism

J.T. Canales

legislature/lawyer mexican immigration-racism uptake by profiling lose status maybe-ration amonst the top class that is pretty critical-Tejano Progressives (cultural brokers 20th centuries similar to Washington's accomodation-accept American culture-speak English, Protestantism, this foundes the first Civil Rights movement

Quota Acts of 1921 and 1924

limits on immigration passed by Congress, gave preference to N and W Europeans; gave low quotas to other countries.

North America

pop of americas 100m n itself 5mill largely nomadic smaller societies Iroqous Confederacy NY-circa 1400? southwest-irrigation NW-salmon-fish E-big game Cahokia -1200-prob 40k-London around same-so cannot undervalue the importance of precontact america-


post 1848-Elites would welcome them-cultural brokerism-English Elites-Protestantism-inter marriage (no new good study of this) decline cause resentment and there is no point for marriage benefits-since Anglos are the dominant-attitude to decline

James K. Polk

president in March 1845. wanted to settle oregon boundary dispute with britain. wanted to aquire California. wanted to incorperate Texas into union. and also promises to serve 1 term Expansion (D)-his election so consequential to prede annex (Tyler) to US, by product of Polk

California (Arizona), 1848-1890

same dispossession-land loss, lynching some in Ari too but later (early 20th cent-) Cali-1849 gold rush-1853 200 mexican families that own 14 mill acres-under const respected-but Americans refer to this as undemocratic-after gold struck-land swindle-51, Cali land act-land comm court-judges and real state experts-what everybody in the state show up in two year and prove land title-expire 53- if u dont u lose it, no documentation because it does not exist-great irony-why should citizens do this? who gonna challenge it? judges of course could be bribed-rich and powerful-= massive dispo cause of drive for gold-northern bay area, southern california is different-dominated by cattle industry-taxes 1852-new land tax-42k taxes-6k ranchers-gold land in north tax free-120k people-that northern cal 21k in taxes combine this with cattle industry tanking-cant sell cattle, taxes going on, land foreclosure,

Siete Leyes

series of constitutional instruments that altered the organizational structure of the young first Mexican republic. They were enacted under President Antonio López de Santa Anna, 1835 to centralize and strengthen the federal government

Terasista rebellion 1896

she was believed to be able to astral project folk Catholicism

Arizona mines

silver and copper mining cos show up, Philips-Dodge co towns, american workers coming in expect certain things, like segregated towns, e.x. Bigbie 'Mexican wage'-wage dispossession for the same jobs were not allowed in the mines, outside jobs, in Bigbie- (25-30) vs (30-70) for same kind of job, disparity coming bigby deportation

Texas during Revolution

south Texas-railroad arrives in Rio Grande Valley-1904-land values go up, Anglos get wealthy, Tejano dispossession, people who lost land migrate, displaced, leads to discontent kinda works in Mexico-change and effects are happening there, revolt is possible avenue that mirrors the Mexico Revolution-dealing with oppression/racism so do you accomodate or revolt if you MA revolt does happen but not successful

Mexican american

southwest home land of MA- what does this revolt do to "America" Tejanos- tex-mex-why pro indpendece-wanted strong state gov-trade and good relations with Americans-supp of anglo americans coming into texas-Moses Austin-deal 1819 with royal gov of Mex, land grant to bring in settlers (american)-strong support-help with indians-very good for isolated province-sagines-brought the austins-brought two sides together New Mexico-assistance with the Indians-aint gonna get that-Mex too far away Trade with Americans-Santa Fe trial-untold weatth 1821-46 California-trade with US, britain, asia, russia, capitalistic economy ===together-Mexican north in birth of independence borderland that is just diff from the rest of Mexico-this informs identity to these people

Middle and upper class Tejanos

spoke English, understood politics, move between two worlds (trans-cultural maybe? they were cultural brokers so)

Treaty of Guad HId

states rights-reason to stay-local stablility, US Texas-CpIRliam/Democracy-locally minded Dangers: Rely on US? Suspicion;white supremacy; your holding; disrespect and question of land;most Tejanos did not have legal documentation;handshakes; legal claims matter; cash poor rancher society but tech own land-owner-; spoke Spanish no knowledge prior to 1848; taxes are not payed because u do not know-tax delinquency; Foreclosure; public auctions--Anglos; what do? might fight, or become a laborer-own your own land 1850-25k in Trans-Nueces-about 18k were Tejanos=95 percent owned by Tejanos 1870 parady-50 50 split-20 years mistreatment-land grab-racism-

Gregorio Cortez

subject of a hero corrido; shot and killed a sheriff out of defense and became a hero by defending his rights A Mexican American tenant farmer in the American Old West who became a folk hero to Mexicans living in South Texas. He was known for his ability to evade authorities as well as his impassioned words in court.

Age of Enlightenment

the time period in the 1700s during which many Europeans began to break away from tradition and rethink political and social norms enlightenment buildings next term

Mexican Revolution and the importance of the border

this shows the revol a defining and event for the border citi-include all mexican descent people- Mexican/Mexican American-bigger picture in being Mexican desc in the US

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