MFRI/NFPA Jones and Barlett HAZMAT Awareness and Operations

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Specialist Level

(OSHA/HAZWOPER only) A hazardous materials specialist who responds with, and provides support to, hazardous materials technicians. This individual's duties parallel those of the hazardous materials technician; however, the technician's duties require a more directed or specific knowledge of the various substances he or she may be called upon to contain. The hazardous materials specialist also acts as the incident-site liaison with federal, state, local, and other government authorities in regard to site activities. "More specialized than a HAZMAT tech".

Cryogenic Liquid Cargo Tanks

-Known as MC 338. Tank within a tank (insulated) with dished ends and control valves in compartment on the back or side. -psig: 25.3-500 -Contains cryogenic liquids (-130F). Hazard class 2.2. -500 to 14,000 gallons

Pressure tank cars

-carry ammonia, ethylene oxide, chlorine -Protective housing sits atop the rail tank car -internal vapor pressure 100-500 psi

Low-pressure tank car

-carry flammable/combustible liquids & mild corrosives -visible valves and piping without protective housing -internal vapor pressures less than 25 psi -capacity from 4k to 45k gallons

The NFPA 704 numerical rating system is what range?

0-4. ) 0: least hazardous. 4: most hazardous.

What are the four types of radioactive isotopes?

1. Alpha particles: Stopped with sheet of paper; Largest. Can attack internal organs. 2. Beta particles: Stopped by a barrier. Can cause damage to eyes and skin tissues. 3. Gamma Ray: most energetic. Can go through concrete, PPE, and human body 4. Neutron: Used to produce fission; Not radioactive but easily become radioactive.

1. Air Bill 2. Bill of Lading/Freight Bill 3.Waybill 4. Dangerous Cargo Manifest

1. Shipping papers on an airplane. Located in cockpit and is pilot's responsibility. 2. Shipping papers for transport of chemicals over roads and highways. Located in the cab of vehicle. 3. Shipping papers for railroad transportation. Located with conductor. 4. Shipping papers on a marine vessel. Located with the captain/wheelhouse.

ERG's five sections:

1. Yellow: Chemicals listed numerically by four digit UN number/ ID number 2. Blue: Chemicals listed alphabetically by name. 3. Orange: Organized by guide number. 4. Green: Numerically by guide number and contains isolation distances. 5. A whole lot of other important information. BLEVE, placards, hazards, rail cars, road trailers, pipelines, decon, Protective clothing, and glossary

Chemical Substances can enter the body in 4 ways:

1. inhalation: through the lungs; easiest to be exposed, can't see it, 2. ABsorption: through the skin into the bloodstream. 3. Ingestion: cross-contaminating from hands to food, enters the gastrointestinal tract. 4. Injection: Cuts or breaches of skin; needles.

What is the vapor density of air?


What is water's specific gravity?


NFPA 1072 NFPA 472 NFPA 473

1072: Qualifications (Awareness, Operations, Technician, Specialist) 472: Standards 473: EMS

How many gallons of liquid can non-bulk packaging carry?

119 gallons

At sea level, what is the minimum psi pressure exerted on every surface of every object?

14.7 psi

At what minimum oxygen percentage will your oxygen depletion alarm go off?


How many pounds of product does a ton container hold?

2,000 lbs

Oxygen is considered normal at what percent?


What is the boiling point of water?

212* F and 100* C

Military HAZMAT/WMD Markings

4: The least to worry about. Orange Diamond. Moderate Fire Hazard Material. 3: Orange Triangle. Mass Fire Hazard Materials. 2: Orange X. Explosion with fragment hazards. 1: MOST DANGEROUS! STOP!!! Orange Octagon. Mass Detonation Hazard Material

Intermodal Tanks hold how many gallons? and how can they be shipped?

5,000-6,000 gallons and shipped via land, sea, air.

How many pounds can a "super sack" hold?

500 to several thousand lbs of solid material.

Most common drum size


On the pH scale, what is neutral?



A glass, plastic or steel non bulk storage container ranging in volume from 5 to 15 gallons. Used for corrosive materials.


A mode of transportation consisting of a long pipe for long distance and high volume liquid cargo such as gas, gasoline, diesel fuel.

Technician level

A person who responds to hazardous materials/WMD incidents using a risk-based response process by which he or she analyzes a problem involving hazardous materials/WMD, selects applicable decontamination procedures, and controls a release using specialized protective clothing and control equipment. "Risk Management Response"

hazardous waste

A substance that remains after a process or manufacturing plant has used some of the material and the substance is no longer pure.

Water solubility

Ability of a liquid or solid to mix with or dissolve in water.

What two classes of corrosives are there? (Hint: think pH)

Acid and Base


Any vessel or receptacle that holds material to include cylinders, tanks, portable tanks, and cargo tanks.

Where is CHEMTREC located?

Arlington, VA

Non-bulk packaging examples?

Bags, carboys and jerry cans, cylinders, drums, Dewar flask cryogenic liquids

The NFPA 704 diamond colors and what do they stand for:

Blue: #1 Health & Safety Red: Flammability Yellow: Reactivity White: Special info

Special use railcars include:

Boxcars, flat cars, cryogenic and corrosive tank cars, and high-pressure compressed gas tube-type cars.

What does CHEMTREC stand for?

Chemical Transportation Emergency Center

Dewar containers

Containers designed to preserve the temperature of the cold liquid held inside


Documents issued by nongovernmental entities

Lethal dose vs lethal concentration

Dose causes death to animals by any route other than inhalation. Concentration causes death to animals via the inhalation route.


Emergency Response Guidebook! #1 tool in the toolbox.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Established in 1970, the US federal agency ensures safe manufacturing, use, transportation, and disposal of hazardous substances. (Environmental Safety)

Will most flammable liquids float or sink on water?


Open-Head drum

Has removable lid fastened to the drum with a ring that us tightened with clasp or thread and bolt.

gas cylinder

Has to be DOT certified. Common pressure is 5,000 psi. absolute pressure higher than 40 psi.

HMIS stands for

Hazardous materials information system and is intended for the employees of a facility, not responders. Voluntary system to comply with OSHA.

Cryogenic Liquids

Helium, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon

Types of Intermodal Tanks

IM-101: 6300-gallon; pressure 25.4-100 psi; food-grade products, flammable liquids and mild corrosives. IM-102: 6300-gallon; 14.7-25.4 psi; nonhazardous material, but contain flammable liquids and corrosives. Pressure intermodal tanks: High pressure vessels; 100-600 psi; liquefied compressed gases. Cryogenic tanks: low-pressure. Carries oxygen, nitrogen, helium. Less than -150*F. Tube modules: High-pressure tubes attached to frame. Pressures as high as 5000 psi.

IBC stands for?

Intermodal Bulk Container

Non-pressure Liquid Cargo Tanks

Known as TC 406 / DOT 406 / SCT-306 / MC 306 / TC 306. Large oval ends with elliptical cross-sections. Underbelly outlets. Rollover/spill rail entire length. Contains any liquid, usually fuel oil, gasoline, alcohol, flammable/combustible liquids. Hazard class 3. 2.65 to 4 psi 6,000 to 10,000 gallons

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act

Legislation that requires a business that handles chemicals to report on those chemicals' type, quantity, and storage methods to the FD and the local emergency planning committee.

Train List/Consist

List of the contents in EVERY CAR on train. Located with conductor, engineer, or designated member.

Low Pressure Chemical Tank

MC 307/DOT 407 horse-shoe shaped tank. 6000-7000 gallons of liquid. Transports flammable liquids, mild corrosives, and poisons.

Chemical Cargo Tank

MC-312/DOT 412 Carries corrosives like sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide. Easily recognized because of reinforced rings along the tank. 15-25 psi. 6,000 gallon capacity.

high-pressure cargo tank

MC-331. Capacity: 1,000-11,000 gallons; 300 psi; spring loaded relief valves. Carries ammonia, propane, freon, butane.

Hazardous Material

Matter (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy when released is capable of creating harm to people, environment, and property, including weapons of mass destruction (WMD), as well as any other criminal use of hazmat, such as illicit labs, environmental crimes, or industrial sabotage.

You need the following information when calling CHEMTREC:

Name of chemicals involved (if known), Name of caller and callback phone number, Location of incident, shipper or manufacturer of chemical, container type, railcar or vehicle markings/numbers, shipping carrier's name, recipient of material, local conditions and exact description of situation.

Do tube modules have to be DOT certified? Why or why not?

No; they are AMSE cylinders.

Is an ignition source needed for the ignition temperature? If so, why?

No; when heated and reach minimum required temperature liquids will ignite without external ignition source.


One or two openings on top of a closed-head drum. Sealed with threaded cap. One opening can be used to fill it up. The other to vent.

Typical Cryogens include

Oxygen, helium, hydrogen, argon, nitrogen

Operations level responders

Persons who respond to hazardous materials/(WMD) incidents for the purpose of implementing or supporting actions to protect nearby persons, the environment, or property from the effects of the release. "Tasked to respond and engage."

Awareness level personnel

Persons who, in the course of their normal duties, could encounter an emergency involving hazardous materials/weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and who are expected to recognize the presence of hazardous materials/WMD, protect themselves, call for trained personnel, and secure the area. (NFPA 1072) "Aware" of hazards, situations, people, places, and things.

scene size-up basic actions

Safety Isolate Notify

Another term for cross-contamination?

Secondary contamination


Stores variety of substances to include food-grade materials, corrosives, flammable liquids, and grease. Can be made from stainless steel, polyethylene, cardboard, nickel etc.

Dry Bulk Cargo Trailer

Tanks designed to carry dry bulk goods such as powders, pellets, fertilizers, or grain; they are generally V-shaped with rounded sides that funnel toward the bottom.

Department of Transportation (DOT)

The U.S. government agency that publicizes and enforces rules and regulations that relate to the transportation of many hazardous materials.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

The US federal agency and regulates worker safety and, in some cases, responder safety. Part of Department of Labor.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

The association that develops and maintains nationally recognized minimum consensus standards on many areas of fire safety and specific standards on hazardous materials.

HAZWOPER (HAZardous Waste OPerations and Emergency Response)

The federal OSHA regulation that governs hazmat waste site and response training. Regulation can be found in CFR, Title 29, 1910.120.

Incident Commander

The individual responsible for all incident activities, including the development of strategies and tactics and the ordering and the release of resources.

Flammable Range

The range between the upper flammable limit and lower flammable limit in which a substance can be ignited.

Bung Wrench

The tool to open a bung located on top of a close head drum.

Three main types of stress that can cause a container to fail:

Thermal: ex. heat/cold Chemical: how substances interact: overpressure Mechanical: falling debris/forklift puncture

Compressed gas tube trailers

These trailers contain several pressurized vessels. They are constructed of steel and have pressures ranging from 3000-5000 psi. Valve control box usually located on the rear of the trailer. Carry compressed gases such as oxygen, helium, hydrogen, methane.

Pipeline warning signs include:

Warning symbol, owners name, emergency phone number. Company responsible for placing warning signs.

Is an ignition source needed for a flash point? If so, why?

Yes; vapors have been released in the air by solid or liquid at minimum required temperature.

Shipping Papers

a shipping order, bill of lading, manifest, or other shipping document containing the information required by regulations of the US DOT.

When does a flash fire occur in flammable range?

a. Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) b. Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) c. Flash fire cannot occur d. in the middle between the LEL and UEL.

What toxic products can be found in fire smoke?

carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, soot, formaldehyde, cyanide, etc.

Vapor density is the weight of what?

concentration of vapor or gas compared to air

The NFPA 704 hazard identification system is used for what:

fixed facilities on the outside of the buildings and outside of storage tanks.

Liquid chemicals less than water's specific gravity (1.0) will?


On the pH scale, what is a base?

greater than 7

Chronic health effects vs acute health effects

health effects after long-term exposure to a substance vs health effects after short-term exposure.

On the pH scale, what is an acid?

less than 7

Propane Cylinder

lower pressures at 200-300 psi


measure of the degree to which something is toxic or poisonous.

How many gallons of liquid can bulk packaging carry?

more than 119 gallons

What type of solid material can "super sacks" hold?

oxidizers, corrosives, flammable solids

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

provided by the manufacturers. Includes information about chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, health and safety hazards, emergency response, and waste disposal.

Four examples of ways containers can release:

rapid relief, spill/leak, rupture, detonation/explosion

Gases less than the vapor density of air (1.0) will?


Gases greater than the vapor density of air (1.0) will?


Liquid chemicals greater than water's specific gravity (1.0) will?


Cardboard Drum holds what:

soap flakes, sodium hydroxide pellets, food grade materials.

3 states of matter

solid, liquid, gas

Hazardous material vs contamination

the HAZMAT is the material or chemical causing harm. Contamination is the residue of that material or chemical.

Vapor Pressure

the pressure exerted by a vapor over a liquid usually in a closed container

What is the purpose of a relief valve on a cryogenic liquid cargo tank?

to maintain proper internal pressure

Specific gravity is the weight of what?

weight of liquid chemical compared to water

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