MG302 Ch11 Leadership

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The conformist

participates actively in a relationship with the boss but doesn't use critical thinking skills. In other words, a conformist typically carries out any and all orders, regardless of the nature of the request.


means being unpretentious and modest rather than arrogant and prideful.

Scheduling employees so that work is completed


The participating style (S3) is one where the leader shares ideas with subordinates, gives them a chance to participate, and facilitates decision making. The fourth style, the delegating style (S4), provides little direction and little support because

is one where the leader shares ideas with subordinates, gives them a chance to participate, and facilitates decision making.

Expert power

is power that results from a leader's special knowledge or skill in the tasks performed by subordinates.

Legitimate power

is power that stems from a manager's formal position in an organization and the authority granted by that position.


is the ability to influence people toward the attainment of organizational goals.

Influence (2)

is the effect that a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behavior of others.

When a work situation factor prevents a leader from displaying a task-oriented or people-oriented behavior, or both, that factor is a ____.

leadership neutralizer

If you needed to choose a motto for an interactive leader like Mary Barra to use at GM, which of the following would be most appropriate?

We are all in this together

Contingency approaches

to leadership explore how the organizational situation influences leader effectiveness. Contingency approaches include the situational model based on the work of Hersey and Blanchard, the leadership model developed by Fiedler and his associates, and the substitutes-for-leadership concept.

Brendan is a manager in a chocolate factory. His team works on an assembly line; workers fill boxes that come at a fixed rate of speed. The workers can easily see whether the boxes are filled correctly. Brendan schedules a team meeting to celebrate packing the millionth box.

Brendan's people-oriented leadership behavior is likely to be effective , because automatic feedback has no effect on this leadership behavior.

William is a staff sergeant in the U.S. Marines. William's boss, Gunnery Sergeant Jones, is amazed at how well William handles his duties; he respects rank, but he treats everyone at every rank with respect. He is unafraid to disagree with Jones, but he does so appropriately and in private. He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and he can generally manage himself.

Effective follower

The United States Post Office (USPS) has very strict regulations on how to sort mail. Maria, an experienced manager, regularly talks with her employees to see whether they are satisfied with their jobs.

Maria's people-oriented leadership behavior is likely to be effective , because inflexibility has no effect on this leadership behavior.

When employees raise problems at staff meetings, Jonna doesn't solve them. Instead, she asks the employees what approaches they would like to try. Her employees know they can suggest any solutions, even those that imply criticism of Jonna's management.

Transformative leadership

The telling style (S1)

is a highly dictating style and involves giving explicit directions about how tasks should be accomplished.

The selling style (S2)

is one where the leader explains decisions and gives subordinates a chance to ask questions and gain clarity and understanding about work tasks.

Initiating structure

is the term that describes the extent to which a leader is task oriented and directs subordinates' work activities toward goal accomplishment.


is the term used by researchers at The Ohio State University to describe the extent to which a leader is sensitive to subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust.

Sam believes in rewarding his employees for their hard work. He is acting as a _______ when he processes their merit raises promptly on their hire date anniversaries.


Referent power

results from characteristics that command subordinates' identification with, respect and admiration for, and desire to emulate the leader.


are natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills.

To motivate longtime employees who are at or past retirement age to stay with the company so the organization does not lose their expertise and deep relationships with customers, Columbia Office Furniture structures its retirement savings plan to make larger contributions to these employees' accounts each year.

Transactional leadership

Interactive leadership

is a leadership style characterized by values such as inclusion, collaboration, relationship building, and caring

The alienated follower

is a passive, yet independent, critical thinker. Alienated employees are often effective followers who have experienced setbacks and obstacles, perhaps promises broken by their superiors.

A substitute for leadership

is a situational variable that makes a leadership style redundant or unnecessary.

The fourth style, the delegating style (S4),

provides little direction and little support because the leader turns over responsibility for decisions and their implementation to subordinates.

According to the ____ model, a leader can adopt one of four leadership styles based on a combination of relationship (concern for people) and task (concern for production) behaviors. The appropriate style depends on the readiness level of the followers. A follower's readiness is based on his or her ____ and to do the work.

situational , ability, willingness

A neutralizer

is a situational variable that counteracts a leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behaviors.

Sophia is a postal carrier for the United States Postal Service. She frequently complains about all the inefficiencies and unfair treatment she sees, and she believes her boss is incompetent for not fixing any of the problems. Sophia complains about her boss regularly to anyone who will listen.

Alienated follower

Which of the following statements concerning the relationship between leader characteristics and leader performance are true? Check all that apply.

Traits can be more or less strongly linked to performance, depending on the leader's situation. Few leaders have all of the traits commonly associated with leadership. Early research found that there is only a weak relationship between leader performance and leader characteristics.

A manager presents a report to a CEO outlining projected sales for a new store location

Use rational persuasion


refers to a combination of confidence, commitment, and motivation, and a follower may be high or low on any of the three variables.

Reward power

results from the authority to bestow rewards.

A transactional leader

clarifies subordinates' roles and task requirements, initiates structure, provides rewards, and displays consideration for followers.

Verlie, an employee, came into your office yesterday and said, "You've got to do something about my manager, Jeffrey! He is such a bully. Just last week he told poor Sally that he would fire her if she didn't improve her sales figures by 20%."


The pragmatic survivor

has qualities of all four extremes— depending on which style fits with the prevalent situation. This type of person uses whatever style best benefits his or her own position and minimizes risk.


are distinguishing personal characteristics, such as intelligence, self confidence, energy, and independence.

Blanchard suggests that leaders should help followers to "get an A." Which of the following items will help to accomplish that goal? Check all that apply.

Evaluate followers on whether they meet their preestablished goals. Teach followers what they are expected to know.

Kendall is an ___ because he feels a strong sense of responsibility for his work and regularly does more than his job requires.

active follower

Two types of behavior that have been identified as applicable to effective leadership in a variety of situations and time periods are _______ and ________

task-oriented behavior,people-oriented behavior

The Leadership Grid is

a two-dimensional leadership model that measures the leader's concern for people and concern for production to categorize the leader in one of five different leadership styles.

The ______ leadership style involves giving employees responsibility for making decisions and implementing them. This style tends to work best with subordinates who have ______

delegating , high ability and high willingness

Describing Heidi, Sue Ryan says her boss "knows what she has to offer and is confident with it." From this observation, you learn that Heidi has the potential to be a ____. Besides confidence, you will want to develop high ethical standards and ___ .

develop high ethical standards and transformational leader, a respect for others' ability to contribute

Ken Blanchard talks about putting people first. Which of the following characteristics of an authentic leader is most similar to that concept?

Connects with others

team management

A management style that is often considered the most effective style and is recommended for leaders because organization members work together to accomplish tasks.

Creating a culture that encourages innovation


When a manager uses relationships and formal authority to cause other people in the organization to change their behavior, the manager is _

exercising influence

Coercive power

stems from the authority to punish or recommend punishment.

James is an agreeable and emotionally stable person. A ____, he inspires his employees to believe in the changes he wants to make to the organization.

transformational leader

When discussing influence tactics with your managers, you should tell them that:

The best managers use a variety of influence tactics

A CEO is considering whether to invest in developing leadership capabilities in its managers. To make this determination, which of the following should he take into account?

How leaders behave has a major impact on employee performance

When a student doesn't like her grade, and her professor won't change it, she goes to the dean of the college.

Make use of higher authority.

Francine views her manager as a colleague and does not hesitate to approach her manager with new ideas or to question a decision. An ____ , Francine is highly committed to the organization and seeks to make a positive impact on her colleagues and customers.

effective follower

The passive follower

exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation. Being passive and uncritical, these people show neither initiative nor a sense of responsibility.

If you are very knowledgeable about your company's enterprise software, your understanding of how to use the system gives you _

expert power

When a manager clearly communicates important goals to her employees and indicates that she will hold them accountable for meeting those goals, she is engaged in _____

initiating structure

Female leaders favor a consensual and collaborative process, and influence comes from the relationships they build rather than position power or formal authority. This is called _________

interactive leadership

Authentic leadership

refers to leadership by individuals who know and understand themselves, who espouse and act consistent with higher order ethical values, and who empower and inspire others with their openness and authenticity.


refers to the amount of knowledge, experience, and demonstrated skill that a subordinate brings to the task.

In this situation, it is appropriate to choose a _____ leader because the situation is _____. Leader-member relations are ______ , task structure is _______ , and leader position power is ____.

relationship-oriented, intermediately favorable, poor, structured, strong

An executive who prioritizes the organization's mission and the needs and goals of subordinates, rather than ego gratification and personal success, can be described as a ________

servant leader

You are an experienced manager, and you fortunately have the ability to use all four managerial styles: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. You are currently working at the research and development department of the Applerose Seed Company. Your team consists of very experienced botanists who love their work and their jobs. Your boss has given you 2 months to create a research plan for the development of a new grape that is resistant to grape leafroll disease. Based on Situational Leadership II, what should you do?

You should turn the work over to the botanists and have them create their own plan. They are sure to come up with something good

A neutralizer (2)

counteracts the leadership style and prevents the leader from displaying certain behavior


is the potential ability to influence the behavior of others.

Heidi wants to grow Camp Bow Wow even further, and she has asked you for advice. Answer her questions below. Heidi shares in the video that she has an open-door policy in which she invites her franchise owners and their employees to share their innovative ideas so the whole organization can adopt them. As Camp Bow Wow grows, she doesn't want to lose the ability to innovate or the high level of commitment employees have for their jobs. She asks you what other practices she could put in place. Check all that apply.

Share her vision of Camp Bow Wow as a place where the well-being of animals comes first through webinars and by partnering with animal rescue organizations. Use only food and training methods that research has shown are the best for dogs, even when they are relatively expensive or labor-intensive. Schedule one-on-one meetings with as many franchise owners as possible throughout the year to solicit their ideas.

A charismatic leader

is a leader who has the ability to inspire and motivate people to transcend their expected performance, even to the point of personal sacrifice.

A servant leader

is a leader who serves others by working to fulfill followers' needs and goals, as well as to achieve the organization's larger mission.

The effective follower

is both a critical, independent thinker and active in the organization. Effective followers behave the same toward everyone, regardless of their position in the organization.

A transformational leader

is distinguished by a special ability to bring about innovation and change by creating an inspiring vision, shaping values, building relationships, and providing meaning for followers.


means that the relationship among people is not passive

Management in Life The time has come to hire a new coach for your local youth hockey team, the Flying Falcons. The city, having won the district championship last year, is justifiably proud of its youth hockey program. Unfortunately, half of the team members feel that the last coach, Morty McGraw, was too hard on the team, and half of them feel that he was too easy. As a result, everyone is arguing, and most of them are upset and angry with Morty and the league officers. Everyone knows how to play the game, and they all respect the coach, because he's the coach, but now you need a leader that everyone can agree is effective. Whom should you hire?

Carl is a popular local youth leader who played soccer at a semiprofessional level when he was in college. Carl knows everyone in town, and he has a reputation for being low-key and caring.

Heidi is clearly driven to achieve high performance. For example, she insists that all her franchise owners adhere to standards she has established, and she holds people accountable for performance. She asks you, "Is my focus on accomplishing tasks detrimental to the organization—does it have any benefits, or should I back off?" You respond that task-oriented behavior: Check all that apply.

Communicates to employees what is expected of them so they can meet performance standards Ensures that the work that needs to get done does get done, using resources efficiently Results in the monitoring of work outcomes, in terms of quantity and quality, to make sure the organization and its people are doing the right things the right way

Hunter is the founder and CEO of a website development firm. Clients are typically small to midsized companies that are seeking an offbeat, innovative approach to their online design, as well as functionality that offers customers surprising ways to interact with the site. What is the more appropriate style of leadership, given the type of work Hunter wants his website designers to do?


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