MGMT 2103 Quiz 1-4

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Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, what is the damage limit for a firm that employs 14 to 100 employees?


Individuals who feel they have been discriminated against must file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a similar state agency within ___ days of the incident.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination against employees over the age of ____.


As per the Fair Labor Standards Act, the current minimum wage stands at _____.

7.25 per hour

Which of the following is true of how agents may differ from principals?

Agents are more averse to risk.

Which of the following must a principal do to reduce agency costs?

Align the agent's interests with the principal's interests.

Which of the following is a tool that allows companies to track financial results while monitoring progress in building the capabilities and acquiring the intangible assets they would need for future growth?

Balanced scorecard

The Occupational Safety and Health Act assigned the responsibility for inspecting employers, applying the standards, and levying fines to the ___.

Department of Labor

Which of the following agencies is responsible for investigating and resolving discrimination complaints, gathering information, and issuing guidelines?

Equal Employee Opportunity Commission

Which of the following is responsible for enforcing the Age Discrimination in Employment Act?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Teknikal Inc. decides to implement a new performance management system. It consists of a list of five traits used to evaluate all the employees. The manager considers one employee at a time and, on a continuum with different points, circles the number the signifies how much of a particular trait the individual has. Which type of performance management system is Teknikal Inc. using?

Graphic rating scale

Rick is the vice present of the hr team. He designs a new performance management process. He completes the first step and moves on to the next step of developing employee goals and actions to achieve the outcomes. Which of the following is he likely to do next to create an effective performance management process?

He will provide support and ongoing performance discussions.

____ represent(s) cognitive shortcuts or biases that are used to simplify the process of making decisions.

Judgemental heuristics

Which of the following statements about norms is not true?

Norms are typically written down and discussed openly by groups

Bloom Corp. is a firm whose employees work in an old facility; they request a government inspection to ensure that they are not exposed to any hazardous materials while working in the facility. Which of the following acts gives them the right to do so?

Occupational Safety and Health Act

Which legislation mandates affirmative action in the employment of individuals with disabilities?

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Roundel Inc. is a company that sells automobile tires. The company is projecting an increase in sale in the next 12 months and is looking to fill the senior positions through internal recruiting to meet this demand. The company is evaluating the individual performances and seeking to develop some ranking of the individuals within a work group to identify the best performer. Which of the following approaches is the company using?

The comparative approach

Which of the following is a part of the U.S. government's executive branch?

The president

According to _____, the typical perspective help by managers is that employees dislike work, must be monitored, and can be motivated only with rewards and punishment (carrots and sticks)

Theory X

Which of the following is true about outcome-oriented contracts?

They are typically a major component of executive compensation.

Which of the following is true of key jobs?

They can be used in pay surveys

Which of the following amendments abolished slavery in the United States?

Thirteenth Amendment

Which of the following states that it is illegal for an employer to refuse to hire an individual or otherwise discriminate against this individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following is part of the benefits offered to employees?

Unemployment compensation

"Have you ever stolen something from the company you were working for?" This question belongs in:

a cognitive ability test

The components of attitudes include

affective, cognitive, and behavioral

___ goals are most relevant for knowledge work.


The director of a movie auditions only white males to play the role of Abraham Lincoln in a biographical film on Lincolns life. This is an example of

bona fide occupational qualification

Decision makers are restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions. This describes the concept of ___ in non-rational models of decision-making.

bounded rationality

____ as a form of conflict is unique in that it affects even those in the organization who do not directly experience it.


Morgan, who has been a salesperson for six months, receives a review that she feels is unfair. Her manager just completed Samuel's review yesterday. Samuel has been a top salesperson for four years. It's likely that her manager has committed a _____ perceptual error.

contrast effects

Orna is a restaurant managers. She is helping a server who has a difficult guest. Everything is wrong- the water, the menu, the food, the service. Orna knows that this customer is always unhappy and delights in picking on the server. Orna bluntly tells the server that she needs to learn better conflict handling skills. But then, Orna goes over to the customer, who begins to argue with her. So she tells the customer to leave and not bother coming back. This best represents the ___ conflict handling style.


Which of the following is not one of the basic dimensions of the Big Five personality dimensions?

emotional intelligence

According to the ____, a person compares her own ratio of perceived outcomes to perceived inputs to the ratio of a comparison other.

equity theory

A person in the encourager role will

foster group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view.

Constructive interactions, focus on the issues, mutual respect, and useful give and take, are all characteristics of ___ conflict.


Which technique used to condition behavior is most suitable when the goal is to reduce future incidences of a particular undesired behavior?

goal setting

___ are powerful forms of social control that influence group and member behavior.

group roles and norms

Which of the following components is a perceived link between behavior and pay?


_____ is how much an individual perceives the movement from performance to outcome.


When issues are complex, better solutions are needed, commitment is needed, and time is available, the ________ conflict handling style is appropriate.


Jonathan speaks four languages fluently. He is likely to have a high level of ____ intelligence.


Vivek and Warren are working on an assignment for their marketing class. Warren finishes his part of the assignment; Vivek doesn't. Vivek apologizes because he took an extra shift at work and didn't give the assignment the priority it needed. He promises Warren he will stay home tonight and finish his work. What personality characteristic does this show?

locus of control

____ is a give-and-take decision-making process involving two or more parties with different preferences. For example, labor-management negotiations over wages, hours, and working conditions.


Despite the information available, Becky consistently uses her sell phone to text when driving down the highway. This is an example of ___ decision making.


The ___ stage is often characterized by a climate of open communication, strong cooperation, and lots of helping behavior. Cohesiveness and personal commitment to group goals help the group achieve more than could any one individual acting alone.


In Maslow's needs hierarchy theory, ___ is the lowest level and ___ is the highest level.

physiological; self-actualization

In a simple environment, a managers should use the _____ model of decision making.


Under goal setting theory, which of the following is recommended to increase employee motivation?

setting specific goals

Nikeyah has resisted advances from her male boss, who is interested in pursuing a sexual relationship with her. In addition, he has been withholding her promotions for more than a year for this reason alone. Nikeyah can sue her boss for ___.

sexual harassment

As the CEO of Blue Corp., Terrell makes it a point to meet new hires at all levels of his organization. He explains the goals of the company ad emphasizes the importance of an individual employee's role in the larger picture. This initiative of Terrell focuses on the ____ of the performance management.

strategic purpose

During _____, the strategic planning groups decide on a strategic direction by defining the company's mission and goals, its external opportunities and threats, and its internal strengths and weaknesses.

strategy formulation

Acceptability is affects by the extant to which employees believe the performance management system is fair.


Groups share norms and have goals.


The rational model of decision making explains how managers should make decisions.


Validity is the extent to which performance on a measure is related to performance on the job.


Visible support of the performance management process by the CEO and senior management ensures that the system is consistently used across the company.


Communication trust is

trust of disclosure

In incentive pay programs, annual pay increases are usually liking to performance appraisal ratings.


Which of the following is not a key workplace attitude that managers should track?


Which of the following is a procedure in which an organization compares its own practice against those of the competition?


Which of the following is true of how the agency theory views monitoring?

Employees understand fellow employees better than managers do.

Which of the following directives can be issued by the president?

Executive Order

Which of the following rules states that an employment test has disparate impact if the hiring rate for a minority group is less that 80 percent of the hiring rate for the majority group?

Four-Fifths rule

Which of the following amendments is called the equal protection clause?

Fourteenth Amendment

Which of the following is a compensation program that would best support an organizational culture of cooperation and problem solving?


Which of the following is true about how the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission responds to a claim of discrimination?

If the EEOC cannot come to an agreement with an offending employer, it can issue a 'right to sue' letter to the alleged victim.

A firm that has a manufacturing unit in China considers shifting production to Cambodia. Which of the following would be a possible reason for it to not shift the production base?

Less skilled labor in Cambodia

Which of the following situations is most likely to produce conflict?

Maria cannot finish her report until Juan provides the financial spreadsheet. Juan is late and Maria is afraid she won't meet her deadline.

___ states that motivation is a function of five basic needs that are met sequentially.

Maslow's need hierarchy theory

Executive Order 11246, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin, is enforces by the

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

Jason, an African-American, and Robert, a Caucasian, both experienced welders, apply for two openings at Virgo Inc. Robert is hired and Virgo continues to look for candidates to fill the other position. Jason alleges racial discrimination by Virgo, but Virgo denies this. Which of the following statements would both negate Jason's case and support Virgo's case?

Virgo deals in building equipment that requires a certified welder and Jason is not a certified welder.

What is the difference between formal and informal groups?

a formal group is assigned by an organization or its managers to accomplish specific goals.

In his role as a leader, Jake assists his subordinates by setting goals for them. According to the path-goal theory, Jake is engaging in ____ behaviors.


Which of the following is not process theory of motivation?

acquired needs

Values represent beliefs that influence behaviors ___; attitudes relate to behavior _____.

across all situations; toward specific targets

Manuel wanted friendly and close interpersonal relationships with his colleagues. According to McClelland's need theory, this desire is known as a need for


Possessing a high level of which Big Five personality trait would make it especially difficult for a manager to make unpopular decisions at work?


Which of the following is most likely to provide intrinsic motivation?

an interesting work assignments

Mark is looking to buy his first home. His friends suggest that he check the style of the house and the number of rooms. He is, therefore, focusing extensively on the look of the house to evaluate its value, rather than its condition or location, This implies that Mark was engaging himself in the ___ bias.


Identifying and modeling appropriate ways for people to interact with colleagues is a(n) _____ strategy.


Which job characteristic is guided by the assumption that most individuals prefer freedom, independence, and discretion regarding work planning and use of procedures?


Based on the contingency approach, to define performance ___ goals can be used in most jobs


According to the Civil Rights Act of 1991, once the plaintiff has made a prima facie disparate impact case, the ____.

burden of proof shifts to the defendant.

____, attended by managers, provide a way to help ensure that performance is evaluated consistently across managers and to reduce the influence of rating errors and politics on appraisals.

calibration meetings

Larry and Roger wanted to buy office furniture for the new location of their advertising firm. They discussed their needs. Larry said that he needed plastic furniture and Roger stated that he needed wooden shelves. They also discussed how many chairs, tables, shelves, and other kinds of furniture would be required. Which of the following steps of added-value negotiation is described in this situation.

clarify interests

Jane hates the idea of child labor. She works for a company that claims that it doesn't employ children. However, news reports accuse the company of employing young children overseas. ____ is the psychological discomfort that Jane is experiencing since she heard this news.

cognitive dissonance

Which of the following situations is most likely to result in conflict?

competition for limited resources

The ____ conflict handling style is a give-and-take approach.


The styles of conflict handling are differentiated along two dimensions:

concern for others and concern for self

Which personality trait has been shown to predict better performance in virtually all jobs?


A company that wants to become the lowest cost producer in an industry should

construct efficient large-scale facilities

"What are the different needs that activate motivation's direction, intensity, and persistence?" This statement reflects which theories of motivation?


Federal Auto Corp. is looking for experienced ergonomic design engineers and wants to keep training costs to a minimum. The upper management instructs its HR team to develop a test that would test the design and ergonomic knowledge of the potential engineering candidates. This test is a _____ valid test.


Which of the following is not included in the monitoring step of performance management?

deciding how to measure performance

Athen Tech., a software company, changed its pay structure from 3,000 job titles and 12 pay grades to a simpler structure with 1,000 jobs and 5 pay grades. The managers were then asked to chose pay level that were based on the market. This is an example of ___.


A person who is conscientious will be

dependable, organized, persevering, thorough, and achievement- oriented.

Jim is head of the marketing department and must decide how to allocate a fixed amount of funds. There are two top projects that Jim believes hold the most promise. Recently, the majority of funds have been allocated to Project A, but Jim wonders if it is time to provide Project B with a larger share of the money. Jim decides to assign a particular individual, Clara, to thoroughly criticize the proposal for Project B, looking for every possible flaw. Which technique is Jim using to help him make a better decision?

devil's advocacy

Laura is head of ABC Systems. She needs to allocate a fixed amount of funds to various projects. There are two top projects that Laura believes hold the most promise. She decides to arrange a structures debate for the two top proposals. Importantly the assumptions of each proposal are identified, and a conflicting counterproposal is generates based on a different set of assumptions. Advocated of each position present and debate the merits of their proposal before Laura makes her decision. Which technique is Laura using to help her make a better decision?

dialectic method

A hotel in Florida has instituted a policy to hire individuals living in close proximity to the hotel premises to reduce instances of employees coming in late. As the area surrounding the hotel is predominantly populated with individuals of Hispanic origin, the Caucasian and African-American communities became underrepresented in the hotel's workforce. This is an example of

disparate impact

____ occurs when a facility neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities.

disparate impact

Michael and Mohammad graduated from the same pilot training institute and applied for a job as a trainee pilot at a private American Airline. Despite both having similar profiles, Michael was hired but Mohammad was not, and the airline continued to look for other potential trainee pilots. In this case, Mohammad was a possible victim of

disparate treatment

NuTech Corporation uses personality testing to ensure that it hires employees with characteristics indicating they will experience higher levels of job satisfaction. According to your book, this should increase job satisfaction arising from ____

dispositional/ genetic components

Max needs to create a plan for his final art project. Inez, also in the class, passes by and sees Max sitting at an outdoor cafe, having coffee. He seems really relaxed. Inez asks him how come he isn't stressed thinking about the final project. What does this scenario indicate?

doing "nothing" my be one of the most important creative things we can do

When a manager is trying to resolve conflicts at work, a(n) ____ style is preferable when a decision must be made quickly.


Which of the following is the least fixed of a person's individual differences?


Latoya is very good at reading the emotions of others and can easily gauge whether people are happy or sad. Latoya has a high degree of ___.


External equity pay comparisons focus on what

employees in other organizations are paid for doing the same general job.

Kathryn is looking for ideas on how best to grow her small business. She and her three partners sit down to brainstorm suggestions. Which of the following rules will help ensure a positive brainstorming session?

encourage wild ideas

Maria focuses on community volunteerism, while Anna focuses on getting a promotion at work. ___ are represented by Maria's and Anna's focuses.

endpoints of one of the dimensions of values

Peter offers his manager some suggestions for anew holiday display. His manager shrugs his shoulders and tells Peter that the display is all set. They Sarah approaches the manager with an idea for the display, and the manager tells her that it's a great idea. ____ theory is the model of motivation that explains hot Peter is striving for fairness and justice.


Waco Company monitors employees' perceptions of fairness by quarterly surveys and occasional focus groups. Management is following the ___ model.


The Fair Labor Standards Act

established a minimum wage for jobs

Don believes that if he works hard and attends every class, he will get an A in his OB course. This belief is called a(n)


____ theory holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes.


_____ are the three elements of expectancy theory.

expectancy, instrumentality, and valence

Lenore has a fight with her best friend, Samantha, and doesn't want to speak to her. She unfriends her on social media. By doing this, Lenore is using ___, thereby removing consequences from an undesirable behavior.


People who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive are likely to score high on


Marion will receive a promotion and a raise if she completes a difficult assignment. This is an example of

extrinsic motivation

According to the Ajzen model, someone's intention to engage in a particular behavior is necessarily a strong predictor of that behavior.


All work groups progress through the stages of group development to become effective teams.


Effective managers give employees timely and task-specific feedback about about what they are doing right, but do not give feedback about what they are doing wrong.


In controlled work oriented work systems employees have a lot of influence in management decisions.


Nonkey jobs are those that are common to many organizations.


Normative intuition represents the notion that decision makers are restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions.


Pay level refers to the relative pay of jobs in an organization.


Performance management involving, measuring, and evaluating, but does not include providing consequences for employees' performance.


Quality-based performance methods are quite easy to develop and are generalizable across a variety of jobs, strategies, and organizations.


The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 protects individuals with physical disabilities, but not those with mental disabilities.


The compa-ratio directly assesses the degree to which actual pay is consistent with the pay policy.


The correlation coefficient is zero for a perfect positive relationship.


The flow of feedback tends to be multi-directional in merit pay programs.


The two basic dimensions of Schwartz's value theory are self-enhanced/ self-transcendence and ethical/unethical.


Turnover is always bad for organizations.


When hiring people, the best thing a manager can do it to find someone like himself or herself and make sure the person "fits" into his or her stereotype of a good worker.


Carol is a recent high-school graduate with an excellent GPA. After much thought, she decides to pursue a graduate degree in physics after she finishes her undergraduate degree and eventually become a professor. To attain this goal, she realizes that she much first study hard and do well in her undergraduate classes, then take the graduate entrance exam and apply to the best graduate programs in her field. Along the way, she wants to obtain an internship, as this will help her get into a quality graduate program. Which motivational mechanism of the goal-setting process does this scenario demonstrate?

fostering strategies and action plans

Teresa has a problem. She is working on three projects and the deadline for Project C was moved up. This particular client, Client C, is fairly easy-going and never puts any pressure on her unless it's absolutely necessary. Teresa decides to talk to Client A who always wants the project results a few days before the actual deadline. There might be some flexibility with that timeline. Teresa is using _______ in order to make this decision.

her expertise

Chris, a manager, knows that one of his employees values achievement and power. Chris should assign the employee to a job that includes

high influence over others

When faced with a challenging task, Luke usually believes that he has a good chance of being successful and he feels that he is responsible for the overall outcome. Luke is characterized by _____.

high levels of self-efficacy and internal locus of control

____ is reflected in this statement: "I feel I am a person of worth, as good as other people.:

high self-esteem

Recent research shows that in the forming and storming stages of team development, teams perform better when members exhibit which of the following personality traits?

high tolerance for uncertainty

Allan works as a typesetter in a publishing company. If the organization uses merit pay programs, Allan's salary is based primarily on information collected from ____.

his immediate supervisor

The forms of intuition are

holistic hunches and automated experiences

Mark, the business head of a firm, wanted to give New Year's gifts to his employees. He discussed this with his employees and decided to give leather computer bags. Mark stated that he did not want to give cheap bags, while a few employees said that they did not want exorbitantly priced designer name bags. Identify the step of added-value negotiation used in this situation.

identify options

Pietro is assigned to a team in his environmental science class. He is not comfortable with Sam, the team leader, but is not completely sure why. Which of the following behaviors would not build trust?

if Sam keeps information to himself

Johan does well at work because he is able to think constructively, reason, and problem solve. Johan is exhibiting


Proactivity has been shown to be related to all of the following except


Highly cohesive groups are prone to an illusion that causes them to make excessively optimistic and risky decisions. This best describes the ____ symptom of groupthink.


Which of the following is a drawback of using profit sharing?

it runs the risk of contributing to employee dissatisfaction

In XYZ hospital, members of the cleaning staff have begun to actively care for patients and their families. This is an example of

job crafting

In a complicated decision environment, a manager should use the ___ method of decision making.

judgmental heuristics

We all use shortcuts or ________ when making decisions.

judgmental heuristics

Which of the following is not a tip for increasing goal commitment and success?

keep your goals to yourself

A neutral and trained third party can guide others to find innovative solutions to conflict. To ensure neutrality, most organizations hired ADR qualified outsiders. In this case, a(n) ____ is one who does not render a decision. Rather, it is up to the parties to the conflict to reach a mutually acceptable decision.


During which stage of Tuckerman's model of group formation are conflicts resolved and cohesiveness and a sense of identity developed?


Sales quotas and piecework are best measured using ___ goals.


Nate is a manager at a small appliance store. He is working with an unhappy customer who is yelling at him. Nate's policy on handling customer complaints is to give the customer what they want even at a cost to the company. This represents the ____ handling style.


All of the following statements regarding social loafing are true, EXCEPT:

offering only team-based rewards is a technique that can be used to guard against social loafing.

____ is solving problems by producing the best possible solution.


Mason is highly satisfied with his job. He receives consistently strong evaluations and volunteers to train new employees. Mason exhibits positive job performance and

organizational citizenship behaviors

"How much do I value the rewards I receive?" This question addresses

our valance

Agents prefer a behavior-based contract when ____.

outcome uncertainty is high

According to the agency theory, the principals are the ____.


Under the ___ approach, jobs of similar worth or content are grouped together for pay administration purposes.

pay grade

The average compensation- including wages, salaries, and bonuses- of jobs in an organization is called the ___.

pay level

___ is the relative pay of different jobs and how much one is paid.

pay structure

The performance effectiveness of employees is provided to them during the ___ process.

performance feedback

___ is the set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining, monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations.

performance management

____ is the means through which managers ensure that employees' activities and outputs are congruent with the organization's goals.

performance management

Lauren believes that if she gets an A in her accounting class, there is a high chance that she will receive a scholarship for next semester. Under expectancy theory, what type of assessments does this represent?

performance to outcome (instrumentality)

Carol and Dee have never gotten along. Carol feels that Dee acts superior, while Dee believes that Carol just tries to please everyone. This is ________ conflict, which is defined as interpersonal opposition based on individual dislike or disagreement.


Lennie loves her job at Vail Corporation. She is even a community ambassador. Lennie exhibits all of the following qualities except


Robert is a factory foreman. He has a secure job and his salary is sufficient to take care of basic necessities such as buying food and paying rent. According to Maslow's hierarchy, which needs are being met for Robert through work?

physiological and safety needs

After a series of train incidents, NS&Q offered employee bonuses based on safety for the first quarter of this year. This is an example of

positive reinforcement

Mike hosts a talk radio program that discusses political issues. He often receives emails and tweets that are very critical of his positions. However, these messages don't bother him. It it likely that he is high on ____ intelligence.


Agency costs are likely to raise when ___.

principals and agents have different goals

The perceived fairness of the processes used to make allocation decisions is called ____ justice.


A(n) _____ theory attempts to describe how various person and environmental factors affect motivation.


Janice creates advertising slogans for the advertising firm that employs her. She works with beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations about what she is entitled to receive in return for what she provides to the organizations. A(n) ____ represents Janice's beliefs.

psychological contract

Which technique used to condition behavior is most suitable when the goal is to reduce future incidences of a particular undesired behavior?


Carmen's boss terminated her employment because she did not submit to his sexual advances. Carmen is a victim of

quid pro quo harassment

Which of the following influence tactics is most effective at fostering commitment?

rational persuasion

To minimize halo perceptual error, a manager should

record examples of positive and negative performance throughout the year

_____ are the general criteria used for distributing rewards

results, behaviors and actions, and nonperformance

Which of the following aspects of emotional intelligence is the knowledge of one's strengths and weaknesses?


___ is not a content theory of motivation.

self-determination theory

Sandra has a new assignment. She is confident that she can successfully complete the task. This is an example of


____ are both elements of hedonism.

self-enhancement and openness to change

_____ is your general belief about your own self-worth.


Sarah and Bill were recently hired at the local manufacturing plant. Before being hired, they were interviewed by the team members with whom they were going to work. The team contained members from various areas of the manufacturing process. As part of the training process, Sarah and Bill met the other team members a number of times, and learned how to perform several administrative tasks, including scheduling work assignments for the team. Sarah and Bill's new team is an example of a(n) ___ team.


Kelly is a successful attorney specializing in corporate law. While it has nothing to do with her field of employment, Kelly has always been interested in the history of religion. Using what little free time she has, she decided to take a course in comparative religion at the local university. She thinks that the course would be interesting and enjoyable. Kelly is not pursuing a degree in the subject, nor is she taking the class for a grade. What can you say about Kelly's motivation for taking the class?

she is intrinsically motivated

Which of the following is not an unethical tactic to use in negations?

showing emotions

Which of the following pay structures would a company adopt if it wanted a pay structure that rewards employees based on their knowledge and competency?

skill-based pay approach

When Jamie comes to work in the morning, the first thing he does is head to the employee lounge where he grabs a cup of coffee and talks to coworkers for several minutes. This implies that he probably has a

social orientation

In the context of goal setting, SMART stands for

specific, measurable, attainable, results oriented, time bound

A ____ plan gives employees the opportunity to buy the company's shares at a previously fixed price.

stock option

Carol takes over as CEO of Sandstorm Jeans, a company on the verge of bankruptcy. She institutes radical changes and eliminated 35 percent of the positions. Even after this, the remaining employees resist her ideas. This represents the ___ stage; it is a time of testing.


When an organization develops integrates manufacturing systems such as advanced manufacturing technology and just-in-time inventory control, it needs to assess the employee skills required to run these systems and train them accordingly. These assessments and training programs intend to enable an organization to achieve its goals fall under

strategic human resource management

According to E. L. Thorndike's Law of Effect, high performance followed by a reward will motivate employees to repeat the performance and make it recur more often in the future.


Alana has a capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. She exhibits intelligence.


An effective performance management system consists of four steps form a feedback look.


Functional conflict is also known as constructive or cooperative conflict.


Georgia, one of your employees, appears to be motivated by a high need for achievement. Therefore, as her manager, you should put her in charge of projects.


HPWS stands for High Performance Work Systems.


High productivity and high employee satisfaction are two of the benefits of high preforming work systems.


In HPWS environments there is high degree of knowledge and information sharing between employees.


In a complex decision context, there is one right answer, but many unknowns obscure cause-and-effect relationships. in this kind of situation, the most effective decision making method is intuition.


Johan believes that saving the earth is out most important responsibility. He will be strongly committed to an employer who issues hybrid cars to all sales people, emphasizes recycling, and supports volunteerism to clean up the local river.


Organizations with the most effective teams typically use hybrid rewards that reward and recognize both individual and team performance.


Pay plans are typically used to energize, direct, or control employee behavior.


Process theories are more dynamic than content theories.


Programmed conflict is conflict that raises different opinions regardless of the personal feelings of the managers.


The combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that give individuals their unique identities is known as personality.


The degree to which a measure is free from random error is its reliability.


The members of the management faculty in the business school go out at then end of the semester to a local restaurant for diner and socializing. They are both a formal and informal group.


The more reliable, valid, and generalizable a selection method is, the more utility it will have.


Philip got an e-mail from his supervisor with compliments and praises for his work over the past few months. This is an example of a ___ schedule of reinforcement.

variable interval

Kim lives and works in a small town, even though she prefers life in a bigger city. She is quite dissatisfied with her current job and is thinking of leaving the organization. She is worried, however, about her ability to find other employment that pays as well as her current job. Additionally, she is concerned about finding another organization that offers college tuition reimbursement. Based on this information, Kim is experiencing

withdrawal cognitions

Tina is a restaurant manager at a high-end restaurant. She works very long hours, and sometimes double shifts. When she's home, she is constantly texting and answering texts from the restaurant. Her husband complains that he rarely gets to see her and that he is unable to keep up all the household tasks himself. Tina is experiencing

work-family conflict

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