MGMT 2103 Quiz 13-14

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Devils Advocay

-Assigning Someone the Role of Critic

Cross funcitional team

A cross-functional team is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal.


A give-and-take decision-making process involving two or more parties with different preferences

Team Building

A host of techniques aimed at improving the internal functioning of work groups that strive for: Greater cooperation Better communication Less dysfunctional conflict


A respected member, other than the leader, challenges the group to resolve power struggles and questions about authority and power are resolved Group becomes cohesive Increasing team member interactions and interdependence of work tasks help overcome conflict

Group Roles

A set of expected behaviors for a particular position •Group roles are expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole •People often play multiple roles

Team Size

A small number of people


Activity is focused on problem solving Contributors get work done without hampering others Climate of open communication Strong cooperation Great deal of helping behavior


An attitude, opinion, feeling, or action shared by two or more people that guides behavior


Any form of socially harmful behavior, such as: Aggression Interpersonal deviance Social undermining Interactional justice Harassment Abusive supervision Bullying


At the invidivual level, pertain to a specific job


Balance is the key to reducing conflict Work-family balance begins at home An employer's family-supportive philosophy is more important than specific programs Importance of work-life family balance varies across generations

Work-family conflict

Balance is the key to reducing conflict: -Work-family balance begins at home -An employer's family-supportive philosophy is more important than specific programs -Importance of work-life family balance varies across generations

Effective teams

Break the ice, dont reinvent the wheel, communicate a purpose and plan, play to stregnths, and clarift decison making


Conflict occurs when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party

Programmed conflict

Conflict that raises different opinions regardless of the personal feelings of the managers Gets contributors to either defend or criticize ideas based on relevant facts rather than personal preference or political interest

Pyschoolgicaly - safe climate

Defined as shared perceptions of employees about the importance of safety within their organization, is associated with patient and healthcare worker safety and outcomes, and with healthcare worker injuries, exposures, and compliance with safe work practices.

Dialectic method

Fostering a Structured Debate of Opposing Viewpoints


Free riders produce lowquaility work cause for others to work harder and distract or disrupt the work of other team members


Ice-Breaking stage, group members uncertain about their role. Good deal of holding back to see who is in charge

Personality conflicts

Interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement (or as an outgrowth of workplace uncivility). Sexual harrasmnet can grow out of personailty conflicts

Content hypothesis

It is a statement about your content

Task Roles

Keep group on track

Informal Group

Members' overriding purpose for meeting is friendship or a common interest

High-Performing teams

Participative leadership Shared responsibility Aligned on purpose High communication Future focused Focused on task Creative talents Rapid response


Requires support of immdeiate supervisor Flexspace and Flextime


Team based rather individual to foster collabtraion

Visual teams

Teams that work together overtime and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals

Added-Value negotiation

The negotiating parties cooperatively develop multiple deal packages while building a productive long-term relationship by following these steps: -Clarify interests -Identify options -Design alternative deal packages -Select a deal -Perfect the deal

Social loafing

The tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases


The work is done; it is time to move on to other things. The return to independence can be eased by rituals celebrating "the end" and "new beginnings."


Time of testing


Two or more freely interacting individuals who share norms and goals and have a common identity Groups usually accomplish more than individuals

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What can throw you off balance


Win - Win


Win lose

Formal Group

assigned by organizations or their managers to accomplish specific goals


competing to win when people's interests conflict


conflict management by negotiating or bargaining; seeking a middle way

Teamwork competencies

contributes to the teams work, constructively interacts with team members, keeps team on track ,expects quality work, and possesses relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities for teams responsibilities

In-group thinking

is a phenomenon in which a group of individuals come to a consensus without critical reasoning or considering the consequences or alternatives.

Functional conflict

is constructive or cooperative conflict characterized by: -Consultative interactions -A focus on the issues -Mutual respect -Useful give and take

Maintenance Roles

keep the group together, help each person feel worthwhile and included, and create a sense of group cohesion. Gatekeeper, Compromiser


problem solving through open discussion; collaborating for a win-win resolution of conflict


ready to do favors; helpful; courteous


the desire to withdraw from or suppress a conflict

Dysfunctional conflict

threatens an organization's interests

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