MGMT 300

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A _______ consists of two or more people who work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose.

wide; flat

A _______ span of control creates a _______ organization structure.


A bureaucratic structure is an organizational form that exhibits many of the facets of the _______ organization.


According to Herzberg's theory, if Adam wants to maintain a level of no dissatisfaction among his employees, which of the following factors should he pay attention to?

Able but unwilling

According to the Situational Leadership Theory (SLT), participating / supporting leadership style should be the most important in a situation where an employee


American Toy Manufacturer (ATM) groups its business units around the following divisions: educational toys, girl's toys, boy's toys, and electronic toys. ATM has created which of these organizational structures?

"Achieve real mutual understanding with your subordinates"

Among so called Golden Management Rules, which were mentioned in the classes, there is one of the following.


As a manager, Ron has always made all the decision necessary for his department alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of the employees involved. Ron can be described as having which of these decision making styles?

Theory Y manager

As a production manager of Great Golf Products (GGP), Hannah believes that her employees are capable of self-direction and self-control. She also believes that they are committed to GGP's objectives since they are rewarded for doing so. According to Douglas McGregor's system, Hannah can be described as a:


As a software development project manager, Chang is extremely busy working on new products as well as improving old ones. Given the time crunch, Chang's operational philosophy for problems is to go with a solution that meets his minimum standard of acceptance. Which of the following describes his approach?


At ABC Manufacturing, employees are grouped according to their expertise in an area. All marketing employees are in one department, all finance employees are grouped in another department and similarly, all human resources and manufacturing employees are in their respective departments. ABC can be said to have which of these


At ABC Manufacturing, only the top managers have the authority to make final decisions on just about everything. ABC can be described as a highly _______ structure.

A ritual

At Modern Tech, managers start every week with a two hour meeting focusing on goals for that week and open communication between team members in their department and ways to achieve the goals. This routine describes which of these?

narrow span of control; wide span of control

At Personal Touch, Inc., there is a total focus on providing care and satisfaction to each customer. In the major clients division, each manager is assigned three employees to supervise, whereas in the product assembly division, each manager supervises about 15 employees. The major clients division managers can be described as having _______ as opposed to _______ for the product assembly division managers.

Halo effect

Cedrick, a production manager at Even Manufacturing, evaluated Daisy's overall performance very high, on every performance attribute. Cedrick's rationale was that Daisy is the first to show up every day and therefore she is extremely hard-working. Cedrick is said to be exhibiting which of the following perceptual errors?

Cognitive dissonance

Diana dreads going to work each day. She hates her job and her supervisor, but will not take time to look for a different job. She is experiencing ___________.


Differentiators are more likely to take which of these approaches to organizational design?

An effective pay-for-performance system

Effective employer responses that promote higher job performance with lower stress levels include all of the following EXCEPT:

Instructional; motivational

Feedback serves two functions for those who receive it: ______ and: _________.

Simple, efficient rules of thumb that allow us to make decisions more easily. These shortcuts might lead to biases.

How would you define heuristics?

Changes in strategy, mergers, or acquisitions

In practice there are two primary ways to change a culture:


In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's

Motivation and ability

Job performance is largely a function of:


Low assertiveness and low cooperation represents which style of conflict resolution?


Marcus is tired of working late shift and wants better hours at Personal Deliveries International. He has decided to talk to Martha who sets the schedule for all employees at the company. Martha has which of these powers?


Matrix structure gives each employee _______ chain(s) of command.


Meg is trustworthy, good-natured, cooperative, and soft-hearted. She would score high on which of the following Big Five personality dimensions?

Extrinsic motivation

Modern management practices such as employee management recognition programs, flexible benefit packages, and stock ownership plans emphasize:


Niles believes that he will be promoted if he meets his sales goals. This is his ______ perception.

Industrial and organizational psychology

OB research on job performance and individual characteristics draws primarily from studies in _____.

Wide spans of control

Organic organizations are typified by a structure that relies on which of these?

Answer choices a, b, and c are all correct (stays a member of the organization, engages in withdrawal behavior, leaves to pursue another job)

Organizational commitment influences whether an employee


Organizations that have successfully created a _______ culture have been shown to change employee attitudes and behaviors toward customers.


Queen City Furniture is a custom manufacturer of hand-crafted furniture. The company has 94 locations throughout the country and relies on decentralized decision making to meet the needs of the dynamic environment and customer needs. Which of these organizational structures may be appropriate for Queen City Furniture?

Citizenship behavior

Relatively discretionary activities that contribute to the organization by improving the overall quality of the setting in which work takes place, is known as:

Social psychology

Research on satisfaction, emotions, and team processes found in OB draws heavily from studies in _______.


Research shows that the differences between experts and novices is almost always a function of:

Task performance

Riya 'San advertising executive at Mountain City Advertising. For Riya, developing advertising campaigns and preparing and delivering presentations to clients are most likely examples of:


Self-efficacy can be damaged by ______ feedback.


Southpark Erasures is the low-cost producer of one type of standard erasures. Given that it operates in a fairly stable environment, the company focuses on making its product as efficiently as possible. Which of these organizational structures may be appropriate for Southpark?


Stable environments allow organizations to focus on

Garbage can

The _______ model of decision making attempts to explain how problems, solutions, participants, and choice opportunities interact and lead to a decision.


The belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task is known as ________.


The belief that successful performance will result in some outcome(s) is known as ________.

Employees lose sight of bigger organizational picture

The biggest weakness of a functional structure is that


The daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an organization are called

A sense that the organization has invested in the employee

The factors that increase normative commitment include


The gap between an actual and desired situation creates:

Attribute it to external causes

The higher distinctiveness, the more the observer is inclined to _________.

Deeper Dependence

The interactions in teams, as opposed to groups, revolve around

Attribute it to internal causes

The more consistent a behavior, the more the observer is inclined to ______________.

Job performance

The primary outcomes of interest to organizational behavior researchers are organizational commitment and __________.

Job performance and organizational commitment

The primary outcomes of interest to organizational behavior researchers are:


The process by which employees learn an organization's values, norms, and required behaviors is known as:

Chain of Command (NOT span of control, formalization, centralization, or work specialization)

The question "who reports to whom?" is answered by which of these elements of organizational structure?


The shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees refers to organizational

Contrast effects

The tendency to evaluate people or objects by comparing them with characteristics of recently observed people or objects is called:

Focus of commitment

The various people, groups, and teams that can inspire a desire to remain a member of an organization is referred to as

Observable artifacts, espoused values,

There are three major components to any organizational culture:


Too much _____ can breed groupthink because a desire to get along pushes aside critical thinking.

Low self-efficacy

When Ronnie was nominated to take on the coordinator's role in office, he said, "I'd love to take on the coordinator's role for the team, but I'm terrified of getting up in front of a group and talking." It is evident that Ronnie has a(n):


When Scott Fitzgerald said, "The very rich are different from you and me" and Hemingway replied, "Yes, they have more money," Hemingway refused in what Shortcut to judge others?

Distributive justice

When employees evaluate outcomes such as pay, rewards, and promotions to determine whether they are allocated using proper norms, they are gauging which of these?

Attribution theory

When individuals observe another person's behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. This phenomenon is most directly relevant of which of the following?

Deeper interdependence and a specific task-related purpose

When it comes to interactions, teams differ from groups in two important aspects:

Making the fundamental attribution error

When managers overemphasize causes for an employee's poor performance such as skill and effort, while neglecting to consider external factors such as task difficulty or lack of resources, they are

Strategic management

Which course focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect the organization's profitability?


Which dimension of the Big Five has the strongest positive influence on job performance?

Chain of Command

Which element of organizational structure signifies formal authority relationships?

Rigid bureaucracies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks, and top down communication

Which of the following descriptions best characterize mechanistic organizations?

Flexible, adaptive organizations with low levels of formalization and work specialization.

Which of the following descriptions best characterize organic organizations?

All of the above are components of job satisfaction (pay satisfaction, supervisor satisfaction, coworkers satisfaction, and satisfaction with the work itself)

Which of the following is not a component of job satisfaction?

She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one.

Which of the following statement is NOT an example of stereotyping?

Mechanistic Organizations

Which of these are efficient, rigid, predictable, and standardized organizations that thrive in stable environments?

High degree of work specialization

Which of these organizational structure elements is typically found in a mechanistic structure?


Which of these refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement?

Span of Control

Which of these represents how many employees each manager in the organization has responsibility for?


Which of these supply the primary means of transmitting an organization's culture to its workforce?


Which of these would be classified as the highest leader control decision-making style?

Great person theories of leadership

Which theories of leadership suggested that leaders are born, not made?

All of the above (expensive, hidden costs, others are more likely to leave, loss of human and social capital)

Why might turnover have a negative effect on organizations?

Organizational behavior

______ is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness.


_______ are designed for efficiency and rely on high levels of work specialization, formalization, centralization of authority, rigid and well-defined chains of command, and relatively narrow spans of control.

Observable artifacts

_______ are the manifestations of an organizational culture that everyone can see or talk about.

Organizational Structure

_______ formally dictates how jobs and tasks are divided and coordinated between individuals and groups within the company.


_______ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.


_______ refers to where decisions are formally made in the organization.

Equity theory

________ is a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships.


________ is defined as the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that give an individual his/her own identity.


________ refers to when decision makers select the first acceptable alternative considered.


"Don't promise more than you can deliver" is a suggested guideline for using which of these powers?


(T/F) Self -Serving Bias is the tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors.


(T/F) Self-efficacy is the belief about one's own self-worth based on an overall self-evaluation.


(T/F) Self-monitoring refers to an individual's ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors.


(T/F) So called an "Assessment Center" is a group of HR managers who are responsible to evaluate performance of employees.


(T/F) So called reference groups consists of those people who know a person and who can give some kind of information (for example, letter of references) about this person.


(T/F) Sometimes the best task performers are also the employees who engage in high levels of counterproductive behavior.


(T/F) Task identity is high when a person works on a product or project from beginning to end and sees a tangible result.


(T/F) The "Garbage can model" is an illustration of the effectiveness of the rational decision making process in a company.


(T/F) The concept of self-esteem includes one's awareness of self.


(T/F) The main purpose of Sociometry is to resolve interpersonal conflicts in a team.


(T/F) The term "organization" is meant to include business firms and non -profits, but exclude government agencies.


(T/F) Theory X assumes that human beings are inherently good.


(T/F) Unfortunately, given that good employees move from one organization to another, they do not create a resource valuable enough for creating competitive advantage.


(T/F) Unfortunately, research shows that person-organization fit has a weak positive effect on commitment.


(T/F) Welch's Vitality Curve stimulates teambuilding and mutual aid among employees.


(T/F) Whether you face a problem or an opportunity, the goal is always the same: to make improvements that change conditions from their current state to more desirable ones.


(T/F) Without so-called Assessment Centers, a Company cannot organize 360 performance appraisal.


(T/F) Organizational culture, by definition, is quite fragile and very easy to change.


(T/F) Our talents are not inherited, but they are developing by hard trainings and working hard.


(T/F) Pay for performance is the term for monetary incentives tied to one's results or accomplishments.


(T/F) Peer evaluations are always appropriate for making decision concerning pay, promotion, or job retention purposes.


(T/F) People who are extrinsically motivated, as a rule, enjoy what they are doing.


(T/F) People who feel a sense of internal self-confidence tend to outperform those who doubt their capabilities.


(T/F) People with Type A personalities are rarely concerned with time.


(T/F) Procedural Justice reflects the perceived fairness of the treatment received by employees for authorities


(T/F) Research does not clearly support Maslow's need hierarchy theory.


(T/F) Research results show a strong relationship between financial incentives and work quality.


(T/F) According to Dunning-Kruger effect, incompetent people tend to overestimate themselves.


(T/F) According to Frederick Herzberg's motivator -hygiene theory of job satisfaction, hygiene factors are motivational.


(T/F) According to Simon's normative model of decision making, managers are completely objective and possess complete information to make a decision.


(T/F) According to definition, Group-oriented person cannot be a good leader.


(T/F) An employee with high level of job satisfaction tends to demonstrate high job performance.


(T/F) As a rule, the Stick and Carrot approach is an effective method to motivate employees creativity, especially when "carrot" means desirable reward.


(T/F) Because a manager has power, he/she is a member of subordinates' reference group


(T/F) By definition, leaders are moral individuals.


(T/F) Constructive feedback serves two functions for those who receive it: judgmental and developmental.


(T/F) Employees are more likely to engage in Counterproductive work behaviors if their jobs offer autonomy.


(T/F) Employees need to use their creativity when they deal with Programmed Decisions.


(T/F) Extrinsic motivation is effective when tasks require only mechanical skills.


(T/F) High outcome interdependence exists in teams in which individual members receive rewards and punishments on the basis of their own performance, without regard to the performance of the team.


(T/F) In Big Five "conscientiousness" is an indicator of good analytical skills of a person.


(T/F) In general, employees' perceptions of procedural justice are enhanced when they have a voice in the decision-making process.


(T/F) In the job characteristics model, experienced meaningfulness is determined by skill variety, autonomy, and feedback.


(T/F) Individuals who have an internal locus of control tend to have a positive core self-evaluation.


(T/F) Individuals who rate high in external locus of control are more satisfied with their jobs and have lower absenteeism rates.


(T/F) Individuals with Low self-monitoring people are not as flexible and adaptive than people with high self-monitoring.


(T/F) Individuals with an internal locus of control believe that effort leads to performance.


(T/F) Individuals with an internal locus of control believe they are masters of others.


(T/F) Janet keeps emotional distance from her coworkers and believes that the ends can justify the means. Janet would rate high in Machiavellianism.


(T/F) Low self-monitors show high behavioral consistency.


(T/F) Managers acquire explicit knowledge by having considerable experience at the same task or job.


(T/F) Normative commitment - a desire to remain a member of an organization due to a feeling of obligation.


(T/F) One of the factors that influences an employee's expectancy perceptions is self-actualization.


(T/F) One reason feedback often fails is because it is used to punish, embarrass, or put down employees.


(T/F) Organizational culture shapes and reinforces certain employee attitudes and behaviors by creating a system of control over employees.

that performance leads to rewards and the reward is valued

Under expectancy theory, a person's motivation increases along with the belief that effort leads to performance and:

all employees of the department are satisfied even when one of them has achieved his/her the goal

We can tell that a common goal has been set in a department if __________.

All of the above (time limitation, data limitation, limitation of data processing)

We need to use quasi-rational ways of decision making due to _______.


What do we call it when we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he/she belongs?


What do we call the tendency to attribute one's own characteristics to other people?

Different people respond the same way in the same situation

What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?

Staying with an organization because you want to; it gives you good feelings.

What is affective commitment?

When others depend on a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge

What is expert power?

When team members free ride or exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks

What is social loafing?

The Halo Effect

What is the term used for a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance?

Fundamental attribution bias

What term is used for the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behaviors of others?

Analogous goals cannot change existing interpersonal relationship

What type of a relationship might be established among employees if there are only analogous goals in a department?


When Candies R Us groups its business units according to where they do business such as North America division, Europe division, Asia division, and Africa division, it is creating which of these organizational structures?


When Google allows its engineers to spend 20 percent of their working time pursuing projects that they feel passionate about to foster innovation at the organization, it describes which of these specific cultures?

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