MGMT 320: Chapter 12 - Motivation in Organizations
Hygiene factors:
"What will make my people dissatisfied?" Pay & Security, Working Conditions, interpersonal relationships, company policy, supervisors
Motivating Factors:
"What will make my people satisfied?" Achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement & growth
Job enlargement
"horizontal job loading" - not moving in terms of responsibility or skills - getting some variety - just adding on something to what they are doing not moving up - employee see it as more work without compensation
Job enrichment
"vertical job loading" - pulls from Herzbeurg - build motivating factors into the job
Why is motivation important?
- You want to motivate people to: 1. join your organization 2. stay with your organization 3. show up for work at your organization 4. be engaged while at your organization 5. do extra for your organization
Knowledge of results of work
- are they working on a task that they can see all the way through to the conclusion - see something beginning to end
4. McClelland's Achievement Theory
- doesn't have the two basic level - only one will be a dominate need in you (who you are - basic needs) - almost like personality 1. need for achievement 2. need for affiliation 3. need for power - need to have a balance between all 3
Equity Theory
- equity defined - premise behind equity theory - equity perceptions evolve in a four-step process: a. evaluation of self b. evaluation of other c. comparisons of self with other d. feelings of equity or integrity - six common methods people use to reduce inequity
Motivation Factors
- have to get you to a state of satisfied to motivate you (have pay equity) -- not dissatisfied so bosses can motivate you to move into other factors - non dissatisfaction
- independences - can I be able to work independent or have to stay tied down
Expectancy Theory
- the basic steps of expectancy theory are effort, performance, an outcomes - expectancy theory puts special emphasis on the linkages among these steps 1. effort-to-performance expectancy 2. performance-to-outcome expectancy 3. outcomes and valences - for motivated behavior to occur, three conditions must be met and be positive - most logical of all theories
- to what degree am i getting formal and informal criticism
Integrating the need perspectives:
1. Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow) self-actualization esteem social safety physiological - needs must be met in a hierarchy order 2. ERG Theory (Alderfer) growth growth relatedness existence existence - unmet needs can be at any level simultaneously 3. Two-Factor Theory motivators motivators maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance - maintenance factors will not motivate employees 4. Acquired Needs Theory (McCelleand) achievement and power achievement and power affiliation not classified not classified - motivating needs are developed through experience
Need Theories of Motivation
1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 2. Alderfer's ERG Theory 3. Herzberg"s Two-Factor Model 4. McClelland's Achievement Theory - also called content theories - have a universal se of needs we will fulfill through life (born with these needs)
Two categories of Theories:
1. Need Theories 2. Process Theories - Neither Fredrick Taylor or Hawthorne was exclusively correct
6 ways to enrich a job
1. accountability - more accountable 2. achievement - employee feels like they are doing something worthwhile 3. feedback - good frequent constructive feedback 4. Workpace - give the employee more control over this - pace of work 5. control over resources - access to do things we ned to do 6. Personal growth and development - opportunity for employees to grow - feel self personally growing
Two main differences from Alderfer's and Maslow's
1. can be working on more than one of these at a time 2. frustration regression component ex. trying to feel the need and get frustrated --when I regress I start focusing on another need
Criticism against Herzberg's
1. he renamed them 2. just because i'm satisfied doesn't mean it will motivate me 3. Surveyed accountants and engineers -- took this an generalized it to everyone -- not reliable - unique contribution because he said things at the bottom everyone expects to have it and doesn't mean they will motive me
consequences of motivation
1. performance 2. productivity 3. reduce turnover and absenteeism (suddle version of not leaving but not staying) - decreases productivity
6 methods people use to reduce inequity:
1. reduce inputs - try to control ratio 2. attempt to change the outcomes 3. alter perception of myself - change perception of ratio 4. Alter perception of the other - alter their ratio 5. Change the object of comparison - change who you compare yourself to 6. Leave the situation - They hire HR consultant to come in to make sure their is internal and external equity - salary ranges within and without the organization - want to make sure you never get to perceive inequity
Need for achievement
All about trying to maximize their growth all the time - better today than I was yesterday - maximize potential - want to hire this person - a lot of focus was on how to choose and pick people who have a need for achievement (identify them)
Job Characteristics Model
Column 1: Job Factor - skill variety, task identify, task significance, autonomy, and feedback - these influence column 2 and 3 Column 2: Psychological factors Meaningfulness of work, responsibility for work outcomes, knowledge of results of work - these influence column 3 Column 3: Results from consequences high: motivation, performance, and satisfaction
Comparisons of self with others
Comparing yourself to another coworker - how hard I work and I'm getting things done compared to my coworker - try to balance out on a scale
meaningfulness of work
Do i feel like i am doing something worthwhile
Four-step process
If our scale gets out of balance then we will try to get back balanced (equitably treated) 1. Evaluation of Self 2. Evaluation of others 3. Comparisons of self with others 4. Feelings of equity or inequity
Evaluation of self
Input - what you put into the job and output - rewards you get from it - looking at a ratio (perception)
According to the need theories is pay going to motivate employees?
No, because you really focus on the growth needs because it's motivates you. - pay is a base need that doesn't really motivate - high level performance - pay does not motivate - just a need
Self-Actualization needs
The highest level of need, self-actualization is self-fulfillment—the need to develop one's fullest potential, to become the best one is capable of being.
1. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
These are the needs we are all born with - wanting animals - no thoughts process involved - after I fulfill one need then I can move up the pyramid - goes bottom to top: 1. Deficiency needs or lower-level primary needs a. physiological needs b. safety needs c. social needs 2. Growth needs: a. esteem needs b. Self-actualization needs - don't move up until it is meet - can only be in one part of pyramid at a time -- if any ever become deficient you would move back down
2. Alderfer's ERG Theory
Took maslow's five needs and brought them down to three. Just combined a few 1. Existence 2. Relatedness 3. Growth - Two main differences between Alderfer's and Maslow's theories
Two types of rewards satisfy needs -- extrinsic of intrinsic
The nature of motivation - Why?
We care about motivation because of: 1. performance 2. Motivation 3. Ability 4. Environment P = f(M, A, and E)
Do extra for your organization
You hope your employees will perform extra tasks above and beyond the call of duty (be organizational "good citizens")
Join your organization
You need to instill in talented prospective workers the desire to come to work for you.
Bethany is writing a paper for her Management class. She already has a strong 'A' in the class, and only needs to get a C on the paper to keep her A. As she prepares the final version of the paper, she takes special care that the paper is well-written, insightful, and error-free, something that she can be proud of. Bethany is experiencing: a. An intrinsic reward b. high equity c. a belongingness need d. a hygiene factor
a. an intrinsic reward
Patty prefers working alone, is comfortable taking moderate risks, and feels good when accomplishing a goal. Patty probably has a: a. high need for achievement b. high need for affiliation c. High need for power d. low need for achievement
a. high need for achievement
Responsibility for work outcomes
accountability, control, greater responsibility - control outcome
Esteem Needs
after they meet their social needs, people focus on such matters as self-respect, status, reputation, recognition, and self-confidence
Esteem Needs
are considered higher-order needs - they include the need for recognition, positive regard, and status - these can be met in the workplace through responsible work, promotions, and position titles - two types of esteem: 1. esteem from others: anything you can do that will make people notice you ex. kind of car, address, etc. 2. self esteem: getting thing to boost your esteem. ex. awards, recognitions, etc.
Self Actualization needs
are highest on the hierarchy - They represent individuals concern with tapping all of their potential and being the most that they can be - notably, this need cannot be completely satisfied in the workplace, though management can partially attend to it through participative techniques and appropriate autonomy. - however, few individuals succeed in self-actualizing - "army" lead - becoming what you were born to be --according to maslow-none of us ever meet our full potential
Physiological needs
are the most basic and include hunger, thirst, and sex drives. to meet these needs, people must earn enough money for minimum subsistence
are they actually capable of the task you are asking them to do
ERG Theory
assumes that three basic needs influence behavior-existence, relatedness, and growth - is consistent with the finding that individual and cultural differences influence our need states - people are motivated by different needs at different times in their lives
Need for Affiliation
belonging and relations - important to build relationships, where they belong #1 driving factor no matter what
Safety needs
deals with the desire to be protected. - safety needs include adequate shelter, job-security, pension plans, and freedom from occupational diseases - lacking health insurance, as 37 million Americans do; would pose a threat to the satisfaction of safety needs
Need for affiliation
desire for friendly and warm relations with other people
Need for achievement
desire to achieve excellence in challenging tasks
Need for power
desire to be responsible for or control other people
Unfulfilled need
desire to created to fulfill a need--as for food, safety, recognition
Growth needs
desire to grow as human beings and to use our abilities to their fullest potential
Relatedness needs
desire to have meaningful relationships with people who are significant to us
do they really want to do what you are asking them to do - touchy feely aspect of management
Task significance
does what i'm going have an affect on someone else (impacting other people)
Fredrick Taylor
early perspective they were motivational to get money
Be engaged while at your organization
engaged employees produce higher quality work and better customer service
esteem and self actualization - becoming our best person
Hygiene Factors
factors associated with job dissatisfaction which affect the job context in which people work
Motivating factors
factors associated with job satisfaction which affects the job content or the rewards of work performance
3. Herzberg's Two-Factor Model
first one that took this to a business field/profession look - interviewed 200 accountants and engineers about thing that satisfy and dissatisfy you at work 1. hygiene factors were called dissatisfied 2. motivation factors were called satisfied
pay equity
getting paid more than you are (internal and external equity) - within and organization and out
Need for Power
growth, esteem, and self actualization - controlling your environment (things and people) -- like being in charge -- internal locus of control
how well you provide than with the tools to do what you are asking them to do
Show up for work at your organization
in many organizations, absenteeism and lateness are tremendous problems
Perceive Inequity
motivated to reduce tension and new behaviors come up - out of balance and not in your favor
Neutral area:
neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Skill variety
offers variety of different skills
Love needs
once basic needs and security are taken care of, people look for love, friendship, and affection
Extrinsic rewards
payoff a person receives from others for performing a particular task
Perceive Equity
perceive that ratios are the same - if we have this there is no change in behavior because there is a balance
perception of how fairly your being treated - just about what we think is happening
Task Identity
personal connection with what you are doing (putting yourself in the job)
physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior
Two-factor theory
proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors - work satisfaction from motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from hygiene factors - managers should first eliminate dissatisfaction making sure that working conditions, pay levels, and company policies are reasonable
Social/Belonging Needs
refer to humans desire for social contract, affection, and support - on the job, these needs are typically met through friendships and involvement in work groups - patient interactions alos satisfy belonging needs
reward informs you whether behavior worked and should be used again
Job rotation
rotate through jobs - have the knowledge of every department - moving the employees through different jobs -- would use different skill sets in each - very effective in management training programs - big picture view of everything before starting your actual job
safety/security and physiological - things I need to exist - basic needs
Intrinsic rewards
satisfaction a person receives from performing the particular task itself
social aspects of work motivate them
Hygiene Factors
social, safety, physiological - looked at pay, insurance, relationships at work, additional responsibilities, etc. - have to get to a state of not dissatisfaction - if you find that you would be dissatisfied -- can motivate you to hire levels because you are in a mode of dissatisfaction
social/belonging - need for social interactions
Acquired Needs Theory
states that three needs - achievement, affiliation, and power - are major motives determining people's behavior in the workplace 1. need for achievement 2. need for affiliation 3. need for power
Managerial implications of motivation
take things from each theory and apply each of them to do a job if you are a manager to motivate them
Existence needs
the desire for physiological and materialistic wellbeing
the employee believes that acceptable performance will produce the desired reward - capable of getting to the desired level of performance required to get the reward
the employee believes that effort will result in acceptable performance - putting forth effort to where they want to be - capable of doing what they need to do in the job
the employee values the reward - getting the reward
Job Design
the formal and informal specification of an employee task-related activities, including both structural and interpersonal aspects of the job, with considerations for the needs and requirements of both the organization and the worker - How can I as a manager design the job in a way that motivates people
the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior 1. unfilled need 2. Motivation 3. Behaviors 4. Rewards 5. Feedback
Content perspectives
theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people
Hierarchy of Needs
theory proposes that people are motivated by five levels of needs 1. physiological 2. safety 3. love 4. esteem 5. self-actutlization
Process theories of motivation
there is a process involved to these - decision we make to put forth effort or not - more of a thought process 1. equity theory 2. expectancy theory 3. goal-setting theory
Physiological needs
these are the most basic human physical needs, in which one is concerned with having food, clothing, shelter, and comfort and with self-preservation
Safety needs
these needs are concerned with physical safety and emotional security, so that a person is concerned with avoiding violence and threats
Stay with your organization
whether you are in good economic times or bad, you always want to be able to retain good people
Biggest Criticism
who decided that these are motivations - do not have a whole lot of research behind this
you choose a type of behavior you think might satisfy the need
you have the value the reward - place/put value on it - you have to care - all the connections have to be positive - is one falls through you won't be motivated to do anything
you search for ways to satisfy the need