MGMT 363

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CH 10


Individual Characteristic's

Ability Personality & Cultural Values

Situational Strength

"strong situations" -clear behavioral expectations, incentives, instructions -make differences in personality unimportant "weak situations" -lack those cues -differences in personality are important


(Vwant -Vhave) x (Vimportance)

Strategic Importance of HRM

-improving productivity -critical for bottom line performance -part of strategic planning process

Realistic Job Previews

-inexpensive, effective way to reduce early turnover -anticipatory stage

applying emotional intelligence

-lower turnover b/c recruiters could sense & respond to concerns -sales agents were more successful, less likely to quit, Emotional intelligence more important to job performance in people w/lower levels of cognitive intelligence -correlated with gossiping, harassment, theft measured by the EQ-i or others

Alt Dispute Resolution

-resolve conflicts thru a trained, neurtral party Mediation -third party facilitates dispute resolution process, but has no formal authority to dictate a solution Arbitration -third party determines binding settlement -listens to arguments & makes decisions -risky->arrive at most equitable solution in his opinion conventional arbitration-create solution of their choosing, mixing alternatives final-offer artbitration-each party presents most fair offer, & arbitrator chooses most reasonable one flipping order-significantly higher voluntary agreement rates

Emerging Legal Issues

-sexual harassment quid pro quo (this for that) & hostile work environment (repeated) alcohol & drug dependence AIDS/HIV positive

Trait Activation

-situation provides cues that trigger expression of a given trait -personality variables --> more significant drivers of behaviors in situations that provide relevant cues


.5 strong .3 moderate .1 weak but could be important (smoking & cancer is .08)


1. Chemicals increase heart rate & blood pressure, blood redirected away from vital organs to the brain & skeletal muscles 2. prolonged/repeated stress--body breaks down, neg consequences

what affects ability?

1. Quantity of Schooling 2. Choice of occupations 3. Biological factors

causal inferences

1. correlated 2. cause precedes the effect 3. no alternative

Job Analysis

1. list of activities involved in a job is generated 2. each activity is rated by subject matter experts according to importance/frequency 3. highly rated activities are used to define job performance

How do people choose a coping strategy??

1. set of beliefs that people have about how well different coping strategies can address dif demands (study over going out) to which people believe that a particular strategy gives them some degree of control over the stressor (go out because studying won't help anyway)

physiological strains

1.reduces effectiveness of the immune system 2. cardiovascular system-heart race, increase blood pressure, coronary artery disease 3. musculoskeletal problems 4. gastronintestinal-stomachaches, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation (eye problems, allergies, chronic diseases years later)

Rule of One-Eighth

1/2 won't believe the connection b/w people & profits 1/2 make a single change 1/2 persist practices long enough 1/8 or 12% actually do what's required

Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

12 minute cognitive ability 50 questions doesn't relate to NFL anyway


2 math capabilities number facility-do simple math operations mathematical reasoning-choose & apply formulas treasurers, financial managers, statisticians


2 or more people who work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose

job sharing

2 people share responsibilities & perform as a single unit

contingencies of reinforcement

4 consequences *Positive Reinforcement-positive outcome follows positive behavior pay, promotions, praise, public recognition Negative Reinforcement-unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior do something so you don't get yelled at Punishment-unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior getting fired for doing something wrong *Extinction-removal of a consequence following an unwanted behavior employee receives attn for acting childish at work remove attn

Time-driven model of leadership

7 factors that make a given situation more/less effective decision significance importance of commitment leader expertise likelihood of commitment shared objectives employee expertise teamwork skills Autocratic->insignficant or employee commitment is unimportant Delegative->employees have strong teamwork skills & not likely to blindly commit

Personality + Cultural Values

= What employees are like

Motivational Force

=(E-->P) x [(P-->O) x V] =effort to performance x performance to outcomes x valence

Forced Ranking

A top 20% (most passionate) B vital 70% (developed) C bottom 10% (let go) -forces bad evaluations to reach percentages -hypercompetitive


Existence-food, shelter, safety, protection Relatedness-lasting, positive, interpersonal relationships Control-ability to predict/control one's future Esteem-need to hold a high evaluation of oneself to feel effective & respected by others Meaning-perform tasks that one cares about & appeal to one's ideals & purpose

Personal Power more closely related to org commitment & job performance

Expert Power -derives from expertise, skill, knowledge, on which others depend Referent Power -when ohters have a desire to identify & be associated with a person -derived from affection, admiration, loyalty towards an indiv -celebs

MBTI Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator

Extraversion-energized by people & social interactions Intraversion-energized by private time & reflection Sensing-prefer clear & concrete facts Intuition-prefer hunches & speculations based on theory Thinking-approach decisions logic & critical analysis Feeling-approach decisions with emphasis on other's feelings Judging-approach tasks with planning & goal setting Perceiving-approach tasks with flexibility & spontaneity -useful for team building -not for hiring or selection -can't predict job satisfaction

Compensation & Benefits

Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA -sets min wage & requires overtime pay for work over 40 hours Equal Pay Act 1963 -requires men & women to be paid the same for same jobs -exceptions for seniority & merit pay Employee Retirement Income Security Act -sets standard for pension plan management & provides federal insurance if pension plans go bankrupt Family & Medical Leave Act FMLA -provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family & medical emergencies per year -illness, birth of child -immediate family -men & women -50+ employees -may be taken intermittently -may include vacation and sick time in the 12 weeks -normal work activities continue...if you were gonna be laid off, you can still be laid off while you are on leave

Nonwork Challenge

Family Time Demands-time committed to particapte in family activities Personal Development-formal edu, music lesson, sprots training, hobby, volunteer, gov work Positive Life Events-birth, marriage, graduating

Supportive Practices

Flextime Part or full-time telecommuting Compressed work week bring child to work if needed lactation program on-site child care company supported child care center

Stages of Development

Forming -orient themselves/understand boundaries of team -what is expected of them, what behaviors are out of bounds, who's in charge Storming -members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team -unwillingness to accommodate triggers conflict Norming -realize they must work together to accomplish goals -solidarity, norms & expectations develop regarding what dif members are responsible for doing Performing -comfortable working within their roles Adjourning -anxiety as they disengage & separate from the team

punctuated equilibrium

Forming & Pattern Creation -initial meeting, make assumptions & est. pattern of behavior that lasts for first 1/2 of its life Inertia Mid-Point-->change task paradigm to complete on time Process Revision -plan new approach to be successful (or else) Inertia


Fundamental attribution error-people have a tendency to judge others behaviors as due to internal factors (Joe is late b/c he is lazy) Self-Serving bias-attribute success to internal factors & failure to external factors Consensus-Did others arrive late? Distinctiveness-Is Joe responsible when it comes to personal appts? Consistency-Is Joe always late? No/No/Yes--->Internal attribution Yes/Yes/NO-->External attribution

Project Globe

Global Leadership & Organizational Behavior Effectiveness examine impact of culture on effectiveness of various attributes, behaviors, practices Power Distance & Uncertainty Avoidance Institutional Collectivism In-group Collectivism Gender Egalitarianism Assertiveness Future Orientation Performance Orientation Humane Orientation


HI commitment Hi performance


HI commitment Low Performance

Internal Locus of Control

Higher Levels of Job Satisfaction & Job Performance Better health & mental well being Lower blood pressure & Lower stress hormone secretion More social support at work & stronger supervisor relationships Higher Salary! View jobs as having positives (autonomy & significance), not negatives (conflict & ambiguity)

secondary appraisal

How can I cope? -what should I do?/what can I do? how people cope with stressors

Intensity of Effort

How hard are you going to work on it? As hard as you can half speed

Persistence of Effort

How long are you going to work on it? 5 hrs 5 mins

Other Leadership Behaviors

Idealized Influence -behaving in ways that earn admiration, trust, respect of followers, causing them to want to identify w/the leader -charisma-divinely inspired gift -60% genetic-extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness Inspirational motivation -foster enthusiasm for & commitment to a shared vision -negatives of status quo, positives of future vision Intellecutal Stimulation -challenge followers to be innovative/creative by questioning assumptions &reframing old situations Individualized considerations -help followers achieve potential thru coaching, development, mentoring


Limited Info Bounded Rationality-decision makers do not have the ability/resources to process all available info & alternatives pg 256!!!! Satisficing-select first acceptable alternative considered Faulty Perceptions selective perceptions-seeing their environment only as it affects them & is consistent with their expectations projection bias-assuming that people think, feel, act the same way they do social identify theory-people identify themselves by the groups to which they belong & perceive & judge others by their group membership stereotype-assumptions made about others on the basis of their membership in a social group heuristics-rules of thumb that allow us to make decisions availability bias-make judgments on info that's easier to recall pg 258 Anchoring-anchoring on 1 piece of info when making decisions Framing-make dif decisions based on the quetion is phrased Representativeness-get heads 10x, assume you'll get heads again, even though there's an equal shot at tails Contrast-judge things erroneously based on a reference near them lukewarm to hot-->think its cold Recency-recent events weigh more heavily Ratio Bias Effect-feel a better shot at 7/100 than 1/10


Low Commitment Low Performance

Lone Wolves

Low commitment High Performance


Makes merging with another org difficult Attracts & retains sim kinds of employees, limiting diversity of thought Too much of a good thing->extreme behaviors Makes adpating to the environment more difficult

Teamwork Processes

Moderate + effect on Team Performance stronger for complex knowledge work

Task Interdependence has a

Moderate Positive effect on Team Performance (higher in teams involved in more complex knowledge work)

Power & Influence

Moderate effect on Job Perf

Power & Influence

Moderate effect on Org Commitment


Moderate positive effect on Job Performance strong effect on Task Performance (b/c higher motivation) more Citizenship behavior key driver of Typical Performance (performance under routine conditions) Moderate positive effect on Organizational Commitment Higher levels of Affective & Normative Commitment

Transformational Leadership

Moderate-> Job Perf

four-component model of ethical decision making page 220

Moral Awareness -recognize that a moral issue exists -moral intensity-degree to which an issue has ethical urgency 1. potential for harm 2. social pressure -moral attentiveness-degree to which people perceive issues of morality in their experiences Moral Judgement-whether a particular course of actin is ethical or not Kohlberg preconventional stage-right vs. wrong viewed in terms of consequences conventional stage-right vs. wrong referenced to the expectations of family/society (most adults) principled/postconventional-right vs. wrong referenced to a set of defined, est. moral principles moral principles-guides for judgement pg223 consequentialist-morality judged according to goals, aims, outcomes Nonconsequentialist-morality judged on intrinsic desirability Moral Intent -degree of commitment to moral course of action (do it anyway) -moral identity-degree to which a person self-identifies as a moral person moderates effects of moral judgment on ethical behavior Ethical Behavior

Influence Tactics

Most effective Rational Persuasion -use logical arguments & facts -shows that request is important & feasible -only tactic consistently used for upward influence Consultation -target participates on deciding how to carry out a request -increases commitment Inspirational Appeals -appeal to values & ideals -emotional/additudinal reaction Collaboration -leader makes it easier to complete task -helps, provides resources, removes obstacles Moderately effective Ingratiation -favors, compliments, friendly behavior to make target feel better about influencer -sucking up -more effective long term than short Personal Appeals -ask for something based on friendship/loyalty Exchange -offer reward/resource to target in return for performing request Apprising -explians why performing request will benefit the target personally -focuses soley on indiv benefit Least effective Pressure -coercive power-threats/demands Coalitions -enlists others to influence target -used with ohter strategies

Continuance Commitment

NEED to stay cost based

Labor Relations

Natl Labor Code 1. Natl Labor Relations Act of 1935 (WAGNER) -Pro-Union -sets up procedures for employees to vote whether to have a union -if union is voted in, mgmt is required to bargain collectively w/union 2. Labor Management Relations Act (TAFT-HARTLEY) -Pro-Managment -limits power of unions -increases mgmt's rights during organizing campaings -US President-can prevent or end strike that endangers Natl. Security 3. Labor Management Reporting & Disclosure Act -Pro-employee -Regulates labor unions internal affairs & their officials' relationships w/employees

As people age...

Neuroticism decreases Agreeableness increases Consciousness increases

Managing HR

Not in book

Normative Commitment

OUGHT to stay obligation based

Culture Components

Observable Artifacts Espoused Values Basic Underlying Assumptions

Health & Safety

Occupational Safety & Health Act OSHA -Requires employers to --provide a place of employment free of hazards that may cause death or serious physical harm --obey safety & health standards est. by Occupational Safety & Health Administration (also OSHA)

CH 4

On Job Satisfaction

Ch 3

On Organizational Commitment

Organizational Mechanisms

Org Culture Org Structure

Ch 16

Organizational Culture

Power & Influence in Action

Organizational Polictics -actions that further indiv's own self interests Political Skill -ability to effectively understand others at work & use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal/org objectives --networking ability(developing diverse contacts) --social astutness(tendency to observe others &interpret their behavior --interpersonal influence(convincing personal style that's flexible enought to adapt to dif situations) --apparatent sincerity(appearing to be honest/genuine) -higer ratings of task performance & org citizenship -Causes of Org Politics Personal Characteristics -need for power -Machiavelliansims(manipulative for power) Org Characteristsics -lack of participation in decision making -limited/changing resources -amibiguity in roles -high perf pressure -unclear perf evals = Politics Neg employee reactions -decreased job satisfaction -decreased org commitment -decreased task perf -increased strain

Responses to Influence Tactics

Inernalization -target agrees & becomes committed to request Compliance -target is willing to perfrom request, but does so with indifference Resistance -target is opposed to request, & attemps to avoid it

Day to Day Leadership Behaviors 471

Initiating Structure: extent that the leader defines & structures roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment Initiation Organization Production Consideration: extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideaaaas, consideration of feelings Membership Integration Communication Recognition Representation Initiating Structure->Strong employee motivation -->moderate percieved leader effectienss, job satisfaction, overall unit perf Consideration->strong Leader Effectiveness, percieved employee motivation, employee job satisfaction Consdieration->moderate overall unit performance

Management Team

Integrate activities of subunits across business functions Long Life Span Moderate Member Involvement -Top Management Team

primary appraisal

Is this stressful? -evaluate significance & meaning of stressor am i stressed? what are the implications?

Attracting HR

Job Analysis Job Description -listing of the job's duties -working conditions -tools, materials, equipment used to perform the job Job Specification -listing of skills, abilities, credentials the incumbent jobholder will need to do a job Forecasting HR Demand & Supply -replacement chart/succession planning --list of positions in the org, occupants, how long they will stay in the position, who will replace them Employee Info System -skills inventory

Individual Outcomes

Job Performance Organizational Commitment

Individual Mechanisms

Job Satisfaction Stress Motivation Trust, Justice, Ethics Learning & Decision Makin

Group Mechanisms

Leadership-Styles/Behaviors Leadership-Power/Negotiations Teams-Processes & Communication Teams-Characteristics & Diversity

Ch 13

Leadership: Power & Negotiation

Organizational Power

Legitimate Power -"formal authority" -ask employees to do things within the scope of their jobs -weak if used ineffectively Reward Power -someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants -ex. raises, performance evaluations, awards, better job assignments, resources -influence others if they believe they will get the rewards by behaving a certain way Coercive Power -someone has control over punishments in an org -fear -demote, fire, suspend, lower pay -negative feelings toward people who use coercive power


Antecedent-->Behavior-->Consequence Manger sets goal->Employee meets goal->employee gets bonus


Assisting coworkers who have heavy workloads, aiding them with personal matters, showing new employees the ropes

Maintaing an Org. Culture

Attraction-Selection-Attrition ASA -people apply to organizations whose cultures match thier own persoality, meaning that some potential job applicants won't apply due to perceived lack of fit Socialization -primary process by which employees learn the social knowledge that enables them to understand & adapt to the organization's culture Anticipatory Stage -prior to an employee spending even one second on the job Encounter Stage -day the employee starts work reality shock--when info from anticipatory stage & encounter stage do not align -unmet expectations Understanding & Adaptation -learn contenet areas of socialization & internalize norms & expected behaviors of the org -adopted goals &values of org -understands what org has been thru -converse with others in technical language & specific insider terms -gets along -knows who to go to for info

Leader decision-making styles

Autocratic style -leader makes decision alone Consultative style -leader presents problem to indiv employees/groups, asking for thier opinions & suggestions, before making the decision himself Facilitative style -leader presents problem to employees & seeks consensus on a solution Delegative style -leader gives employee/group of employees the responsbility for making the decision within boundaries

Big Five

CANOE Conscientiousness Agreeableness Neuroticism Openness Extraversion

Changing an Organizational Culture

Changes in Leadership -change or stay the same Mergers -new culture depends on strength of 2 cultures & how similar they are Acquisitions -1 dominant culture or -innovation via absorption

Learning has a weak positive effect on

Commitment slightly higher levels of Affective commitment

Trust has a strong positive effect on

Commitment vulnerable to authorities have higher levels of Affective & Normative Commitment


Communicator Issues- Communication competence-encoding, transmitting, receiving messages -emotions/emotional intelligence-impact comm Noise-interferes w/message -extra effort needed to send &receive message Info richness-amt &depth of info that gets transmitted in a message face to face highest richness-body lang, facial expressions, tone of voice, opportunity for feedback to ensure message is encoded correctly higher levels better-especially for complex situations lower levels better-for simple tasks (mixed messages) Network Structure-pattern of comm that occurs regularly among each member of the team centralization-degree to which comm flows thru some members rather than others All Channel/Circle/Y/Wheel Simple-Centralized->Wheel Complex-decentralized more satisfied with decentralized b/c they are in the loop

Conflict Resolution 443

Competing -high assertiveness -low cooperation -win-lose approach Avoiding -low assertivness -low cooperation -doesn't resolve conflict Collaborating -high assertivness -high cooperation -win-win -time consuming & requires equal power Accomodating -low assertiveness -high cooperation -when you don't care, but the other party does -when you know you are gonna lose anyway Compromising -moderate assertiveness -moderate cooperation -give&take

Hofstede Dimensions Project GLOBE Dimensions

Cultural Values

Maintaining HR

Determining Compensation Compensation -wages-hourly compensation to operating employees -salary-compensation paid for total contribution of an employee & not based on total hours worked -incentives-special compensation opportunities (commissions) tied to perf Purposes of Compensation -maintain standard of living -tangible measure of the value of indiv to org Determining Benefits Benefits -things of value other than compensation -spends more than 1/3 of cash payroll on benefits -encourages employees to stay & attracts new employees -do not stimulate high perf Managing Benefits -shop carefully for best-cost providers -avoid redundant charges -provide only benefits that employees want Types of Benefits -Pay for Time Not Worked-sick leave, vacation, holidays, unemployment -Insurance-life & health, worker's comp, social security, private pension plans -Employee Service-tuition, rec ops Cafeteria Benefit Plans -flexible plans ->provide basic coverage & allow employees to choose addtl benefits they want up to the cost limit Other Benefits -on-site childcare, mortgage assistance, paid-leave programs

Advantages of a Strong Culture

Differentiates the org from others Allows employees to identify themselves w/org Facilitiates desired behaviors among employees Creates stability within the org


Distributive Justice-perceived justice of decision making outcomes Are pay, rewards, promotions, assignments allocated using proper norms? -equity norm-put more in, get more out (work) -equality norm-for groups to reward harmony & solidarity (group projects) -need norm-protecting a new employee from committee assignments so they can get their careers of to a start Procedural Justice-process that lead to the outcome -voice-giving employees a chance to express their opinions & views during the course of decision making -correctability-employees can request an appeal consistency, bias suppression, representativeness, accuracy rules ensure neutrality -strongest predictor of satisfaction w/supervisor, overall satisfaction, org commitment Interpersonal Justice-treatment received by employees from authorities respect rule-dignified & sincere manner propriety rule-refrain from improper remarks abusive supervision-hostile verbal/nonverbal behaviors, excluding physical contact (negative events are 5x stronger than positive ones) Informational Justice-communications provided to employees from authorities justification rule-authorities explain decision-making procedures & outcomes in a comprehensive/reasonable manner truthfulness rule-honest & candid communications

Negotiations Strategies

Distributive bargaining win-lose negoitaing over "fixed pie" resources zero sum condition car sales Integrative bargaining -win-win scenario -involves use of problem solving/mutual respect to achieve satisfying outcome for both parties -multiple outcomes possible, adequate trust, willing to be flexible

Action Team

Perform complex tasks that vary in duration & take place in highly visible or challenging circumstances Varied Life Span Varied Involvment -surgical team -musical group -expedition team -sports team

Learning has a moderate positive effect on

Performance higher levels of task performance

Trust has a moderate positive effect on

Performance willing to be vulnerable, higher levels of task performance higher Citizenship & less Counterproductive behvior

The Big Five Myers-Briggs RIASEC MOdel


CH 9

Personality & Cultural Values

Transformational Leadership

Positive-> Org Commitment

Negotitiation Stages

Preparation -determine goals & what the other party has to offer -determine BATNA(Best Alt. To a Negotiated Agreement); at what point will you walk away? Exchanging Info -makes a case with favorable info -ask many questions/gather info Bargaining -walk away with something of value -both make concessions for something in return -keep other party's concerns & motives in mind Closing & Commitment -formalizing an agreement already reached -handshake or contract -may just acknolwedge that there is no agreement Positive emotions -integrative approach, but -overconfident & make decisions to quickly Neg emotions -ditributive approach -lower judgment accuracy

Work Team

Produce goods or provide services Long Life Span High Member Involvement -Self-managed work team -Production team -Maintenance Team -Sales Team

Project Team

Produce one time out-put Varied Life Span Varied Involvement -Product design team -research group -planning team


Programmed Decisions-somewhat automatic b/c people's knowledge allows them to identify a situation & course of actin to be taken Intuition-emotionally charged judgments that arise thru quick, non-conscious, holistic associations Crisis Situation-urgent problem, intuition is key How can they ensure that others follow their lead when the path is unclear? How can they confirm that their intuition is not faulty? 1.Here's what I think we face. 2. Here's what I think we should do. 3. Here's why. 4. Here's what we should keep our eye on. 5. Now, talk to me. Nonprogrammed Decisions-new, complex situations rational decisions making model -step-by-step model that maximize outcomes by examining all available alternatives 1.identify criteria that are important 2. generate a list of all available alternatives 3. evaluations of alternatives against criteria 4. select alternative that results in best outcome 5. implement alternative


Property Deviance 47% shrinkage-employee theft


Property Deviance purposeful destruction of physical equipment, organizational processes, company products

Parallel Team

Provide recommendations & resolve issues Varied Life Span Low Member Involvement -Quality Circle -Advisory Council -Committee

Service Work

Provides nontangible goods to customers thru electronic, verbal, physical interaction 55% US economic activity

Resource Value

Rare Inimitable- History Numerous Small Decisions Socially Complex Resources

Recruiting HR

Recruiting -process of attracting qualified persons to apply for jobs that are open Internal Recruiting +promotes morale & reduces turnover -ripple effect-fill several spots as people move up External Recruiting -RJP Realistic Job Preview ensures person-job fit -breath of fresh air -technology skills

Work Hindrance

Role Conflict-conflicting expectations Role Ambiguity-lack of info about what needs to be done/unpredictability of consequences Role Overload-#of roles is too high Daily Hassles-minor demands that get in the way

Person-organization fit has a

STRONG effect on Organizational Commitment

SMART goals

Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Based Time-Sensitive

EXAM 2! CH 5

Start HERE

Physical Abilities

Strength -degree to which body is capable of exerting force static strength-lift, push, pull heavy objects using hands, arms, legs, shoulders, back explosive strength-exert short bursts of energy to move the body or object (run, jump, throw) dynamic strength-exert force over a long period of time w/o becoming fatigued (climb ropes, ladders, platforms) Stamina -ability of person's lungs & circulatory system to work efficiently while he or she is engaging in prolonged physical activity Flexibility & Coordination -bend, stretch, twist, reach extent flexibility-work in a cramped or awkward position (installing car speakers) dynamic flexibility-repeated& quick bends, stretches, twists, reaches (house painter reaching for trim) -quality of physical movement gross body coordination-synchronize movements of body, arms, legs while whole body is in motion gross body equilibrium-maintain balance of the body in unstable contexts or changing directions jump rope, balance beam Psychomotor -capacity to manipulate & control objects fine manipulative abilities-keep arms & hands steady while doing precise work control movement abilities-making quick, precise adjustments to a machine while operating it response orientation-quickly choosing among appropriate alternative movements response time-quickly responding to signal with body movements Sensory near & far vision night vision visual color discrimination depth perception-judging relative distances hearing sensitivity-hearing differences auditory attention-source of sound in presence of other sounds speech recognition-identifying & understanding speech of others

Teamwork Processes

Strong + effect on Team Commitment stronger for complex knowledge work

Cognitive Ability

Strong Positive Effect on Task Performance (Higher for complex jobs)

Contingency Factors

Substituability -degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources Centrality -how important a person's job is & how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks -critical tasks & high interaction=greater power Discretion -degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own Visibility -how aware others are of leader's power & position

CH 11

Teams: Characteristics & Diversity

CH 12

Teams: Processes & Communication

Change & HRM

Temporary Workers -difficulty motivating workers -increasing trend in org is to use more temporary workers without the risk the org may have to eliminate jobs Dual-Career Families -trailing spouses-hire one, find job for the other Employment-at-Will Traditionally->fire for any/no reason (leave for no reason) New-> only fire poor performers or rule violators -require just cause for firing or dismissal as part of org wide cutback Can't fire b/c of -discrimination -public policy -contracts

Work Challenge

Time Pressure-not enough time Work Complexity-degree to which the knowledge, skills, abilities tax or exceed the capabilities Work Responsibility-nature of obligations (air-traffic controller)

Equal Employment Opportunity (Equal-Blind to Differences)

Title VII of Civil Rights Act 1964 -Forbids discrimination in all areas of the employment relationship -employers are not required to seek out & hire minorities Adverse Impact -when minority group members pass a selection standard at a rate less than 80% of the rate of the minority group Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -fed agency that enforces Title VII & employment related laws Affirmative Action -seek out, assist in developing, hire employees from groups that are underrepresented in the org -Exec Order 11246 requires employers with fed contracts to develop affirmative action plans and engage in affirmative action in hiring veterans & the disabled Pregnancy Discrimination Act -outlaws discrimination on the basis of pregnancy Age Discrimination Act -outlaws discrimination against people older than 40 years of age Americans with Disabilities Act ADA -forbids discrmination on basis of disability -requires that employers provide reasonable accommodations for disabled employees Civil Rights Act 1991 -easier to bring discrimination lawsuits -while limiting punitive damages that can be awarded in those lawsuits

Nonwork Hindrance

Work-family conflict-demands of fam hinder demands of work (vice-versa) Negative life events-death, divorce Financial Uncertainty-uncertainty with regard to livelihood, savings, ability to pay bills

Ability is

a key driver of Maximum Performance (performance in brief, special circumstances)


ability to influence the behavior of others & resist unwanted influence in return


acquisition & application of knowledge in problem solving Verbal Quantitative Reasoning Spatial Perceptual


actions make a difference toward some important purpose

withdrawal behavior

actions that employees perform to avoid the work situation Leads to quitting

psychological withdrawl NEGLECT

actions that provide mental escape from the work environment


active, constructive response in which individuals attempt to improve the situation


active, destructive response ends/restricts organizational memberhsip

relational contracts

based on a broad set of open-ended & subjective obligations -employee owes loyalty -employer owes job security, development, support

transactional contracts

based on narrow set of specific monetary obligations -employee owes attendance -employer owes pay & advancement opportunities

social exchange relationship

based on vaguely defined obligations that are open ended and long term in their repayment


behaviors & thoughts intended to manage the situation itself

progression model of withdrawal

behaviors are positively correlated daydreaming leads to long breaks leads to quitting

Property Deviance

behaviors that harm the organization's assets & possessions

emotion regulation

being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences


belief that successful performance will result in some outcome P-->O ex. performance to pay in sales postions

Espoused Values

beliefs, philosophies, norms that a company explicitly states vision/mission statement/verbal statements made by execs/managers

Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior

benefit coworkers assisting, supporting, developing other organization members beyond expectations

Life cycle thoery of leadership 474

best combo of initiating & consideration depends on readiness of employees of work unit Readiness -degree to which employees have the ability & willingness to accomplish thier specific tasks R1-Telling------------Hi IS/Low C R2-Selling------------Hi IS/Hi C R3-Participating---Low IS/Hi C R4-Delgating-------Low Is/Low C


break from routine for lengthy period of time


anticipated value of the outcomes associated with performance V + valence prefer to have it (salary increase, bonuses) - valence prefer not to have it (demotions, terminations) 0 valence are we still talking about it? outcomes are more attractive when they satisfy needs needs-cognitive groupings of outcomes that are viewed as having critical psychological/physiological consequences


appear to be working, but distracted by random thoughts

self awareness

appraisal & expression of emotions in oneself

other awareness

appraisal & recognition of emotion in others

difficult goals

are the 2nd most powerful motivating force

valence, instrumentality, & expectancy

are the 3rd most powerful


arrive late or leave early

stress audit

assess level & sources of stress in the workplace 1. Changes that increase uncertainty 2. Work Itself-stressors experienced 3. Relationships b/w employees & org


attracting, developing, maintaining effective work force

Cognitive Emotion-focused

avoiding, distancing, ignoring looking for the positive in the negative reappraising




decision to continue to follow a failing course of action ask yourself what do I have to gain by moving on?

(moderator) goal commitment

degree to which a person accepts a goal & is determined to reach it -rewards -publicity -support -participation -resources

Person-organization fit

degree to which a person's personality & values match the culture of the organziation


degree to which carrying out the activities required by the job provides employees with clear info about how well they're performing (Directly from the job, not supervisors/coworkers)

perceived organizational support

degree to which employees believe that the organization values their contributions & cares about their well-being

responsibility for outcomes

degree to which employees feel that they're key drivers of the quality of the unit's work

Creative Task Performance

degree to which individuals develop ideas or physical outcomes that are both novel & useful

Leader effectiveness

degree to which leader's actions result in the achievment of the unit's goals, continued commitment of unit's employees, & development of mutual trust, respect, obligation

meaning of money

degree to which money has symbolic not economic value achievement-success respect-from the community freedom-provides opportunity

Task interdependence

degree to which team members interact with/rely on other team members for info, materials, resources Pooled Interdependence-complete assignments independently (fishing on a boat) Sequential Interdependence-dif tasks done in prescribed order & members specialize in tasks (assembly line) Reciprocal Interdependence-members specialize, members interact w/subset of other members to complete work (building a custom home)(salesperson-architect-back to sales-to architect- to engineer) Comprehensive Interdependence-highest level of interaction & coordination each member has great discretion in terms of what they do & whom they work with


degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people in the world


degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, discretion to the indivdual performing the work


degree to which the job requires completing a whole, identifiable, piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome "I did that"

meaningfulness of work

degree to which work tasks re viewed as something that "counts' in the employee's system of philosophies & beliefs


demands that cause people to stress


dependable/organized/reliable/ambitious/hardworking/persevering Biggest influence on Job Performance Childhood conscientiousness Strongly correlated w/ career success Conscientiousness effects were 2x bigger than other traits Conscientiousness Negatively effects morality/smoking/alcohol consumption/drug abuse More likely to take preventative steps Less likely to drive/walk where risky


depends on feelings toward authority that go beyond any rational assesment emotional-trust b/c we like them chemical-oxytocin -mutual investment of time/energy, sense of deep attachment, realization that both parties would feel a loss w/o the relationship

Equity theory

depends on other people comparisons compare your ratio of outcomes to inputs to the ratio of some other person who is the frame of reference for judging equity

value-percept theory

depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies the thing you value

psychological strains

depression, anxiety, anger, hostility, reduced confidence, irritability, inability to think clearly, forgetfulness, lack of creativity, loss of sense of humor

Resource-based view

describes what makes resources valuable

accomplishment striving

desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality work harder & longer on tasks

Organizational Commitment

desire to remain a member of an organization

Team Process

dif types of comm, activities, & interactions that occur within teams that contribute to end goals

Tacit knowledge

difficult to articulate to others highly personal based on experience holders don't even recognize that they possess it job or situation specific

Production Deviance

directed against the organization reducing efficiency of work output


disposition-based cognition-based affect-based

job enrichment

duties expanded to include more variety, identity, autonomy, ect

Explicit knowledge

easily communicated readily available to most learned thru books conscious & accessible info general info

substance Abuse

efficiency of production is lowered by alcohol/drugs

Emotional Ability

emotional intelligence-human ability that affects social functioning


emotional, mental, physical exhaustion that results from having to cope with stressful demands on an ongoing basis

task performance

employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources into the goods or services that the organization produces

Counterproductive Behavior

employee behaviors that intentionally hinder goal accomplishment


employee is assaulted or endangered in a way that physical & psychological injuries occur

satisfaction with the work itself

employee's feelings about their actual work tasks challenging, interesting, respected

ability to focus

employees can devote time to work instead of covering their but

supervision satisfaction

employees feelings about their boss competent, polite, good communicator


employees subjected to unwanted physical contact or verbal remarks from a colleague

wasting Resources

employees use too many materials or too much time to do too little work

social influence model

employees with direct links to leavers will themselves become more likely to leave

erosion model

employees with fewer bonds are more likely to quit

Behavioral Emotion-focused

engage in alt activities seek support vent anger

behavior modeling training

ensure that employees have the ability to observe/learn from experts w/tacit knowledge

climate for transfer

environment that supports use of new skills

social loafing

exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone

Method of Experience

experience & observations

knowledge of results

extent to which employees know how well they're doing

pay satisfaction

feeling about pay whether it's as much as they deserve, secure, adequate for both normal expense & luxury items

coworker satisfaction

feelings about fellow employees smart, responsible, helpful, fun, interesting

promotion satisfaction

feelings about promotion policies & execution frequent, fair, based on ability

General Culture Types

fragmented culture-employees are distant & disconnected from one another mercenary cultures-political "what's in it for me?" networked cultures-frinedly, thinks differently, does their own thing communal cultures-friendly, think alike

decision making

generating & choosing from a set of alternatives to solve a problem (impacted by learning)

process loss

getting less from the team than you would expect according to capabilities of indiv members

process gain

getting more from the team than you would expect according to capabilities of indiv members "synergy"

team building

goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, role clarification ropes course

Goal Setting Theory

goals as primary drivers of intensity & persistence of effort

communities of practice

groups that collaborate over a long pd of time

Manage Stressors with supportive practices

help employees manage & balance the demands that exist

1. instrumental support

help people receive that can be used to address the situation directly

Social Support

help people receive when they're confronted with stressful demands

Outcome interdependence

high if ---team members share in the rewards that the team earns, (pay, bonuses, formal feedback & recognition, time off) low if--members rewarded on basis of sole performance higher levels->more shard info->learning & team performance


high levels of intensity & persistence of in work effort

specific & difficult goals

higher levels of performance provides a measuring stick for performance stretch to perform at max, yet stay in the boundaries of their ability


higher levels of task performance & citizenship behaviors and work in teams lower levels of counterproductive & withdrawal behaviors Likely to feel affectively & normatively committed toward company prefer rewards allocated equally on a group-wide basis

Integrity Tests

honesty test predisposition to engage in theft/counterproductive behaviors Clear purpose tests -ask attitudes towards dishonesty, beliefs about frequency of dishonesty, endorsements for common rationalizations of dishonesty, desire to punish dishonesty, confessions of past dishonesty Veiled purpose tests -assess personality traits associated with dishonest acts Honesty-high conscientiousness, aggreeblesness -low neuroticism Integrity scores-more strongly related to Job Performance than conscientiousness Personality & Integrity tests are more useful than interviews Faking-exaggerating your responses in a socially desirable fashion -correlations unaffected b/c everyone fakes to a degree

Personal Aggression

hostile verbal & physical actions toward other employees

(moderator) task complexity

how complicated the info & actions involved in the task are how much the task changes


how people manage their own emotional reactions

transactional theory of stress

how stressors are perceived & appraised, how people respond to those perceptions & appraisals

Job Characteristics theory

identifies central characteristics of intrinsically satisfying jobs

training intervention

increase job related competencies & skills

Transformational Leadership Behaviors

inspiring followers to commit ot a shared vision that provides meaning to thier work while serving as a role model who helps followers develop thier own potential & view problems form new perspectives Transformational most effective/active Transactional:Contingent Reward -makes clear what one can recieve when goals are achieved Transactional:Active Managment by Exception -directs attn to failures to meet standards Transactional:Passive Managment by Exception -if it ain't broke, don't fix it Laissez-Faire -hands off

Looking Busy

intentional desire to look like they're working, when they aren't

Political Deviance

intentionally disadvantage other individuals rather than the larger organization

Holland's RIASEC model

interests-expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments & activities Realistic -practical, hands-on, real-world -frank, practical, determined, rugged (vet) Investigative -abstract, analytical, theory -intellectual, reserved, scholarly (Stephen Hawking) Artistic -enjoys entertaining & fascinating others with imagination -original, independent, impulsive, creative (singer) Social -helping, serving, assisting others -helpful, inspiring, informative, emphatic Enterprising -persuading, leading, outperforming others -energetic, sociable, ambitious, risk-taking Conventional -organizing, counting, regulating people & things -careful, conservative, self-controlled, structured

equity distress

internal tension that can only be alleviated by restoring balance to the ratios -constructive-talk to boss -destructive-shrink your inputs

self-set goals

internalized goals that people use to monitor their own task progress

Teamwork processes

interpersonal activities that facilitate accomplishment of work but dont directly involved in task accomplishment Transition processes-prep for future work before/between work mission analysis-analysis of team's task, challegnes, resources available strategy formulation-development of courses of action &contingency plans, then adapting them goal specification-development &prioritization of goals Action processes-during work monitoring progress toward goals- systems monitoring-keep track of things/objects that the team needs to accomplish its work (inventory, time, resources) helping behvior-feedback/coaching & with responsibilities coordination-synchronizing team members' activities in a way that makes them mess effectively &seamlessly Interpersonal processes-before, during, b/w work-manage relationships motivating & confidence building-do/say to create urgency or optimism affect management-emotional balance/unity conflict management-manage conflicts that arise in the course of its work -relationship conflict-reduced performance -task conflict-reduces effectiveness unless --members trust each other/able to express opinions --engage in effective conflict management practices --composed in certain ways-emotionally stable/open to new experiences then it could lead to new discussions/ideas

Challenge Stressors have a Weak Positive relationship with

job performance

Hindrance Stressors have a Weak Neg relationship with

job performance

benign job demands

jobs that tend not to be appraised as stressful


keeping coworkers informed about matters that are relevant to them

transportable teamwork competencies

knowledge, skills, abilities


knowledge/skills that distinguish experts & novices

transfer of training

knowledge/skills/behaviors used on the job are maintained by the learner & generalized to the workplace

Leadership: Styles & Behaviors

leadership-use of power & influence to direct activities of followers toward goal achievement Leader-member exchange theory -how leader-member relationships develop over time role-taking phase -manager describes role expectations to an employee & the employee attempts to fulfill those expectations with his behaviors -leader gets feel for talent & motivation levels role-making -employee's own expectations get mixed with those of the leader -free-flowing exchange in which leader offers more opportunities & resources &employee contributes more activities & effort High Quality Exchange dyad -frequent share of info, influence, latitude, support, attn -in group-mutual trust, respect, obligation Low Quality exchanbe dyad -limited exchange of info -out-group-lower levles of trust, respect, obligation higher quality LMX relationships -higher job perf -more citizenship behviors

Goal Orientation

learning orientation-building competence is more important than demonstrating competence (view failure in positive terms/increased skills for the long run) -improves self-confidence, feedback seeking behavior, learning strategy development, learning performance performance-prove orientation-demonstrating competence so that others think favorably of them -mixed levels of performance & outcomes performance-avoid orientation-demonstrating competencies so that others will not think poorly of them -learn less & high anxiety levels both prefer working at tasks that they are already good at so they don't fail in front of others (view failure negatively)

task strategies

learning plans & problem solving approaches used to achieve successful performance

Team Viability

likelihood the team can work together effectively into the future

motivational loss

loss in team productivity when members don't work as hard as they could -difficult to gauge how much each member contributes -some contributions are less obvious than others -don't work together/less accountable -social loafing

long breaks

lunch, coffee, soda


maintaining a good attitude with coworkers

MBO Management By Objectives

management philosophy that bases an employees evaluations on whether the employee achieves specific performance goals

Observable Artifacts

manifestations of an org culture that employees can easily see or talk about Symbols -logo, images online, uniforms Physical structures -open, separate, express personalities Language-jargon, slang, slogans Stories-anecdotes, accounts, legends, myths passed down Rituals-daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an org Ceremonies-formal events perofmed in front of an audience of organizatinal members

BARS Behaviorally anchored rating scales

measure performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors

virtual teams

members geographically dispersed, electronic comm

hybrid outcome interdependence

members receive rewards that are dependent on both their team & indiv performance algin outcome interdependence with task interdependence ex. group project everyone gets an A b/c everyone worked together ex. final exam you get an A b/c you studied on your own


miss an entire day of work


capability to perform work tasks successfully

Challenge Stressors trigger positive emotions & problem-focused coping strategies

characteristic of people that are highly engaged in their jobs

Substitutes for leadership model

characteristics constrain the leader substitutes-reduce importance of leader while providing direct benefit to employee performance task feedback training &experience professionalism staff support group cohesion intrinsic sastifaction neutralizers-reduce importance of the leader, no beneficial impact on performance task stabilty formalization inflexiblity spatial distance

expectancy theory

cognitive process that employees go thru to make choices among dif voluntary responses toward certain outcomes & away from others choices depend on 1. expectancy 2. instrumentality 3. valence

Knowledge Work

cognitive work/theoretical & analytical knowledge

360 degree feedback

collecting performance info not just from the supervisor but from anyone else who might have firsthand knowledge about the employees performance


collection of assertions that specify how & why variables are related as well as the conditions in which they should be related


communication that's rude, impolite, discourteous, lacking manners

coordination loss

consumes time &energy that would otherwise be devoted to task activity

extrinsic motivation

controlled by some contingency that depends on task performance pay/bonus/promotions/benefits/spot awards/job security/praise/support/free time/lack of demotions or terminations


convos about others with unconfirmed facts


curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, sophisticated High Levels of Openness -good for fluid & dynamic, rapidly changing demands -find a new better approach -good for jobs that demand creativity -artistic & scientific fields

use of emtions

reflects the degree to which people can harness emotions & employ them to improve their chances of success (to meet a deadline)


reflects the degree to which the behaviors of an authority are in accordance with generally accepted morals "should/ought to be done"

Locus of Control

reflects whether people attribute causes of events to themselves or the external environment neurotics have external locus of control (believe fate, chance, luck) less neurotic people-internal locus of control (own behavior dictates events)


relatively permanent changes in an employees knowledge/skill that result from experience


relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but related activities

Reduce Strains

relaxation techniques including biofeedback cognitive-behavioral techniques-appraise & cope rationally health & wellness programs including... employee assistance programs (addictions)


representing the organization in a positive way when out in public, away from the office, and away from work


requires a number of different activities that involve diff skills & taletns

Method of Authority

respected agency/official "says so"

Specific Culture types

safety cultures -manufacturing/medical companies -reduce accidents, reduce medical errors diversity cultures -fostering a diverse group of employees creativity cultures -new ideas & innovation -talking rather than writing -no ties -daycare so they worry less

evidence based management

scientific findings should form the foundation for management education


sense of choice in the initiation & continuance of work tasks -what tasks to work on, how to structure them, how long


sensing & solving problems using insight, rules, & logic problem sensitivity -understanding when there's a problem -anesthesiologist deductive reasoning -applying general rules to specific problems -judge inductive reasoning -combining specific info to form general conclusions -detectives put clues together originality -developing new ideas -designers, writers, advertising exec


set of energetic forces that originate within and outside of an employee, initiates work-related effort, determines direction, intensity, persistence

job crafting

shape, mold, redefine jobs in a proactive way

Cultural Values

shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture What cultures are like

organizational culture

shared social knowlege within an organization regarding the rules, norms, values that shape the attitudes & behaviors of its employees


shared values, beliefs, motives, identities, interpretations that result from common experiences of members of a society that are transmitted across generations

zero acquaintance situations

situations where 2 people have just met (Easy to judge extraversion in this situation)


social learning theory-people learn thru observation of others behavioral modeling-observe actions of others, learn from what they observe, repeat the observed behavior Attentional->Retention->Production->Reinforcement

external comparison

someone in a dif company

internal compariosn

someone in the same company

equity has a

somewhat weaker effect on task performance

Team States

specific types of feelings & thoughts taht coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of working together Cohesion -emotinal attachment to team members -high levels of motivation &commitment to the team -higher levels of Team Performance highly cohesive-not better-members try to maitain harmony-groupthink Potency-members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations/tasks low-question goals &one another High potency--> Strong impact on perf Mental Models-level of understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of team &task -with respect to capabilties of members (who to ask for help from) -with respect to team processes (how to deal with conflict) Transactive Memory-how specialized knowledge is distributed among members &results in effecitve system of memory for the team -focus on what you do best -know where to go for gaps in knowledge -synergistic

Extraversion & Openness to Experience

stable throughout life & most dependent on genes


states of feeling that are often mild in intensity


statistical relationship b/w variables r=1 is positive

Cognitive Problem-focused

strategizing self-motivating changing priorities

communion striving

strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality

Status Striving

strong desire to obtain power & influence within a social structure as a means of expression personality

Motivation has a

strong positive effect on Job Performance


structures & propensities inside people that explain their characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, & behavior What people are like

Method of Science

studies replicate result in a series of samples, settings, methods


summarizes employees' links to their organization & community, their sense of fit with their organization & community, what they'd have to sacrifice for a job change

Organizational Citizenship Behavior

supporting & defending the company working to improve operations being loyal


systematic effort to facilitate learning of job-related behavior

Basic Underlying assumptions

taken-for-granted beliefs & philosophies ingrained so well that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behvior in a given situation

meta analysis

takes all correlations found in studies & calculates a weighted avg


talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, dominant Prioritize Status Striving "moving up" & strong reputation more likely to be leaders in social/task-related groups more effective leaders b/c energetic & outgoing High Positive Affectivity--> Higher Job Satisfaction Positively related to Life Satisfaction more positive events occur linked to # of friends, dating partners, alchohol consumption, frequency of attending parties less time w/family

team process training

team being able to function effecitvely together action learning-solve problem together -demands highlight process-pit stop training

Goal interdependence

team members have a shared vision of the team's goal & align their individual goals with that vision as a result tsm (everyone paddles in the same direction) mission statement-sense of commitment & urgency

Positive Affectivity

tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, elation -makes extraverts more satisfied w/jobs 30% of variation in job satisfaction is due to genetics

negative affectivity

tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, annoyance lower levels of job satisfaction lower levels of life satisfaction "gripe index"

3 critical psychological states

that make work satisfying


the belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in successful performance E--> P self-efficacy-belief that a person has the capabilities needed to execute the behaviors required (more efficacious--> higher levels of expectancy-->exert more effort) self-efficacy is based on 1. past accomplishments-degree to which they succeeded in the past 2. vicarious experiences-taking into account observations/discussions with others who performed the task 3. verbal persuasion-leaders, coworkers, friends persuade employees they can get the job done 4. emotional cues-feelings of fear can create doubts/pride bolsters confidence

psychological empowerment

the energy rooted in the belief that work tasks contribute to some larger purpose intrinsic Meaningfulness Self-Determination Competence Impact


the prominence of its brand in the minds of the public & perceived quality of its goods & services

intrinsic motivation

the task performance serves as its own reward enjoyment, interestingness, accomplishment, knowledge gain, skill development, personal expression, lack of boredom, anxiety, frustration


thoughts involved with dealing with stress

Type A

time urgency, impatient, hard-driving, competitive, controlling, aggressive, hostile walk, talk, eat quickly 1. rewards in the form of more/harder work prone to interpersonal conflict 2. hypersensitive to demands-more likely to appraise something as stressful 3. coronary heart disease, other strains

Social Networking Systems


schedules of reinforcement Page 248!!

timing of when contingencies are applied Best for new behaviors: Continuous Fixed Interval Variable Interval Fixed Ratio Variable Ratio

cross training

train members on duties of teammates personal clarification-receive info about roles of others positional modeling-observe others positional rotation-actual experience carrying out responsibilities of teammates\

General Cognitive Ability

underlies/causes all of the more specific cognitive abilities


understanding & expressing oral & written communication business execs, dispatchers, psychologists

Organizational Behavior

understanding, explaining, improving attitudes & behaviors of individuals & groups in organizations sOB-relationship b/w learning & performance

behavioral strains

unhealthy behaviors grinding teeth, overly critical & bossy, excessive smoking, compulsive gum chewing, overuses of alcohol, compulsive eating


unite a smaller subset of the organization's employees (may be strong leader in other area of the company)



(moderator) feedback

updates on employee progress toward goal attainment


use of power & influence to direct activities of followers toward goal achievement


use work time & resources to complete something other than their job duties


using Internet, email, IM for personal enjoyment


value of a work goal or purose

Job Performance

value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute either positively or negatively to organizational goal accomplishment


verbal chatting about nonwork topics


visual & mental representation & manipulation of objects in space spatial orientation -good understanding of where one is relative to other things in the environment -tourist gets back to hotel w/o map visualization -ability to imagine how separate things look if put together in a particular way -put a room together pilots, boat captains, photographers, set designers, sketch artists


voluntarily leaving the organization -more money & better opportunity -dissatisfaction with supervision, working condts, schedule -family factors -health

Citizenship Behavior

voluntary employee activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the overall quality of the setting where work takes place


warm, kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous "getting along" beneficial in Service Jobs -walk away/wait & see/give in -spend more time in public places -more likely to use words that convey personal rapport -less likely to swear

Routine Task Performance

well-known responses to demands that occur in a normal, routine, predictable way

production blocking

when members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task


when values don't match those of the larger organization -challenge values or split

leader emergence

who becomes the leader in the first place

independent forms model of withdrawal

withdrawal behaviors are uncorrelated with one anther occur for dif reasons fulfill different needs on the part of employees

compensatory forms model of withdrawal

withdrawal behaviors negatively correlate with one another doing one means your less likely to do another cyberloaf instead of being absent

Behavioral Problem-focused

work harder seek help acquire additional resources


written predictions that specify relationships b/w variables


mix of people that make up the team see page 367 Member Roles -roles-defined pattern of behavior that a person is expected to display in a given context -Leaders-Staff teams-leader makes decisions & provides direction & control over members Team task roles -behaviors that directly facilitate the accomplishment of team tasks Team-Building roles -behaviors that influence the quality of teams social climate Individualistic roles -behaviors that benefit the indiv at the expense of the team Member Ability disjunctive tasks-member w/highest level of relevant ability has the most influence on the effectiveness of the team conjunctive tasks-weakest link determines performance additive tasks-contributions add up Member Personality agreeableness-work on behalf of team/may not criticize conscientiousness-deal with not consciouintess people extraversion-perform more effectively in interpersonal contexts & more positive/optimistic, too many-assertive & dominant->power struggles Team Diversity degree to which members are dif from one another Value in Diversity Problem-Solving Approach-provides larger pool of knowledge & perspectives -complex & creative work benefits most from diversity Similarity-Attraction Approach-people are attracted to people that are more similar & avoid dissimilar people to avoid disagreements Surface-level diversity-observable attributes, race, ethnicity, sex, age neg affects disappear as members get to know each other fault lines-informal subgroup develop based on surface level attributes & info is not shared with group Deep-level diversity-inferred after more direct experience-attitude, values, personality time increases neg effects (dif become more apparent & reduced effectiveness) -reflect on progress -positive effect on creativity, when taking perspective of teammates -emphasize team tasks & procedures -emphasis on freedom of expression & participation exacerbates problems -*benefit from extraversion & agreeableness Team Size Management & Project Teams-more the merrier benefit from additional resources & expertise Production Teams-fewer is better additional member->unneccessary coordination & communication probs less accountable for outcomes 4-5 is best

equity has

moderate positive effect on citizenship moderate negative effect on counterproductive

motivation has a

moderate positive effect on org commitment

knowledge & skill and growth need stregnth

moderators if Employee lacks skill or desire for growth then more variety & autonomy do NOT increase satisfaction

economic exchange relationshiop

narrowly defined, quid pro quo obligations, contractual


neg consequences that occur when demands tax/exceed the person's capacity/resources

missing meetings

neglect work functions while away from the office


nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, jealous 2nd most important to job performance display negative affectivity

differential reactivity

neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with stressors

differential exposure

neurotic people are more likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful

Orientation Programs

newcomer orientaiton -effective way ot start socialization process -effective transmitters of socialization content -higher levels of sastisfaction, commitment, peformance

HR resource management

nuts & bolts applications of those principles in organizations HR-best ways to structure training programs to promote learning

Method of Intuition

obvious & self evident


offering suggestions for change

knowledge transfer

older workers teach younger ones

ONET Occupational Information Network

online database that includes characteristics of most jobs in terms of tasks, behaviors, & req knowledge

Hindrance Stressors have a Strong Neg relationship with

organizational commitment

Challenge Stressors have a Moderate Positive relationship wih

organizational committmen

Self Efficacy/Competence/Confidence

outperform those who doubt their capabilities

Civic Virtue

participating in company's operations at a deeper-than-normal level attending voluntary meetings & functions keeping up with org announcements


passive, constructive response maintains public support for the situation while individually hoping for improvement


passive, destructive response interest & effort in job declines


people with challenge stressors experience illness, but come to work anyway can result in prolonged illness presenteeism has a larger reduction in productivity than abesneeism

focus of commitment

people, places, things that inspire a desire to remain a member of an organization


perceive, understand, recall patterns of info speed & flexibility of closure -pick out a pattern of info quickl in the presence of distracting info, even w/o al linfo present CIA breaks codes perceptual speed -examine & compare numbers, letters, objects, quickly -choose the best tomato -proofreading, sorting, categorizing musicians, firefighters, pilots, mail clerks, inspectors


perceived fairness of an authority's decisions making


personality traits include a general propensity to trust others high trust propensity-expectation that words, promises, statements can be relied upon affected by: genes early childhood nations-(US higher than Europe/South America)

Hofstede's Dimensions of Cultural Values

pg 294 Individualism-Collectivism Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Masculinity-Femininity Short-Term vs. Long-Term


physical activities used to cope

physical withdrawal EXIT

physical escape from work

Job Satisfaction

pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job


prescriptive-how people ought to act -legal, medical, economics descriptive-how people tend to act -psychology unethical behavior merely ethical behavior-adheres to minimally accepted standard of morality especially ethical behavior-exceed minimal standards -whistle blowing


process in which 2 or more interdepednent indivuals discuss & attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences

Strategic Management

product choices & industry characteristics that affect profitability


propensity to view one's own cultural values as "right" and others as "wrong"


psychological response to demands that possess certain stakes for the person that tax or exceed the person's capacity or resources


rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness driven by a "track record" ability-skills, competencies, expertise that enable authority to be successful in some specific area benevolence-authority wants to do good for the trustor, apart from selfish motives -care for employees, feel a sense of loyalty to them integrity-authority adheres to a set of values & principles


recurring regularities or trends in people's responses to their environment

psychological contracts

reflect employee's beliefs about what they owe the organization & what the organization owes them -shaped by recruitment & socialization activities

Person-organization fit has a

WEAK effect on Job Performance


WILLINGNESS to be vulnerable to a trustee based on positive expectations about the turstee's actions & intentions

Cognitive Ability

Weak Effect on Organizational Commitment

Task Interdependence has a ...

Weak Positive relationship with Team Commitment (correlation is stronger for complex knowledge work)

Direction of Effort

What are you going to do right now? the assignment emails to friends surf the web

cognitive distortion

allows you to restore balance mentally ex. realizing that your education & contributions were more vital than you previously thought

Developing HR

Training -teaching operational/technical employees hot to do the job for which they were hired -Short Term-Skill -"How to use a blow torch" Development -teaching managers & professionals skills needed for present & future jobs -"Accountants attend leadership training" Assessing Training Needs -determining what needs exist is the first step in developing a training plan Common Training Methods -Lectures-factual material -Role play/Case Studies-improve interpersonal relations & group decision-making -On-the-Job & Vestibule Training-learn physical skills thru practice & actual use of tools Evaluation of Training -measure relevant job performance criteria before & after to determine effect of training Performance Appraisal -formal assessment of how well employees do their jobs Reasons for Appraisal -validates selection process -aids in decisions about pay raises, promotions, training -provides feedback for improvement Objective Measures of Performance -actual output, scrap rate, dollar volume in sales, number of claims processed -can be contaminated by outside factors-"opportunity bias" (chance to perform better than others) Ex. larger market area -performance tests-standardize conditions -measure ability Not Motivation Judgmental Methods Ranking-comparing employees directly -difficult w/large numbers of employees -difficult to make comparisons across work groups -employees ranked only on overall performance -not useful for employee feedback Rating -compares each employee w/fixed standard Graphic Rating -job performance dimensions to be rated on a standard scale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Behaviorally-anchored rating scale BARS supervisors construct a rating scale where each point on the scale is associated with behavioral anchors 1-ignores customer 2-isn't friendly 3-performs basic tasks 4-greets customers 5-greets & serves customers Performance Appraisal Errors Recency Errors -basing judgments on the subordinates most recent perf b/c it is most easily recalled Error of leniency & strictness -too lenient, too strict, or rating everyone "avg" Halo Error -allowing one positive attribute to overshadow other dimensions Horns error -allowing one negative attribute to overshadow other dimensions Central tendency error -everyone gets the same rate to avoid conflict Performance Feedback -private meeting b/w employee & immediate supervisor -focus on facts --assessed level of performance, how & why assessment was made, how the employee's performance can be improved in the future -properly training managers to conduct effective feedback interviews -360 degree feedback

Ch 7

Trust, Justice, Ethics

Neurotic people are more likely to be

Type A

Selecting HR

Validation -extent to which a selection device is really predictive of future job performance Predictive validation -correlates previously collected test scores w/employees actual performance Content validation -makes sure techniques used, measure skills needed for job performance Application Blanks -gather info about work history, edu background, job-related demographic data -must not ask for info unrelated to the job Tests -ability, skill, aptitude, knowledge tests are the best predictors of job success -must be validated, administered, scored consistently Interviews -poor predictors of job success due to interview biases -improved with training & structured interviews Use a combo of Interview AND RJP/Tests to increase Validity Assessment Centers -selecting managers & selecting current employees for promo -content validation of major parts of managerial jobs Other -Polygraphs declined -Physical exams, Drug tests, credit checks screen prospective employees -Conscientiousness-best predictor of performance

Affective Commitment

WANT to stay emotion based

Taskwork Processess

activities of team members taht relate directly to accomplishment of team tasks Creative Behavior -generate novel & useful ideas/solutions -brainstorming-face to face meeting in which each member offers as many ideas as possible about some issue Express all ideas that come to mind Quantity over Quality Don't critcize/evaluate others Build on the ideas of others -actually better to indivually generate ideas before coming together B/C People social loaf during session Hessitant to express silly/not well thought out ideas Production blocking b/c take turns expressing ideas -builds moral & shares knowledge nominal group technique -bring together to outline purpose of meeting -set pd of time to write down ideas on paper -share ideas with team &clarify & build -indivdually rank ideas on card they submit to facilitator who counts scores Decision Making depends on... -decision informity-whether members possess adequate info about their own task respsonsiblities -staff validity-degree to which members make good recommendations to the leader (based on lack of ability, insight, good judgment) -hierachcial sensitivity-degree to which the leader effectivley weights recommendations of members Boundary Spanning -3 types of activities when indivs &groups other than the team are involved Ambassasdor activities-comm inteneded to protect the team, persuade others to suppor the team, obtain resources for the team (member of mktg team meets with Sr. Managment to request increase in budget) Task coordinator activities-comm inteded to coordinate task-related issues w/people or groups in other functional areas (member meets w/ manufacturing to work out how coupon is integrated into packaging) Scout Activities-obtain info about tech, competitors, broader marketplace (meets engineer to seek info about new materials)

Adaptive Task Performance

adaptability responses to demands that are novel, unusual, or unpredictable

2. emotional support

addresses emotional distress that accompanies demands

Cutlure Strength

agree about the way things are supposed to happen within the org (high consensus) & when their subsequent behaviors are consistent with those expectations (high intensity)

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