MGMT 4482 - Final Exam

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Based on our When Power is Limited lecture, what should you be aware of if both sides have a weak BATNA?

Correct Answer A) A deal would likely create a significant amount of value for both sides. B) The ZOPA is small. C) There is little incentive to come to an agreement. D) Both B and C. E) All of the above.

Based on our lecture, power types are often broadly grouped into which of the following categories?

A) Legitimate and Coercive. B) Expert and Referent. C) Positional and Personal. D) Hard and Soft. Correct! E) C and D. F) None of the above.

If you can't come to an agreement with the other party, what should you ultimately do?

Choose your BATNA

Which of the following is true about parasitic value creation, based on our ethics lectures?

A) A win-win agreement is created for individuals who are NOT represented at the negotiating table. Correct! B) Value is created at the expense of others. C) It's considered a highly appropriate integrative strategy. D) It's illegal. E) None of the above.

Select the statement below that best defines power, as highlighted in our lecture:

A) Actually influencing others. B) Influencing others through positional or personal methods. Correct! C) The potential to influence others. D) Influencing others through personal or interpersonal strengths. E) Actual influence toward a shared or common goal.

How might we better understand what additional issues are relevant in a negotiation, based on our lectures?

A) Ask the other party. B) Attempt to put yourself in the other side's shoes. C) Brainstorm both by yourself and with the other party. D) Both B and C. Correct! E) All of the above.

Based on our When Power is Limited lecture, how can we successfully negotiate from a position of weakness?

A) Avoid joining a coalition. Correct! B) Work on building referent power. C) Work on building reward power. D) Both A and B. E) All of the above.

Based on this week's lectures, how do we define ethics?

A) Avoiding bad decisions. B) Following rules. Correct! C) Appropriate conduct, based on the norms of society. D) Adhering to organizational norms and guidelines E) Good vs. Evil.

Based on our integrative negotiation lectures, before we decide to make concessions or compromise in a negotiation, which should we try to do first?

A) Bring up additional issues that may be relevant to the negotiation. B) Create an even split. C) Make a tradeoff based on how each party differentially values the issues at hand. Correct Answer D) Both A and C. You Answered E) All of the above.

Based on our lecture, when is it considered best practice to use coercive power?

A) Coercive power should only be used when managing down. B) Coercive power should only be used when relationships with others are good. C) Coercive power should only be used when relationships are already damaged. D) Coercive power should be used regularly to enforce agreements. Correct! E) Coercive power should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as ethical violations. F) Both A and C.

Based on research, which of the following types of power is suggested to be most important for managerial effectiveness?

A) Coercive power. Correct! B) Personal power. C) Hard power. D) Reward power. E) Legitimate power.

As discussed in our lectures, most negotiations take place as distributive bargainingscenarios, despite the fact that multiple issues are relevant. Why is this the case?

A) Distributive bargaining is a superior strategy. B) A cognitive bias is often involved. C) The fixed-pie bias promotes distributive bargaining. Correct! D) Both B and C. E) All of the above.

Based on our power and influence lecture, which of the following statements is true?

A) Leadership refers to the potential to influence others. B) Power is focused on actual influence, but leadership is not. C) Power focuses on influence as it pertains to shared or common goals. D) All of the above. Correct! E) None of the above.

Based on our effective communication lectures, which of the following statements, about electronic communication, is true?

A) Electronic communication is typically considered superior to face-to-face communication for the purpose of providing clarity. B) Electronic communication should only be used for complex and/or delicate issues. Correct! C) Electronic communication lacks cues present in face-to-face communication. D) All of the above. E) None of the above.

Which of the following should be considered when negotiating with difficult people, based on our lectures?

A) Figure out if the other side perceives a lack of fairness. B) Gather information to identify why the other side might be hard to deal with. C) Make sure the other side understands all of the relevant information. D) Take accountability and assume you should be doing something better. Correct! E) All of the above.

After six months and hundreds of hours of negotiating, Tyreke and Carlos finally came to a verbal agreement. Before leaving the office, Carlos decides to type up the details of the agreement, and send them to Tyreke, via email. Because Carlos wants to avoid anyunexpected issues later on, he intends to make sure Tyreke clearly understands all aspects of the agreement. In his email, Carlos restates the same positions that were discussed earlier, but he makes sure to simplify things as much as possible so that thereare no misunderstandings. Which of the following is true about Carlos?

A) He is monitoring his nonverbal cues. Correct! B) He is using redundant communication. C) He is schmoozing. D) He is providing negative feedback. E) None of the above.

When trying to schmooze, which of the following should we do, based on our communication lectures?

A) Identify differences in priorities. B) Take a couple minutes, before any negotiation starts, to build rapport with the other side. C) Identify things we might have in common with the other side. D) Both A and B. Correct! E) Both B and C.

In negotiations, why is it helpful to build a good relationship with the other side?

A) If a negotiation fails, we may still be able to come to an agreement at a later date. B) The other side may trust us more. C) The other side may be more willing to cooperate. D) Both B and C. Correct! E) All of the above.

Which of the following is true about empathy

A) In negotiations, empathy involves seeing the world as the other side does. B) Empathy is an aspect of social awareness. C) Empathy involves feeling the emotions that go along with the other side's perspective. D) Both A and B. Correct! E) All of the above.

Which of the following statements is true about expert and referent power?

A) Individuals will be less effective if they rely on these types of power, as opposed to others. B) They are considered types of positional power. C) They are two of the six types of power typically recognized. D) All of the above. Correct! E) None of the above.

Why should we engage in active listening?

A) It can increase our potential to influence the other side. B) It can increase how much the other side likes us and is committed to us. C) It can help us gather and better understand information. D) Both A and B. Correct! E) All of the above.

Based on our lectures, why should we try to estimate the zone of possible agreement?

A) It helps us understand where to ideally place our anchor. B) It helps us understand the range in which a final deal can be reached. BOTH A AND B

Based on this week's lecture, how should we interpret the "80-20" guideline for negotiation?

A) It's a hard rule explaining that 80% of the time spent on a negotiation should be spent preparing, in advance. Correct! B) It's not a hard rule, but illustrates the importance of taking sufficient time to prepare for a negotiation, in advance. C) It suggests that 80% of our negotiation time should be spent actually negotiating, and 20% of our time should be spent on preparation. D) It's a guideline that explains the percentage of time that should be spent figuring out each side's reservation point (80% for your reservation point, 20% for the other side's reservation point). E) Both A and D.

Based on our lecture, which of the following statements is false about rational persuasion?

A) It's characterized by the use of data, facts, and logical arguments. B) It's typically the most effective influence tactic when trying to negotiate with someone who has more legitimate power. C) When using rational persuasion, you should explain what you want, and why it's in the other side's best interests to provide it. D) It's usually compatible with other influence tactics. You Answered E) All of the above. Correct Answer F) None of the above.

One day, James decides that he's going to buy a new car. Before arriving at the local Toyota dealership, he decides that he's going to engage in distributive bargaining. Moreover, before arriving, he's decided that he wants to try to set a good anchor by initially lowballing the dealer. He's also determined that he will try to nibble for some additional items (e.g., upgraded floor mats) before ultimately agreeing to any deal. Which of the following is true?

A) James has prepared a strategy for negotiation. B) James has decided what negotiation tactics he will use. C) James has identified negotiation tactics that he will use, but no negotiation strategy. Correct! D) Both A and B. E) Both B and C.

Morgan was recently hired as a People Analyst at Google. As part of her new job, she has a large degree of input over how much her subordinates get paid. Based on this information, we can determine that she has which type(s) of power?

A) Legitimate power. B) Referent power. C) Reward power. Correct! D) Both A and C. E) All of the above. F) None of the above.

Dan likes to threaten his subordinates to make sure they perform up to par. Recently, he implemented an attendance system that costs employees $2 for every minute they are late to work. Based on this information, Dan has which type(s) of power?

A) Legitimate power. You Answered B) Coercive power. C) Referent power. Correct Answer D) Both A and B. E) All of the above. F) None of the above.

Which steps should you take when trying to figure out your BATNA?

A) List out all possible alternatives. B) Assign a value to each alternative. C) Take note of the alternative that has been assigned the greatest value. ALL THE ABOVE

Which of the following is true about using email to communicate?

A) Negotiators can more easily build rapport by using email rather than face-to-face communication. B) Negotiating via email is typically associated with fewer instances of deception. C) Negotiating via email is associated with more trust and satisfaction than face-to-face communication. Correct! D) Negative comments have been found to be more common when communicating via email, as opposed to face-to-face communication. E) None of the above.

Which of the following should we typically NOT reveal in a negotiation?

A) Our BATNA. B) Our reservation point

Why should we prepare for a negotiation, in advance?

A) Preparing may allow us to create an effective negotiation strategy. B) Preparing allows us to determine what tactics we can use to implement our strategy. C) Planning allows us to determine, in advance, what questions we should ask the other side. D) Preparation allows us to carefully consider and address many of the complexities involved in negotiations. ALL THE ABOVE

Which of the following is true about pressure tactics, based on our Influence Tacticslecture?

A) Pressure tactics can increase unethical behaviors. B) Pressure tactics can damage relationships. C) Pressure tactics should only be used when time pressure already exists. Correct! D) Both A and B. E) All of the above.

Based on our ethics lectures, what questions should you ALWAYS prepare an answer for,in advance?

A) Questions about your BATNA. B) Questions about your ethical philosophy. C) Questions about your reservation point. Correct! D) Both A and C. E) All of the above.

When Kent & Associates, Alipour International, and PhD Products realized that they could only meet each other's needs and preferences by working together, they quickly brainstormed exactly how the resources of each firm could be used to create an integrative agreement. Simply put, Kent & Associates provided necessary technology to PhD Products. In turn, PhD Products provided their manufacturing expertise to Alipour International. Finally, Alipour International allowed their star employee, and current head of marketing, to breach his current employment contract without penalty, to join Kent & Associates. By considering the broader pool of resources made available by all 3 companies, value was created that met the needs of each. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in this case?

A) Reciprocal logrolling. B) Circular logrolling. C) Multiparty negotiation. Correct! D) Both B and C. E) Both A and C.

Which of the following is true about infuence tactics?

A) Research has shown that rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, and coalitions are the most effective influence tactics. Correct Answer B) The likelihood of success will increase if more than one effective tactic is used, at the same time. You Answered C) Consultation involves helping the other side carry out your request. D) Both A and B. E) All of the above

Based on our lectures, which of the following statements about positive and negative emotions is false?

A) Research supports the idea that positive and negative emotions can rub off on others. B) Negative emotions spread more easily than positive emotions. C) Negative emotions can drain energy, and decrease performance. You Answered D) All of the above. Correct Answer E) None of the above.

Which of the following is true, when a weak party is trying to effectively negotiate with a powerful coalition, based on our lectures?

A) The weak party could benefit from a "Divide and Conquer" strategy. B) The weak party could benefit from identifying vulnerable parties, within the powerful coalition, that perceive a lack of fairness. C) The weak party should use influence tactics to convince other parties to leave the powerful coalition. D) The weak party should consider using rational persuasion to explain why leaving the powerful coalition would be in the other party's best interests. E) Both C and D. Correct! F) All of the above.

What are some potential consequences if a negotiating party perceives a lack of fairness?

A) There may be a failure to come to an agreement. B) They may try to restore balance via unethical behaviors. C) They may quit their "unfair" job. D) Both A and B. Correct! E) All of the above.

Based on our lectures, which of the following is true about distinct value propositions?

A) They can be used to highlight the value that can be created for the other side. B) They can be used to distinguish yourself from the competition. C) They can be used to gain leverage when initially perceived to be in a weak position. You Answered D) Both A and B. Correct Answer E) All of the above.

Based on our lectures, which of the following is true about multiparty negotiations?

A) They involve 2 or more different parties. B) There are typically more contractual details and intangibles that must be managed. C) In multiparty negotiations, tradeoffs can be reciprocal or circular. Correct! D) Both B and C. E) All of the above

Renee and Julio both attempt to negotiate over the price of a car, but are unable to reach an agreement. Which of the following is true?

A) They should both select their BATNAs. C) A negative ZOPA probably exists. BOTH A and C

Which of the following is true about having an internal locus of control, including taking personal accountability for undesirable outcomes?

A) Those with more of an internal locus of control tend to have higher salaries. B) Those with more of an internal locus of control tend to have better work relationships and greater referent power. C) Those with more of an internal locus of control tend to have greater mental and physical health. D) Those with more of an internal locus of control tend to have greater job performance and job satisfaction. Correct! E) All of the above.

From a practical standpoint, which of the following statements is consistent with equity theory?

A) We are all created equal. B) Fairness is typically objective. Correct! C) We compare ourselves to similar others to subjectively determine fairness. D) Fairness is not necessary for motivation. E) Both A and C.

When should we NOT try to engage in an integrative negotiation?

A) We are interested in building or maintaining a good relationship with the other side. B) We believe the other side is trustworthy. C) We have multiple issues to negotiate. Correct! D) There is only one issue that the other side is willing to negotiate. E) We will be negotiating again, with the other side, in the near future

Why might we decide NOT to make the first offer?

A) We are prepared. B) We know the other side's reservation point. C) We have an estimate of the zone of possible agreement. D) We are trying to establish the first anchor. E) Both B and D. Correct! F) None of the above. NONE OF THE ABOVE

Why should we consider making multiple offers to the other side, at the same time, rather than a single offer?

A) We can get feedback from the other side about what they value most. B) Research shows that providing multiple offers, at the same time, is associated with more concessions from the other side. C) Negotiators who make multiple offers, at the same time, typically reap better rewards. D) Both B and C. Correct! E) All of the above.

Based on our ethics lectures, how can we decrease the likelihood that the other side tries to deceive us?

A) We can try to look as prepared as possible. B) We can create a contingency contract. C) We can ask direct questions about the other side's BATNA and reservation point. Correct! D) Both A and B. E) All of the above.

Which of the following is true, when preparing for a negotiation?

A) We should determine our BATNA. B) We should determine our reservation point. C) We should estimate the other side's BATNA. D) We should estimate the other side's reservation point. E) Both A and B. Correct! F) All of the above ALL OF THE ABOVE

Which of the following statements, about goal setting, is highly supported by research, as discussed in this week's lecture?

A) We should set challenging/difficult goals. B) We should set SMART goals. C) We should set specific goals. D) Both B and C. Correct! E) Both A and C.

When should we consider forming or joining a coalition, based on our class lectures?

A) When it can help us maintain the power and leverage that we currently have. B) When pooling resources, with a coalition partner, allows us to meet the needs of the other side. C) When we are weak, and can gain power via a coalition. D) Both B and C. Correct! E) All of the above.

When is the other side most likely to lie, based on our ethics lectures?

A) When they think you're lying. B) When they see NO potential for a long-term relationship. C) When they can get something desirable. Correct Answer D) When all of the above factors are present, at the same time.

Which of the following is true about making inspirational appeals, based on the totality of our Influence Tactics lecture?

A) When trying to effectively use inspirational appeals, we should be careful about getting overly excited or energetic. B) Inspirational appeals are the most effective influence tactic when negotiating with someone who has more legitimate power. Correct! C) We should try to combine inspirational appeals with other influence tactics. D) All of the above. E) None of the above.

Based on our Negotiating with Difficult People lectures, how do we identify potential blind spots?

A) Work on gaining self-awareness. B) Ask for feedback from supervisors, peers, and subordinates. C) Complete all ethics training courses offered by your organization. Correct! D) Both A and B. E) All of the above.

Based on our lectures, which of the following is true about distributive bargaining?

B) It's used when both sides have one goal, and these goals are in direct conflict/competition (e.g., saving as much money as possible vs. getting as much money as possible).

Choose the best option, based on the following scenario: Jake and Sarah want to negotiate over the price of a house. More specifically, Jake owns the house, and Sarah is a potential buyer. Early on in their conversation, Sarah attempts to anchor by making an unrealistically low first offer. Based on our lectures, which of the following negotiation tactics should Jake use?

C) Jake should ask Sarah to make a more realistic offer.

Which of the following would be best for increasing referent power?

Correct Answer A) Building relationships through regularly utilizing schmoozing and active listening tactics. B) Building knowledge and skills through university courses and work experience. C) Getting a promotion to increase control over resources and rewards. D) Negotiating with your boss to gain more authority over work activities. You Answered E) Both A and B. F) None of the above.

Which of the following statements, about influence tactics, is false?

Correct Answer A) Rational persuasion is most effective when combined with referent power. B) Consultation can be used to get the other side to see your perspective, if you don't believe they have already done so. C) Ingratiation is considered a moderately effective influence tactic. D) Both B and C. E) All of the above.

Based on our When Power is Limited lecture, which should you consider doing when you're ready to walk away from a negotiation, without forming an agreement?

Correct Answer! A) Consider revealing your BATNA. B) Consider using hardball tactics. C) Consider revealing your reservation point. D) Both A and C. E) All of the above.

Based on our lectures, which of the following is true about coalitions?

Correct! A) Individuals who often display negative emotions are less likely to be asked to join a coalition. B) Maintaining high levels of legitimate power will keep your coalition intact. C) Coalitions typically stay the same for prolonged periods of time. D) Both A and B. E) All of the above.

Based on our lectures, what can we do to avoid pike syndrome?

Correct! A) Remain flexible and consider alternative options. B) Be firm and trust our past experiences. C) Get as much negotiation experience as possible. D) Both A and B. E) All of the above.

As discussed in our lectures, which component of emotional intelligence has been found to be most beneficial for achieving both distributive and integrative negotiation success?

Correct! A) Social awareness. B) Self-awareness. C) Self-management. D) Relationship management. E) None of the abov

Select the statement below that best defines negotiation, as discussed in our lectures:

D) A social process through which two or more parties attempt to reach an agreement.

When making the first offer, where should you ideally place your anchor?

E) Just outside the ZOPA, near the other party's reservation point.

If we are focused on forming a win-win agreement, we are likely attempting to engage in which type of negotiation, as discussed in our lectures?

Integrative negotiation

Based on our lectures, why should we avoid engaging in unethical behaviors?

It can harm our reputation

Jimmy is a middle manager who supervises several sales employees. Yesterday, he met with the CEO of his company, Amanda, and he attempted to negotiate for the implementation of a different sales bonus system. Amanda was interested in Jimmy's ideas, and she attempted to reach an agreement with Jimmy. However, they were NOT able to finalize a deal. Which of the following is true?

Jimmy was negotiating up, and a negotiation took place

If we make tradeoffs with the other side, based on how issues/items are differently valued, this is typically called (based on our integrative negotiation lectures):


Based on our lectures, which of the following is an example of a tangible?

delivery date

True or false? Engaging in unethical behaviors means that you have broken the law.


True or false? In negotiations, tangibles are more important than intangibles.


Which of the following is true about negotiation?

negotiation skills can be used in the workplace, and negotiation skills can be used outside the workplace

When should you NOT negotiate?

when you are unprepared and there's little to win but a lot to lose

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