MGS 105mm Ammo

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All training ammunition is designed to replicate what?

All training ammunition is manufactured to replicate service ammunition to a range of approximately 2000 meters.

Define Tracer

An element inserted in the base of projectiles that, when ignited, burns and allows the projectile's trajectory and impact to be observed during flight.

Name all components of the 105mm ammunition.

Ogive Bourrelet Body Projectile Subprojectile Obturator Tracer Cartridge Case Propellant Fuze Primer

What type of filler and how much is used in the M456A2?

2.14lbs. Comp B

What type of filler and how much is used in the M393A3?

6.6lbs. Comp A3

Define Subprojectile

After shot exit, the sabot petals discard allowing the subprojectile to travel to the target for destruction.

What are the different primers found in the 105mm ammunition?

M83- M456A2 M86- all M393, M467/M467A1, M1040 M128- M900 M80A1- M490/M490A1, M724A1

Define Bourrelet

A raised metal or plastic ring around the outer forward surface of the projectile. Its purpose is to center the forward part of the projectile as it travels through the bore.

What are the primary classification and uses for the 105mm ammunition?

Armor Defeating Ammunition: 1. Sabot- The primary armor defeating round for the 105mm main gun. (Tank and tank-like targets.) 2. HEAT- The secondary armor defeating ammunition. Primarily used against lightly armored targets, bunkers and fortifications. Secondary role against tank and tank-like targets. Anti-personnel / Anti-materiel: 1. High Explosive Plastic (HEP) Used against field fortifications, bunkers, buildings, crew-served weapons emplacements, and to create infantry breach points 2. Canister (CAN)-Used against massed troop formations. In a secondary role can be used against technical vehicles and non reinforced walls. Does not have a training round. Training ammunition (TP-T): Target Practice- Used for gunnery training. Dummy-Used for practicing gunnery related tasks.

What are the basic projectile color indicators and their use?

Black-Armor Defeating Olive Drab-Antipersonnel/Antimateriel Light Blue-Target Practice

How does the Slip band/J-band and the Drive band/Rotating band affect the 105mm ammunition?

Drive band or rotating band = Spin stabilized. The metallic rings around the base of the projectile. It seals the propellant gases behind the base and imparts spin on a Spin stabilized round. Slip band or J-band = Fin stabilized. The slip band absorbs approximately 80% of spin for fin stabilized projectile.

Explain what causes the projectile to start its movement forward.

Initial detonation of propellant and rear obturation of the cartridge; expanding gases push the projectile down the length of the bore toward the muzzle

What is the nomenclature of the tracer for all 105mm ammunition? What is their color and how long does it burn for?

M-13 tracer (Red) 2.5 sec. M12 tracer (Orange) 6.0 sec. M12BG (Yellow) 6 sec.

What is the propellant, primer, and tracer for the M724A1?

M1 single base 7 perf cylinder, M80A1, M13 Red

What is the propellant, primer, and tracer for the M467A1?

M1 single base 7 perf cylinder, M86, M12 BG yellow

What is the propellant, primer, and tracer for the M393A3?

M1 single base 7 perf cylinder, M86, M12 Orange

What is the propellant, primer, and tracer for the M467?

M1 single base 7 perf cylinder, M86, M12 orange

What is the propellant, primer, tracer and fuze for the M393A3?

M1 single base 7 perf grain, M86, M12BG yellow, M578E1 BD

What are the different types of propellant used in the 105mm ammunition?

M1 single base 7 perf grain-M393A3 M1 single base 7 perf cylinder-M724A1, M393A1, M467, M467A1 M14 single base - M490, M490A1 M14 single base 7 perf-M1040 M43 Triple Base LOVA, - M900 M30 Triple Base 7 perf hex- M456A2

Which round contains no fuze, tracer, or energetics?


What is the propellant and primer for the M1040?

M14 Single base 7 perf, M86

What is the propellant, primer, and tracer for the M490/M490A1?

M14 single base, M80A1, M13 red

What is the propellant, primer, tracer and fuze for the M456A2?

M30 triple base 7 perf hex, M83, M13 red, M509A1

What is the propellant, primer, and tracer for the M900?

M43 triple base lova, M128, M13 red

What is the nomenclature for the round that is static stabilized?


Which round is static stabilized?


What fuze has an FFAIS?

M509A1 PIBD fuze (Full Frontal Area Impact Switch)

What round with lot numbers before 1995 should not be fired from the MGS?

M724A1, due to low melt wax

What are the training rounds for the HEAT, SABOT and HEP ammunition?

Sabot- M724A1 TPDS-T HEAT- M490/M490A1/M393A1 TP-T HEP- M467/M467A1 TP-T

What are the functioning forces for the M393A3 and how do they work?

Setback causes the M393A2 to function. Setback forces cause the M578 BD dual safety fuze to arm. At 7000-8500 rpm, 26 feet from the muzzle. The plastic explosive is "squashed" against the surface of the target on impact and spreads out to form a disc or "pat" of explosive. The base fuze detonates the explosive milliseconds later

What are the functioning forces for the M900 and how do they work?

Setback is accomplished by the design of the non-interlocking buttress threads. Lock the sub-projectile and sabot pedals together during setback. Prevent early separation of sabot petals. Aerodynamic force causes the air to travel around the projectile to separate the sub-projectile from the sabot petals. The three sabot petals will separate at the predetermined break points. Thus allowing the sub projectile to travel to the target. Upon impact target penetration is effected strictly by the high kinetic energy of the subprojectile impacting the target creating a pryophortic effect from spalling.

What are the functioning forces for the M1040 and how do they work?

Setback is the initial force that occurs, pulling the payload into the aft body. Aerodynamic force create set forward by body design, allowing the payload to shift forward, breaking the aluminum body at the predetermined break points. Thus allowing the payload and aft body to travel to the target.

What are the functioning forces for the M456A2 and how do they work?

Setback starts the arming process Aerodynamic force stabilizes the projectile during flight upon impact the fuze detonates igniting the Comp B filler which then the cone collapses creating a shape charge that penetrates the target.

What are the functioning forces that allow all 105mm ammunition to function?

Setback, Aerodynamic force, impact

Define Cartridge Case

The 105mm cartridge houses the propellant and primer. When the round is fired, the cartridge case expands to seal the rear of the gun tube(rear obturation).

Define Primer

The cap in the base of the cartridge case that ignites the Propellant charge.

Define Propellant

The composition that burns, producing gas pressure that forces the projectile from the cartridge case towards the target.

Define Ogive

The forward portion of the projectile designed to reduce air resistance and also assist in providing aerodynamic stabilization.

Define Obturator

The hard plastic ring around the base of the projectile. It seals the propellant gases behind the base of the Projectile

Define Body

The part of the projectile between the bourrelet and the obturator. It contains a subprojectile, explosive chemical filler and fuze, or all three.

Define Fuze

The part of the projectile that causes the it to function upon impact or at a specific time (not currently used in Kinetic energy rounds)

Define Projectile

The part of the round that travels through the gun tube.

Upon impact what happens for the M393A3?

Upon either impact or graze, the impact ball drives the striker and firing pin forward into the detonator. The detonator flash fires the booster lead charge and the booster charge to detonate the projectile. The plastic explosive is "squashed" against the surface of the target on impact and spreads out to form a disc or "pat" of explosive. The base fuze detonates the explosive milliseconds later.

Upon impact what happens for the M900?

Upon impact target penetration is effected strictly by the high kinetic energy of the subprojectile impacting the target. The DU Penetrator travels so fast that when it comes into contact with the target it Spalls. When it spalls it self sharpens continuing to penetrate the armor. The flakes of DU that come into contact with the atmosphere create a pyrophoric effect.

Upon impact what happens for the M456A2?

Upon impact, M509A2 fuze functioning detonates the projectile and the cone collapses, creating a high velocity focused shock wave and a jet of metal particles that penetrate the target.

What are the colors indicating filler or charge?

White Letters-Inert-No filler or charge Yellow letters-High Explosive Filler Black Band-Secondary Armor Defeating Blue Band-Inert-explosive filler replaced with flaked lead and concrete

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