MGT 291- Ch 7

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A performance bonus is an example of _____________. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

A. positive reinforcement

The intensity of a person's desire to begin or continue engaging in the pursuit of a goal is called __________. a. self-esteem b. motivation c. talent d. self-efficacy

B. motivation

According to David McClelland, wanting to do something better or more efficiently to solve problems, or to master complex tasks is called a _________________. a. need for affiliation b. need for achievement c. need for power d. need for success

B. need for achievement

Which schedules of reinforcement produces a high, steady rate of responding with desired behaviors that are difficult to extinguish? a. fixed-ratio b. fixed-interval c. variable-ratio d. variable-interval

C. variable ratio

A _____________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced only part of the time. a. partial b. parallel c. positive d. probabilistic

A. partial

Whose theory is the Hierarchy of Needs? a. Abraham Maslow b. Clay Alderfer c. Douglas McGregor d. Frederick Herzberg

A. Abraham Maslow

What fast food chain has ranked in the top 5 service times among all fast food competitors due to its goal of completing orders within 90 seconds at the drive through and 60 seconds at the counter? a. Chik-Fil-A b. KFC c. Wendy's d. Arby's

A. Chik-Fil-A

___________ is a salary increase, usually permanent, given because of an individual's past performance. a. Merit pay b. Spot award c. Pay performance d. none of these

A. Merit pay

Offering a _________ workweek allows employees to work a 40-hour week in less than five days. a. compressed b. compound c. miniature d. mixed

A. compressed

The law of ___________ says that people tend not to engage in behavior that does not result in a reward. a. effect b. recency c. exercise d. existence

A. effect

The degree to which an employee has the authority to make and implement at least some decisions is called _________________. a. empowerment b. success c. achievement d. dictatorship

A. empowerment

In a _____________ schedule, the desired behavior is reinforced after a specified number of correct responses. a. fixed-ratio b. fixed-interval c. variable-ratio d. variable-interval

A. fixed ratio

_____________ lets employees decide when to go to work, within certain parameters. a. Flextime b. Job sharing c. Comp time d. Over time

A. flextime

Participation in goal setting _________ one's sense of control and fairness in the process. a. increases b. decreases c. puts an end to d. does not affect

A. increases

___________ is an approach to job design that increases a job's complexity to give workers greater responsibility and opportunities to feel a sense of achievement. a. Job enrichment b. Job enlargement c. Job rotation d. Job promotion

A. job enrichment

Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about how difficult a task can be accomplished? a. magnitude b. strength c. generality d. specificity

A. magnitude

One survey found that 91% of employed adults agreed that workers are _____ likely to behave ethically when they have a good work/life balance. a. more b. less c. no more or less d. none of these

A. more

According to Herzberg, _________ are factors intrinsic to the job that can drive an employee to pursue excellence and whose presence increases satisfaction. a. motivators b. rewards c. perks d. fulfillments

A. motivators

When a manufacturing employee wears safety gear, the manager gives the employee praise to increase the likelihood that the employee will wear the safety equipment in the future. What type of reinforcement is being used in this example? a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

A. positive reinforcement

How might and manager best address the concept of physiological needs? a. provide adequate pay and work breaks b. ensure safe working conditions and job security c. show workers appreciation and respect d. assign challenging tasks and empower workers

A. provide adequate pay and work breaks

An example of ________ occurred when a General Mills plant implemented a plan that paid employees in several types of jobs based on their attained skill levels for their job. a. skill-based pay b. base pay c. spot awards d. none of these

A. skill-based pay

Alderfer's relatedness needs parallel Maslow's _________ needs. a. social and esteem b. self-actualization c. physiological d. safety and security

A. social and esteem

According to Hackman and Oldham, the degree to which carrying out the job's required activities results in the individual's obtaining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance is called ________________. a. task feedback b. task significance c. skill feedback d. annual evaluation

A. task feedback

_____________ allows employees to work from home and link to the company's offices via computer. a. Telecommuting b. Job sharing c. Flextime d. A compressed workweek

A. telecommunicating

The most important contribution of Herzberg's Two-Factor theory of motivation is the idea that motivation comes from _____________________. a. the intrinsic value and satisfaction the worker gets from the job itself b. the conditions surrounding the job c. the worker's self-esteem d. the worker's intelligence

A. the intrinsic value and satisfaction a worker gets from the job itself

_________ is the belief that most people dislike work and will try to avoid it whenever possible, and ________ is the belief that people can enjoy responsibility and work, and are able to make good decisions and exercise self-direction. a. Theory X, Theory Y b. Theory Y, Theory X c. Theory A, Theory B d. Theory B, Theory A

A. theory X, theory Y

What is cross-training? a. training employees in more than one job or in multiple skills b. making sure that employees are trained by members of the opposite sex c. having less experienced employees train more experienced ones d. training employees on other people's jobs but not their own

A. training employees in more than one job or in multiple skills

What are the two basic issues in using behavior modification? a. type of reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement b. size of reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement c. type of reinforcement, complexity of reinforcement d. size of reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement

A. type of reinforcement, schedule of reinforcement

According to Victor Vroom, _________ is the perceived value of a given reward or outcome. a. valence b. expectancy c. instrumentality d. magnitude

A. valence

While Maslow proposed that a satisfied need becomes ____ important to an individual, Alderfer argued that relatedness or growth needs become ____ important when satisfied. a. more, less b. less, more c. most, least d. none of these

B. less, more

What psychologist's work laid the foundation for the study of behavior modification? a. Sigmund Freud b. B. F. Skinner c. Albert Ellis d. Aaron Beck

B. BF Skinner

Who developed the Existence-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) Theory? a. Abraham Maslow b. Clay Alderfer c. Douglas McGregor d. Frederick Herzberg

B. Clay Alderfer

Who developed the theory of goal setting as a means of understanding motivation? a. Edwin McCain b. Edwin Locke c. John Locke d. John McCain

B. Edwin Locke

What are job characteristics? a. attributes that describe the nature of the worker doing the job b. attributes that describe the nature of the work c. both of these d. neither of these

B. attributes that describe the nature of the work

Skill-based pay plans are found predominantly in _______ environments because of the relative ease of understanding what skills are important to job performance. a. white-collar b. blue-collar c. green-collar d. purple-collar

B. blue-collar

A _________ reinforcement schedule is one in which the desired behavior is reinforced each time that it occurs. a. contingent b. continuous c. contextual d. concomitant

B. continuous

Which of the following is NOT a practical way to empower an employee? a. articulate clear vision and goals b. demand that goals be met immediately or else c. model successful behaviors d. give meaningful feedback

B. demand that goals be met immediately or else

In a _____________ schedule, the desired behavior is reinforced after a certain amount of time has passed. a. fixed-ratio b. fixed-interval c. variable-ratio d. variable-interval

B. fixed-interval

___________ is when a firm shares the value of productivity gains with the workforce. a. Stocksharing b. Gainsharing c. Costsharing d. Profitsharing

B. gainsharing

According to Victor Vroom, _______________ is the belief that performance will result in obtaining a particular reward. a. valence b. instrumentality c. expectancy d. magnitude

B. instrumentality

When a secretary's job responsibilities of receiving visitors and answering phones expand to include typing letters and sorting mail, ____________ has occurred. a. job enrichment b. job enlargement c. job rotation d. job promotion

B. job enlargement

______________ is adding more tasks at the same level of responsibility and skill related to an employee's current position. a. Job enrichment b. Job enlargement c. Job rotation d. Job promotion

B. job enlargement

One person performs a job on Mondays and Tuesdays, another person does it on Thursdays and Fridays, and both people work on Wednesdays. This is an example of _______________. a. flextime b. job sharing c. comp time d. laziness

B. job sharing

If feedback is too ________ too _______, it can deter exploration and learning. a. general, early b. general, late c. specific, early d. specific, late

C. specific, early

Removal of current or future unpleasant consequences to increase the likelihood that someone will repeat a behavior is called _____________. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

B. negative reinforcement

What type of reinforcement is most appropriate when an employee perceives something as undesirable and the manager wants to increase the prevalence of certain types of behaviors? a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

B. negative reinforcement

The law of _____________ says that the most recent consequence of a behavior is likely to govern the recurrence of that behavior. a. effect b. recency c. exercise d. existence

B. recency

A person's confidence in his or her ability to organize and execute the courses of action necessary to accomplish a specific task is called ____________. a. self-esteem b. self-efficacy c. self-sufficiency d. self-righteousness

B. self-efficacy

Which type of pay is given immediately, as soon as a desired behavior is seen? a. merit pay b. spot awards c. pay for performance d. none of these

B. spot awards

Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about how confident the person is that the task can be accomplished? a. magnitude b. strength c. generality d. specificity

B. strength

According to Hackman and Oldham, the degree to which the job requires the worker to complete a whole and identifiable piece of work is called _______________. a. task significance b. task identity c. task feedback d. task validation

B. task identity

People have different abilities, needs, personalities, values, and self-concepts. In psychology, this concept is known as ___________. a. racial diversity b. the law of individual differences c. chaos d. hierarchy

B. the law of individual differences

__________ plans are pay-for-performance plans that put a small amount of base pay at risk, in exchange for the opportunity to earn additional pay. a. Fixed pay b. Variable pay c. Gamble pay d. Cost pay

B. variable pay

In a __________ schedule, the desired behavior is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. a. fixed-ratio b. fixed-interval c. variable-ratio d. variable-interval

C. variable ratio

Who identified Theory X and Theory Y? a. Abraham Maslow b. Clay Alderfer c. Douglas McGregor d. Frederick Herzberg

C. Douglas McGregor

A self-paced, computer-based continuous learning program improved worker morale, and raised the skill levels of over 300 workers at what University? a. Radford b. Rochester c. Rutgers d. Richmond

C. Rutgers

According to Hackman and Oldham, the degree to which the job gives the worker freedom, discretion, and independence in scheduling the work and determining how to do the work is called _______________. a. task feedback b. task significance c. autonomy d. task identity

C. autonomy

How can managers improve fairness perceptions? a. by changing the fairness of the situation b. by changing how employees perceive the fairness of the situation c. both of these d. neither of these

C. both of these

Hygiene factors correspond to _______ a. Maslow's lower-level physiological, safety, and social needs b. Alderfer's existence and relatedness needs c. both of these d. neither of these

C. both of these

Retailer Ann Taylor gives its more productive salespeople more favorable hours. What is/are the result(s)? a. high performing employees are reinforced b. all employees are motivated to persuade shoppers to buy more c. both of these d. neither of these

C. both of these

Why are stock options programs criticized? a. because they motivate executives to manage the company for the short term rather than the long term b. because stock prices are not always directly under the control of managers c. both of these d. neither of these

C. both of these

The law of ____________ says that repetition strengthens the association between cause and effect. a. effect b. recency c. exercise d. existence

C. exercise

Which dimension of self-efficacy refers to beliefs about the degree to which similar tasks can be accomplished? a. magnitude b. strength c. generality d. specificity

C. generality

According to Herzberg, _____________ are things such as pay, status, and working conditions that produce an acceptable work environment and whose absence leads to dissatisfaction. a. atmospheric factors b. acceptability c. hygiene factors d. happiness factors

C. hygiene factors

A work group of three secretaries who take turns answering the phones, sorting mail, and typing and filing correspondence are demonstrating _______________. a. job enrichment b. job enlargement c. job rotation d. job promotion

C. job rotation

_____________ occurs when workers are moved through a variety of jobs to increase their interest and motivation. a. Job enrichment b. Job enlargement c. Job rotation d. Job promotion

C. job rotation

A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience is called ___________. a. training b. growth c. learning d. intelligence

C. learning

In most cases, a person will expend more effort when there is a ___________ expectancy of success. a. high b. low c. moderate d. lack of

C. moderate

According to David McClelland, wanting to control and influence others, or to be responsible for others, is called a ________________. a. need for affiliation b. need for achievement c. need for power d. need for importance

C. need for power

Payroll processor Paychex gives employees rewards of $100 to $300 each year for healthy activities including getting flu shots and dental checkups, attending yoga or aerobics classes, biking to work, and running a 5K race. This is an example of what type of pay? a. merit pay b. spot awards c. pay for performance d. none of these

C. pay for performance

Cutting the work hours of low performing employees is an example of __________. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

C. punishment

How might a manager best address the concept of self-esteem? a. provide adequate pay and work breaks b. ensure safe working conditions and job security c. show workers appreciation and respect d. assign challenging tasks and empower workers

C. show workers appreciation and respect

Reinforcement theory is based on the work of what psychologist? a. Edmond Thacker b. Erin Thornwell c. Ellen Thimble d. Edward Thorndike

D. Edward Thorndike

Who developed the Two-Factor Theory? a. Abraham Maslow b. Clay Alderfer c. Douglas McGregor d. Frederick Herzberg

D. Frederick Herzberg

What store ensures that all senior store staff work toward the same goals by broadcasting a live 25-minute show called "The Same Page" in stores every Monday? a. Walmart b. Kroger c. Sam's Club d. Home Depot

D. Home Depot

A Westinghouse sales manager agreed to pay for and cook lunch for all 16 of his direct reports if they met their sales quotas. They subsequently outdid their goals in 18 out of 19 months. Corporate higher-ups volunteered to foot the bill for the luncheons, but the manager refused. Why? a. the incentive worked because employees got a kick out of knowing the manager spent his own money b. he didn't think the company could afford it c. he didn't want to betray his staff by getting other people involved in their plan d. all of these

D. all of these

According to Hackman and Oldham, what is/are the result(s) of a good match between the needs of the person and the characteristics of the job? a. experienced meaningfulness of work b. experienced responsibility for work outcomes c. knowledge of results of work activities d. all of these

D. all of these

Effective spot reward programs depend on which of the following? a. discretion b. timely acknowledgements c. obvious links between employee actions and recognition d. all of these

D. all of these

Employee recognition methods include which of the following? a. a personal thank you note b. a preferred parking space c. a unique award d. all of these

D. all of these

Goals affect _______________. a. what people pay attention to b. how hard people work c. how long people work d. all of these

D. all of these

How can we increase our own self-efficacy? a. practice more b. seek out a coach c. watch others perform the task successfully d. all of these

D. all of these

Job enrichment is likely to be more successful if _____________________. a. an increase in satisfaction can be expected to improve productivity b. changes in job content are not too expensive c. employees welcome changes in job content and work relationships d. all of these

D. all of these

Maslow helped to increase managers' awareness of the motivating potential of giving employees ____________. a. greater responsibility b. challenge c. continuous development d. all of these

D. all of these

What influences motivation? a. the person b. the job c. the work environment d. all of these

D. all of these

What is/are the benefit(s) of telecommuting? a. it eliminates commuting time for employees b. it increases employees' ability to meet family demands c. it can save the company money by reducing the need for office space d. all of these

D. all of these

What is/are the organizational benefit(s) of lifelong learning? a. greater workforce flexibility b. reduced material and capital costs c. a more motivated workforce d. all of these

D. all of these

Which characteristic(s) describe(s) a good goal? a. specific b. difficult c. achievable d. all of these

D. all of these

Which of the following is/are part of the work environment? a. rules b. management practices c. reward systems d. all of these

D. all of these

Which of the following is/are true about empowerment? a. It enables employees to use more of their potential. b. It requires managers to delegate responsibilities. c. It requires managers to give up some decision-making authority. d. all of these

D. all of these

How can a supervisor enrich a job? a. by introducing new or harder tasks b. by organizing work in teams c. by granting additional authority to employees d. any of these

D. any of these

How might a manager best address the concept of self-actualization? a. provide adequate pay and work breaks b. ensure safe working conditions and job security c. show workers appreciation and respect d. assign challenging tasks and empower workers

D. assign challenging tasks and empower workers

No longer laughing at a coworker's inappropriate jokes so that he will stop telling them is an example of ____________. a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

D. extinction

Which type of reinforcer is most appropriate when a manager realizes he or she has been rewarding the wrong thing and wants to stop the behavior? a. positive reinforcement b. negative reinforcement c. punishment d. extinction

D. extinction

A shortage of the motivators that positively encourage employees will _____ satisfaction and cause employees to focus on hygiene factors, which will produce feelings of ____________ if they are missing. a. higher, satisfaction b. lower, satisfaction c. higher, dissatisfaction d. lower, dissatisfaction

D. lower, dissatisfaction

Which of the following is NOT part of Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model? a. skill variety b. task identity c. task significance d. skill feedback

D. skill feedback

How did UPS respond after it was discovered that the high turnover rate among drivers was due to the exhausting task of loading packages onto the vehicle? a. They began to pay workers based on the number of packages they load per day. b. They hired people with better physical stamina. c. They referred workers to physical therapy. d. They redesigned the job so that separate workers could handle vehicle loading while drivers focus on deliveries.

D. they redesigned the job so that separate workers could handle vehicle loading while drivers focus on deliveries

In a ___________ schedule, the desired behavior is reinforced after an unpredictable amount of time has elapsed. a. fixed-ratio b. fixed-interval c. variable-ratio d. variable-interval

D. variable-interval

According to David McClelland, wanting to establish and maintain friendly and warm relations with others is called a ______________. a. need for affiliation b. need for achievement c. need for power d. need for companionship

a. need for affilation

A goal is most likely to be attained when ________________. a. people are strongly committed to it b. people are given feedback showing their progress toward the goal c. both of these d. neither of these

c. Both of these

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