MGT 3020 Chapter 1 What is organizational Behavior?

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A process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities

Systematic Study of Behavior

Behavior generally is predictable if we know how the person perceived the situation and what is important to him or her. systematic study of OB has come closer to finding ways to predict the behavior of individuals and groups through an understanding of the situation and composition of the people.

Evidence-Based Management (EBM)

Complements systematic study. Argues for managers to make decisions based on evidence. complements systematic study by basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence.

Improving ethical behavior

Ethical dilemmas and ethical choices are: situations in which an individual is required to define right and wrong conduct. Good ethical behavior is not so easily defined. Organizations distribute codes of ethics to guide employees through ethical dilemmas. Managers need to create an ethically healthy climate. Increased scrutiny by society and governmental entities has increased business concerns with ethical behavior. Lapses in ethical behavior have resulted in everything ranging from public sanctions against businesses to legal penalties against a firm and its managers. Ethical dilemmas require managers to make decisions involving right and wrong conduct. Managers and leaders must clearly define what constitutes appropriate, ethical behavior by the organization and its people, and they must lead by example.

Implications for Managers

Improve your technical skills and conceptual skills through training and staying current with OB trends like "big data". OB can improve your employees' work quality and productivity by showing you how to empower your employees, design and implement change programs, improve customer service, and help your employees balance work-life conflicts. It is important for managers to develop their interpersonal "people skills" to be effective. Understanding OB makes their organizations work more effectively by improving productivity, reducing absenteeism, turnover, and deviant workplace behavior, and increasing organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction.

Responding to economic pressure

In tough economic times, effective management is an asset. In good times, understanding how to reward, satisfy, and retain employees is at a premium. In bad times, issues like stress, decision making, and coping come to the forefront. During economic difficulties, the need for effective management is heightened. Anyone can manage during good times; it is much tougher to manage effectively through economic struggles. In bad economic times, resource constraints may force managers to make tough decisions, such as whether to lay off employees. It can also be difficult to motivate employees when resources are limited. Moreover, managers must be able to deal with employees who are stressed about their futures.

Responding to globalization

Increased foreign assignments. Working with people from different cultures. Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low-cost labor. Adapting to differing cultural and regulatory norms. Globalization means that organizations now exist in an environment with no national borders. As a result, the manager's job has changed. Managers today need to have a broader perspective when making decisions. As foreign assignments increase, you will need to be able to manage a workforce that is different than what you may be used to, and which may bring different needs, aspirations, and attitudes to the workplace. You will also have individuals who come from different cultures coming to work in your own country. You will need to find ways to accommodate their needs and help them assimilate to your workplace culture. As more jobs move to countries with low-cost labor, managers will need to balance the needs of their organizations with the needs of the countries in which they operate. In the new global village, managers need to understand the implications of differing cultural and legal practices on their operations. Violating local regulations and practices could have serious consequences for the organization.

Working in networked organizations

Networked organizations are becoming more pronounced. A manager's job is fundamentally different in networked organizations. Challenges of motivating and leading "online" require different techniques. Networked organizations are proliferating. These are organizations that are spread over geographic, time, or other boundaries and that are connected by technology. Managing and leading people who never see each other but who work together requires a different set of management and leadership skills.

OB ( organizational behavior):

OB is a behavioral social science that merges concepts from a number of different social sciences to apply specifically to the organizational setting at both the individual (or micro) and group (or macro) levels. The most significant social sciences are psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Look at each for a moment.

Improving people skills

People skills are essential to managerial effectiveness. OB provides the concepts and theories that allow managers to predict employee behavior in given situations. Because organizations are comprised of people, organizations cannot achieve desired outcomes without them. Therefore, the skills to manage people successfully are essential to the effectiveness of anyone in a managerial or leadership role. OB provides the concepts and theories that help predict behavior to create a more effective organization, accomplishing desired goals.

Using social media at work

Policies on accessing social media at work. When, where, and for what purpose. Impact of social media on employee well-being. Social media is a difficult issue for today's manager, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity for OB

Creating a positive work environment

Positive organizational scholarship: is concerned with how organizations develop human strength, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock potential. This field of study focuses on employees' strengths versus their limitations, as employees share situations in which they performed at their personal best. Creating a positive work environment has been found to be a basis for employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and longevity of skilled personnel. Responsibility for positive work environments is not a part of traditional management practice, but as the work environment has changed in terms of characteristics and behaviors of younger generations, the focus on making work a good place to be has become more important for success. Positive organizational scholarship studies what is "good" about organizations.

Implications for Managers

Resist the inclination to rely on generalizations; some provide valid insights into human behavior, but many are erroneous. Use metrics and situational variables rather than "hunches" to explain cause-and-effect relationships. Work on your interpersonal skills to increase your leadership potential.


Scholars have emphasized individual-level outcomes like attitudes and satisfaction, task performance, citizenship behavior, and withdrawal behavior. At the group level, cohesion and functioning are the dependent variables. Finally, at the organizational level, we look at overall profitability and survival. Because these outcomes will be covered in all of the chapters, we'll briefly discuss each of them on the following slides, so you can understand what the "goal" of OB will be.

Improving customer service

Service employees have substantial interaction with customers. Employee attitudes and behavior are associated with customer satisfaction. Need a customer-responsive culture Many jobs today involve substantial interaction with customers. Managers can increase the chance that these interactions will be successful by focusing on employee attitudes and behavior. Companies need to develop customer-responsive cultures wherein employees are friendly and courteous, accessible, knowledgeable, prompt with their responses, and willing to do what is necessary to ensure that customers are satisfied.


Systematic study and EBM add to intuition, or those "gut feelings" about "why I do what I do" and "what makes others tick." If we make all decisions with intuition or gut instinct, we're likely working with incomplete information.

Management skills include

Technical, human, and conceptual

Enhancing employee well-being at work

The creation of the global workforce means work no longer sleeps. Communication technology has provided a vehicle for working at any time or any place. Employees are working longer hours per week. The lifestyles of families have changed —creating conflict. Balancing work and life demands now surpasses job security as an employee priority. Because of the expansion of networked business to global competition, time is no longer a definable boundary of organizational activity and personnel responsibility. Managers and leaders of organizations are challenged to help employees find ways to balance work and life roles to ensure they remain effective and viable members of the team. Employees who feel as though they don't get a break and who believe they must work twenty-four hours a day can be less effective, suffering from burnout and dissatisfaction.

Organizational citizenship behavior

The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements, and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace In today's dynamic workplace, where tasks are increasingly performed by teams and flexibility is critical, employees who engage in good citizenship behaviors help others on their team by volunteering for extra work, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, respecting the spirit as well as the letter of rules and regulations, and gracefully tolerating occasional work-related impositions and nuisances.

Current Usage:

The reasons for data analytics include predicting any event, detecting how much risk is incurred at any time, and preventing catastrophes. The reasons for data analytics include: predicting any event, from a book purchase to a spacesuit malfunction; detecting how much risk is incurred at any time, from the risk of fire to that of a loan default; and preventing catastrophes large and small, from a plane crash to an overstock of product.


The use of Big Data for managerial practices is a relatively new area, but one that holds convincing promise. persistent= giving relatively constant outcomes overtime. Predictive= showing steady causality between certain inputs and outcomes

New Trends:

The use of Big Data for understanding, helping, and managing people is relatively new but holds promise. A manager who uses data to define objectives, develop theories of causality, and test those theories can determine which employee activities are relevant to objectives.

Luthans and his associates found that all managers engage in four managerial activities:

Traditional management Communication Human resource management Networking


Use evidence as much as possible to inform your intuition and experience. research indicates that, in fact, electronic performance monitoring does increase task performance and citizenship behavior ( helping behaviors towards others)


a function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts


are actions that individuals, groups, and organizations engage in as a result of inputs, and that lead to certain outcomes. At the individual level, processes include emotions and moods, motivation, perception, and decision making. At the group level, they include communication, leadership, power and politics, and conflict and negotiation. Finally, at the organizational level, processes include human resource management and change practices.


are factors that exist in advance of the employment relationships. For example, individual diversity characteristics, personality, and values are shaped by a combination of an individual's genetic inheritance and childhood environment. Group structure, roles, and team responsibilities are typically assigned immediately before or after a group is formed. Finally, organizational structure and culture are usually the result of years of development and change as the organization adapts to its environment and builds up customs and norms.


are the evaluations employees make, ranging from positive to negative, about objects, people, or events

Managers who explain their decisions and seek information from colleagues and employees- even if the information turns out to be negative-

are the most effective.


determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made


if it achieves its goals by transforming inputs into outputs at the lowest cost. This requires both effectiveness and efficiency.

three levels of analysis

individual, group, and organizational

three types of variables

inputs, processes, and outcomes

three categories of roles suggested by Mintzberg

interpersonal, informational, and decisional - you will note the distribution of communication and interpersonal skills such as tact, diplomacy, and the like, focusing on both internal and external audiences in the role's activities. For this reason, developing the interpersonal skills introduced in this course are essential to the professional development of young professionals and are essential to managerial success.


involves exchanging routine information and processing paperwork. The average manager spent 29 percent of his or her time performing this activity.

Organizational behavior (OB)

is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. More specifically, OB explores motivation; leader behavior and power; interpersonal communication; group structure and processes; attitude development and perception; change processes; conflict and negotiation; and work design.


is an unpleasant psychological process that occurs in response to environmental pressures.

Traditional management

is decision making, planning, and controlling. The average manager spent 32 percent of his or her time performing this activity


is defined as a social entity comprised of two or more people and can be found at any level within the organization. They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals They are also called administrators Organizations include manufacturing and service firms, schools, hospitals, churches, military units, nonprofits, police departments, and local, state, and federal government agencies.


is socializing, politicking, and interacting with outsiders. The average manager spent 19 percent of his or her time performing this activity.


is someone in the organization who gets things done through the efforts of other people.

Group cohesion

is the extent to which members of a group support and validate one another at work.

Task performance

is the most important human output contributing to organizational effectiveness, so in every chapter we devote considerable time to discussing how task performance is affected by specific topics. If we think about the job of a factory worker; task performance could be measured by the number and quality of products produced in an hour. The task performance of a teacher would be the level of education that students obtain. Task performance is the most important human output contributing to organizational effectiveness

Withdrawal behavior

is the set of actions that employees take to separate themselves from the organization. Employee withdrawal can have a very negative effect on an organization. The cost of employee turnover alone has been estimated to run into the thousands of dollars, even for entry-level positions. Absenteeism also costs organizations significant amounts of money and time every year. For instance, a recent survey found the average direct cost to U.S. employers of unscheduled absences is 8.7 percent of payroll. There are many forms of withdrawal, ranging from showing up late or failing to attend meetings to absenteeism and turnover. Levels of absenteeism beyond the normal range have a direct impact on any organizations effectiveness and efficiency Turnover includes voluntary terminations by the employee (quitting), involuntary terminations by the employer without cause (layoffs and discharges), and other separations including voluntary terminations with cause (firing)


is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. Anthropologists study societies to learn about human beings and their activities. They help us understand the differences between different groups in terms of their values, attitudes, and behaviors. - Much of our current understanding of organizational culture, organizational climate, and differences among national cultures is a result of the work of anthropologists or those using their methods.

Henry Mintzberg

looked at management differently when he defined the 10 roles of managers. As shown on the next slide, you will see that they again involve implementation through the interpersonal skills of communication.


monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.

Human resource management includes

motivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing, and training. The average manager spent 20 percent of his or her time performing this activity.

Social psychology

moves beyond individual analysis to look at group behavior and how individuals can influence one another. It blends together sociology and psychology and looks primarily at change, communication, and group interactions. Social psychologists also contribute to measuring, understanding, and changing attitudes; identifying communication patterns; and building trust

Workforce diversity

organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and inclusion of other diverse groups. As the borders are disappearing, we are seeing more and more heterogeneity in the workplace. Managers today need to embrace diversity and find ways to manage it effectively. The changing demographics have shifted management philosophy in a way that recognizes and utilizes differences to create productivity, profitability, and welcoming workplace cultures.

The work of managers revolves around four functions:

planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. When thinking about these functions, one realization comes forward: that they all involve the interpersonal skills of communication for their effective implementation.

Group functioning

refers to the quantity and quality of a group's work output. When employees trust one another, seek common goals, and work together to achieve these common goals, the group is cohesive. Conversely, when employees are divided among themselves in terms of what they want to achieve and have little loyalty to one another, the group is not cohesive. And the greater the group's cohesion, the greater the affect of group functioning that leads to effective outcomes and satisfying impacts on group members.

Psychology .

seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals focuses on the individual level by seeking to measure, explain, and sometimes change behaviors in individuals. This area of study offers insights into such areas as learning, training, decision making, and employee selection. Contributors to the knowledge of OB are learning theorists, personality theorists, counseling psychologists and, most important, industrial and organizational psychologist.

Big Data:

shows promise for the field of OB, potentially providing evidence that can be used to support intuition and experience.

Contingency variables

situational factors are variables that moderate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.


studies people in relation to their social environment or culture. looks at the relationship between people and their environment. Sociologists' main contribution to OB has been a better understanding of group behavior, particularly in formal and complex organizations. Another key area that sociologists contribute to in OB is organizational culture, a key factor in OB studies.


the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. All jobs require some specialized expertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the job.

Human Skills

the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups.

Conceptual Skills

the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations

organizational survival

which is simply evidence that the organization is able to exist and grow over the long term. Popular measures of organizational efficiency include return on investment, profit per dollar of sales, and output per hour of labor. Service organizations must include customer needs and requirements in assessing their effectiveness. These measures of productivity are affected by the behaviors of managers, employees, and supervisors. Increased productivity leads to the ultimate goal of most organizations, which is the survival of the firm.

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