MGT 340 test 3 (final)

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Nike, Inc is a sportswear and equipment manufacture that serves a multitude of sports discipline. which one of the following statements would be the best example of a strategic goal?

Acceleration of growth through focused execution

Coworkers Bob and Tom were comparing checks on Friday. Bob saw that Tom's was significantly larger, which made Bob unhappy. Which theory best explains Bob's reaction?

Adams' equity theory

According to the three needs method, the need for _____ is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.


Which of the following is important in effectively implementing the chosen alternative in the decision making process?

Allowing those impacted by the outcome to participate in the process

A standing plan is _____.

An ongoing plan that provides guidance for activities performed repeatedly

When the overhead cranes crashed into each other for the third time, Joe formed a team to look into ways to avoid future crashes. After a brainstorming session, the team settled on three ideas, any of which might work. The team has completed which step in the decision-making process?

Develop alternatives

Creativity is most essential in which of the following steps of the decision-making process?

Developing alternatives

Goal setting theory says that ____.

Difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance than do easy goals

Mr. Slabaugh wants to formulate a plan that lays out general guidelines for his employees and leaves room for interpretation. Which one of the following types of plans would best suit his requirement?


Todd Miller, CEO of Miller's Grocery, has determined that all stores should be well maintained both inside and out. This is an example of a ________.

Directional Plan

_____ Justice is the perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals.


The first three activities of the human resource management process involve ________.

Identifying and selecting competent employees

After identifying a problem the next step in the decision making process is ______.

Identifying decision criteria

After Abby listened to the weather report this morning before work, she drove her car and carried an umbrella instead of riding her motorcycle. Whether she realizes it or not, Abby _____.

Implemented a decision

In the decision making process, while ______, the decision maker puts the decision into action by conveying it to those affected by it and getting their commitment to it.

Implementing an alternative

In the expectancy theory, _____ is the degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level is instrumental in attaining the desired outcome.

Performance reward linkage

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, _____ needs are predominately satisfied externally while _______ needs are satisfied internally.

Safety, self actualization

Which of the following is true about Herzberg's two factor three?

Satisfaction is not the opposite of dis-satisfaction

Abigail is shopping for a new copier for her company. She has set her price range between $5,000 and $6,000. The copier must handle a minimum of 10,000 copies per month and have a useful life expectancy of five years. If Abigail selects the first copier she finds that meets these criteria, we would say she is ________.


Julie is keen on joining Columbia University to pursue a master's degree in economics. However, after three months of applying and waiting for an acceptance letter, she finally decides to attend NYU, which was one of her backup colleges. This is an example of ________.


Which of the following is an example of a high performance work practice?

Self managed teams

In which one of the following traditional training methods are employees made to work at different jobs in a particular area in order to get exposure to a variety of tasks?

Training by job rotation

Which one of the following is a problem associated with Traditional goal setting?

Transition of strategic goals into departmental, teams, and individual goals is difficult

After nearly 30 years of growth, sales at Ida's company have begun to decline. None of the managers have been able to determine the cause. Some say the entire economy is in recession; others blame a change in suppliers; still others say the work ethic among employees just isn't what it used to be. This is an example of ________.

An unstructured problem

The effect of planning on managers is that it forces them to ________.

Anticipate and respond to change

Which of the following reflects the way goals are used in an MBO program?

Apart from being used to ensure that employees are doing what they are supposed to be doing, goals are used as a motivating tool for employees.

Unstructured problems ______.

Are accompanied by ambiguous or incomplete information

Non-programmed decisions ______.

Are unique and nonrecurring

In her next meeting with the senior management, Jane suggests that they should ignore the openings created by voluntary resignations and not hire any more people now. This would avoid much of the pain associated with workforce reduction in future. This implies that Jane favors ________.


Belinda wants to introduce a new model to the product line. Three models are being developed. Belinda can choose only one. She has decided to focus on target market size, production costs, and net profits. These are Belinda's ________.

Decision criteria

The ____ method utilizes feedback from supervisors, employees, and coworkers.

360 degree appraisal

Evelyn's Internet search for information about "vendor for machine screws" yielded more than 100,000 items. Evelyn did not have time or resources to pursue each of these so she limited her search to only vendors in her state. By doing this, Evelyn used ________.

Bounded rationality

It is time for Jane to order laminated plywood again. She typically orders from one of these vendors. She knows the price, delivery time, and quality of each vendor. In this situation, Jane has ______.


_____ is a situation in which a manager has the ability to make accurate decisions because the outcome of every alternative is known.


Which of the following acts requires continued health coverage following termination of an employee?

Consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act

_____ is an internet based learning where employers participate in multimedia simulations or other interactive modules.


The goal setting theory states that ______.

Employee participation in goal setting is not always necessary for ensuring performance

McGregor's theory Y assumes that employees ______.

Enjoy work

Edgar hired a graduate from his alma mater, thinking he would be a successful first line supervisor. Unfortunately the new hire hasn't worked out as well as hoped. Edgar decided to invest time and money in training for the new hire but saw little improvement. Next he assigned a successful supervisor to mentor the young employee. The problems persisted. Edgar is displaying ________.

Escalation of commitment

The manager of an apparel store estimates how much to order for the current spring season based on last spring's sales figures. The store manager is operating under which of the following decision-making conditions?

Estimates how much risk

Which one of the following is true about job enlargement and job enrichment?

Expanding the scope of knowledge used in a job leads to more job satisfaction, enhanced customer service, and fewer errors

In the expectancy theory, _____ is the probability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain level of performance.


Which one of the following training methods involves employees participating in role playing, simulations, or other face to face types of training?

Experiential exercises

Organizational plans can be classified on the basis of their _____.

Frequency of use

You are acting as manager and mentor to Melanie, an employee who has been identified as a high achiever. According to McCelland's three needs theory, which one of the following measures would most help you motivate Melanie to do her best?

Giving her a job that holds her personally responsible for finding solutions to problems.

The ____ method of performance appraisal allows the evaluator to rate employees on an incremental scale.

Graphic rating scale

Sam, a human resources manager, wants to let potential candidates know about the minimum qualifications that they should possess in order to successfully perform the jobs they have applied for. What should he do?

He should create a job specification

In a familiar children's book, a little locomotive was asked to pull a heavy train up a steep mountain. The "Little Engine," as he was called, kept telling himself "I think I can, I think I can". The little engine was ______.

High in self efficacy

John received a raise as a result of his last performance appraisal. He is active on three teams and is given authority to make decisions regarding his job responsibilities. John's employer is using ________.

High performance work practices

Steve introduces in-house technical training programs for employees, as well as a provision to reimburse the tuition fees for employees who take college courses that benefit both the employee and the organization. Steve is using ________ to motivate and retain employees.

High performance work practices

_____ is an example of a high performance work practice.

Increasing employee access to information

Intuitive decision making _____.

Is the process of making decisions based on experience, feelings, and accumulated judgement

Which of the following is true of high performance work practices?

It encourages extensive employee involvement and greater employee control on decision making

________ refers to the vertical expansion of a job by adding planning and evaluating responsibilities.

Job enrichment

Strategic plans are usually _______.

Longterm, specific, and standard

According to the three methods theory, the best managers tend to be _____.

Low in the need for affiliation

Which of the following steps in human resource management helps retain competent and high performing employees?

Performance management

Wayne hosts his first regional sales meeting. During which he meets individually with his employees and shows them a chart of their sales numbers for each month compared to their budgeted quota for the year to date. Additionally, Wayne and each employee set mutually agreed-upon budget goals for the remaining six months of the fiscal year. Wade is utilizing the ________ method of performance appraisal.


After 75 years in business, ABC Corp. has decided it is time to overhaul its compensation system. What advice would you offer its HR manager?

Make it more flexible and reduce the number of pay levels

Bonnie is discussing with her subordinate Julie the types of projects Julie would like to work on in the coming year. They are setting goals and determining what success would look like. Bonnie and Julie are engaged in ________.

Management by objectives

________ is a process of setting mutually-agreed upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance

Management by objectives

Which of the following statements is true of traditional goal setting?

Managers at each level define goals and apply their own interpretations and biases as they make them more specific

James has calculated the possible profits from three different scenarios for the expansion of his recreation park, each for a different amount of advertising and promotion. He has chosen to implement the scenario that offers the greatest profit. James has decided to ________.


A ________ is a broad statement of an organizations purpose that provides an overall guide to what organizational members think is important.


Each day Ted's smartphone receives a training video about another aspect of his job. Ted can access these at his leisure and is required to take a quiz to confirm he has watched them. This system of delivering training content is called ________.

Mobile learning

A ____ is a method of performance appraisal by which each employee is rated in comparison to the other employees in his work group.

Multiperson comparison

Carla discovered that the supplier with the highest quality has had the longest lead time. The supplier with the best lead time had the highest price. To help Carla make her decision, she should ______.

Multiply her ratings for each criteria by the weight for the criteria then sum the scores

Which one of the following are the three needs identified in the three needs theory of motivation?

Need for achievement, need for power, and need for affiliation.

McGregor's theory x assumes that employees _____.

Need to be closely controlled to work effectively

________ planning dominates managers' planning efforts at lower levels of the organization.


According to the three needs method, the need for _____ is the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise.


Tiffany is usually the person who takes charge of the situation and gets people moving toward the groups objective. Tiffany probably has a high need for ____.


Which of the following acts gives employees the legal right to examine personal files and letters of references?

Privacy act

A(n) _______ decision is a repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach.


Structured problems align well with which type of decisions?


Harriet's machine has stopped working again. She consulted the operator's manual troubleshooting guide to find a solution. Harriet used ________.

Programmed decision

Matthew is worried that he will not be able to pay his mortgage and feed his family since he was laid off from his production job. Which one of Maslow's levels of need is a concern to Matthew?


A new tool called ________ is used to measure such outcomes as employee retention, number of promotions, and number of first-year hires who enter high-potential training programs.

Quality of fill

Successful orientation results in which one of the following outcomes?

Reduced first year turn over

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which one of the following is a motivator?


Which is the first step managers should follow in goal setting?

Reviewing the organization's mission

First line managers tend to deal with the problems that are ______ while upper level managers handle the _____ problems.

Routine and repetitive; unusual and difficult

Operational plans are usually _____.

Short term, specific, and standing

Robert Downs, owner of a new community newspaper in his home town of Corning, New York, has set the following goal for his company: "To be a champion for free speech and for the development of the community." This goal constitutes the ________ goal of the company.


The final three activities of the human resource management process ensure ________.

That the organization retains competent and high performing employees

Which of the following is true of the traditional approach to planning?

The approach makes managerial planning thorough, systematic, and coordinated

A disadvantage of using professional recruiting organizations is _____.

Their limited commitment to specific companies

Joe watches his youngest employees like a mother hen to make sure they stay on task and off their cell phones. Joe is behaving like a ________ manager.

Theory X

John knows his more experienced workers don't need him to "babysit" them; he trusts them to know what to do, how to do it, and to get it done on time. In this respect, John is a ________ manager.

Theory Y

In the context of the reinforcement theory, reinforcers are _____.

Those consequences that immediately follow a behavior and increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated.

Long-term plans are defined as those with a time frame beyond _____.

Three years

Farrell has a knack for selecting candidates who become very successful workers. When asked how he does it, he answered that he "listened to his gut." Farrell is really ________.

Using his intuition

A ____ selection device is characterized by a proven relationship between the selection device and some relevant job selection criterion.


When is the traditional top-down approach to planning most likely to be effective?

When plans are developed that can actually be used by organizational members.

Which of the following is among the reasons why managers should plan?

When work activities are coordinated around plans, inefficiencies become obvious

According to Herzberg's two factory theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?

Working conditions

A _____ is an integrated network of goals in which the accomplishment of goals at one level makes possible the achievement of the goals at the next level.

means-ends chain

Short term plans are those covering _____ or less.

one year

Williamson is the owner of a small company that sells corporate gifts through an online store. Business has slowed down in recent months and he realizes that the organization must move in a different direction if it is to survive. He has reset some of the company's overall goals and wants to develop a plan to achieve those goals. He is anticipating the business environment to be volatile for next few years. Considering the above information, it can be determined that his plan must be ________, ________, and ________.

strategic, directional, flexible

In ______, goals set by top managers flow down through the organization and become subgoals for each organizational area.

traditional goal setting

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